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  1. Carl_Drogo

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    I seem to recall them mentioning there would be a new version of the Powerwall about six months ago or maybe a little earlier this year. Has that been launched or is it still imminent?
  2. Carl_Drogo

    Solar Roof: odd question about birds hiding nuts

    I'm scheduled to get a Solar Roof installed. I currently have an old shake roof that has been damaged by birds occasionally pecking at it -- hiding nuts and/or retrieving nuts. I'm wondering if anyone has had any issues like that after their solar roof installation? I am assuming the wood...
  3. Carl_Drogo

    Wtb: late 2016/ early 2017 model s [CA]

    Out of curiosity, why so specific a date range?
  4. Carl_Drogo

    For Sale Template

    Personally, I am always curious why people are selling. Maybe it's not something people want to volunteer all the time, and possibly not important, but perhaps consider adding "Reason for selling".
  5. Carl_Drogo

    2017 Tesla Model S 75 Black for sale in DFW, TX area

    I hope you recover :)
  6. Carl_Drogo

    AI experts: true full self-driving cars could be decades away because AI is not good enough yet

    Is Waymo not already working in Chandler, AZ? Will it take them decades to roll that out for wide release — or is their AZ thing just smoke and mirrors (I haven’t followed closely)? what do you think self driving tech will look like ten years from now?
  7. Carl_Drogo

    AI experts: true full self-driving cars could be decades away because AI is not good enough yet

    @orion2001 You no doubt have more knowledge than me, but even if you are correct that level 5 is much further away than some expect, I wonder if that’s really the right way to think about the issue. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but is perfection (or near perfection) really necessary...
  8. Carl_Drogo

    Photos of finished Solar Roof installs?

    I seem to recall a thread where people posted pictures of their Tesla solar installs, but it was mostly regular panels -- not the Solar Glass Roof. Regardless, I can't seem to find it anymore. Are there any mega-threads of people posting photos of their Solar Roof installs? If not, can people...
  9. Carl_Drogo

    2017 Model S75 Blue/White Unlimited Supercharging but higher mileage - will sell when new MS Refresh is delivered

    I don't know what a fair price is, but it's within my budget so I would consider. I guess I'm not the first to respond, but when it becomes available please let me know. I'm very interested. Thanks!
  10. Carl_Drogo

    Discussion: "Powerwall +"

    Seriously. I'm literally trying to make a ~$60K+ decision about roofing and solar and all the communication is cryptic. It reminds me of ancient Chinese oracle bones where priests would divine the future by heating up the bones and interpreting the resulting cracks. I mean, would it be so hard...
  11. Carl_Drogo

    Advice request: Solar Roof or regular new roof + solar?

    Piggybacking on my own thread: does anyone know if it's possible to mount something on the Solar Roof? I currently have a retractable awning that is bolted to my old roof (I can't remember how they did it without causing a leak). I'm just wondering how something like that would be re-mounted...
  12. Carl_Drogo

    Advice request: Solar Roof or regular new roof + solar?

    That’s after estimated tax credits. The actual price is about $58K, if I recall correctly. But the other SunPower option is similarly higher before tax credits. Including the garage, my house is only about 1900 square feet (so maybe 2300 sq ft of roof), single story, and relatively simple...
  13. Carl_Drogo

    Advice request: Solar Roof or regular new roof + solar?

    I need a new roof and would like to add solar, but can’t decide which way to go. I have an updated contract from Tesla with the new pricing for a Solar Glass Roof + 1 Powerwall for an estimated $48,000 after tax credits. I also got quotes for some SunPower panels and a new composite roof...
  14. Carl_Drogo

    Elon tweets: Solar Roof and solar panels will only be sold integrated with Powerwall

    Elon mentioned in some tweets and on the earnings call that they are simplifying the configurations for installing solar. I'm thinking about getting a solar roof, but I don't know much about electricity and trying to understand the implications. Will this eliminate net metering or have any other...
  15. Carl_Drogo

    Looking for softer ride

    thanks. From the thumbnail (with his thumbs down) I was worried he didn’t think it helped much. But that is not the case. tl;dw he said it helped a very noticeable amount — not 100%, but maybe 40-50% — and noted that no suspension is going to be 100% perfect over bumps. So a big improvement...
  16. Carl_Drogo

    Just plastidiped my Aero Covers

    I am someone who actually prefers chrome, but I think it looks pretty good. It’s not my first choice, but I’m not sure why you think it looks terrible. No accounting for taste I guess.
  17. Carl_Drogo

    Heated Steering wheel

    so the Model Y will be your fourth car in the last five years? I’m curious how that happens. I’ve had the same (only) car since 2004. I’m not sure which one of us is crazier.
  18. Carl_Drogo

    Big dogs: Do the rear windows go all the way down?

