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  1. henderrj

    The robotaxi "one more thing"

    Is it possible that the new roadster will be the robotaxi "one more thing"? I think it could be with the following caveat. Elon hates that all of those influencers got free roadsters, many of them multiples. He doesn't want to give the cars to them . I predict that he will announce the...
  2. henderrj

    How long between FSD computer update and download of version 12

    Since they dropped the price to 2K for those of us with navigate on auto pilot, I went ahead and took the plunge. They upgraded the computer over a week ago, still on version 11. Anyone else have experience in this? How patient do I have to be?
  3. henderrj

    The ultimate demand lever and consumer confidence booster?

    If Elon wants to have his compensation package reinstituted, perhaps he should offer this. With each car purchased he gives five shares of Tesla stock to the buyer. Limit it to the first million takers or perhaps until the model 2 is released? Clearly this would result in an increase in...
  4. henderrj

    One time charge limit setting

    In a teslarati article they say that the new software allows a one-time setting of charge limit. As we've been asking for this for many years, I was excited about it. Has anyone had a chance to try this yet? I'm on version 11.1 (2024.2.7), so maybe not applicable to me yet.
  5. henderrj

    No more free loaners, now $100 a day.

    My service appointment was coming up so I contacted the service department to see if I could get a loaner, since it would be an all-day repair and we have dropped down to just the one vehicle. Now I'm told it's $100 a day for a loaner unless it's a warranty repair, where they leave it free...
  6. henderrj

    Range extender connector contemplations

    First I think we should acknowledge that the range extender exists in nothing but a graphic created in a Tesla design studio desk. In fact, I do wonder if it was thought of in just the last few weeks before the reveal, as the range was not what they had promised. I understand they don't plan to...
  7. henderrj

    Is the delay in building the Mexican factory due to graft?

    Seems that new and previously unheard of requirements constantly pop up in Mexico. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-gigafactory-mexico-letter-of-intent/ Could it be that the Mexican officials are simply delaying in the hopes of getting paid off? It is certainly not unheard of in our Southern...
  8. henderrj

    Cost comparison at magic dock stations

    I've been watching all the people testing it, no one has compared the price between charging a non Tesla, CCS2 equipped, vehicle versus a Tesla, NACS equipped, vehicle. Is Tesla charging a premium for other vehicles to charge at the supercharger?
  9. henderrj

    AP1/MCU2 - no colorizer

    Okay, strange. I got the upgrade that says I can now change the color of the vehicle avatar. Only there is no colorizer option in either the entertainment or service sections. Do any AP1/MCU2 vehicles have access to the colorizer? Possibility - Tesla recently cut off my supercharging...
  10. henderrj

    The service app disconnect

    "we kind of use the vehicle app. So we definitely have better servicing than the rest of the industry" To Elon Musk it is an advantage to never talk to a human being. For most of the world, who have higher emotional quotants, talking to a human being is much preferred. In many cases it is...
  11. henderrj

    Tesla to have salvage title supercharging reinstatement process by the end of the year, no s or x.

    My vehicle, which has been serviced under warranty and allowed supercharging for the more than 5 years and 200,000 miles that I have owned it, has suddenly been excluded from supercharging (and warranty). I moved to a new state and apparently Tesla has decided it is a salvage vehicle. Working on...
  12. henderrj

    Is supercharging now available for rebuilt model Xs?

    I strongly considered buying a rebuilt model x, until I found out you couldn't supercharge them. With the new report from @thegreenonly, maybe the model X is also will get to supercharge? If anybody who has one could try and then let me know I'd sure appreciate it!
  13. henderrj

    MCU2 Internet "Radio" not working.

    I did not opt for the broadcast radio/FM addition to the MCU2 upgrade, as I rarely listen to the radio. I figured I could always use the online version. So the first thing I tried to listen to was a Mariners game. The 710 ESPN main station for them simply flashes between play and pause or...
  14. henderrj

    MCU2 Upgrade Horn Loss

    I don't often lean on the horn, but did have somebody cut me off in a very dangerous manner a few weeks after I had the MCU to upgrade on my model s. The horn was extremely weak, sounded like one of the two horns didn't sound at all. Check it a few times since then and is still doing the same...
  15. henderrj

    Significant price increase in model S coming? [Speculation]

    Is it possible that part of the reason no mention has been made if the changes in the refresh S is that they are going to be significant. Given that Tesla is planning to introduce a $25,000 car, and has raised the price of the 3 and Y a few times, perhaps they plan on making the S a much higher...
  16. henderrj

    Highest mileage with original battery

    I'm now north of 233 k mi on my original battery. still got somewhat less than 2 years on my battery warranty, maybe getting a little worried! What is the highest mileage on an original battery?
  17. henderrj

    Why you may see 4680s in the model S and model X very soon

    Tesla is critically backlogged on a very profitable and important product, the Tesla powerwall. It uses 18650s. Tesla does have production of 4680s occurring now. Have had for some months. The possibility exists that Tesla will accept dramatically lower production and shipment rates on the model...
  18. henderrj

    Repairing a Tesla Wall Charger?

