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Toolbox 3 updates

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access-internal-dat get config get gtw config
access-internal-dat set config set gtw config
access-internal-dat.pl get config get gtw config
access-internal-dat.pl set config set gtw config
amdgpu_dpcd_reader print dispay port configuration data
arp print system ARP cache
audio-power audio power state
audioctl display audio system information
autofuser.sh program vehicle fuses
backlight-ctl backlight device brightness
basename strip directory and suffix from filenames
board_info display board information
bootcount display boot count
bt-power bluetooth power state
bt-power bluetooth power control
bt-reset reset bluetooth
cat output content of files
connmanctl display network connection information
cpupower shows processor power related values
curl autopilot service-api query autopilot service-api
cut remove sections from each line of files
date print the system date and time
dbus-services list dbus system services
device-addr print device i2c address
df report file system disk space usage
dgpu-pm-state print dGPU power state
dirname strip last component from file name
display-power display power state
dm-inspect display manager introspection
dm-properties show display properties
dmesg print/clear kernel ring buffer
dmidecode DMI table decoder
dplink.sh display device link/phy settings
drm_report.sh system display status
du estimate file space usage
echo display line of text
edid-decode decode EDID data in human-readable format
egrep print lines that match patterns
emit-firmware-handshake updater firmware handshake
emit-restart-updater restart updater
fgrep print lines that match patterns
find search for files in directory heirarchy
free display amount of free and used memory in the system
get-local-dv print service data-value
gpio print gpio values
gpioinfo print gpio chip information
grep print lines that match patterns
gw-diag gtw3 diagnostics tool
gw-diag set config set gtw/gtw3 config
gw3-feature-config print gtw3 feature configs
gwxfer copy file from gtw3
head output the first part of files
helios display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ascii
hexdump display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ascii
i2cdump examine I2C registers
i2cget read from I2C/SMBus chip registers
ifconfig show network devices
inotifywait wait for changes to files
inotifywatch gather filesystem access statistics
iostat report CPU and I/O statistics
ip show network devices and routing
is-delivered check delivered state
is-factory-gated check factory-gated state
is-fused check production fuse state
jq JSON processor
keep-ice-alive request system keep alive
ldvs list data-values
less filter for paging through text
locate search for files in directory heirarchy
ls list directory contents
lsblk list block devices
lscpu display information about the CPU architecture
lsof list open files
lspci list all PCI devices
lsusb list USB devices
lv list specific data-value
md5sum Print or check MD5 checksums
modem-command query modem information
modem-command change modem configuration
modem-power modem power state
modem-power modem power control
modem-reset reset modem
more file perusal filter
mount list mounted filesystems
nvme NVMe storage utility
nvme-id print NVMe identification
nvme-id.sh print NVMe identification
paste merge lines of file
pidof find the process ID of a running program
ping send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
printf format and print data
ps report snapshot of current processes
pwd print name of current/working directory
realpath print the resolved path
reboot reboot the system
reboot-gateway reboot gateway
restart-updater restart updater
rm remove files or directories
sdv clear Mode data-value
sdv set data-value
sed stream editor for filtering and transforming text
send-hwidacq send hwidacq.mov to gtw3
sort sort lines of text files
sv control and manage services
sv status control and manage services
tail output last part of files
tap-tap wake screen
tcu_gpio print tcu gpio values
top top
tr translate or delete characters
uname print system information
uniq report or omit repeated lines
updaterctl send updater command
uptime tell how long system has been running
usb-power usb power status
vmstat report virtual memory statistics
wc print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wifi-power wifi power state
wifi-power wifi power control
wifi-reset reset wifi
xdpyinfo display information utility for X
xrandr interface to RandR extension
xwininfo window information utility for X
zcat output content of compressed files
zgrep print possibly compressed lines that match patterns
zless file perusal filter for compressed text
zmore file perusal filter for comp
You can now remotely at any time get all signal logs from all CPUs
