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  1. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    Seems like piping an explosive gas into building is orders of magnitude a larger safety concern than EV fires. Where are the right-wing calls to ban gas connections?
  2. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    Something about liability. There were discussions to get a supercharger but they fell through. Local governments need to realize DCFC is more like a road than like a fuel. They need to be funded and built more like roads than like a fuel.
  3. nwdiver


    I think a better title for this thread would have been h(humanity)-fatigue. Have you read 'The Ministry for the Future'?
  4. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    McDs doesn't want to charge for charging and DCFC is an order of magnitude more expensive than L2 so.... unlikely.
  5. nwdiver

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  6. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It may not have been a 'double tap'. But the possibility made me think of the legitimacy if it was. Do repair crews and fire fighters at an oil refinery also make themselves a legitimate target? It's a lot easier to repair a refinery than to get more people that know how to repair a refinery...
  7. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    IMHO it's legitimate but I wonder how much of a grey area a 'double tap' strike is on an oil refinery if the objective is to deter fire fighting and repair efforts. Civilians lose protection when they engage in 'Direct hostilities' which could be stretched to include fire fighting at an oil...
  8. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    Another huge benefit to string systems moving forward with panel prices dropping and NEM fading away is using different orientations to maximize production during different periods of the day or season. Our last install was ~12.8kW on a 10kW inverter. Typically oversizing by ~1.3 would...
  9. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    The inverter just lifts off the backplate. All the wire termination are on the back plate. There's ~2 screws and you lift it off.
  10. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    Depends on the string inverter. Fronious has a 'swing lock' so you can swap an inverter in ~2 minutes. I replaced a SMA inverter last week. That took ~10 minutes. I really dread the day that I have to replace a micro inverter in a system that wasn't mapped correctly or not mapped. THAT...
  11. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    They brought tools this time. Fortunately McDs has offered to replace the units. Was thinking about trying to incorporate a 'signal loss' alarm. If I could have an alarm that would activate when a wire was cut I could wrap a small gauge wire around the cable. When that wire is cut an alarm...
  12. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    No. All panels that are UL listed and designed to be incorporated into a grid-tied array of >100v will have bypass diodes. The lack of these diodes would be a significant fire hazard. If a shaded cell cannot be bypassed it becomes a load and temperatures quickly rise to >200F. Older...
  13. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    Payback is even longer when you have an oversized array, which is becoming more common without NEM and with cheaper panels. DC side efficiency is irrelevant when the inverter is maxed out. It's almost always going to make more sense to add more panels than to add optimizers.
  14. nwdiver

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    That's 1000% baloney. Misinformation propagated in no small part by Enphase.
  15. nwdiver

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Probably impossible.... but try not to allow ideology to cloud your reason. The EV mandate failed largely because the technologies it needed weren't yet mature. But even failure can provide the seeds to success. Have you read the early history of Tesla? That EV mandate drove funding to AC...
  16. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    It does to some degree. The primary point is the primary energy fallacy. Just the shift to renewables reduces primary energy consumption by ~70%. It's even greater if data centers can be co-located in urban areas and the waste heat can be scavenged for district heating.
  17. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    How insanely idiotic to have a gas connection someplace as warm as Mississippi. 2 gas explosions days apart killed 1 and left many worried and questioning safety
  18. nwdiver

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    The garbage trucks here run on CNG. Which given the price of natural gas the fuel is basically free. And ~90% of H2 comes from natural gas but is ~100x the cost. So they're paying more to use more methane?
  19. nwdiver

    Superchargers in Northern California (location speculation)

    Exactly! I've never understood how Tesla is putting in a station that will attract business and the business that is benefiting from that station is still getting paid by Tesla for bringing in more business. Makes no sense. It will be a lot better for everyone if the host helps to pay for...
  20. nwdiver

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Our electrician invested ~$5600 in their battery and it's saving them ~$90/mo. So their battery is helping to put food on the table. No gas in the car though. Both cars are electric. They don't waste $$$ on silly things :)
  21. nwdiver

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    There is now if you're clever enough. I just bought a pallet of solar for ~$0.25/w. You can get UL rated batteries for ~$200/kWh and a hybrid inverter for <$5k. So the materials cost of 30kW of solar + 70kWh of storage would be ~$45k. ~$32k after the FTC. That would save >$3k/yr. More and...
  22. nwdiver

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Signature Solar is offering a unit that is suspiciously similar that has UL9540A certification for ~$3400. LiFe is <$100/kWh at the cell level so we should be seeing a lot more packs at the ~$200/kWh price point. But over-production needs to be the first step. Mounting solar vertically to...
  23. nwdiver

