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  1. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    The .05% was a from a prior post. That is why I stated that I was repeating it. No one refuted it back on page 191. Was it wrong? I think so but I can't find the original reference. By your numbers (and going with silicon ingot dominating the numbers), it would be .75% - a 12.5X mistake since I...
  2. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I know this is repeating but solar panel production was .05% of China's energy use. I am not sure why this tiny amount means we give them a pass. And it "only grew" 20% YOY in the first quarter. So maybe it is now .06%. I really don't understand this "letting China off the hook" so to speak...
  3. D

    Trump will end Biden's EV (tax credit) policies

    All good points. I did not realize the IMF number was counting negative externalities. From what I have seen $3 billion is laughably low, $20 billion may make more sense. Negative externalities do matter of course. But not in this context. At the same time, I would not consider them "made up"...
  4. D

    If you could provide power to your neighbors, would you?

    My model S was a 70 so same as a 3. The 3 and Y we have now are faster than my S was. Agree that cars aren't driven enough so calendar becomes important.
  5. D

    If you could provide power to your neighbors, would you?

    I would say that this isn't that simple and guesses are guesses. Certainly the battery "cares" what the use is for - low temperature, low current draws are less damaging to the battery. Keeping battery between central portions of capacity is less damaging. There is some debate over the...
  6. D

    Trump will end Biden's EV (tax credit) policies

    Subsidies not taxation. The fact is the US government - according to the IMF - spends about $760 billion a year on oil. This could be in the form of tax breaks - in fact that is the usual form. Read up on well depreciation. Check how the Permian Basin is in an opportunity zone. An OZ allows you...
  7. D

    Trump will end Biden's EV (tax credit) policies

    The IMF estimates that tax and other subsidies total $760 billion in 2022; This is for US only. Consumption appears to be about 137 billion gallons per year. Usually expressed in other units of course - this was from 2023. 760/137 is right about $5.50 per gallon. Would people buy EVs at much...
  8. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Cost's less in China - no debate. Costs less in Arkansas vs UAW-average - I would think no debate. Newer factory, EV - less labor per car - I would also think no debate. My only point is that painting labor costs as the primary reason BYD can sell an inexpensive EV is a gross...
  9. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    These labor numbers are hard to truly pin down but using GM numbers isn't fair to a new factory in a rural south location without unions or legacy costs. I think you are looking at about 1/2 the cost but I don't know for sure. Either way, I think everyone wants to claim that Chinese cars are...
  10. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Doesn't BYD just need to make contributions in the right places to tweak the rules just enough? Or can they just partner with Stellantis or someone? How does this effect VW? I would have little expectation that potential profits can be reasonably stopped. They can buy the right people to...
  11. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Do you really want to dissect that statement? So if one government policy doesn't work the way you expect it to, no policy can drive innovation? War, space program etc - unbelievable innovation. Tesla would not be here without government programs. Might read "The Big Myth" - it will try to...
  12. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Locally, we have NG buses. Another missing data point. It surprises me a bit how bad cruises ships are. I mean look at ferrys - travelling over water in a big boat should be very efficient per person. I could see a 5X over a ferry not a 12X. It is even worse sense you make multiple stops and...
  13. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    You said fossil fuels - so I added oil in. And NG. Even if the topic was predominantly coal - I was directly refuting your comment about FF. I found total generation first so I used TWh. Sure, tons of coal is better but didn't find that as easily. It isn't like efficiency differences are going...
  14. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    You write - "how much progress China has made in reducing their fossil fuel consumption these past decades" - this is patently false. And are we supposed to think coal going from 80% to 60% over 17 years as a percentage of electricity generation is acceptable progress? China hit an all time...
  15. D

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    At least in the shorter term - more vegetarianism would lead to longer life expectancy and a greater population. People might also feel better and would go out and travel more. On the flip side, they could do with smaller cars but the planes would be the same.
  16. D

    glass roofs have to go bye bye.

