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  1. jakimo

    How to gracefully disengage FSD

    I wanted to chime in with something I've kind of learned to do, with MUCH joy.. so now-a-days when I want to disengage FSD I just follow along! I'll steer as I would steer very gently, as the FSD makes it's moves.. within a few seconds my decisions won't agree precisely with the FSD decisions...
  2. jakimo

    Sending in-progress iPhone navigation to Tesla

    I'm not certain if Apple or Google even provides a way to see what Navigation has been set to after it's begun. Both of these apps don't have a way to share the destination to another app, that I can see, after the drive has begun..
  3. jakimo

    Does FSD apply brake when stopped?

    I've wondered the same thing.. and the 'hold' is so strong, I'm not even sure why a parking brake is needful!
  4. jakimo

    Sending in-progress iPhone navigation to Tesla

    Most of us know how to (only before starting a navigation) send destination to the Tesla app with an iPhone. I'm wondering if anyone has come across a shortcut that can extract the destination from an already in-progress navigation (whether Apple Maps or Google Maps) to the Tesla app?
  5. jakimo

    Does the highland LR have the option of acceleration boost?

    Hm.. I was thinking along these lines as well I'd gladly pay the $2k, but there's no way I'd want a Performance (main detractor: wheels and tires, lowered suspension) Where oh where are the sleeper models these days?
  6. jakimo

    Free FSD for 1 Month

    I'm quite pleased on the free trial! So I only subscribe 30 days at a time, when a good update comes I try again just to have fun with FSDb.. I happen to be on a current 'subscribed' cycle, so I thought I may lose out on the free trial since I'm already in-the-loop. Turns out, I got the trial...
  7. jakimo

    First V12 drive this morning. 20 mile commute, no overrides! (first time for me)

    It's funny to see that all these posts about where posts should go. It's off-topic! Let's make a new thread about complaints of posts that are off-topic, and move them all there =)
  8. jakimo

    FSD Beta 12.3 GA

    I'm finding that 12.3 with auto-speed control is very 'teachable'.. when it's a bit slow for me, I push on the energy pedal to bring it up then let go.. and the Tesla seems to get the hint and maintains the faster speed I encouraged by doing some of my own acceleration
  9. jakimo

    First V12 drive this morning. 20 mile commute, no overrides! (first time for me)

    Similar experience here. My big check is my wife's reaction. She has always despised FSDb up until this release It's certainly a game changer, and I'm pleasantly surprised. First drives that my wife actually trusts
  10. jakimo

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I'm curious, have you tried FSDb 12.3 with Auto-speed correct turned on? I've never been more impressed with the level of improvement, smoothness, and reliability compared to any other update I thought I'd miss the TACC, and I realized after updating maybe four days ago.. that it was primarily...
  11. jakimo

    FSD Beta 12.3 GA

    I think the Auto Speed Correct option (off by default) is AMAZING. This is certainly the best update on FSDb that I've seen, by far. Looking forward to the upcoming advanced Summon and Banish! =) I hope the 85 mph limit gets lifted at some point..
  12. jakimo

    FSD Beta 12.3 GA

    I'm shocked.. 12.3 FSDb is stunning for me. I've had four drives, engaging ON for auto-speed correct. First two were flawless and VERY different, the last two were with my wife. She HATES FSD of every kind, and she was in shock as well. She thought it was EXCELLENT, except for one single...
  13. jakimo

    Increased radio/audio bugs...

    I've experienced this both with built-in Apple Music and BT connected phone audio Restarting the computer didn't help.. but last night I ran another update. Hopefully it doesn't skip or pause on me again
  14. jakimo

    Fixing Maps

    One work-around I suppose could work, a method of sharing from Apple Maps or Google Maps (etc) the actual turn by turn instructions from those apps to Tesla's software.. instead of just the destination Apple Maps for example is always more accurate, and Google Maps can send nice EV-friendly...
  15. jakimo

    FSD 12.1 computer requirement

    Go to Software in your Tesla menu, then Addtional information - you'll see it there
  16. jakimo

    How does autopilot know if I look down?