    It only took them a week and a half to respond but Tesla repair did finally tell me that they don't repair their wall chargers - I should just buy another one. Then they opined that I should have my electrician look at it - maybe he could repair it. (that would be me.) Simply put, the unit...
  19. henderrj

    A happy Tesla is an unplugged Tesla

    For all the years I've owned my S85 I've kept it plugged in every chance I got. Now, it won't be quiet unless I leave it unplugged. Sometimes it doesn't whine, but usually it's making a noise when it's plugged in. Not sure what they did. Cost me 75 bucks to be told it is normal and it has to...
  20. henderrj

    Did we just get a new battery?

    It makes you wonder, since they don't actually say what the batteries are. The new one, Ultra long-range(?), maybe hasn't been announced yet. But I do wonder if they've got a different configuration. It especially makes sense given the model X not having a smaller battery, and the...
  21. henderrj

    2170s for the Model S soon [Speculation]

    For years I've been arguing that 2170s won't be seen in the model S or X any time soon. Now I think we're finally about to see some. I believe that at the model Y reveal (March?) we will also be introduced to the long range Model S and X. With something around 400-mile range. It will end up...
  22. henderrj

    Theory: SC V3 delay is vehicle based

    Creating a 300 kilowatt charging system is not, in and of itself, that difficult. The problem is that it has to charge something. I think the delay is based on vehicle design. The model S and X update? The pickup truck? Or, much more likely in my thoughts, the semi? I must confess that I...
  23. henderrj

    Is v9 enough of a demand Trigger to cause battery and interior update delays?

    For some time we have all discussed whether Tesla would start to use 2170 cells in the model S and X and if they will do an interior update. Even an exterior update. There seems to be pretty Universal agreement that the only reason Tesla will update either the batteries or the vehicle itself is...
  24. henderrj

    "Car may not restart" - just ignore it

    Actually she said "If the car doesn't act strange and you don't get the message again I'm sure there's nothing to it. If it shows up again let us know." This happened to us before when we were in the middle of New Mexico. Went to Salt Lake City where they gave us a nice loaner and we spent a...
  25. henderrj

    Quad semi, dual S charging

    I once opined that Tesla would use multiple connectors to charge the semi thus creating the version 3 supercharger. I'm now wondering if perhaps they'll use 4 of the current connections giving a possible maximum somewhere around 600 kilowatt. I can easily see the model S and X having two...
  26. henderrj

    An explanation to supercharging advantage for batteries.

    I was impressed myself that superchanging seems to extend, rather than reduce, battery life. Perhaps the higher heat for shorter time helps for this reason. Charged EVs | Self-healing anode eliminates dendrite buildup
  27. henderrj

    High used values results in a high perceived corporate value

    In another post I argued that we might see a 200 kilowatt-hour battery in the S partially because Tesla should want to drive the model S and X further up Market. This, of course, would keep the used values for all Tesla vehicles up, in particular the upper end cars. If I was Elon, opps, I mean...
  28. henderrj

    Overnight heater use.

    So, our son was planning on taking a trip in the car and then didn't. So it was charged 100%. Didn't want to leave it that way so I unplugged it and turned on the heater. 12 hours later we had used 43 miles of range. It was below freezing in the morning probably about 40 when I parked it. In the...
  29. henderrj

    Hello Tesla - set my cruise follow distance to 4

    Listening to all the whining from reviewers about how you can't control as much with buttons in the model 3, it made me realize how simple it would be to do almost everything with voice. And again, why couldn't Tesla do that with any of their vehicles? Anything that can be set by computer can be...
  30. henderrj

    200 kWh pack for S & X considering new Roadster

    For a mere quarter of a million you can, in 2020, have a 200 kWh battery pack - in the new Roadster. For about a year I've been saying we won't see 2170's in the S/X until late 2018 or even 2019. I know you are waiting with bated breath ;) but here's my prediction. Tesla will offer a 200 kWh...
  31. henderrj

    New trailer based battery swap

    I wonder if this is more about using the ranger service to swap batteries then it is about fast charge replacement. Tesla is working on a new mobile battery-swap technology to deploy out of a trailer
  32. henderrj

