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Tesla Service/Quality control is still as bad as ever I guess

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Curious member
Jan 16, 2017
I am really sick of Tesla today so need to vent some, I guess.

Today marks 30 days my X is in service (of the 2.5 months I actually have it).
I bought a Lada (Russian car) in the past and even that was not as bad as Teslas.

Things started to deteriorate at delivery where there were so many visible issues on the car, we run out of space on the due bill.
But the salespeople came to DS help and assured me that all of that is easily fixable and the service center will get on it soon (in 10 days was the first appointment available) and will fix everything in 2-3 days. I'd also get a Tesla loaner.
While I should have walked away right then, I believed them.

Most of the issues seemed minor (other than the HVAC).

So they took the car as promised in 10 days... and brought me a beat down Model S85 from 2012 (vin 6xxx), no autopilot, no parking sensors. But it's only for a few days, so it's ok, right (even had a temp plate that was expiring in a few days)?

So on the day before plate expiration I called the SC to check status and they told me they'd give me another loaner (due to plates) since my car needs longer service - they ordered parts and those parts would be there real soon now.
New loaner was also beat down S85 (vin 25xxx or so) from 2012, also no autopilot, but at least it had parking sensors.
And sine then every few days I was told that the parts are coming in a day or two and then all would be good.
That lasted for 3 weeks when I was told that my car wold be returned, but in fact seats are on the backorder for 8-12 weeks and the windshield (that had a scratched tint) does not have ETA, but was also ordered, and the rest was now perfect.

I was rally happy waiting for my car, since model S does not work for me - my wife totally hates it and I also find getting into it and out of it inconvenient (and in my narrow garage there's no space to fully open the rear doors, so I need to ask my passengers to exit outside, then pull in.)
(I know some of you would accuse me of being spoiled since at least I got a Tesla for a loaner, oh well.
Also Nashville Service Center only has old model Ses (trade-ins) as their loaners, nothing else. Also no model Xes at all).

Anyway, the day car was delivered and what a disappointment, the most visible trim issues were not addressed. Moreover there was now a scratch (not big, but still!)
Also a few days later I find that whover was reattaching interior trim tore some of it.
So I take more pictures, send them back and am assured that since we'll have another visit anyway all would be addressed then.
Also interior starts to rattle in a couple of places - more stuff for that service visit.

At the start of June I get an email that yay, my seats and the windshield are in and they'll take my car back on Jun 7th
and it would only take 2-3 days to fix the rest of stuff.
On June 6th while doing some errands I briefly lose brakes, get "brake fluid low" warning, the braking is quickly restored, I manage not to hit anything, but the brake assist is now missing (i.e. brake pedal is really stiff). A quick call to Tesla SC and they tell me my car is no longer safe to drive, but there's that service thing tomorrow anyway, so no worries.

Next day they come for my car and bring me a loaner - same S85 I had as the very first one, but with permanent plates this time.
Going over the car with the ranger to confirm the issues, he looks at hte scratch and points that that alone would be at least 7 days in a bodyshop. And that most visible outside trim misalignment? That could not be fixed at all because it's a piece welded/glued at factory and it's no longer repositionable! (where was that factory QA control looking?)

So I called SC on Monday and was informed that most of the work on my car was indeed done, but it's in the bodyshop for a while for the scratch now. What about brakes? Well, they are still being worked on, or might be some parts are being ordered? I was promised a callback later in the day with more info (that never came).
Looking at the car state, I see my car is still sitting in the service center parking lot. In ~20 minutes it starts moving and ends up in a body shop eventually.
I call again next day and ask about the brakes again - well, I am told that they checked the fluids and such and all looks fine, but they still need to pull diagnostic data to see what's wrong (so it's unsafe to drive for me, but ok if service people drive it without even looking at what's wrong? great.)

Now another call today and I learn that my car is still in the bodyshop and will be there for a few more days (so the ranger was spot on on the timeline there, I guess that means he was right on the trim piece as well? I'll find when I get my car back, I guess.)

