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  1. P

    What's supposed to happen when you cancel premium connectivity?

    Something similar happens, I see a VERY BRIEF message that flashes on the screen that says, "Using this vehicle's account", and nothing else happens, I'm still at the same screen. Based on you comment, it seems you didn't even get a Tesla Slacker login after subscribing to Premium Connectivity!
  2. P

    What's supposed to happen when you cancel premium connectivity?

    Don't log out, you'll probably end up in a situation like I am! :D
  3. P

    What's supposed to happen when you cancel premium connectivity?

    Yup, I tried this, the service guy who called me back said I HAVE TO create my own, non-Tesla account to log into Slacker in my car, but I don't really buy that. Maybe a more fundamental question to ask is, does subscribing to Premium Connectivity include a Tesla Slacker login that allows you...
  4. P

    What's supposed to happen when you cancel premium connectivity?

    Apparently not. I believe a Slacker login was assigned to the car already when I bought it years ago because I had premium connectivity for a year after purchase.... but I never signed out even after my premium connectivity ended so I kept using it on WiFi. But since I recently deleted and...
  5. P

    What's supposed to happen when you cancel premium connectivity?

    Specifically my quesstion is, what happens to your Slacker/LiveOne Tesla provided account when you stop subscribing to premium connectivity. My premium connectivity expired years ago, but I still had access to Slacker/LiveOne via WiFi because I presume the Tesla provided Slacker account was...
  6. P

    What is the "Streaming" app, exactly?

    I got my M3 in Nov 2018, so sadly I just missed free premium connectivity for life by a few months, but I've been streaming music using the Tesla Slacker login over WiFi/hotspot without issue up to about a week ago. Last week, for some reason (maybe software update?) a cloud version of my...
  7. P

    2nd Gen mobile connector "ground loss"

    My problem ended up being a faulty 14-50 socket/outlet, my guess a loose ground? I replaced the socket/outlet and everything has been good for almost 2 years now
  8. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    For me it's mostly "OCD". But there is a small part of me that also wants to keep the BMS as accurate as possible so in the long run, if/when there is a real range decrease, it will raise a red flag for me to look into instead of me writing it off as a BMS calibration issue.
  9. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    I never believed my battery REALLY degraded to ~290-295mi at 100%. Before COVID, my typical daily charging habit was charge to 80% and drive to 60% each day on weekdays. During weekends, it varied, sometimes driving less than 10 miles, other times driving almost 200, though usual weekends are...
  10. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    It’s in my signature but it’s a 2018 LR RWD, got it Dec. 2018, just over 20k miles on it. edit: sorry, forgot, mobile can’t see signature.
  11. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    I went ahead and tried this even though I barely drive nowadays. I think since this last post of mine in July, I only charged my car to 90% 4 times, each time I let it run down to at least 30% before charging. I purposely tried to drive a little more often these past few months and it still...
  12. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    I’m tempted to try this, but the way I’m driving nowadays, it will probably take me 2 or 3 weeks to run the battery from 90% to 40%. When I used to commute before the pandemic, it would have only taken 2 or 3 days.
  13. P

    Model 3 Range decreased again...

    I have the exact same observations with my Oct 2018 LR RWD and my driving habits are exactly like yours (prior to shelter in place), about 60mi a day and I charged to 80% daily. Prior to the range drop last August/September 2019, my 100% range was 322mi. I haven't charged to 100% since, but...
  14. P

    Sharing a 40 amp circuit with Oven?

    Code requires large electric appliances to be on a dedicated circuit, meaning you cannot share multiple outlets in it. So it will be violating code if you add another outlet. That said, physics is physics, and if the total draw on the circuit at any given time is less than 40amps, it will...
  15. P

    Okay, I'll say it...

    For me it's not even a small diminished battery capacity I worry about, it's more about when/where do I draw the line between "eh, just some battery management errors" and "oh man, I really should start worrying about out of the ordinary battery degradation." But in everyday driving, my M3 with...
  16. P

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    I wanted to chime in an say in my limited 2 week experiment, I've been seeing similar results as you. Ever since August of 2019, my estimated range dropped suddenly from 260mi@80% to 240@80% (325mi@100% to 300mi@100%) . I didn't think much about it since my daily round trip commute is only...
  17. P

    Unplugged M3 SR+ overnight in -35C temperatures

    IDEALLY, driving 40km will only be about 10% of the battery, so she SHOULD have 80% left. But obviously, driving an EV isn't ideal in cold weather, so lets bump that down to 70%, i.e. double the expected energy needed to drive 40km. 70% of the SR+ battery is about 37.8kWh. Divide that by 13...
  18. P

