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  1. N

    MPP Lift Kit Install Instructions, Range Discussion & Driving Impressions

    I wanted to update this thread--I'm the OP--with some information about Tesla warranty claims. A couple of months ago the left upper a-arm on my lifted Y failed. Tesla knew that the car had the lift kit installed. The car was fixed under warranty with not even a hint of the claim being denied...
  2. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    TBH, this looks to me like FSD isn't even engaged. Speed isn't the issue, not following the road is. I drive a highway that is MUCH "more windy" than this, and FSD has no issues with it. (BTW, definitely the 12.3.x stack) Maybe FSD was engaged, maybe it wasn't. But speed isn't the issue. FSD is...
  3. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Giving credence to NHTSA's concerns are actually about driver attention is about on par with believing Elon when he says "two weeks" or "VX.xx will be mind blowing." Seriously, think about it. We all know by now that Elon/Tesla is trying, but it's best to take ANY timeline or version with a huge...
  4. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My M3 got 12.3.5 a couple of days ago; My MYP is still on 12.3.4. I got a chance to drive the 3 finally today. It is an improvement for the 3 over 12.3.4, but still not as good as the Y on 12.3.4. I'm not sure I've had a safety related intervention on the Y on 12.3.4, Maybe 1? The 3, although...
  5. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yup, been there done that. Part of the experience was waiting for your program to be run--and realizing you had one typo. Then you got to go through the whole thing again, waiting for the next run while all of your friends were at the best kegger of the quarter.
  6. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I am getting interesting new behavior on V12.3.4. Before, it always took too long to slow down after a speed limit drop. Now--same software--if no one is in front of me it not only slows down appropriately, it starts slowing BEFORE the speed limit drop--so that it's at the appropriate speed...
  7. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    OK, crediting ANY useful data or analysis to a media source ar a stock analyst is simply ridiculous. They all have huge ulterior motives and are about worthless for any worthwhile information. I get useful data from a good number of the folks on here with actual experience. Sometimes the...
  8. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Does anyone else in this thread have two Teslas? If so, are you noticing this: I have two 2020 Teslas, an AWD 3 and a MYP. Both have been on identical versions of V12.x, now both on V12.3.4. The Y is much, much better at FSD. I have no idea why, but I very rarely have a safety related...
  9. N

    Accelerating when braking?

    Wow! Since you're a pilot, you should know that a thorough knowledge of systems is necessary to understand all of those annunciator lights and un-annunciated systems failures. As a professional pilot with almost 40 years military and civilian experience I certainly do. Here's a system's primer...
  10. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Seriously? Where the heck do you get breakfast????
  11. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Nope! L3 will be FSD Performance, L4 will be FSD Ludicrous, L5 will be, well, you know!
  12. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    V12.x has been in wide release for a couple of weeks. Trying to set a timeline of future advancements of a new technology from such a small dataset is basically guess work. We all have our opinions, but they are mostly opinions without enough information to give them any true validity. Basing...
  13. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Our 2020 M3 installed V12.3.3 Yesterday, my 2020 MYP is still on 12.3. Auto Max speed is disabled on both. I drove our M3 on 12.3.3 for a test yesterday, I find it to be a definite regression over 12.3 While stop signs are marginally better, speed control is worse on 12.3.3. 12.3.3 is...
  14. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wait, I thought I was the assistant regional manager, not the assistant to the regional manager...
  15. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not just that. Self driving cars with no humans on board will be targets of destruction in cities like SFO, LAX, SEA and PDX. We are also starting to see this type of behavior towards Waymo.
  16. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Agreed it's a waste; I'm guessing it's because the car is trying to park and you disengage prior to that task completing. I let it park a couple of times, because it was cool to see it do that instead of just stopping in the street. Now it's just a waste of time, delaying me getting into the garage.
  17. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Dude, SSHHHH! Your car is self aware now. Of course it's going to try and kill you if you talk *sugar* about it. And don't forget it's got internet and is reading your posts. Don't believe me? You keep saying bad things about your car and it tries to kill you. I'm very nice to my car, and even tell...
  18. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    One detail I forgot to mention from my drive report with 12.3 was a short gravel road. I've not seen anyone else mention gravel roads, so some may find this information interesting. We stopped at my Brother in law's farm yesterday. Their driveway is what most would call a short gravel road...
  19. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Still 12.3... I drove about 90 miles today. Camas, WA to Hillsboro, OR to the Tigard OR Tesla store, to the Oswego Grill and then home. A mix of freeway and city driving. Moderate to heavy traffic. Precisely zero safety interventions. That is by far an all time first for me. She even pulled...
  20. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Automatic Speed Control is--and always has been--disabled. Today, I teste dit out and about by scrolling down my speed. She ignored me; kept tooling along at 40 after I scrolled down to 25. After a stop sign she only accelerated to 25 though... My car seems to treat lane change requests as a...
  21. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Model Y, no curbed wheels, but it comes a lot closer to some curbs than I am comfortable with. I've had V12.3 ignore my max set speed by 10 mph twice now, same place both times. The speed limit is 25, and 12.3 just tools along at 35 until I hit the brake. Scrolling down the speed has no effect.
  22. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ah, interesting. My car did not exhibit that behavior. It just waited too long after stopping. I've only had the one drive though. It did not approach stop signs as quickly as I do, but I wouldn't call it's caution excessive. More like how my wife approaches a stop sign.
  23. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    First real V12.3 test drive for me. Late at night, very light traffic. Auto speed offset NOT enabled. +7% speed offset selected. OK, mind blown. Before everyone gets their panties in a wad, no it's not perfect and it has a ways to go to be L3. There are negatives which I'll go over. Why is my...
  24. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just downloaded 12.3; 2023.44.30.25. 2020 MYP, SW Washington. I was in the first group of FSD beta wide rollout back when the safety score was a big deal. One really quick drive; it drives SLOW! Good in my neighborhood, too slow out and about. Too soon to tell anything else other than it does...
  25. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Hmmm. All the Portland cops I know write tickets for 23 - 24 in a school zone. When they're enforcing traffic laws at all of course...
  26. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    LOL! Mine does this every bloody drive! "Changing lanes to follow route," So it changes to the right lane with a left turn about a half mile ahead. Every. Single. Time. TBH though, I've given up caring about V11.x. V12 is going to be such a complete change, that it seems pointless to care or...
  27. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting that it's still 12.1.2. I saw that they've been rolling 12.2 out...
  28. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    A "long shot" is not "dead." Even if it is, what's your point? If Tesla builds it's supercomputer from Nvidia chips instead of in-house Dojo chips, how does that affect End to End AI FSD? Perhaps delay it a bit, which I'm sure we all expect anyway... Either FSD will eventually work at an L3+...
  29. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I disagree. Robotaxi can't work on HW3 or HW4 because neither is capable of cleaning the camera lens--except for the in-windshield cameras. I can't count the number of times FSD has given up due to "occluded cameras" while driving on wet, dirty roads. Unless Robotaxi is only going to operate on...
  30. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Absolutely agreed! I think though that your big mistake is expecting a requirement from a government agency to make sense... Having spent my whole adult life dealing with government regulations I've found that sometimes they're good, and other times some high level moron can't understand what...
  31. N