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Our electrician lives in an area where he gets 0 credit for his exports so batteries have value. But the first step was to dramatically oversize his system since solar is hilariously cheap now. That's the first paradigm shift I needed to accept. MASSIVE curtailment. He needed to overproduce...
  24. nwdiver

    500 + Mile Range Debate

    Not many places left where there isn't a supercharger every 50 to 100 miles. That's a much better solution than larger battery packs. They just started construction on a supercharger in Kalispell so Glacier will soon be accessible without too much effort.
  25. nwdiver

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    aka... 'nighttime' :rolleyes:
  26. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Only day of the year that Ruzzians have 'tech' worth stealing. :) US Submarine first in world outfitted with Caterpillar Drive
  27. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    The cable removal wasn't very sophisticated. Looked like they stomped on the cable until it finally came out. No tools used. It wasn't cut. Electric rate is ~$0.10/kWh. ~$0.13/kWh in the summer. McDs pays the bill. It's likely a rounding error on their other expenses.
  28. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    No; They removed one of the cables. I'm assuming by stomping on it since it had been yanked out of the bottom of the enclosure. Both HPWCs shows signs someone had pulled down hard on their cables since the grommet was dislodged and the gland nut had been unscrewed on the other clipper creek...
  29. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Seems like this is a problem we should probably be taking more seriously....
  30. nwdiver

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    We need a code change that requires better glass in hail prone regions. Many of the panels survived. With 5 or 6mm glass it's likely most of them would have. It's silly to have the same glass thickness in areas that ~never see hail and areas that see 3" hail every 4 years. It's clear the...
  31. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    If that were true we wouldn't be closing nuclear plants simply because they're unprofitable. The other ISOs need to become like the TVA. With a CEO accountable to a board of directors which in turn are appointed by POTUS not shareholders. Nationalization not 'nationalism' is the only way...
  32. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    Sure. Nationalization is a solution. Probably the only solution. That's where the conversation needs to be. It's not nuclear vs renewables. It's 'free-ish' markets vs central planning. The irony is that most nuclear proponents are trying to use nuclear as a wedge to encourage less...
  33. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    I understand that they can physically vary their output. I have a degree in nuclear engineering. Economically they cannot vary their output. The cost to keep a GW of nuclear operational is ~$300M/yr. Regardless of whether it produced 1MWh or 8000GWh.
  34. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    That's my point. Nuclear is the wrong shaped piece to fit in that hole. Nuclear NEEDS to run ~24/7/365. Not 'can'... NEEDS. That's not flexible. Not just when there's no wind and at night/cloudy days. And it's amusing when people say 'nuclear' in response to ERCOT needing ~4GW of capacity...
  35. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Supposedly it took over an hour for the police to arrive. They should have started singing the Ukrainian anthem... the police would have been there in seconds.
  36. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    It's not a question of safety it's a question of economics. It's physically impossible to build a thermal plant cheap enough that it can operate viably with a CF <80%. Solar and wind have become hilariously cheap. I just bought a pallet of solar panels for $0.23/w. That's nuts. In bulk...
  37. nwdiver

    Go Fund Me for EV Charging in SE NM

    Fixed the vandalized EVSE just in time. Would also be nice if people were comfortable resetting tripped breakers... McDs has dispensed 85MWh so far.
  38. nwdiver

    Lowering amperage a good thing?

    That's the #1, 2 and 3 reasons IMHO. Everything can be installed 110% correctly but everytime you charge at 48A the connections get very warm/hot. Metal expands when it heats up. The amount of heat is the charge rate squared. So 24A reduces the heat by 75% vs 48A. Less heat, less thermal...
  39. nwdiver

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I installed a 'power pipe' in my house. It works great. Would be really hard for potable water to become contaminated since it's at pressure. The biggest catch is that it needs to be installed as a drain and it needs to be vertical. So the showers need to be on an upper floor. Drain heat...
  40. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    ... if learning from history was easy it wouldn't keep repeating itself... :( Peace for our time
  41. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I believe on 'Ukraine the latest' one of the hosts half joked that Ukraine should annex itself to Poland for ~5 years. Sort of like how Hong Kong had a 99 year lease to the UK.
  42. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If Russia attacks French forces in Ukraine would this trigger article 5?
  43. nwdiver

    Electrify Everything

    More senseless carnage because stupid is still normal. :(
  44. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Never a good sign when reality becomes satire. :(
  45. nwdiver

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Best use of community notes ever?