    Ironic, isn't it tho? I usually use FSD for a few seconds when on a safe or easy road because I want a few seconds to do something else besides pay attention. I believe FSD is a safety feature for me for those moments; as it's better to look away from the road for 2-4 seconds with it on than...
  17. jakimo

    TeslaFi and the new API

    When I first did this, it said my car was parked about a mile away from me. I figured it would correct itself and figure things out after a first drive.. and it did Working well now
  18. jakimo

    How does autopilot know if I look down?

    There are two great mounts to hold your phone to the upper right or upper left of your center screen. Easy to access and see, not in the way or anything to fumble with The Tesla doesn't consider this taking eyes off the road, because it's in the very bottom of your line of sight! So it's...
  19. jakimo

    Will FSD 12 Pull Over If You Fall Asleep?

    Sure, send FSD 12 to my ride baby! Anyone hear if it's going to land soon to the ordinary Tesla early beta test crew? PS - I heard about Tesla pulling over cars many years ago, was this once a function in the past?
  20. jakimo

    Model 3 Highland live now

    I got used to the yoke on a loaner Model X after a few days; it was fine, really. I think I still prefer the wheel, as I enjoy coming out of a turn and letting the wheel slip through my fingers. However, I'm glad that the wheel is the standard again So, the idea of not having the stalk levers...
  21. jakimo

    Using an App without losing view of Navigation

    I prefer to mount my phone just past the top left of the Tesla display; the navigation is much better with Apple Maps or Google Maps. AND the eye-tracking does not bother you when looking in this area I'll set both for the same destination, but I'm not nearly as dependent on the Tesla...
  22. jakimo

    Any recent rumors on Biohazard upgrade?

    The Biohazard upgrade kit is finally available for the Model Y - https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/retro-fitting-hepa-filter-in-model-y.236568/page-28
  23. jakimo

    TACC Activation

    I hope Tesla decides to add an option to 'revert to TACC' when steering breaks the Tesla FSD, as it does with the traditional double-down activation. There are roads in my area that I have to have the Tesla control my top speed for the sake of avoiding tickets! So for now, no single-down...
  24. jakimo

    Vendor Yōjin - Sync your Tesla's Navigation Destination to Waze on your iPhone

    Do you intend to allow other apps? I use Apple Maps primarily, Google Maps sometimes, and I removed Waze getting sick of ads..
  25. jakimo

    5 years worth of subscription = buying it

    This is the comment that blows me away. I've had two so far, and there has never been a need to be a FSD owner. Why? The use cases are different for different folks! My case isn't the same as another, and to declare that people don't research.. is SO FAR from true. For my usage, I know exactly...
  26. jakimo

    5 years worth of subscription = buying it

    andyzdeman, your comment is the only one I disagree with Just about every other post is on point! Turn it on when you want to, save a ton of money and have the cake.. and trade up to better tech while saving money.. that's my own take anyhow! =)
  27. jakimo

    Anyone else getting this recently - "An unexpected error occurred, please try again"

    This happens to me when I log-in to my home Wi-fi, much more often. My own work-around has been to leave it off my Wi-fi (forget password), unless I need to download a map or OS update
  28. jakimo

    Glowing Climate icon

    Done, just posted =)
  29. jakimo

    Glowing Climate icon

    I'm noticing the glow again! Does anyone here have leads into Tesla on the inside, to ask the developers? I'd love to actually get to the bottom of this, and what it indicates
  30. jakimo

    Do you use Pin On Drive?

    I think it would be pretty cool if instead of a PIN, Tesla would use Face ID or a fingerprint on your mobile to authenticate you before driving
  31. jakimo

    FSD 11.4.4 - stalling in the middle of a turn

    I noticed this, and just had to share a potential nightmare that happened to me yesterday. Two-way one lane road, engaged FSD and IMMEDIATELY the Tesla swerved hard RIGHT INTO an oncoming truck AT THE MOMENT it was coming up. I sent audio feedback, but I should have captured the video to share...
  32. jakimo