    That’s unfortunate. But it still looks like there’s more room than the rear windows of the Model 3. That golden retriever looks like it has enough space to stick her head out. I could be wrong. Maybe it’s the same as Model 3.
  19. Carl_Drogo

    Big dogs: Do the rear windows go all the way down?

    I drive big dogs that like to put their head out the window. One of the disappointing things about the Model 3 is the rear windows that only go half way down (unlike Model S). I’ve been hoping the Model Y is different than the 3 in this regard. Now that some deliveries have happened I’m hoping...
  20. Carl_Drogo

    Panels in Hawaii not generating power several days / month?

    Just saw this. Thank you... I can check it daily but usually forget. I will call Tesla soon and ask. I Just keep getting distracted by too much work.
  21. Carl_Drogo

    Panels in Hawaii not generating power several days / month?

    I have a SolarCity (now Tesla) install in Hawaii. I seem to get zero power generated a few days per month. It does get cloudy sometimes. I don't know if those days correlate with the no-power days because I rent out the property most of the time. Is it possible that it's just because of clouds...
  22. Carl_Drogo

    Would it be difficult to add a second Powerwall later?

    I'm ordering one Powerwall to start with. My energy usage is borderline. One might suffice, but two would be better. But it's a lot of extra money and I might be ok with just one. Does it complicate things to add another one later if necessary? I know it means getting the crew out again and...
  23. Carl_Drogo

    Solarglass Roof - Bay Area - how long to wait?

    Anyone have any sense of how long the backlog is for getting a Solarglass roof? I just placed an order. I was hoping it would give me a "delivery" estimate, but didn't see anything. Maybe I need to finish completing the steps they request after you order. I heard somewhere that it's more than a...
  24. Carl_Drogo

    OMG that truck is fugly!

    I do believe I’m knowledgeable... as much as anyone with respect to Apple and Netflix. I’ve been using Apple products since 1977 beginning with the Apple 2+ and most of their other products since. That doesn’t automatically make me a marketing expert, but I can assure you none of their products...
  25. Carl_Drogo

    OMG that truck is fugly!

    Not a good analogy. Apple’s innovative products were usually hailed as quite beautiful. The only exception might be AirPods. And Netflix was never particularly controversial except maybe that you had to wait a day or two for your DVD to arrive when it first started. This Cybertruck seems to...
  26. Carl_Drogo

    Why make a deposit now?

    I understand waiting for possible tech, interior, or range updates. But how much better could the MCU get? It’s already quite responsive, high enough resolution, brightness, etc. I can’t think of anything that would make it so much better that it would be worth waiting month or years for. Just...
  27. Carl_Drogo

    Why staggered over-the-air-updates?

    Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.
  28. Carl_Drogo

    Why staggered over-the-air-updates?

    I don't think I'm as smart as you assume -- because I don't know the answer to that question. I can guess you're implying it's the customers (car owners) that are guinea pigs. Even if that's the case, how does Tesla determine which customers get to be the guinea pigs? It still seems pretty...
  29. Carl_Drogo

    Why staggered over-the-air-updates?

    I've long been curious why Tesla seems to roll out software updates in a seemingly random fashion. I realize there are some features that are geographically specific and may require different programming due to regulations, road differences, etc., in different countries or states. But it seems...
  30. Carl_Drogo

    2013 Model S question

    Thanks. She has some kind of place-holder for a button, but I think the actual button is not there, if I recall correctly. I will tell her to inquire with Tesla about the cost of retrofitting.
  31. Carl_Drogo

    2013 Model S question

    My sister just bought a used 2013 Model S (60 KWh battery). She can't seem to find a way to retract the side mirrors before pulling into her (narrow) garage without doing it manually. I think the newer models can do it automatically / electronically. Was that not the case for the 2013 cars or is...
  32. Carl_Drogo

    To Performance or not to performance... AWD? P? I can't decide!

    I've seen people say this on this forum and another forum, but never understood. Can you or someone explain? What is the point of having breaks if the tires stop the car? And how do tires stop a car? I am clueless. Thanks.
  33. Carl_Drogo

    Model S range and interior update imminent?

    Whether people agree or not, I think for most Model owners the interior is not the reason they're buying the car. They like that it's electric, that you can charge at home, the gorgeous exterior, the spacious interior, the massive storage, the instant torque, over-the-air updates, big MCU, etc...
  34. Carl_Drogo

    To Performance or not to performance... AWD? P? I can't decide!