    Charging Rate of 15amp Adaptor into 32amp Outlet

    The adaptor dictates the max charging rate. The mobile connector tells the car the max amperage/power based on which adaptor is being used.
  19. P

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    Is yours a LR RWD? My LR RWD was manufactured in 11/18 and have almost exactly the same numbers for range as you do.
  20. P

    Charging Issue Last Night

    I have no idea if what I'm about to tell you is your case, but I had something similar happen to me. It turned out that the 14-50 outlet I was plugging my mobile connector into has some connection issues. My mobile connector would usually work and either stop randomly before reaching my set...
  21. P

    Gen 2 - Plugging and Unplugging

    First, an extension is not officially recommended (or allowed) by Tesla and code. That said, I regularly use a 10ft 14-50 extension cord because I was too lazy to route the 14-50 outlet to a wall closer to where I park. Also, I feel the risk of a well built extension cord, aside from a...
  22. P

    Lost range? Poll

    I too am suffering from "decreased range" as shown by the battery meter on my LR RWD (purchased in Dec 2018, I have about 11k miles on it now). However, when I bring up the energy meter while driving, its estimates are more in line with what I've been experiencing in the past 9 months compared...
  23. P

    Cabin overheat protection

    I believe this is the normal behavior of the hysteresis for any HVAC system out there. Even you set your home A/C to say 78F, for example, it may not stop until it reaches 77F and it won't turn on until 79F. This is to prevent the A/C from turning on and off too quickly in succession. The...
  24. P

    Cabin overheat protection

    It's been hovering in the 90s to a bit over 100F where I work for the first time since I got my LR RWD Model 3. On the hottest day so far, when I got to work at 8:30am it was already around 80F and it peaked at about 105F during the day. When I left work at around 6pm, it was still in the low...
  25. P

    Electric use of wall connector or mobile connector isolated

    I have a similar meter and it shows 1.4W for the Gen 2. HOWEVER, even I have a similar one (this one Digital Tester 4in1 AC Voltmeter/Ammeter/Power Meter/Energy Meter Multifunction Monitor Panel Meter/Digital Multimeter + Current Transformer). With nothing plugged into my 14-50, it reads 0.6W...
  26. P

    What would you like to see added in software updates?

    I’d like to be able to leave climate control on “Auto” but still be able to toggle the A/C on and off as well as be able to toggle air recirculation. Pretty much every single car that I’ve driven that has auto climate control will allow this. Also, a display of fan speed without having to open...
  27. P

    Huge Vampire Drain During the day??

    After getting back to my office from lunch today, it was almost 95F outside and I had 228 miles with cabin overheat protection on. There was 0 shade where I parked but I have tinted windows and a sun shield for the front windshield. When I left work about 5 hours later, it was still 90F outside...
  28. P

    HPWC and SR+

    I don’t think I saw anyone mention this but the HPWC has about 4 extra feet of cable compared to the UMC. It may make a difference for some people.
  29. P

    Charging in Denver

    There is a manual release cord for the charge port on the inside of the trunk, right behind the charge port.
  30. P

    Which numbers should I believe?

    To address the 80 mph vs 65 mph question, just like an ICE, there is a tipping point, but for the Model 3 (or EVs in general) it’s really low, I read something like ~25 mph (https://electrek.co/2018/05/27/tesla-model-3-range-new-hypermiling-record/). So basically the faster average speed you go...
  31. P

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Great comparison pictures thanks! My main reason for wanting to tint the rear/roof is because the lower part of it is not really tinted and I want to make that part match the side window tint. But I also don't want to only tint part of the rear/roof window, and the shop I'm going to does it...
  32. P

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    I based my decision of the darkness of the rear window on the lighter bottom part. Increasing the darkness of the top part was just secondary. I’m deciding between 25 and 30 Pinnacle for my rear. Another question, I really want something around 70 for my front side windows because I don’t want...
  33. P

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    The 35% looks great and I also like the 70% for the front. This is making me want to pay a little more to get the Stratos instead of Pinnacle since the Pinnacle's lightest is 50% which I'm a bit concerned about using on my front side windows as it will be more obvious for the cops to see here...
  34. P

    Getting NEMA 14-50 Installed tomorrow

    It's not nearly as simple as you just put it. I honestly don't know all the nitty gritty details myself, but the battery management system does not treat the battery pack as one HUGE battery. It will selectively charge and discharge any number of the thousands of battery cells as it sees fit...
  35. P

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    I'm considering getting F1 Pinnacle for my M3, probably 30% for rear sides and rear roof and 70% for front sides. A couple questions for those of you who have a similar setup: 1) Since the roof is already tinted pretty dark, will extra tint make a noticeable difference in heat rejection...
  36. P

    New owner...home charging necessary?