Also Service center finally unpacked the replacement glass (huh, I thought most of the stuff was already installed?) and found that it has terrible ghosting, much worse than what my glass has (huh? I thought mine was pretty extreme already!), but no worries, they ordered another one and it should arrive Monday or Tuesday of next week (I see a pattern here already).
So by their optimistic estimate they would hopefully be done (if all aligns right, an that's without even looking into brakes yet) in another 10 or so days. In reality? Probably another 2+ weeks?
All this for a new (And pretty expensive) car, but instead I am driving my old ICE car or somewhat newer, but still old S 85.
If I wanted to drive S85 from 2012, I would have just bought that much more cheaply....

And this is the supposedly irreparable misaligned trim, looks like not quite closed door:


So if it does arrive back with that unfixed, I guess I really need to just claim for a TN lemon law no matter how much I actually love my car otherwise (when it works) (in TN it's 30 days out of service during first year and you have issues that would impact safety or value of the vehicle negatively (which this should qualify, I guess)).

I guess @JonMc might also find this interesting as another "one of those Service Centers in the boonies" experience.

Now cue the people that would tell me how isolated this experience is and how great of service they got and how happy people don't tend to write in the forums to tell how happy they are... Well, I believed that myself before I actually got the car delivered.
That sucks, man. I was going to share how great my delivery and service experience was, but, hey, you've already covered that :D

Hope you get yours soon with all issues fixed. If not, maybe Lemon Law it wouldn't be such a bad idea, if you could do it.
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...That could not be fixed at all because it's a piece welded/glued at factory and it's no longer repositionable! (where was that factory QA control looking?)...

As a new and small company, QA has to make a decision whether:

1) to reject the car and may cause a customer disappointment for the delays


2) present the imperfect car to the customer and may be some customers would be fine with that.

That said, I am sorry that you have to deal with an imperfect car and ideally, it should have never passed QA.
I have a "16" X that was delivered near perfect with one trip to the SC...90D ....I would love to trade for a 100D but this and other comments scares the bejeebies out of me . Makes me leery of a new order , when I seemingly got "lucky" with mine ..Quality should be going up , not worse ...Mine is 8 months old and only some very very small issues ...
My car is in there for the fourth time fixing the FWD getting overheated issue. I haven't heard from them ever since Tuesday after dropping it off. I specifically asked for a X loaner before I'd bring it in because they've only given me stale, smelly, S85 with the signal stalk in the wrong place and no AP in 2 out of 3 visits.

After the first visit, there was new duct tape showing on my passenger door on the edge. After the second visit I had a dent on my racetrack (floor below the FWD where it says Model X). After the third visit there was a "X" scratch on my quarter panel next to the FWD they worked on.

Sure they will try to fix some issues for you but it seems like they always created new issues. Now my concern is that if they end up replacing my FWD entirely I'd have endless FWD issues (noise? Alignment?) who knows right? Anyways good luck...
Well I find this a very interesting post and you are correct that many on this forum and others think Tesla can do no wrong. I have had two lingering issues since I took delivery almost 10 months ago. A driver seat that moves and sounds like a can is rolling under the seat and passenger side dash that squeaks and ticks. After multiple trips to the SC to fix other issues (7 trips in total) and repeatedly being told my moving and rocking driver seat was normal and they cannot hear the dash squeak I finally got the SC to agree that my drivers seat needed to be replaced and my issue was a known issue (after another trip to the SC). They had no idea of an ETA on the seat. They also acknowledged my squeaking dash but said and I quote "it could take a while to track the noise down" to which I replied I don't care.

This week I got fed up after calling the SC and being told the seat was not in after being ordered almost 7 weeks ago and and 9 months since I first demonstrated the movement of the seat to the SC, I checked the lemon law statutes in Maryland I found out what my options are and called Tesla corporate customer service. I told them I DID NOT want to be transferred to the local service center but wanted to speak to someone is a supervisory capacity. I told them specifically that if I did not get a call back with 48 hours with a timeline for resolution of the final two issues I have I was going to start the lemon law process and the 30 day clock for final resolution under the statute would start.

Wouldn't you know that 2 days later I get a call from the SC that my seat is in and they want to schedule the repair. They also asked me for more details of the dash squeak (even though a service advisor has already ridden in my Model X and heard the squeaking). I emailed her video I had taken of the noise while driving and her reaction was "that would drive me nuts and needs to be fixed". I have gotten follow up calls multiple times in the last three days when before I would get no follow up calls. They are going to send a Ranger to my office (I live 50 miles from the closest SC) to see if he can get an idea of what is causing the dash squeaks so they can order any parts BEFORE I bring it goes back to the SC.

