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Search results

  1. Kevy Baby

    Pre-Painted Rear Fascia

    I hunted high and low and couldn't find an answer. I need to replace the Rear Fascia. I can see pre-painted ones in the parts catalog, but the Sales Restriction says "Tesla Only." Does that mean I cannot purchase it?
  2. Kevy Baby

    Shuffle Songs in Tidal Playlists?

    Sorry if this has been addressed already: I was unable to locate. Is there a way to shuffle songs in a user-created playlist in Tidal? I created a couple of playlists on my computer, but since they are collections of albums (and I added the entire album at once), the only choice for playback...
  3. Kevy Baby

    Song Title Type Fading

    Anyone else experiencing this? The type on the song title in the mini viewer fades in and out, with full density right in the middle. It seems to only do it with longer song titles and isn’t consistent about when this happens (I just switched from USB to Tidal and back again and the effect...
  4. Kevy Baby

    Sentry Not Staying On

    I searched and couldn't find a thread on this - please point me in the direction of one if you know. Currently on 2022.8.2. A couple of updates ago (I think 2022.4.5), my car stopped remembering my USB music playback position. Shortly thereafter, I started making sure that Sentry was on as...
  5. Kevy Baby

    Amusing Drive in Orange County

    Okay, I will admit this is a very specific situation and I am only posting because it is amusing. But you haven't lived until you've used NoAP to transition from the 405 North to the 55 North in the HOV lane. One of the few times the car has actually scared me. Yet I still do it every night one...
  6. Kevy Baby

    Need Advice: NEMA 14-50 Sometimes Charges at only 16a

    Hello all I need some advice on where to start looking to track down the problem. I have a 2019 SR+ with a little over 40M miles. The vast majority of my charging is on a NEMA 14-50 outlet at work using the original Mobile Connector and the proper adaptor. There is no damage to the cable or...
  7. Kevy Baby

    What Do YOU Call the Pedal on the Right?

    First, I couldn't find a thread discussing this, though I am sure one (or more) already exists. So what do you call the pedal on the right that makes the car go? Obviously, "gas peddle" isn't correct (though if that's what you still call it, that's fine - habits are hard to break sometimes)...
  8. Kevy Baby

    How good is YOUR Climate Control - Temperature Consistency

    Okay, I spent a while scouring for some information and haven't found any threads on this. I have had a temperature regulation issue and I am trying to decide if I just need to live with it or keep pushing Tesla Service on this. It mainly seems to occur in the first 10-20 minutes of a drive. I...
  9. Kevy Baby

    New Post Ratings?

    With the updated format, I sometimes see what appears to be upvote and downvote arrows - see below. Is this something new coming or just part of the standard SW package and being culled out eventually? Just curious
  10. Kevy Baby

    Fuzzy Math?

    Apologies if this has already been covered. Why does the Purchase Price at the bottom show as $500 less than the cost of the car? Are they doing something new? The screen shot below is from the Model 3 page, but it appears to be all models.
  11. Kevy Baby

    Garage Door Opener with Battery Backup (Not Tesla Specific)

    Since this is not specific to Tesla, if this is not allowed, please remove (and accept my apologies). Due to a number of break-ins into our garage via picking of the key for the emergency release cable, I am considering getting a garage door opener with a battery backup (that would open the...
  12. Kevy Baby

    Phantom Speed Reductions

    Okay, I know this topic has to have been covered, but I am unable to locate. Point me in the right direction if it has been. I know phantom braking has been discussed ad nauseam, but what about phantom speed reductions? On my daily commute I have three specific locations where TACC max speed...
  13. Kevy Baby

    Where Do I Complain?

    A post of mine was moved to snippiness for "not being respectful." To whom can I complain for this completely unnecessary moderation? It was a post that included an obvious dose of humor and no malice, yet someone got their panties in a bunch.
  14. Kevy Baby

    A Different 2020.4.1 Update Issue

    Okay, it is early I know, but wanted to throw this out for any advice. I updated last night. This morning, no problems on my drive in to work. But when I headed out to client later in the morning, TACC and Auto Steer couldn't be engaged and the backup camera was black. I soft rebooted twice...
  15. Kevy Baby

    Okay, I'll say it...

    I don't stress over my consumption or range loss. Now, I do NOT begrudge those who monitor it meticulously - kudos to you. But from all my reading here, I've come to the conclusion that Most of the issues are just not understanding the magic of the calculations (basically, that they are just...
  16. Kevy Baby

    Plug Sharing and Cord Security

    Looking for suggestions. I am fortunate enough to have my company provide me with a NEMA 14-50 outlet to charge at work. In the 5,700 miles I've had my SR+, I have spent a grand total of $3.30 to charge since I got the car in August (and have only used 165 of my 1,000 free Supercharging miles)...
  17. Kevy Baby

    How to gain Most Favored Uncle status

    My nephews were very glad I bought this new mobile game console so they had something new to play on Thanksgiving. And kudos to the one on the left - he was surprisingly very knowledgeable about the Tesla. I am really hoping I can find something very special Tesla-related for him for Christmas.
  18. Kevy Baby

    Model 3 Scale Model Buildable Model?

    Does anyone know if there exists a plastic scale model of the Model 3 that one could build? Something like a Revell or Testors kit (though neither of those companies have one). I have a nephew who is obsessed with Tesla and he loves to build models, so I thought this would make a great Christmas...
  19. Kevy Baby

    And the conspiracy theories begin...

    Conspiracy Theory: Tesla Smashed Cybertruck Window on Purpose The above headline is a clickable link
  20. Kevy Baby

    Music Playback from USB

    Couldn't find a previous discussion - point to one if it exists. Is it just me or is the controller just this poorly executed. Overall, the playback of music from a USB drive seems to be substandard. Does not remember where you left off - each time I get in the car, I have to "start over" by...
  21. Kevy Baby

    Level 2 Charger on Sale at Costco

    Don’t know a thing about these, but saw it and wanted to share. I’m sure there will be mostly posts about how bad/wrong these are, but someone might be interested in these level 2 chargers. VersiCharge 30 amp for $400 AxFAST 16 amp for $240 They also have the JuiceBox Pro 40 amp for $550 but...
  22. Kevy Baby

    ID10T Error

    So, shortly after I got my M3, I noticed a slight shimmy in the steering wheel at various times. It seemed to be mostly when I was slowly accelerating or de-accelerating, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly when it happened. It was brief (less than a second) and never caused any driving issues. But...
  23. Kevy Baby

    Windows going down

    Had my M3 SR+ for two weeks. Last few days, I had been noticing that frequently the windows weren't all the way up. Just a little down - just enough to generate a little extra wind noise. This despite no one else getting into my car (it was always the passenger front and both back windows...
  24. Kevy Baby

    Updating without WiFi

    All I've done all sorts of searching, but I can't find a couple of details. I am unable to get WiFi service in my separated garage. I tried moving both the base and the satellite of my Orb mesh system yesterday to various places (including taking the satellite out to the garage with no luck...