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  1. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    Sure, we don't know all the facts, buts pretty clear Musk has been going downhill since he bought twitter. Have you looked at his posts on X lately? He's completely off the rails. If anything was reactionary it was the decision itself. In years past I would have thought there was a method...
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    Superchargers in Australia

    Unbelievable the number of people defending Musk and the decision on superchargers in this thread. For some reason I thought people would be more level headed and critical of thought in this community. As someone living in regional Australia and regularly experienced the difference in Tesla...
  3. T

    Supercharger - Cairns, Qld

    Needs a Tully site. Halfway between Townsville and Cairns
  4. T

    Supercharger - Raymond Terrace, NSW

    The traffic along the current stretch of highway should be significantly reduced once the M1 extension is complete though
  5. T

    Supercharger - Bowen, Qld

    Superchargers in Carmila or Marlborough would use more power than those entire towns. Superchargers + megapack would work though
  6. T

    Supercharger - Bowen, Qld

    Wonderful to see! Thats three Tesla Superchargers now from the QLD government co funded program. Other charging networks: *crickets*... Bring on Mackay!
  7. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    With the new round of supercharger voting, I don't think any sites in Australia reached top 5. Thankfully Rockhampton has disappeared. Prioritise Mildura and Narrandera for the Sydney to Adelaide route? Lets see what @Chuq says
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    Superchargers in Australia

    Looking at the new voting leaderboards since you put out this post @Chuq I still can't understand why people are voting for Rockhampton. Since the site has opened, there has been 300 more votes for this location. Makes absolutely zero sense for people to waste their vote there. Could have had...
  9. T

    Growth of Superchargers vs Teslas/EVs in Australia

    Considering the longest stretch on the Hume between chargers is now only 115km and on the Pacific its 212km, there is absolutely no reason to charge beyond 80% anymore, even for the the SR models. There definitely needs to be an additional fee for charging over 80% during high demand situations.
  10. T

    Evie EV charging networks

    Pretty sure the PK350 can only charge one car per stall. So not sure why they were optioned with 2 CCS2 plugs. Maybe redundancy?
  11. T

    Supercharger - Mackay, Qld

    I think Sarina is an excellent location. It's just that tiny bit closer to Rockhampton which should allow more leeway for range. Also allows full use of the Mackay Ring Road to bypass Mackay on a road trip. Won't be complaining of we end up with a Sarina site and the leaked Tesla site in Mackay...
  12. T

    Supercharger - Rockhampton, Qld

    Tesla absolutely destroying the other networks here with the QLD Electric vehicle charging scheme co-funded locations. This is two sites and at least 13 stalls almost already up and running. Not a peep from any of the other networks. I'll bet we will be nearing the end of next year before we see...
  13. T

    Bathurst Track Day

    Always wanted to take my Model 3 Performance on Bathurst. I'm a little far away in NQ though
  14. T

    Tritium asks Qld government for up to $90m bailout

    cheapest to install though
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    Tritium asks Qld government for up to $90m bailout

    Definitely can't rule this out. But as I continue to point out to people, I know of brand new Tritium locations that have failed within two weeks of commissioning
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    Tritium asks Qld government for up to $90m bailout

    usually hardware. I've heard of various issues. Capacitor failures mainly. Other failure modes include breakers tripping and environmental factors such as heat and humidity
  17. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    Very sad
  18. T

    Tritium asks Qld government for up to $90m bailout

    I wonder if the reliability problems are a side effect of their financial issues. Or is it the other way around? Kind of makes sense that parts are in short supply if they are all being used in new units to drive as much cashflow as possible. Although, maybe if reliability was higher, there...
  19. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    I'm from regional QLD and I think don't vote Rockhampton. The leaked Supercharger address matches the current QLD Government co-funded address list. I reckon it will be built anyway
  20. T

    Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme

    Its a detour off the highway. Its why I never go to Bowen to charge anymore. Always Proserpine.
  21. T

    Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme

    These locations make me laugh. I checked Bowen, Townsville, Mackay and Cairns. They have to be the worst locations ever. Nowhere near the highway. Huge detours required for charging. Is the QLD government taking the piss? Townsville for example. Vincent and Burdell? What are they thinking...
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    Superchargers in Australia

    They're doing something. The open to non Tesla supercharger icons aren't showing either unless you only specify non Teslas. Otherwise they show up as normal supercharger icons
  23. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    Which is exactly why Bundaberg is a ridiculous decision. I can only speculate, but I know there is QLD gov funding for a Bundaberg site. Childers and Gin Gin both have 50kW chargers and in the QLD gov's eyes thats good enough.
  24. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    I think either or is better than km/kWh which some cars use. Its a pretty straightforward conversion. All multiples of 10.
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    Superchargers in Australia