    Benefits are - looks, no worries about scratches (which is really looks). Back seat visual - more open. Early Model S's really looked more high end with glass and I paid for it back then (also got a moonroof). That being said - I do wish the option existed. At some point it was said that it...
  17. D

    Electrify Everything

    Apparently you don't realize that CA has elevation changes - I was on the phone with my sister 4 days ago and the high was 45. There is also of course the highest percentage of EVs in the US where 25% of new cars sold last year were EV's. But yes - April is the one of the best months to...
  18. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    You can not buy "made in China" when it is possible. You can not invest in China. You can encourage domestic and EU production of solar panels and batteries. Tariffs will encourage domestic production. You can signal more aggressively to China that carbon violations will increase tariffs. There...
  19. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Wouldn't the electricity used for panel pruduction (541 gigawatts) be roughly equivalent to .05% of China's overall electricity use? They are getting a pass on 2% increase because of that .05% used for panel production?
  20. D

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    Using science and logic doesn't work really well with humans. Not in a long term sense. Someone will eat that cheeseburger and be happy they have an erection that day not realizing that they won't 5 years down the line. Getting people to think in a long term way and adding in the complexity of...
  21. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    I don't have any dream that we will agree on things. But consider a few things. 2035 is a long time from now. I can't even imagine that far into the future - the variety of things that could happen before then are vast. Buying a new car is a top 20% of income activity. It might be top 10% in 10...
  22. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Think how dangerous that would be. And of course filmed. There was one charger that my wife won't go to - although it is probably still there. That was from 10 years ago. Every new one since then is a non-issue. Not everyone buys a new car. Most people don't in fact. Rich people buy new cars...
  23. D

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    I had to laugh. An ad on this forum this morning ... "Beef, it's what's for dinner". What's next, a Chevy Tahoe ad? Maybe a motorboat ad? It's pretty sad when even TMC doesn't have any standards on what ads they allow. I can't see any pathway in my emails, posts etc that would encourage a beef...
  24. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    So it maybe? clickbait but is actually accurate when it comes to consumption. The variable is 2024 which is predicted to be flat to decreasing but it is only a prediction. We could see growth in 2024 and on and on. The fact is that the 2 most populous nations in the world are relatively poor...
  25. D

    Electrify Everything

    Look at electricity use in the US. It isn't really on the rise. Gasoline use? Both of these are flat from 2003-2023. That is total despite increase in population and economic activity. It is an absolute falsehood that "Energy requirements are always on the rise". Not in a country that has...
  26. D

    Electrify Everything

    Did you mean to provide your source? Generally there is enough generation for EVs if they are plugged in at night. You can't just do easy math on these things and many people try to do just that. Electricity use by households and business is very peaky and generation is about matching peaks...
  27. D

    Does your state charge you a penalty for owning a Tesla?

    Interestingly, Norway uses a lot of tolls but is also having to come up with money from somewhere else to fund roads with the decline in fuel taxes. What you might call a regressive tax might also be called a luxury tax - ie the toll road as they are being built in some areas now. Competition...
  28. D

    Does your state charge you a penalty for owning a Tesla?

    I would imagine that Nordic countries never tied building and maintaining roads to their gas tax. While there is something clean about gas tax paying for roads, the vast majority of what taxes pay for does not work that way because it can't. So they just pay for roads out of the general budget...
  29. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    I am trying to figure out what bigger picture look leads to a "pessimistic" attitude and corrective action? You made some comparisons to stock market and Academy awards viewership. And BTW - the Dow isn't a great catchall for the stock market and hasn't been for a long time. In each of the...
  30. D

    Does your state charge you a penalty for owning a Tesla?

    When I looked at weights, it really isn't a big deal. Yes - a comparable EV will generally weigh more than a comparable ICE. Especially one with a 300 mile range. But - EV's also favor efficiency because of range so that leads to generally better aerodynamics and being better about weight. You...
  31. D

    Climate Change Denial

    While the Medicaid part of that is true, nobody is touching SS for a while. Yes, republicans have floated some things but nothing serious has been out for a long time. SS is a problem and will need new revenue or cuts. I would imagine that R's would favor cuts rather then new revenues, but it...
  32. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Agreed that tiny cars and cars from China will have struggles. Currently so much of a car purchase is wealth signaling. People who can barely drive buy AMGs. Single people drive Explorers. City dwellers buy jeeps. Logic and economics seem to be secondary considerations. Economics strongly...
  33. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Yeah - about 15% of the US is in a state that gives a tax credit for EVs. That isn't nothing but not exactly something to make a huge difference. CA would be close to another 15% if it were still active.
  34. D

    Washington Post Article - We are running out of energy

    The chart was showing requests for new energy. 2023 was double the demand average for the previous 6 years. It doesn't mean that much energy was used and it is wasn't a running total. It seems totally kosher to me. So we don't really manufacture that many new things in the US. And the economy...
  35. D

    Will California ban Ships that don't comply?

