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  1. R

    Summon on 2024.3.10

    Hello, Recently i have purchased Model Y (2024). I have FSD enabled on my car ( got transferred from my model 3 as part of purchase). Is it still Summon not updated on USS cars with 2024.3.10 build version ?
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    yes i can see the data under grafana
  3. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I guess it worked. can you please check the code and let me know whether i got all the data restored ?
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Quote This is the issue i am facing
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    i tried without << . it connected me to database . but command will fail at the below step (public.cube(public.cube(public.earth()*cos(radians(\$1))*cos(radians(\$2))),public.earth()*cos(radians(\$1))*sin(radians(\$2))),public.earth()*sin(radians(\$1)))::public.earth';
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Thanks for the response. I tried this but getting the below error C:\teslamate>docker compose exec -T database psql -U teslamate teslamate << drop schema public cascade; create schema public; create extension cube; create extension earthdistance; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION...
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Below is the error while executing the restore command C:\teslamate>docker-compose stop teslamate [+] Stopping 1/1 ✔ Container teslamate-teslamate-1 Stopped 2.6s C:\teslamate>docker-compose exec -T database psql -U...
  8. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello, currently i am running teslamate in raspberry pi with Ubuntu OS and docker installation. I want to move my entire setup to windows. I have installed Docker desktop in windows 11 and installed teslamate. how do i restore the database that was taken backup from raspberry pi setup and...
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    yes you are right. thanks for your help on this i will wait for your response
  10. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    This worked except for Battery health whenever i am selecting any car, its showing only my model Y car data
  11. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello, Thanks a lot for in detailed explanation. Below is the output 1 Tesla 5YJ3******* 2020-12-31 23:46:46 2 Tesla 7SAY***** 2024-03-02 15:10:42 I have masked the VIN. yes i can see 2 cars on the output
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    yes its same for all dashboards i installed teslamate on docker ( rasperberry pi). i am not where to enter the sql command.
  13. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    i am seeing the car name ( Both my Old car and new car has same name). the car name i am seeing the data is of Model 3. i got suggestions from others in this thread that do a dropdown and select the other car. but i dont see any other name when i click the dropdown I have attached the pic
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    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello, I used to have Model 3 for 5 years and Recently i have purchased new Model Y (After trading in the old car) and named the new car with same name. I see that i can only see the main page with the name. but under Grafana i am seeing old car data. i see only 1 name and when i do drop down...
  15. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Problem is i kept same name for both the cars. so its not showing up 2nd car name in Graphana. Since i no longer have my old tesla model 3, i dont need the data as i have taken backup of the db
  16. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello, i have recently traded in my Model to new Model Y. i see 2 cars tabs on teslamate homepage. Under Grafana its still showing my old car data not new one. I have signed out and signed in again in teslamate How can i delete old car data and have only new car data. I dont want to reset...
  17. R

    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    = Thanks I took the delivery of new Model Y. Delivery agent asked me to keep the old charger and the center console box as well I see that premium connectivity was not transferred. i paid for entire year for model 3. now i have to re purchase again.
  18. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Thanks. Is there a way where i can get updated list of all US super charger and charge amount to update to my database
  19. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello, Currently i am having Tesla Model 3 with teslamate installed in my raspberry pi. I am trade in my Model 3 to Model Y. how should i setup my teslamate to my model Y ? do i need to delete the database and reinstall again or what should i do ? I dont want to loose the supercharger database...
  20. R

    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    Thanks for the suggestion. Currently homelink is out of stock from tesla. I will wait once its available and will purchase it
  21. R

    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    I see that We have to purchase mobile connector for new Model Y. I am trading in my old Tesla 2018 Model 3. Should i return my existing mobile connector or should i keep it with me ? Will tesla charge me if i keep the mobile connector
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    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    Yes i will buy new one. Just debating whether to take MyQ subscription or go with Homelink
  23. R

    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    Thanks. Boy tesla squeezes money for every small minute thing
  24. R

    HomeLink on new Tesla Model Y

    Hello, I am planning to trade in my current Model 3 to new Model Y AWD. My current model 3 has built in Home Link ( I purchased the car in 2018 and it came with home link). Are the new Model Y has built in Home Link or do i need to purchase it on Tesla site ?
  25. R

    Cannot connect to vehicle Summon using Android phone (iphone works)

    Hello, After 2022.45.15 upgrade on my Model 3 with FSD Beta enabled car, i am getting the below error on my Android phone while initiating summon cannot connect to vehicle When i am using iphone, summon works. Summon is not working while i Use my Samsung Galaxy S22 phone. I have deleted cache...
  26. R

    MASTER THREAD: USB drives that work with Sentry and TeslaCam

    now a days i am seeing there is x symbol in sentry mode and not working. i have to remove the usb drive and re connect ti to fix the issue. how can i fix this issue ?
  27. R

