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  1. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It could be a bug that only arises outside of a controlled testing environment. I remember early in the FSD Beta testing days, the Autopilot team was testing builds on vehicles that did not use Sentry Mode or Summon Standby, and being woken from those modes led to false FCW and AEB events...
  2. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    Looks like FSD in China is imminent. But they're back to the "FSD Beta" language instead of "FSD Supervised" for the new country: https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/2041/tesla-prepares-to-launch-fsd-beta-testing-in-china
  3. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Your English is fine, that's not the issue. You decided to ignore my post where I said it's unlikely that FSD doesn't use some form of convolution for processing speed and that Elon was being deliberately obtuse to LeCun. This argument was probably not worth continuing past that point.
  4. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Yes, those of us who are discussing the merits of labeling every neural network that involves some sort of image processing a CNN are "simps." And the guy that imagined a "spanking" and a "mic drop" is one of the learned ones. /s
  5. willow_hiller

    Tesla BEV Competition Developments

    Glad you agree with me that the chart title "EV Sales Surge Ahead for Most Automakers in US" is misleading.
  6. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Autobidder is genuinely an odd thing to include in that list. It exists, it works, and it seems to be a major selling point for Tesla's commercial energy offerings like Megapack: https://www.tesla.com/support/energy/tesla-software/autobidder Even Fred hailed it as a success: Tesla's...
  7. willow_hiller

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Someone recently dug up a chart I made in the "What other tech stock to consider?" thread in March 2022. I was looking for tech stocks with low correlations with TSLA for the purpose of diversifying my portfolio, and I had found that at that point in Nvidia had the highest beta with TSLA. The...
  8. willow_hiller

    Tesla BEV Competition Developments

    You know a percentage metric is useless when it ranks Toyota second in EV growth. They seem to be actively fighting the transition to EV Toyota, Japanese rivals promise more efficient next-gen ICE engines amid the shift to EVs
  9. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes. Somewhat more than a rumor; it's something Ed Ludlow has reported on seeing:
  10. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Given Elon's arguing with LeCun, I think he means they're not using a traditionally conceived CNN architecture with convolution layer, pooling layer, and fully connected layers. LeCun is trying to argue that all possible transformations of visual information attached to a neural network are...
  11. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Tesla did make extensive use of CNNs for Autopilot and many FSD functions up until V11, but V12 could be using a completely different architecture. Tesla's been using HydraNet in regular Autopilot for years now. Here's a 2021 blog about it: Tesla's HydraNet - How Tesla's Autopilot Works Elon...
  12. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That's the architecture of the occupancy network, which Tesla is not using anymore as of V12.
  13. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    The full thread is just a pissing contest. But that doesn't mean it's a "spanking" or a "slamming" or whatever other gerund the Verge or Jalopnik will inevitably pick when cobbling together an entire article about a few tweets tomorrow. Elon is obviously just saying things to egg LeCun on. Yes...
  14. willow_hiller

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That sounds less like a "spanking" than it does Yann LeCun asking a question about FSD's internal architecture. We don't know if it uses CNN "much" and neither does Yann LeCun.
  15. willow_hiller

    ALL CyberTruck discussion

    Mirror polished Cybertruck. Absolutely stunning:
  16. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It could be a real video of the screen, but what the screen is displaying could be fake. I'm not sure if it's possible to get a full-full screen web browser, but I know that it's possible to get a full-screen YouTube video, and we know this guy has a YouTube account. So he could: 1. Find a...
  17. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He actually seems to have an X account (Googled the YouTube username), and his interactions there are a bit weird. First, when being accused of faking it, his first response is "How do you know?" instead of something like "I'm an employee, it's real." And then he seems to say the nag is...
  18. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    He actually seems to have a Twitter account (Googled the YouTube username), and his interactions there are a bit weird. First, when being accused of faking it, his first response is "How do you know?" instead of something like "I'm an employee, it's real." And then he seems to say the nag is...
  19. willow_hiller

    AP/FSD related crashes

    I don't think it's malicious or incompetent, but rather a strategic decision to run news that will attract the most clicks. In the case of MSN, it's most likely someone prompted an LLM with something like "Based on this dataset of clicks per headline, write an article that will maximize clicks."...
  20. willow_hiller

    AP/FSD related crashes

    That article is actually a really interesting example of the confluence of media bias against Tesla and AI generated content. Here's how the article you linked describes the accident. Note how it says "this May" implying it happened in May 2024: "Renowned actor Brad Pitt was involved in a...
  21. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I got the opposite impression, at least from the first few minutes I've watched. The warning "Please pay attention to the road" pops up at 1:05 and again at 1:53, but it goes away without him touching the steering wheel.
  22. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Supposed 12.4 leak from an employee:
  23. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    From the first few minutes I've watched there is some evidence that it might be real (beyond the software screen). At 1:05 and again at 1:53, the warning message "Please pay attention to the road" comes up. If I recall correctly, on 12.3 and below the warning is typically accompanied by an icon...
  24. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I haven't read the full book, but based on the fact that the next chapter on the next page is about xAI, I would guess it's about one of the engineers that works on that project. Sounds like Isaacson has you hooked. I guess you'll have to read the book to find out for sure.
  25. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Walter Isaacson has posted an excerpt from his book with some very interesting details about the history of FSD V12 that I hadn't seen anywhere else. In particular, the fact that V12 was almost didn't happen because of Elon's Twitter acquisition, and that Tesla has been using the Buffalo NY data...
  26. willow_hiller