Did my phone call to California have an impact or was it coincidence. I don't know and don't care. The person I am dealing with now at the SC has been very responsive and I am hopeful that i will soon have all the issues resolved. I am giving Tesla another week to get a final plan to fix the dash. This is a very expensive car and I don't give Tesla a pass for QC and service issues.

Sorry for the long reply. I think you should absolutely start the lemon law process. I would also encourage you to call Tesla in CA if you haven't already. I do love my Model X (even with the issues) but worry Tesla is going to have big problems when they scale up for Model 3 production if they do not improve QC and the service experience. I have also considered upgrading to a Model X 100 but have decided to hold off for now until my issues are resolved. 1st world problems I know. Your car should have never been delivered with the defects.
Now cue the people that would tell me how isolated this experience is and how great of service they got and how happy people don't tend to write in the forums to tell how happy they are... Well, I believed that myself before I actually got the car delivered.
Your post and experience does not change the facts you stated. Are you implying that your experience represents the majority? I would consider your experience as very unfortunate, disappointing, and yet still isolated.
Well I find this a very interesting post and you are correct that many on this forum and others think Tesla can do no wrong
Quite a jump from ppl thinking these cases are isolated to thinking Telsa does no wrong. At the same time you represent what has gone wrong as you should. You do not need to disregard ppls experiences that have gone right. How about you acknowledge that the Telsa OWNERS on this forum where the experiences have gone very good to superb. Do not take that as us OWNERS with good experiences disregard your experience.
Your post and experience does not change the facts you stated. Are you implying that your experience represents the majority? I would consider your experience as very unfortunate, disappointing, and yet still isolated.
Based on my experience and also other discussions at the end of Q1 threads - I now believe my experience is a lot less isolated than you'd want people to believe. Might not be majority, but certainly at least in single percentage points at the very least (which is in itself a lot).
I suspect the "perfect" deliveries (= no scheduled work to do to fix up various stuff at all) might actually be fewer than the horrible ones like mine too (though it's notably hard to gather data like this reliably).

In about a month and a half I now fully expect a new "Q2 deliveries quality" kind of thread being started by the new owners taking deliveries en-mass and we'll see same old stuff there.
I've also he a few issues with my X vin 15xxx.

- multiple falcon wing dors fixes
- AC stoped working
- squeaks from seats
- air vents noise
- crappy wipers

All have been fixed. Yet I am sure my FWD will squeak again it's just a matter of time.

I am not going to keep my car longer then the 4yr warranty. I just hope they have better QA by then :)
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This is such BS. I can't believe this is now VIN 50,xxx and MXs are still being delivered like this???? My car is 25xx and looks better than that. OP, I feel for you. Continue escalating this. Speak to manager at your SC, tweet Elon, if all else fails go through Lemon law process depending on your particular state laws.

Just wait until all the SCs are clogged up with model 3s with misaligned panels and torn pleather seats. Getting these issues will get even more difficult.
As a new and small company, QA has to make a decision whether:

1) to reject the car and may cause a customer disappointment for the delays


2) present the imperfect car to the customer and may be some customers would be fine with that.

That said, I am sorry that you have to deal with an imperfect car and ideally, it should have never passed QA.

30,000 employees is not a small company by any measure. They only make a couple hundred model X per day.

I agree with starting the lemon law process. The car is far too expensive to put up with this many defects. I also agree that this car is not at all typical of the average quality of today's production.
having an alignment issue with my right FWD as well...

My Service Advsor's exact words: "Thank you for those pictures. Because those are aluminum stamped doors I am not sure if there is a whole lot we could do to align those doors closer but we can still take a look if you have some time to swing by next week."

granted mine is not quite as bad as yours, but it's visible to the naked eye.
Got my windows tinted and now they're all messed up, as are the front doors. What kind of ridiculous engineering does the Model X have that causes such stupid problems? I've never heard of another car that loses its window and door calibrations so easily (if at all). I knew this was a likely result of getting the windows tinted (because the doors are left open for more than 30 minutes - oh, the horror!) because of this forum, so I was mentally prepared. But I'm still flabbergasted that it's even a thing.