    Accelerating when braking?

    No offense intended, but you do know what happened--you merely choose to disregard the facts. If you'd like some closure, try this simple experiment. Drive your Tesla to a deserted parking lot with no obstacles. Now, hit the throttle and the brake at the same time and see what happens. That...
  32. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just a guess here, but I doubt "the majority of the time" is good enough for the Feds. The only difference between other makes eye monitoring and Tesla's is that other makes shine an IR light in the driver's eyes. Given: A, No car company is going to install an IR light if there's no reason; B...
  33. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I haven't seen anything official, but it seems extremely likely that the difference is that other makes like Ford have an IR light pointed at the driver's eyes. If I put on sunglasses, I get no nags for looking away, the Tesla cabin cam can't see where my eyes are directed.
  34. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    He doesn't seem to be an employee, but people are guessing his wife is based on his getting a Cybertruck already. It would be thrilling if it were already getting released to the next group.
  35. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yup. I absolutely believe Tesla robots will be replacing humans in a lot of minimum wage jobs in the not too distant future. Given Optimus's advancements,It can't be that hard to train a robot to flip burgers & hand bags to consumers. Ordering is already transitioning to electronic, so that...
  36. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wait a second, How sure are we this is V12.1? There is an "Uber" sign in the windshield. I'm having a hard time believing Tesla released this to employees who are also Uber drivers.
  37. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    An IR light during daylight hours would illuminate the driver's eyes through sunglasses. This whole thing is simply a guess on my part based on other hands free ADAS systems having an IR light and camera.
  38. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting, but I only see the camera part numbers there? My nephew just bought a new build Y, I see no sign of an infrared light... Of course, I could have overlooked it.
  39. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My guess is because we don't have an infrared light and camera, we need the steering wheel nag as well. It would be nice if Tesla made this an available retrofit--even if they charged for it. Another guess: it isn't an available retrofit because FSD will be L3/L5 in two weeks. Making a retrofit...
  40. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Hmmm. I've got about 12 hours on .8 and the latest .9. Probably 70/30 city streets/freeway. Zero critical disengagements by your definition.
  41. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Agreed, but judging from all the screaming complaints on Facebook about AP now monitoring eye position, you are in a small minority. Funny, but scary.
  42. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    You can, but you really don't need to anymore. Three hours driving today in all sorts of conditions--including straight into the setting sun--not one dry wipe. Holiday .2 update with FSD 11.4.9. From August until two updates ago I was getting dry wipes all the time.
  43. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    I took a drive in the rain this morning. The rain varied throughout the drive from very light sprinkles to steady moderate rain. The auto wipers worked pretty darned good, verging on excellent. As soon as I backed out of the garage--into very light sprinkles--the wipers came on with no...
  44. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    FSD, Software 2023.27.12. One more day of driving on this update, that's two days now. No dry wipes at all. Prior software I was getting a dry wipe once or twice every 10 minutes. Still no rain, so I can't speak to whether or not the wipers actually work yet, but no dry wipes at least...
  45. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    Hmmm... Just got FSD, Software 2023.27.12. I took two drives today... For the FIRST time in ages: NO DRY WIPES! Lucky, or the shape of things to come? Time will tell I guess. It didn't rain, so I don't know how well auto wipers will work when it rains, but I am cautiously optimistic...
  46. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    Damn. I was really hoping they'd be fixed. A few revisions ago my auto wipers were great. Now dry wipes all the time and no wipes when it rains. Today it rained hard, the auto wipers refused to wipe. After it stopped raining I put them back in auto. Yep, you guessed it; they started wiping...
  47. N

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    TBH, I'd be happy with an update that fixed auto wipers. A few releases ago, mine worked nearly perfectly. A dry wipe once a month or so, and near perfect speed selection for actual rain. 20% of the time I'd need to hit the left stalk button to kick start the wipers in extremely light sprinkle...
  48. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    You can use the right scroll wheel to up the max speed. If you meant that you drive slower than the speed limit, perhaps you should buy a Prius? 😉
  49. N

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    Auto wipers aren't as bad as they were when I first got this update, but they are still worse than 11.4.4. They wok OK--I haven't driven in drizzle since they started working though. But they run at least once or twice or more every drive even if it's dry out. Before, I'd get the "dry wipe"...