    Such a ridiculous location decision. Superchargers are especially required on the highway, not at destinations.
  26. T

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Maybe advertising? Its already open to all EVs according to the Tesla website
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    Superchargers in Australia

    Renew Economy wrote an article claiming 12GW/24GWh
  28. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    Its pretty clear in the attached image a higher percentage of renewables correlates to a lower wholesale price. Unless of course its all coincidental. But I think not.
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    Superchargers in Australia

    In any case as others have mentioned, most people are charging at home where I get (probably one of the worse rates, thanks Ergon) 22c/kWh. This is 68% of my total charging split. This means my average if the remainder of my charging was purely superchargers (its not) would be 37.36c/kWh...
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    Superchargers in Australia

    Fair call. Was thinking of cars comparable to my Model 3. Like BMW 3 series for example.
  31. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    being very generous with the fuel efficiency there. Aren't most cars around 5L/100km these days?
  32. T

    Supercharger - Parkes, NSW

    83kW is a bit better than 65kW. Plus remember cars at higher states of charge won't pull 83kW. I'm very interested to see how busy these 10+ stall superchargers become. 12 stalls at say 40 mins charge per stall is theoretically a car leaving every 3 minutes. 8 stalls at Goulburn for example at...
  33. T

    Aussie queues this long weekend

    Will be interesting to see if the 12 and 15 stall superchargers induce demand somewhat, a bit like extra lanes on the motorway. 12 and 15 stalls should be plenty today, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see them full during peak periods also
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    Superchargers in Australia

    I want to see the other "Target opening in 2023" sites in QLD come online, but I'm not holding my breath
  35. T

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    Glad to see there's another network going in outback QLD. Gives me more confidence there will be a site operational with the QESH so unreliable
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    Superchargers in Australia

    The question for me is at what price point does charging become more expensive than flying? Since I've bought my car I've flown only once. Every other time I drove. I generally drive alone, so its 1:1 seat cost to charging cost for me. Obviously when you increase car occupants beyond one the...
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    Queensland EV Superhighway-Unfit for purpose

    I think the issue is the learning rate of EVs. I think only the enthusiasts foresaw the exponential increase of sales currently occuring. QESH phase one wasn't tick and flick. At the time, there wasn't much other choice for 3rd party charging. But the subsequent ones definitely have been...
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    Queensland EV Superhighway-Unfit for purpose

    tick and flick exercise by the QLD Government
  39. T

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    This is excellent. I might even make a trip down specifically to test it out 😍
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    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    In this context P=VI is a more suitable equation. For the same Power 800V architecture cars require half the current vs 400V cars. Also, as pack voltage increases, power increases for the same current (if charger is maxed out). Chargers will be generally current limited for Teslas.
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    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    I'm a moaner about this issue and will continue to moan because Calliope is nowhere near FNQ considering FNQ starts 900km further north. That's like saying Brisbane is in the Sydney basin. However, I will say this supercharger is extremely (and I mean EXTREMELY) welcome
  42. T

    Moving to Cairns what to do with the Tesla?

    I've heard from the Tesla technician in Townsville that Cairns has its own dedicated technician now too
  43. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    These sites to vote for are next to useless for me. I don't have any motivation to vote for any of them. The closest site to me is 1400km away. Thats really useful.
  44. T

    Superchargers in Australia

    Childers is similar size to Gundagai which has 360kW worth of Superchargers. Not sure what the actual feed is there though. Have a feeling it might be more location related, or Ergon might be being difficult (which I've heard is typical)
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    Superchargers in Australia

    That Bundaberg location is so dumb. Bundaberg is a destination, not a highway location like Childers. So we're gonna end up with fast charging at Bundaberg, but on the highway at Childers we're stuck with slow 50kW charging. Now, I understand destinations need fast charging too, but this seems...
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    Evie EV charging networks

    Doesn't really explain why brand new chargers are going offline within weeks of being commissioned. Sure if it was a one off, you could say the parts were DOA, but this happens at basically every charger they install.
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    Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme

    This is huge for regional Queensland. Will be good to finally escape the 50kW stone age
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    Evie EV charging networks

    Lol, as soon as I say this they come back online according to the app. Maybe I should complain more often
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    Evie EV charging networks

    Unfortunately in typical Tritium fashion, barely a month after going live, both the Proserpine 350kW units are out of service :mad:
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    Evie EV charging networks

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. Meant the RT50 QESH chargers