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  1. michidragon

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Yep, edited my original post on that, just some misspeaking on my part for a moment; but yeah, I meant to say that the glass roof, w/o the crossbar, post Raven, was changed so that the SXM antenna was relocated from said crossbar and that it could absolutely do SXM.
  2. michidragon

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    This stuff about the "glass" roof not having the XM antenna is **incorrect**. In late 2018, the sunroof was discontinued and the pano roof was the only option available from then on. Shortly after the Raven refresh, ALL model S and X included SXM capability. The "glass roof no / sunroof yes"...
  3. michidragon


    Has anyone actually seen the "XM improvements"? I have a 2018 MS with MCU2+HW3, and I got 2020.24.6.11 last week and 2020.28.5 tonight, and everything on the web talks about there being "Sirius/XM interface improvements" but its still the same old dumb list for me. It'd be *really* weird if...
  4. michidragon


    So, same here : Late 2018 MS, MCU2, HW3 with active SiriusXM. No SiriusXM improvements and no SiriusXM mentioned in release notes. Maybe not all MCU2s are equal? Surprised that someone with a Raven is in the same situation. @davezforce does your SXM interface look different? Mine certainly...
  5. michidragon

    2019.32.2.2 Blindspot Detection Limited on back country roads..?

    Ok thanks guys - thats at least two reports of it happening on 2019.32.2.2 - makes me feel a little better; just weird that it happens like crazy on certain roads predictably. I don't think my cameras are bad because as soon as i'm off those roads everything works fine... As far as is Tesla...
  6. michidragon

    2019.32.2.2 Blindspot Detection Limited on back country roads..?

    hmm. Well, thanks for letting me know - that's a good sign in a way, saying maybe it's software, but also I've looked around and not any other reports. I'd hate to make another service appointment. (I did, however, do the 'bug report' thing while it was happening...)
  7. michidragon

    2019.32.2.2 Blindspot Detection Limited on back country roads..?

    So the reason I bring this i up is: I've been getting "Blindspot Detection Limited" warnings since a week after I got my car in Dec. 2018. They usually came up completely randomly and lasted all day. They've replaced pretty much everything related: Every camera (some several times), the camera...
  8. michidragon

    Service scratched my bumper. Anything I should look out for?

    Thanks guys. The paint shop they're using seems pretty highly rated, and I called the shop and they say they do MSM all the time. So I guess my last worry on it will just be sensors being flush and gap alignment but that should be doable. May end up getting a front PPF after this, since it...
  9. michidragon

    Service scratched my bumper. Anything I should look out for?

    So, I took my Model S in for some pretty straightforward service and a tire rotation. They didn't do a walkaround when I dropped it off; when I came to pick it up it had three 6-inch scrapes/gouges in the front bumper, like as if someone dragged something across it. Not minor. They pretty...
  10. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    Pretty sure this is oxidization, and oxides like this can take on different shades from reddish to brownish to yellowish. Depends on the conditions. ... Personally, this really has done so much damage to the Tesla experience to me. And no, not as some fanboys are gonna chime in and say...
  11. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    Definitive, no. I paid for a new screen that's supposedly non-yellowing. It hasn't yet; but it hasn't been that long. (I had it replaced in May.) I'll be keeping track of it, that's for sure. It was a different part number entirely, than the yellowing one that was removed.
  12. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    As far as I know, no lawyers are dealing with this for any customers. Seems like some people get lucky in arbitration, and some of us (like me) don't. This really makes me uncomfortable going forward because it seems like Tesla's warranty isn't worth the paper it's written on, they can...
  13. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    So, I got my result today and my decision was DENIED. "Customer did not provide a preponderance of evidence that there is a manufacturing defect in materials or workmanship that substantially impairs use, safety, or value of the vehicle that is covered by the warranty." Note, the arbitrator...
  14. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    Wildag, I haven't gotten the outcome of my arbitration case yet, but -- I will say that Ryan said he "didn't mention anything about sunlight" during my case. He almost seemed offended that I would insinuate such a thing. Their tactics (his tactics) change depending on the person and the case...
  15. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    I honestly wasn't aware of the arbitration process at the time. I mean, I knew vaguely that it existed but I was under the impression that "the manufacturer always won" and it wasn't even worth trying. Then I saw some people here get things decided in their favor. Since I already paid I don't...
  16. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    So my arbitration case is going to be a little bit different. I'm the one who took delivery in the middle of the Colorado winter (Dec 2018) and had yellowing happen < 90 days into ownership. At the time there was no talk of a 'UV fix', I was told twice it would be replaced and then suddenly told...
  17. michidragon