    Model 3 Highland live now

    Which country?
  33. jakimo

    Smart summon accident and liability

    Right now it's amusing, it's not meant to be trusted.. and Tesla makes that very clear One day, maybe we'll dismiss our cars in the Bronx and it'll find a nice spot for parking on its own.. and summon back in the morning to pick you up safely.. but today is not that day
  34. jakimo

    Eye Blinks and Yawns

    I also read that it's Elon's desire to ease off the torque-resistance wheel nag. It was a response to someone's tweet So perhaps the face monitoring is increasing and the resting hand sensor would be decreasing
  35. jakimo

    Paint quality of Midnight Cherry Red and Quicksilver

    Hm, that does make sense. I sure hope the Abyss Blue Multicoat comes around as well.. thanks for the reminder PS - here in Colorado, my first Tesla that didn't have any clear bra and chipped often and quite easily. I think my original post was regarding some of my frustration at how thin I found...
  36. jakimo

    Paint quality of Midnight Cherry Red and Quicksilver

    Ah.. yep, the Model X the Tesla rep took me to must have been the new red for the S/X - the Ultra. I'm quite curious about the paint quality, rather, on the two Germany developed colors.. which have not quite arrived yet. Thanks for the clarification.. I've searched high and low for any...
  37. jakimo

    Paint quality of Midnight Cherry Red and Quicksilver

    They are here on some Teslas, I took photos of this one in Colorado Springs. I drive a Model Y, this however is a Model X unit (the only one on the ground)
  38. jakimo

    Paint quality of Midnight Cherry Red and Quicksilver

    When the two new colors were announced, it seemed implied that the Germany-produced colors were quite different. More than just color! Does anyone know if these two colors are of a different quality than the usual paints of the last few years?
  39. jakimo

    Elon Musk and others urge AI pause, citing 'risks to society'

    This guy’s channel has been phenomenal This video is of him dissecting why some of the smartest men on the planet agree that AI development should be paused and considered Pandora’s box, baby! Worth considering..
  40. jakimo

    Tesla App sucks!

    Did you send your feedback to Tesla? PS - I also use Tessie, not a bad augment to the app experience
  41. jakimo

    Tesla App Using Apple Maps?

    It's likely always been a Map API call for the app, just as nearly every other app that shows maps. It's easy and built-in.. As far as Tesla's maps, they are literally the worst of any available out there. I hope the team up with SOMEONE for better street maps AND topography. The 'satellite...
  42. jakimo

    Why isn't Summon in the app any longer?

    My Summon via the app on the latest FSDb still exists but has really acted poorly. I don't even use it for fun anymore in empty lots, as the Tesla Y seems to always choose the worst possible paths I do move it back and forth sometimes, to get in and out or adjust for too much space after parking...
  43. jakimo

    2022.40.4.1 am I screwed out of FSD beta?

    Same happened to me. My Tesla dealership told me there's nothing they can do, and all I need to do is opt back in to FSD beta and I should have it the next morning because now 'it's available for everyone' Nope. We've just got to wait for the update that enabled FSD beta access for 'anyone'.
  44. jakimo

    Faster the charge, the more damage?

    A colleague went to SEMA, and he was told the super-fast battery charger for the Cobra deteriorates the battery by 4 miles every charge. Is this true of Tesla? When I have time, should I drop my 32 amp home charging lower (when time permits) to protect battery life? Or at these levels of amps...
  45. jakimo

    2022.40.4.1 am I screwed out of FSD beta?

    I took my Y to a service center, and when I picked it up it was off the beta (I'm now on 2022.40.4.1). Lots of goodies are here now (side-view moved with blinker, new icons, release driver door, new energy panel (nice!).. so now I've got to wait, it seems, for the street-driving ability (even...
  46. jakimo

    Glowing Climate icon

    It glows much more now-a-days, colder here in CO I’m surprised there’s still no answer. I’ll have to research again for a Tesla engineer (or similar) to reach out to
  47. jakimo

    Autopilot on long straight highways

    I enjoy this product quite a bit, on these kinds of occasions. Always paying full attention, this allows me to easily go into long safe highway driving modes with hands resting on my lap https://www.ebay.com/itm/203831732440
  48. jakimo

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Looks like some of us may get the update tomorrow? Hm