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  1. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Imagine that... Something is clearly 'not being communicated' here... Andrii Plakhotniuk, Ukraine's ambassador to Sweden, said that Ukraine still wants the JAS-39 Gripen fighter jet, despite calls from countries in the air defense coalition to focus on the F-16 program. [My underline.] "Yes...
  2. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: Seems like military aid has now really reached the front lines. "The HIMARS crews are just astonished by the number of missiles that have arrived in Ukraine, saying they have never seen so many." x.com/NOELreports/status/1796246872232690007
  3. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Don't really know what to make of this... Seriously Disappointing regardless. ...] "We have been urged by the other countries in the [fighter] coalition to wait with the Gripen system," [Swedish Defense Minister Pål] Jonson told TT in Brussels [TT is a Swedish news agency], adding: "This has to...
  4. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Unfortunately though – at least 16 Ukrainians were killed and 44 more injured in that strike. Eight more people were considered missing as of some time yesterday. https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/05/26/update-kharkiv-hypermarket-death-toll-rises-to-16-among-them-a-child/?swcfpc=1
  5. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Don't remember if this has been posted already... Allegedly: Now confirmed, Ukrainian Air Force fighters have been modified to carry US-supplied GBU-39 SDB precision guided glide bombs This Fulcrum appears to be fitted with a pair of BRU-61 Carriage Systems, allowing it to carry up to *8*...
  6. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Don't think I can embed this tweet due to forum rules, but you can copy/paste the link below to get to the tweet. Might be Is probably NSFW... Allegedly: ...] Absolutely hilarious comment on North Korea shells by a Russian soldier The shells cause destruction among the Russian artillery units...
  7. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    From Trent Telenko on X. Allegedly: I've seen a lot of accounts touting this Bain and Company consulting report Sky News is publicizing about Russians beating the West 3-to-1 shell production. I don't buy it because the text shows a lot of typical consulting tricks (See text [below]) ...
  8. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Paywalled: NATO’s boss wants to free Ukraine to strike hard inside Russia Jens Stoltenberg says the rules on using Western weapons should be eased May 24th 2024 Nato secretaries-general do not normally attack the policies of the alliance’s biggest and most important member country. But Jens...
  9. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: 1/5 Finally, the aftermath of the Ukrainian UAV strike on the Kushchyovskaya air base in Krasnodar Oblast, as seen in a HR @planet image from May 23rd. 1 Su-27 is destroyed. 1 Su-34 is also heavily damaged. The Su-30 near the destroyed Su-27 might be damaged as well...
  10. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kuleba has written about this on X: " Why are Russian "sources" suddenly telling the media that Putin is willing to halt the war at the current battle lines? It’s simple. Putin is desperately trying to derail the Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15–16. He is...
  11. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: The 110th Mechanized Brigade reports that yesterday and today, in total two Su-25 fighter jets were shot down. In recent weeks, 6 Su-fighters were claimed to be shot down by Ukrainian forces. [My u.] x.com/NOELreports/status/1793700898239283519
  12. SwedishAdvocate

    Climate Change Denial

    Unfortunately though, in reality, there is no such thing as "Karma".
  13. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    UK defence minister says intelligence has evidence of Chinese lethal aid to Russia By Reuters May 22, 202411:27 AM GMT+2 · Updated 13 hours ago LONDON, May 22 (Reuters) - British defence minister Grant Shapps accused China on Wednesday of providing or preparing to provide Russia with lethal aid...
  14. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    MOSCOW/COPENHAGEN, May 22 (Reuters) - A Russian defence ministry proposal to revise Russia's maritime border in the eastern Baltic Sea was deleted on Wednesday from an official portal after creating confusion and concern among NATO members such as Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and Estonia. [My u.]...
  15. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    May 22, 2024 12:32 PM The Swedish government has agreed to create a support framework for Ukraine, which would allocate 75 billion Swedish krona ($7 billion) in military support from 2024 to 2026, the Swedish government said on May 22. With this proposal, Stockholm's civilian and military aid...