    Any 99 Safety Scores receive FSD Beta yet?

    i dont understand this safety score concept. this is bad on Tesla part. as we have already paid for FSD, we should be given FSD no matter of score we have. tesla doesnt want to perform testing in house. they rely on the date we send to them. i am very unhappy with tesla progress on this fsd...
  28. R

    Discussion: How to get status information from your Powerwalls

    Below link is not working https://github.com/themonomers/tesla/blob/master/GoogleSheetScriptEditor.gs is there any alternative link ?
  29. R

    Solar energy is being fed to grid directly

    hey no offense. just wanted to know thats all. my installation was scheduled for 2 days for both solar and powerwall installation. solar team came from boston to install solar and powerwall team are from local. powerwall team finished installayion on day 1, but solar went to day 2. Solar guys...
  30. R

    Solar energy is being fed to grid directly

    i called the installation crew ( as i had there number when they called me prior to installation about there availability) this is how they came back and fixed it why are you worried about the exact time?.
  31. R

    Solar energy is being fed to grid directly

    Tesla crew came back and fixed the issue. CT`s were pointing backward direction. now i can see soalr energy is being used to my powerwall and my home too
  32. R

    Solar energy is being fed to grid directly

    Hello Everyone, Just now my installation ( Solar panels with 2 powerwalls) is completed. Before leaving, installation crew turned on the system to test. I see that solar energy is going to grid directly but not coming to my home or powerwall. is this normal or did installation went wrong ? PS...
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    Dashcam recording question

    Thanks for the replies. i understood the flow
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    Dashcam recording question

    Hello, i have inserted 64 GB USB drive and did format from model 3 console. I was under the impression that all the drives ar being recorded today i wanted to check my drive which took for about 45 mins ( from start to end). I ejected the drive by clicking on the red dashcam symbol. I safely...
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    Replacement air valve caps

    Hello, I see that 2 of my Air Valve Caps have lost. Either someone might have stolen it or it might have fell off from the tire can anyone let me know where to get the OEM Air valve caps for my Model 3
  36. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Thanks Dave
  37. R

    Unable to insert phone to charging wire

    i will try Jeda spacer to get this issue fixed Jeda Products | Tesla Model 3 and Model Y Spacer for Wired Charging
  38. R

    Unable to insert phone to charging wire

    this is the cable i purchased and installed from 12 volt socket https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FCUIZ4K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 all these days i had iphone XS and the cable fits to my phone properly. now after purchasing Iphone 12 Pro, its not fitting into the cable
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    Unable to insert phone to charging wire

    Hello, Recently i have purchased Iphone 12 Pro. The issue i am facing is, i am unable to charge the phone ( insert the charging area on the charging clip of the wire) I have connected the charging wire to 12 volts socket for getting fast charging Is there a way to fix my issue or only option...
  40. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I have added USA superchargers from Dave documentation site. I see that the supercharger list was updated last on May 2020. how can i get the latest super chargers info and add them to my geo fences ?
  41. R

    Tesla now keeps all the SRECs [SREC = Solar Renewable Energy Credits]

    what is SREC ? . i have got the quote last year april. Tesla is installing solar next month. where do i see SREc related in my contract ?
  42. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hi Dave, This is backup for entire instance. how can i just backup 2 months of data and restore it to a different database which has lot of data ?
  43. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Hello Everyone, Finally i was able to import all my data from teslafi. i am not sure whether its a bug or not, after lots of doing trail and error method i found that data should be imported from recent date for example, i bought my car on September 2018. so i am importing data November 2020...
  44. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    i have tried importing all 36 csv files downloaded form teslafi site. i cannot see any data except for 1 month. when i imported the data, it shows as imported i had to restart container and import 1 file at a time is there a way to look into the database using GUI whether the data has been...
  45. R

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    hello, can anyone help me in configuring Teslamate on my docker server. I have installed tesla mate on docker server by following instructions as per the below page https://docs.teslamate.org/docs i was able to install and connect to my car. i did a drive and i can see the drive details can...
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    Delta M Servies Inveter Question

    My only concern with delta inverter is what if one of my solar panel has any issue or generating less production, will it impact other panels too ?
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    Delta M Servies Inveter Question

    I dont know whether tesla will change the inverter at this point. I dont have any trees near my roof. My question is, if i have less sunshine will it impact all thr panels ? Will i get access to the delta inverter where i can monitor each pabel of how much power is generating ?
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    Delta M Servies Inveter Question

    Hello, i have ordered 8.16KW system with 2 powerwalls. i stay in townhome and i want to install inverter outside my home ( near the electric panels) During my initial layout, Tesla mentioned 2 powerwalls with Solar edge inverter After they had a site inspection, they have lowered my solar...