    CyberCab / Tesla Robotaxi Discussion

    Walter Isaacson posted an excerpt from his book that contained some interesting details I had not read elsewhere. I have OCR'd it for you all so you can read it too without squinting at book screenshots:
  27. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    AI has been a part of achieving the company's mission since 2016. There's an entire section on autonomy in the Master Plan Part 2: https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-deux It's more sustainable to have one shared electric vehicle that can drive 24/7 than it is to have a dozen that sit...
  28. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    They're from the UNECE, so they make regulations that affect Europe. They're meeting in Michigan today; presumably because many of the driver-assistance technologies they're demoing only work in the US due to their regulations...
  29. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    It might not be large enough of a downtrend to be statistically significant. But if it is, I would guess the cause is actually good drivers choosing to use Autopilot more often. If good drivers have been chosing to use Autopilot more often, the cohort of drivers that constitute the miles driven...
  30. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's the same definition as all other L2 hands-free systems. Some attempt to observe the eyes through sunglasses, but none are guaranteed to work with them.
  31. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Under certain circumstances, yes: 2024.9.5 (FSD 12.4) Official Tesla Release Notes - Software Updates
  32. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Worth noting that Tesla is included in the "Hands-free driving technology" ride-and-drive for regulators today. Either Tesla has a hands-free build of 12.3, or they're demoing 12.4 to regulators:
  33. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    Elon's companies have time and time again done what others have said is downright impossible. The first step to doing something impossible is deciding to try it. Has he had major failures and setbacks? Absolutely. But just because they failed doesn't mean the attempt was deceitful.
  34. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Correct. It takes 30 seconds to read the methodology on the report page, and that FUD still abounds:
  35. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    You could argue that Elon deludes himself with overly optimistic targets. But you have no evidence that he didn't believe in the forecasts and projections he was making. You're forgetting that Tesla isn't just one man. He doesn't do all the jobs himself; there would need to be internal comms...
  36. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    You can, however, compare Autopilot to Autopilot over time to show that it's getting safer, while other category crash rates have remained constant: From one crash every 3.35 million miles in Q3 2018 to one every 7.63 million miles in Q1 2024. More than twice as safe as when they first...
  37. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    I don't think it's deceiving at all. Elon has frequently talked about demand being "quasi-infinite" and so we know he's talking about the slope of the demand curve. He knows that as price decreases, quantity demanded will increase far faster than supply can keep up. The media you consume has...
  38. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    Price is not a function of demand alone. It's a function of both supply and demand, which are sloped curves with respect to price and quantity. Increasing the supply, like Tesla was doing as Berlin and Austin came online, will always reduce equilibrium price. It's really basic economics: And...
  39. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    Elon has set ambitious targets that he's failed to meet before (see Solar Roof, numerous autonomy milestones, etc.), but I find that more often it's other people lying about or distorting things Elon has said, rather than the other way around. Do you have any evidence of Elon saying something...
  40. willow_hiller

    AP/FSD related crashes

    He said 61-63 MPH in a previous response: It is hard to imagine someone with the authority to set speed limits deciding that 55 MPH is appropriate for that road.
  41. willow_hiller

    AP/FSD related crashes

    The real questions to me would be: 1. Does FSD make drivers more or less attentive than they would be without it? 2. Is an inattentive driver driving manually more or less likely than an inattentive driver on FSD to cause a collision? I know automation complacency is a well studied phenomenon...
  42. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    I put more faith in a vague reply than poorly documented data. I made a couple of posts about it on the main investor thread, you can see my thoughts on the modeling that likely went into the Yipit data here: Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable tl;dr is that...
  43. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Not necessarily. Humanoid robots that use AI for understanding and navigating the world don't pose any more of a risk than FSD using cameras to navigate a road. And Tesla is already on a track for both of those products to use AI in a responsible way. But if Elon doesn't have a good grip on the...
  44. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    You're taking that out of context. Elon does not want to contribute to products that can constitute an "existential AI risk" at Tesla without more control. None of Tesla's current products pose that risk, so the compensation package doesn't affect Elon's ability to deliver on FSD. And I agree...
  45. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I get the sentiment of the meme, but "Only in lighting" is misleading. For anyone with a car built after 2021, they have the infrared lights which should allow the system to work in any lighting conditions. For the rest of us, the light from the center screen is usually sufficient for the...
  46. willow_hiller

    FSD discussion

    There are some small, but significant changes to the ways in which those two features will work in 12.4. On the vision-based attention monitoring, you no longer need to be holding the steering wheel as long as: the camera is not occluded there is sufficient lighting the driver is looking...
  47. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's an unfortunate but probably necessary requirement as long as FSD is L2 supervised. When the idea of removing the wheel-torque attention sensor for the cabin camera was first mentioned, Reddit was flooded with comments like "Sweet. I'll just wear dark sunglasses and take a nap." FSD is...
  48. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Sounds like it, yes. Also small change to the strike-out system, with them automatically expiring after a week:
  49. willow_hiller

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    There are details in the linked article: "the camera is not occluded, there is sufficient cabin illumination, and the driver is looking forward at the road ahead and not wearing sunglasses, a hat with a low brim, or other objects covering the eyes"
  50. willow_hiller

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    FSD Supervised V12.4 is officially hands-free (given the camera is not occluded, there is sufficient cabin illumination, and the driver is looking forward at the road ahead and not wearing sunglasses, a hat with a low brim, or other objects covering the eyes):