  16. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    A 9-part long thread makes the claim that the Russian Dictator's so called 'internal security forces' are short of ~152,000 minions. The thread doesn't however say what the current total of minions in the so called 'internal security forces' are (There's an 'unscroll' or whatever they're called...
  17. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    UKR has allegedly sunk one more ship in the Russian Dictator's Black Sea fleet. This time a 219 ft long corvette. Russian channels report that today an ATACMS missile attack was reportedly carried out on Project 22800 Karakurt class “Tsiklon” in the port of Sevastopol. As a result of the...
  18. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    How many F-16s does Ukraine need? To achieve air parity with Russia, Kyiv requires 120-130 modern aircraft, stated Zelenskyy. Russia is using about 300 jets against Ukraine, comprising both domestically produced and Soviet-era models. x.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1791846255347249196
  19. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Paywalled. As I understand it, the article is about some new(?) form of electronic warfare aimed at the Starlink system used by Ukraine in the Kharkiv region right before the Russian Dictator's minions attacked in that region again recently. Allegedly...
  20. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I agree with everything except for the first underlined part. How is this not about politics?... There's this rather famous quote by some von Clausewitz dude: “war is a continuation of politics by other means”. https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/articles/grand-strategy-clausewitz/ Or we can...
  21. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This seems really significant. If true, and if it can be sustained, then the Russian Dictator will hopefully have a much harder time going forward. ...] For the first time since the launch of Russia's full-scale invasion, no Ukrainian brigades have reported a lack of artillery shells, President...
  22. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Do we know how much time elapsed between the first drone strike and the one that's visible in the video? Do we know that it's reasonable to assume that fire fighters and repair efforts were ongoing at the time of the filmed drone strike? And if UKR only sends one drone – then how will they know...
  23. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Two of the Russian Dictator's Mig-31K Cruise Missile Carriers have allegedly been promoted to scrap. Satellite images show the results of the ATACMS attack on Belbek Air Base in occupied Crimea. Two Mig-31K and an ammuniton warehouse destroyed. twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1791187282612887719
  24. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Russian Forces Abduct and Execute Ukrainian Civilians in Vovchansk Amid Evacuations MAY 16, 2024 13:36 In the northern part of Vovchansk, currently an active combat zone, Russian military personnel are taking civilians captive, according to Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko...
  25. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Haven't watched that vid. But that channel seem to have had quite the 'mixed' record previously... Today according to the DeepStateMap there is no movement on the Kharkiv front. There is unfortunately though movement in the Vovchansk direction. https://deepstatemap.live/en#11/50.2847/36.6682
  26. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    There appear to be 'quite some questions' about the source behind that article... BROSINT running around screaming how all is lost based on a post from a guy, who's identity both our journos & soldiers can't confirm for like 2 years. Here is translated example As has been stated before...
  27. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    On Swedish Public Service Radio (I think) someone commented that the UKR defense lines are set at some distance from the border. They're also set in relatively straight lines. The border isn't straight. And it's apparently not advantageous to defend points of the border that can be attacked from...
  28. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    One of the most impressive Rapid Unscheduled Dissassemblies of a Russian Dictator-tank this far?... twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1789645193773252961
  29. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The Georgians continue doing what the Russians seemingly are utterly incapable of... Incredible pictures coming from Tbilisi. This is the Europe Square. twitter.com/Tendar/status/1789376927632921022
  30. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    "large areas"? Really?... Gee... I wonder if there possibly could have been a reason why the US had the decency to get involved... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Slobodan_Milo%C5%A1evi%C4%87 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Ratko_Mladi%C4%87...
  31. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The "Serbian war"?... It was not some kind of Serbian civil war... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Wars
  32. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Surprised based on what? You travelled the Czech Republic and Slovakia(!) – not one of the countries the Russian Dictator currently terrorizes – and this time I'm referring to the country that's currently called "Russia".