    Not sure if this is really accurate... there are a wide variety of NEMA plugs, some need to be on 15A (e.g. 5-15) and some need to be on 60A (e.g. 14-60). The wire size and socket type dictates the breaker. Then in turn, the breaker size dictates max current draw of a device plugged in...
  37. P

    Home charging question

    It’s electrical code. If a circuit is going to be used constantly for over 3 hours (which is the case for most charging scenarios) it should only use 80% of the maximum amperage. I’m not completely clear on why, but it has to do with the conductors heating up. That said, there really isn’t...
  38. P

    Red T when charging?

    If it turned red AFTER you tried removing it, my guess it is that you didn't hold the button down long enough, i.e. you just only momentarily pressed the button, while removing the handle. If this is what you did, the lock pin will reengage while you are in the process of removing the handle...
  39. P

    Red T when charging?

    Was it red already before you touched the handle and tried to remove it or did it turn red after you tried removing it?
  40. P

    Anyone notice an increase in range after software update to 20195.15 f5def7e

    I set my LR RWD to charge to ~80% each night and haven’t touched that setting since updating to 5.15. Before 5.15, I’d get around 246-248 after charging. After 5.15, I get around 261-263 after charging.
  41. P

    Anyone notice an increase in range after software update to 20195.15 f5def7e

    I charge my car to 80% every night. Before 5.15, I'd have just under 250mi of range after charging. After 5.15, I have just under 265mi of range after charging.
  42. P

    Wall charger inside, car outside?

    If you install the wall connector inside and close enough to the garage door and alos park your car close enough for the cable to reach your car, I don't see why that would be a problem. Most garage doors have a sweep seal on the bottom that should allow the charge cable to go under it while...
  43. P

    Charging in Denver

    200A should be plenty for a 50A or even 60A outlet. We have a 200A main breaker and I went through the whole process of load calculations and pulling a permit. We have a 2300 sqft house with an electric stove, electric dryer, and A/C. Adding on a 50A outlet to all that put us at 195A in the...
  44. P

    "Off menu" waiting room

    That means you didn’t get autopilot, which makes it more cut and dry. However, I did get autopilot last December, so if I priced my LR RWD configuration now with autopilot plus FSD, it would come out to only $3k less than what I paid last December, which is less than the $3750 difference in tax...
  45. P

    "Off menu" waiting room

    Is it over $3750 cheaper? Because that would have been the difference in federal tax credit. Also, the auto pilot option, thought it's only $3k now, it seems to be missing some features of enhanced auto pilot which was $5k at the end of last year. Said missing features seemed to be grouped...
  46. P

    Rain sensing wipers too tolerant of rain

    I found Auto works better after the 50.6 update. Also, I noticed that rain/water that is splashed up from the ground due to other nearby cars does not trigger Auto wipers as well because the majority of the drops don’t reach the camera.
  47. P

    Front license plate frame adhesive

    I figured stripping the old adhesive off the plate holder would be a pain so I went to the local SC to see what they could do. The technician at first attempted to strip and replace the adhesive, but apparently, a guy who I'm guessing was his manager, saw him doing that and asked him "what the...
  48. P

    Going between Tesla's regenerative braking and ICE (stick shift) braking

    Nope, didn't keep it, sold it exactly 2 weeks after picking up the Model 3! (see my previous post) I miss it dearly for sentimental reason... but don't miss it for the driving experience. In the two overlapping weeks where I had both car, it wasn't difficult at all to switch between them...
  49. P

    Going between Tesla's regenerative braking and ICE (stick shift) braking

    ^^^This After owning a Model 3 and driving it everyday for about 2 months now, I still purposely drive my wife’s Prius at least once a week, which is often enough to have my muscle memory still automatically adjust to the Prius’ regenerative braking pretty seamlessly. The first couple times I...
  50. P

    Front license plate frame adhesive

    I screwd up sticking the front license plate frame on my M3 and now the adhesive has a bunch of dirt/crap over it so it's no good anymore. I was wondering if it's recommended or easy to remove the adhesive and replace it with my own double sided adhesive. If so, what kind of double sided...