access-internal-dat get config get gtw config
access-internal-dat set config set gtw config
access-internal-dat.pl get config get gtw config
access-internal-dat.pl set config set gtw config
amdgpu_dpcd_reader print dispay port configuration data
arp print system ARP cache
audio-power audio power state
audioctl display audio system information
autofuser.sh program vehicle fuses
backlight-ctl backlight device brightness
basename strip directory and suffix from filenames
board_info display board information
bootcount display boot count
bt-power bluetooth power state
bt-power bluetooth power control
bt-reset reset bluetooth
cat output content of files
connmanctl display network connection information
cpupower shows processor power related values
curl autopilot service-api query autopilot service-api
cut remove sections from each line of files
date print the system date and time
dbus-services list dbus system services
device-addr print device i2c address
df report file system disk space usage
dgpu-pm-state print dGPU power state
dirname strip last component from file name
display-power display power state
dm-inspect display manager introspection
dm-properties show display properties
dmesg print/clear kernel ring buffer
dmidecode DMI table decoder
dplink.sh display device link/phy settings
drm_report.sh system display status
du estimate file space usage
echo display line of text
edid-decode decode EDID data in human-readable format
egrep print lines that match patterns
emit-firmware-handshake updater firmware handshake
emit-restart-updater restart updater
fgrep print lines that match patterns
find search for files in directory heirarchy
free display amount of free and used memory in the system
get-local-dv print service data-value
gpio print gpio values
gpioinfo print gpio chip information
grep print lines that match patterns
gw-diag gtw3 diagnostics tool
gw-diag set config set gtw/gtw3 config
gw3-feature-config print gtw3 feature configs
gwxfer copy file from gtw3
head output the first part of files
helios display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ascii
hexdump display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ascii
i2cdump examine I2C registers
i2cget read from I2C/SMBus chip registers
ifconfig show network devices
inotifywait wait for changes to files
inotifywatch gather filesystem access statistics
iostat report CPU and I/O statistics
ip show network devices and routing
is-delivered check delivered state
is-factory-gated check factory-gated state
is-fused check production fuse state
jq JSON processor
keep-ice-alive request system keep alive
ldvs list data-values
less filter for paging through text
locate search for files in directory heirarchy
ls list directory contents
lsblk list block devices
lscpu display information about the CPU architecture
lsof list open files
lspci list all PCI devices
lsusb list USB devices
lv list specific data-value
md5sum Print or check MD5 checksums
modem-command query modem information
modem-command change modem configuration
modem-power modem power state
modem-power modem power control
modem-reset reset modem
more file perusal filter
mount list mounted filesystems
nvme NVMe storage utility
nvme-id print NVMe identification
nvme-id.sh print NVMe identification
paste merge lines of file
pidof find the process ID of a running program
ping send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
printf format and print data
ps report snapshot of current processes
pwd print name of current/working directory
realpath print the resolved path
reboot reboot the system
reboot-gateway reboot gateway
restart-updater restart updater
rm remove files or directories
sdv clear Mode data-value
sdv set data-value
sed stream editor for filtering and transforming text
send-hwidacq send hwidacq.mov to gtw3
sort sort lines of text files
sv control and manage services
sv status control and manage services
tail output last part of files
tap-tap wake screen
tcu_gpio print tcu gpio values
top top
tr translate or delete characters
uname print system information
uniq report or omit repeated lines
updaterctl send updater command
uptime tell how long system has been running
usb-power usb power status
vmstat report virtual memory statistics
wc print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wifi-power wifi power state
wifi-power wifi power control
wifi-reset reset wifi
xdpyinfo display information utility for X
xrandr interface to RandR extension
xwininfo window information utility for X
zcat output content of compressed files
zgrep print possibly compressed lines that match patterns
zless file perusal filter for compressed text
zmore file perusal filter for comp
Just to be clear - all these all shell commands now available in the public version of toolbox? Are these commands only for legacy S/X?