    Thanks. That’s too bad.... Yeah, I almost pulled the trigger on the P3D- when they had it, but didn’t like the aero wheels and didn’t want to spend more money and hassle retrofitting 19” wheels. It sounds like my best option now is the AWD with 19” and hope they uncork it someday.
  35. Carl_Drogo

    To Performance or not to performance... AWD? P? I can't decide!

    Thanks. Basically I’m just curious if you could get the stated 310 mile range from a P3D+ either by being frugal with the throttle / pedal or via extensive use of chill mode. The idea is not simply to cut down an extra stop at a supercharger over thousands of miles, but to have some extra range...
  36. Carl_Drogo

    To Performance or not to performance... AWD? P? I can't decide!

    Like the OP, I’m still deciding between the AWD and P. Does anyone know if the loss of range for the P can be mitigated by driving in chill mode? If so, would it still be less range than AWD and if so, how much? I know it seems like a dumb question (i.e. why get the P if you’re just going to...
  37. Carl_Drogo

    Performance Upgrade Price Change!

    This reminds me of my gardener. He charges me about $30 more per month than we negotiated. So for the last six months+ I have just been paying the negotiated amount regardless of what the invoice says. So far so good. One of these days it may come back to bite me, though.o_O
  38. Carl_Drogo

    Performance Upgrade Price Change!

    The pissed off Star Wars fans can just call it 3PO’D
  39. Carl_Drogo


    You may well be right. I'm not all that confident in my own prediction :). It definitely has some holes. But I thought I'd throw it out there as a possibility / brainstorm.
  40. Carl_Drogo


    Tesla’s mid-range Model 3 could actually just become it's standard range car, with a bit of time and some production cost efficiencies. Here's my logic: Tesla has been promising a 220 mile "standard range" Model 3. In the meantime they recently introduced the "mid-range" version at 260 miles...
  41. Carl_Drogo

    Performance Upgrade Price Change!

    This is false. Here are two Serbians pronouncing it. (this was linked in a prior thread by a guy from Yugoslavia / now Croatia; he confirmed it was not "Tezzla") Here is Google Translate in Serbian. (click the speaker icon for an audio pronunciation) Here is Google Translate in Croatian. (click...
  42. Carl_Drogo

    P3D+ and speed-bumps or potholes?

    Are there any known issues with the Performance Package (P3D+) going over speed-bumps or potholes? Just wondering about the large 20 inch wheels and lower suspension and if that has affected anyone in real life or if I'm concerned about nothing. I intend to order the P3D+ soon, but kind of...
  43. Carl_Drogo

    How will Model 3 improve?

    You mentioned the softer suspension, even on the 20" P3D+ which seems to contradict your note about "super nimble steering feel (but felt every bump)" remark. Are you saying you can feel every bump through the steering wheel or the suspension? I guess I'm just not following. Sorry to nitpick...
  44. Carl_Drogo

    How will Model 3 improve?

    Nice post. But I'm more impressed by your avatar. It kind of reminds me of mine, but you are dreaming bigger :)
  45. Carl_Drogo

    Where will future models be produced?

    I know Tesla is going to open a factory in Shanghai and another in Europe, but presumably those will be used to fulfill demand in Asia and Europe. So it seems they will need a lot more capacity in North America to satisfy demand in the US, Canada, etc. when new models come out: the Model Y...
  46. Carl_Drogo

    P3D vs AWD from ~35mph to ~70mph ?

    I test drove both the RWD and Performance and there's no question I have ruled out the RWD. But it doesn't seem possible to test drive a regular (non-P) AWD. My local showrooms only have RWD and P3D with performance package. They say they can "cripple" the P3D and put it into some kind of mode...
  47. Carl_Drogo

    P3D vs AWD from ~35mph to ~70mph ?

    Thanks. That's exactly what I was looking for. I'm less concerned about 60-110 being tiny, but it's nice to know that 30-50 and 50-70 is still "big" relatively speaking. I guess those fractions of seconds aren't huge in a literal sense. But my intuition says they would probably make a...
  48. Carl_Drogo

    How will Model 3 improve?

    Nice summary. But one question: what is RHD? Thx
  49. Carl_Drogo

    P3D vs AWD from ~35mph to ~70mph ?

    Thanks Jeff.... To be clear, you're saying it's supposed to be faster to 60 from 30?
  50. Carl_Drogo

    P3D vs AWD from ~35mph to ~70mph ?

    I’ve seen some videos and stats where it demonstrates that the P3D is about 1 second faster from 0-60 (as advertised). But when you see them drag racing next to each other it appears they are basically the same after initial acceleration (the P gets a boost initially but then they seem to drive...