  33. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    More on the Russian Dictator's glide bombing of Belgorod. Allegedly: The reason people aren’t seeing a projectile or bomb on this video is not because it is a “false flag demolition” The camera looking at the south-western side of the building and the explosion was likely caused by a failed...
  34. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The Russian Dictator and his minions have dropped one of their glide bombs on a multi story apartment building in Belgorod. As usual the Russian Dictator and his minions are blaming Ukraine. Could it be a False Flag like when the Russian Dictator most likely blew up those apartment buildings...
  35. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Haven't watched that video, but FYI: "𝗞𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗟𝟭𝟯 The first professional Internet TV of Azerbaijan - 2008" Source: https://www.youtube.com/@Kanal13AZ And Azerbaijan get's the Super Fantastic score of 7/100 from Freedom House(!)... https://freedomhouse.org/country/azerbaijan/freedom-world/2024 So...
  36. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    11.05.2024 11:17 The Security Service of Ukraine prevented terrorist attacks planned by the Russian GRU for May 9 in Kyiv. [My u.] This was reported to Ukrinform by the Security Service of Ukraine spokesman Artem Dekhtiarenko. “The SBU was proactive, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack...
  37. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    ...] if the roads were bad around Ivanovo and Moscow in Muscovy which is currently controlled by the Muscovian Dictator [... There. FTFY.
  38. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Why do I get the feeling that the road between Moscow and illegally occupied Crimea in Ukraine most likely is the best paved of all in the territory that the Russian Dictator currently controls... [/sarcasm].
  39. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    BREAKING: Russian opposition leader and Washington Post columnist Vladimir Kara-Murza, wins Pulitzer Prize. A valuable recognition of his bravery and a big help in keeping the spotlight on his unjust 25 year sentence for calling Putin a murderer. twitter.com/Billbrowder/status/1787563492863783137
  40. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    A random post on X?... Allegedly: I met a guy in Canada who was from Romania in 2018. He laughed at how Americans apparently did not know that lies and propaganda were Russia's "largest export" as he called it. He said Romanians were so used to it they were all shocked at how gullible Americans...
  41. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: A week after German defense company Rheinmetall's Director had his home burned, they announce shipment of 100km range artillery shells to Ukraine. Now, THAT'S how you deal with Russians. twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1787168633300431311
  42. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    And now the Russian Dictator's 'Turtle Tank' has a Cope Cage... (The bottom tweet. Don't know how to isolate it...) twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1787160680036000012
  43. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: Mothers in hospitals in temporarily occupied Luhansk region are facing threats of having their newborns taken away unless either parent has Russian citizenship. According to ISW, these actions violate Article II(d) of the Genocide Convention...
  44. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Is there any other coverage on this than the Eurasian Times?... I'm just a layman on this – but these AI controlled fighters – do they have a tele linc to the aircraft they're fighting that provides them with all of their opponent's flight data in real time? This article from AP doesn't say...
  45. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: Russians forced a man from the occupied territories to join their SMO. Consequently, he shot six Russians and escaped. twitter.com/TinuFella/status/1786812228051894449
  46. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Allegedly: Reaper drones move to the top of Ukraine’s wish list [...] BY: PAUL MCLEARY, LEE HUDSON | 05/03/2024 05: PM EDT [...] Since the early days of the war, the Reaper has been a priority for Kyiv as it sought to use them for strike and surveillance missions. But recently, Ukraine has...
  47. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Guessing the Russian Dictator and his minions have ways to extort them to return by using their family members... But sure... If they don't have any family members they care about – then a Ukrainian POV camp or one of the Russian legions fighting on the same side as the Ukrainians would of...
  48. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Guessing it's pretty similar to whatever made them sign up for the meat grinder in the first place...
  49. SwedishAdvocate

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    And the main takeaway here is this: "Weapons supplied by Britain to Ukraine can be used to strike inside Russia, David Cameron has said" So now it's probably only a matter of when until some Storm Shadows will be paying The Dictator's Russia a visit... Hopefully Macron and France follows...