    A recent NJ to NC transplant recently told me of the expression - Raise a family in a blue state and retire in a red state. It is the logical, if selfish thing to do. 5 million per ship is a quote from a rabidly partisan source. Given the size of the ships, even that might not be as bad as it...
  36. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    To be fair, the US is the number one producer of oil and NG. So that is a source of carbon and methane. It isn't like we are all sitting on the couch. The US has a problem with SUVs and distances driven. Very few of us live in public transportation citiies. Our other problem in all the flights...
  37. D

    Will California ban Ships that don't comply?

    Lots of new people in NC are from CA also. But the average price of a San Jose home at $1.5M is certainly part of the reason. But moving to a state with no income tax (TN) is not a bad idea for a lot of people. For the most part though, a house in San Jose is $1.5M for a reason. The market is...
  38. D

    Will California ban Ships that don't comply?

    That was a crazy biased article. I mean unhinged with word choice. I never realized MSN was competing with Newsmax.
  39. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    That quote from Kale - "Only in America" - he really needs to get out more. I realize that it is just a speech but that some people will eat that up is really pathetic. Also that statement about homes being without power for the reason stated is false from my understanding. "An astounding...
  40. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Curious how a Bolt owner could never plug in? That US News article is pretty worthless and certainly is not proof that "most" owners are not plugging in. Methodology and time period are not given. Just that ICE use is higher than predicted which could be for many reasons. The data is also from...
  41. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Are we really sure that "most PHEV owners" never plug in. I don't believe that. My colleague at work plugs in every night - she lives in a townhome but I think it has a garage - Honda Clarity - an unusual one. My parking garage at work has a Volt plugged into it every day. A good friend has a...
  42. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    Arguably, best case, you rent an old ICEv when you need to tow long distances. The PHEV part isn't helping much at all in a long distance tow. Are you long distance towing more than 2X per year? Is that a common thing? Are you towing an ICE boat? What I see is mostly is towing an ICE boat on...
  43. D

    Climate Change Denial

    It isn't really a matter of serious debate. More interconnections lead to greater reliability and better use of renewables. Does that mean it is perfect? Of course not. Read the quotes from Vegas - they are intellectually dishonest. Of course severe weather events don't obey state lines but...
  44. D

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Agree the wording was about carbon savings. It still sounds somewhat overstated. Obviously one more efficient home does not take 29,000 cars off the road with the first year savings. I am thinking they meant that 50,000 new homes(1 years worth?) built to a better standard would be equivalent to...
  45. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    When you look at PHEVs and real consumption patterns, you need to differentiate between US and EU as well as fleet vs personal. In the article "we can only guess that people aren't plugging in". Maybe people who buy PHEVs do more miles than average drivers in a day and therefore can't use the...
  46. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    US concern over Mexico attracting Chinese electric vehicle factories What has been discussed here about the coming of cheaper EV competition. Who knew there was a Las Vegas NM (above video). I'd like to see a poll here on who has actually needed a tow for running out of juice. I would imagine...
  47. D

    Prediction, in Which Year Will New Electric Vehicle Sales Exceed 50% in the United States "Poll"

    I like that the article mentioned the Musk factor. They did it last and I would not put it there - but it was not meant to be in order of importance. I have had a Tesla since 2015. I tried not to get another one when mine was totaled but it was just the best value - and I had gotten used to...
  48. D

    Electrify Everything

    Being "100% efficient" is not really a helpful statement. Using that terminology in regards to a heat pump is disingenuous. In the common use of the term, a heat pump is usually 200-300% efficient. 100% efficient is where heat strips are. A heat pump is not worth using at 100% efficiency. Heat...
  49. D

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    That study was for prostate cancer survivors - so not particularly applicable to the masses. I often try to find sexual motivation for being healthy but it rarely works. Things like weight loss raises testosterone levels and obesity is associated with impotence. I think when men are so far down...
  50. D

    Where To Spend the Carbon Budget

    The fact that beef is untouchable is really a pathetic statement on the human condition. Lamb also it just doesn't have the quantity effect in the US. I say this from multiple viewpoints - including that beef is generally not very healthy also. Sure, a good steak tastes really good but the vast...