    Tesla Semi Battery and Charging configuration

    Having had some success in these forums as a prognosticator thought I'd slide out a bit further on the limb. I believe the Tesla Semi will have multiple passenger vehicle battery packs - probably model 3 packs and certainly a minimum of four of them. Eight seems more likely. But they will be...
  33. henderrj

    A Major Oversight in the Boring Equation

    Capacity does not equal speed times size. On any 12 foot New York sidewalk at least a dozen people pass every second. That's a capacity of 43,200 per hour. Even at an S or sled every 4 seconds, assuming 4 persons per vehicle, the project capacity of a Boring tunnel is only 1 person per...
  34. henderrj

    A perfectly boring trip to the service center

    Angie and the entire crew at the Seattle service center did what they're supposed to do - make my visit boring. Fast, I was in and out in 10 minutes when I dropped it off (and drove away is signature red vin number 378, beautiful car). The next day they called me and had done everything: the...
  35. henderrj

    We Need a One Time "Trip Charge" button.

    Okay, icon, but maybe you see where I'm coming from: Once or twice a week I have to make a trip that I can't do with an 80% charge. So I set the charge limit to 100% a few hours before I leave. The next day (or two!) - I realize I forgot to return the setting to 80%. Our lowly Soul EV...
  36. henderrj

    Rear door handle failure - attempted theft?

    I was in Boise visiting my aunt and went to the supercharger (no at home charging) and decided to wash the windows. That's when I noticed the rear door handle wasn't presenting. Oh great, no warranty. Went to the other side and - ah! same symptoms at the other rear door handle. It was...
  37. henderrj

    Should I pursue this charging method patent?

    Like many early adopters here I started an ICE conversion project back in the eighties. Out of that came an idea for connecting for charging as a part of parking. No cable to plug in, but a direct connection. Did nothing with it until I read my first article on the Roadster. For the last 7+...
  38. henderrj

    Tesla batteries designed last to 10 years

    In this video Jeff Dahn says that Tesla batteries are expected to last 10 years and he hopes to get them to 20. Interesting. Tesla battery research partner working on longevity breakthrough says work is going into the company’s products
  39. henderrj

    Why Model S/X will not see 2170 cells any time soon.

    Why I think the Model S and X will not see 2170 cells for 18 months or more. Why change what works? 100 kWh is, almost always, enough. It may be difficult to engineer a battery pack that fits the current design with the 2170’s. Why go to the great effort to redesign for the...
  40. henderrj

    More free supercharging for cars sold after January?

    The announcement that certain businesses are paying for supercharging electricity costs brings up an interesting question. Is it possible that charging will be free there for anyone with a Tesla? Even if they order it after January? Tesla is increasingly able to make businesses pay for the...
  41. henderrj

    A way Tesla could convert preorders to cash

    A boatload of people have, in effect, added the combined equivalent of more than a million shares of Tesla stock with Model 3 preorders. To meet the demand Tesla seems poised to offer actual additional shares. But there may be another way for the Stanford poster child to raise these needed...
  42. henderrj

    A way Tesla could convert preorders to cash

    A boatload of people have, in effect, added the combined equivalent of more than a million shares of Tesla stock with Model 3 preorders. To meet the demand Tesla seems poised to offer actual additional shares. But there may be another way for the Stanford poster child to raise these needed...
  43. henderrj

    Generating Model S sales through Model 3 Reservations

    Given that many people, who could afford to do so, do not buy a Model S due to a visceral rejection of any display of luxury, and given that they will be enticed to order a Model 3, could a large portion of these people be lured into a temporary purchase of a Model S while waiting for the 3 to...
  44. henderrj

    Tesla Connects South, North China with Charging Stations

    Will this change the perception of Tesla in China as it did in the US? I think this is huge news. Tesla Connects South, North China with Charging Stations
  45. henderrj

    Model X giveaway sleight of hand?

    Point one – I am an indefatigable Tesla aficionado. Point two – I think perhaps Tesla pulled off an illusion that would have made David Copperfield proud. When the credit program was first announced I was somewhat taken aback. And, as much as we all want to see Bjorn get his Model X, was...
  46. henderrj

    Better than the Snake?

    Some time ago in these forums I posed a question concerning the desirability of direct connect charging that was integral with parking. This was long before Elon surprised his engineers with the proposition for the “sort of metallic snake” that they have now presented in early form to him. But...
  47. henderrj

    Charging should be integral with parking

    Back in the eighties, like many of us, I looked into converting a car (RX-2) to electric. Let's grant that the proposal was untenable at the time. But as part of the effort I came up with the Power Docking Port concept. I've developed it out significantly since the introduction of the...