    Arbitration buyback

    Question for you if I may... My S is about 7 months old and it's been in five times for "autopilot functions limited", "surround view limited" and "blindspot detection limited" -- basically: camera problems, and they haven't been able to fix it. Replaced all the cameras, ran new wiring...
  18. michidragon

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    Same deal here. Also awaiting arbitration. Same arguments, including the post from Bonnie's twitter - oddly enough, when I paid to have my screen replaced, this fix wasn't even a thing yet. And Tesla asserts that the screen "didn't come from the factory that way" (it was yellowing 90 days into...
  19. michidragon

    Dispute Resolution - Ncds / Screen Defects / Anyone Ever Try This?

    So I'm going through NCDS arbitration now too. Pretty nervous about it. Haven't had my hearing yet. It's also going to be with Ryan McCarthy, who posted in his presentation to NCDS, some posts from this forum. So undoubtedly he's reading it. Paladin, what was your outcome? Were you successful...
  20. michidragon

    screen discoloration

    I just did. P100D_Me, I'm gonna PM,er, 0D.. you...
  21. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    The MCU screen that came out of mine was an Innolux G170J1-LE1. Yes, they appear to be $200-$400 depending on source. So Tesla is marking them up quite a bit. Here is a picture of the sticker from the back of my yellowing MCU screen that was removed. @Gixx1300R - My invoice is at home, I...
  22. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    Was just the screen, yes. IC yellowing images attached, I'll get the invoice when I get back from work stuff. Also, I considered it being pressure, but my bezel isn't even touching my IC display. But proximity to the bezel definitely has SOMETHING to do with it as it traces the shape and...
  23. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    I will post a picture yeah, just haven't been able to yet as I noticed this when I was leaving for a work trip but I will get it for sure. -- Another person on the forum here actually posted that his IC screen is yellowing too, I just haven't been able to find that comment or thread. But i'm...
  24. michidragon

    New screens now available

    I've said several times that if this happened with Model 3, we both wouldn't hear the end of it and it'd be fixed lightspeed. The model 3 display doesn't seem to use the 'gel' though, so I doubt it'll yellow. It does leave Tesla in an odd situation though if anything ever does happen to the...
  25. michidragon

    New screens now available

    Maybe. It's about time for me to look into it. I know I had 4 repairs for the autopilot cameras not working as well. But from what I hear, invoking lemon law is rather difficult. But it's time to look into it.
  26. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    They're legally required to fix stuff under warranty, too. Yes, I did, since the mobile service guy was here while I was discussing it on the forum. His position was simply that it's "against policy". I suppose I could have called the police or wrestled him to the ground …. but sometimes...
  27. michidragon

    New screens now available

    I don't know. As far as I know there's likely no revision *or* planned 'magic fix' for this one. No I will not pay for a replacement of the same that will yellow again. You laugh, but I still firmly believe that we'll never see a warranty or "in-place" fix. What will happen is, those with...
  28. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    I did. Rather adamantly. They refused. "Against policy." Not happy about that either. That all said there's no telling that "home remedies" of any sort will work. There's been little consistency from Tesla as to what would end up fixing it. Whether this is damage caused by photo/light...
  29. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    Well, I'm not on a lease so I believe the word you'd be looking for is "sale", and I'm sure they could find other reasons to lowball. The biggest problem about this is that there's really no promise of what's going to be done, and nothing we can do about it at all as customers/owners. (Again...
  30. michidragon

    New screens now available

    No, but most of the folks in the forum here have determined the yellowing isn't from heat and sun. I'm inclined to agree, since my car started yellowing after only existing for 90 days in the Colorado winter. You have a 2016 - there's a good chance you have one of the earlier screens that...
  31. michidragon

    New screens now available

    I don't believe screen repair is going to happen. We can argue on that, but I've heard no less than 6 "methods" they're going to use. (Tape, UV, liquid, heat, firmware, top glass replacement.) Time frame has been pushed out and out. The supposed "revised" screens (apparently the ones going...
  32. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    No promise, no. And now my instrument cluster screen is yellowing.
  33. michidragon

    Yellow Border

    And most of us are really skeptical about it. And the timeframe is "someday". As of tonight my IC screen is also yellowing. Car is not yet 6 months old. Believe them if you like. I don't.
  34. michidragon

    New screens now available

    And now after paying to have my MCU screen replaced after it started yellowing after 90 days, now my instrument cluster screen is yellowing. Car isn't even 6 months old yet. Sure I'm going to get the same line or worse. Not sure what to do at this point.
  35. michidragon

