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Recent content by skepticcyclist

  1. skepticcyclist

    Battery Didn't Discharge During Peak Last Night

    Interesting that for the first time ever my battery didn't power my home during peak time last night. Nothing in my settings have changed and I am still on the same rate schedule. I didn't notice it until after the peak period ended and saw my battery was still at 100%/. I temporarily switched...
  2. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Can’t tell you. It’s now gone. No longer have this option
  3. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    What I meant is that this has never been there before
  4. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    I just got virtual power plant option for my account even though I never applied for it
  5. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    I already asked that question. One or the other, but not both at the same time. ETA: When I asked him it was on Reddit, not here.
  6. skepticcyclist

    04.08.2024 - Solar output... Ooops, I forgot :)

    This was mine in SoCal
  7. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Utility plan configuration: Multiple Peaks, Buy/Sell Behavior, etc

    Been playing with the pricing a bit to see how I can get my charging and discharging behavior to act like the old balanced setting that used to be available. Here is what I discovered Non-peak time: Old Cost - Savings: Set both the buy and sell price the same - All solar will first go to the...
  8. skepticcyclist

    How to Use Tesla Pro App as End User?

    That was not an option. But, even if I am able to access, eventually it would no longer be an option. So how do we use the app as an alternative?
  9. skepticcyclist

    How to Use Tesla Pro App as End User?

    I am no longer able to access the gateway through my IP address. I get the message to download the pros app. I downloaded the app. How do we use it as a homeowner similarly to how we logged into the gateway through the IP?
  10. skepticcyclist

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    I've seen video of someone doing this with Enphase microinverters. They built a DC capacitor bank, connect to turbine to the capacitors, and the capacitor bank to the microinverter. This microinverter was then strung together with the others from the solar ETA to add video link
  11. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    The last update fixed both issues. And it’s also nice that we can now check diagnostics without having to enter the IP address. Excellent job and thank you.
  12. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    I know this is outside the scope of this site, but what about an OLED TV. They said it is safe to leave TVs and electronics inside and unplugged, except for those with lithium ion batteries. I think an OLED TV screen won't be able to handle those temps for that long. And the thing is a heavy...
  13. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    Just spoke with someone from the extermination company. They said they encounter a lot of powerwalls. They just don’t include it in the hearted portion so it won’t be a problem.
  14. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    Can powerwalls withstand the whole home heat treatment for extermination? My powerwall is installed on an exterior wall
  15. skepticcyclist

    PowerWalls didn't kick in for power failure due to "grid out of compliance"?

    I still don't understand how grid impedance would prevent the PW from turning on when they are disconnected from the grid during an outage