    Screen has darkening Yellow Band around entire screen

    Correct. Delivery in late December 2018, was yellowing by early March 2019, about 82 days after delivery. At that point we had had mostly snow, no days > 40'F, and largely overcast on most days. At that point, also, most commutes were in the dark due to the short days. All SCs were...
  36. michidragon

    Yellow borders on main screen- A new fix

    Have noticed the exact same thing @steilkurve did. The new 1084333-C display I had installed seems more recessed from the bezel. I actually have had the same thoguhts, "maybe they installed it off a little" - since they had to transfer the metal surrounds, a lot of screws that have to be just...
  37. michidragon

    Yellow Border

    Wow. So as of today two reports of free screen replacements, and now reports of screen replacements down the line, again. Really not sure what I should do; I know Tesla DOES NOT refund ANYTHING, so the chances of me getting my money back from last week are pretty much zero.
  38. michidragon

    Yellow Border

    Neat, so I guess whether you have to pay or not is just lotto on whether or not Tesla likes you. Two Teslas and one being a P100DL? That may make the difference. @Zooomer you don't have a youtube channel perhaps, do you?
  39. michidragon

    New screens now available

    When I paid for my replacement display, I asked three questions: Me: "If you buy a Model S right now, will the display yellow?" Tesla: "No, it won't." Me: "So the display I'm paying for, is it the same one going into the cars that are being sold right now?" Tesla: "Yes, it is." Me: "So the...
  40. michidragon

    New screens now available

    hmm @Naekuh honestly that sounds like they'll be replacing your screen someday. Maybe they don't want to piss off more people by charging them. But seriously, telling a P100D buyer (I mean that's a REAL Tesla!) to GLHF over this huh? At least they were willing to take my money. Maybe they...
  41. michidragon

    New screens now available

    Windshield and pano roof / top glass, yes. Side windows, not so much. They seem to pass a lot of UV, but I figure that may even depend on production date. (A loaner S that I had, had visibly colored windows compared to mine.) Measured recently and they passed more than I'd like; that's why I'm...
  42. michidragon

    Yellow borders on main screen- A new fix

    … to be fair, that is a 'thermo device', so... maybe you're on to something.
  43. michidragon

    Yellow borders on main screen- A new fix

    I hope the next proposed mobile service capable fix method somehow involves sonar or radar, since we've covered the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum from IR to UV. After they propose blasting the thing with a 4kW magnetron, perhaps they can try shutting all the doors and playing Neil...
  44. michidragon

    New screens now available

    I've heard so many "official" statements on what the fix is going to be from Tesla that I don't have any faith that they're doing anything but buying time and feeding us a line. The first thing I heard was "firmware", which as on its face ridiculous even though a bunch of people seemed to buy...
  45. michidragon

    Yellow borders on main screen- A new fix

    Cool! A new method to add to the pile! Now we have, as proposed by different service center techs : Electrical (TESLA!) Tape around the border UV blasting / UV lights with a lot of fans Liquid that'll be rubbed onto the screen. (Elon's Display Lotion) Firmware that causes a blue border (or...
  46. michidragon

    XM and AM Radio Work Around

    It is available. AM is not. XM is. XM is available on every configuration of S/X. It is only AM that was eliminated.
  47. michidragon

    New screens now available

    It is - and I might fight to get it back, (though who knows where it is now); but to be honest I need a little bit of a break from this issue. It's been kind of a drag, honestly, in owning the car and how I feel about Tesla. I'm hoping I can just go a while without any more big defects or...
  48. michidragon

    Yellow bands of death can disable some touchscreen controls

    One service center did, yes; "Since you paid Tesla will likely be more willing to replace if the problem continues". Nervous about examining my IC now though too, because those seem to be yellowing now, as well? But yeah, it was also made clear that this screen was supposed to resolve the...
  49. michidragon

    XM and AM Radio Work Around

    AM, they don't have - I wish they did. XM though, I do not believe that has been eliminated. I've been looking into some AM solutions; a third party Bluetooth SW radio (which covered AM) did exist for a while, and even showed the stations as 'tracks' over Bluetooth - but that no longer seems...
  50. michidragon

    Yellow bands of death can disable some touchscreen controls

    At this point I'm not sure what path I would take to do so. Dispute the credit card charge? What would Tesla do in retaliation? Small claims, some people say, but is this even a sure-shot sort of thing. Yeah, I'm interested in doing so, but at this point I'm not sure what the approach should...