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  1. zƬesla

    24.4.0 Gateway crashes

    I'd be curious whether the version numbers correlate to PW2 or 3 and region/utility. For example, I'm on 23.28.2 and have PW2s in NH
  2. zƬesla

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    We should get there once the mini-splits are switched off heat mode, hopefully in a few days. We're still getting the occasional below 20F night temps. For the past week though we've generated 597kWh, used 376kWh for the house, and drew 28kWh from the grid.
  3. zƬesla

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    heat pump dryer is on the buy list for when our current one bites the dust
  4. zƬesla

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Must be a well insulated house. We have mini-splits and can use ~80kWh in winter. On days the dryer gets run, it puts us over 100. Summer time we're around 30, and in between as low as ~15. There's the R-OTOD 2 rate...
  5. zƬesla

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Eversource in NH no longer supports Tesla for VPP. Currently only Enphase IQ. This seems to change every 1-2 years. Net metering for NH: "Each kilowatt hour of Net Sales will earn a monetary bill credit equal to the sum of the Default Energy Service charge, the Transmission Charge, plus 25...
  6. zƬesla

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    Forgotten about that one and for some reason didn't come up in my search. Here's the post.
  7. zƬesla

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    They're in process of repricing and don't have a new list out yet. I don't know what the old pricing was. Briefly. There are some out of Europe that look promising. I don't realistically expect price-wise for it to make sense (yet) to go this route. When we put in our 3 pole-mounted PV arrays...
  8. zƬesla

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    That's where I found the flower turbine of interest – it's low cut in speed and low maintenance. As the goal would be to just eek out average ~12kWh/day to power minimum loads, and I'd rather not deal with a tower, "regular" turbines have not appealed to me. This would supplement the existing...
  9. zƬesla

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    Looking at Flower Turbines which has a low cut in wind speed, and curious whether it would be possible to integrate a wind turbine into a PV/PW system? If memory serves another forum member has wind turbines but as a separate system. We have two SMA SunnyBoys and unfortunately the WindyBoys are...
  10. zƬesla

    Powerwall dilemma -- not sure if I have any options

    Should've gone for the checkerboard pattern ;)
  11. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    After almost two months I was able to get the HyperHeat installer out and he found the refrigerant to be down to 5lbs from the 8lbs it's supposed to come from the factory with. Hoping this resolves the issue and that we don't have a leak somewhere in the piping.
  12. zƬesla

    New Hampshire SRECs

    My initial 3+1 year term with Knollwood Energy for selling SRECs will be ending later this year, so it's time to decide whether to re-up with them ($20/REC) or find greener pastures. Anyone using another service such as SRECTrade?
  13. zƬesla

    Using Fleet API to Control My Powerwall Reserve Percentage

    That's the second step. First step on their page is to verify address via link sent through email. Or do I just skip that?
  14. zƬesla

    Using Fleet API to Control My Powerwall Reserve Percentage

    Trying to sign up for the Fleet API but not getting the verification link. Anyone else have this issue? (tried having it resent, checked spam folder)
  15. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    @Xenoilphobe There are 3 heads (18, 12, 6). The old MXZ was a non-hyperheat 36K supporting up to 4 heads. When it was replaced last spring, I think the MXZ3C30NAHZ3 was the largest model before moving up $/size to the double units. The 6K head rarely if ever calls for heat; we had a resistor...
  16. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    It is the MXZ3C30NAHZ3
  17. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    What are you doing for maintenance? What's the cleaning routine?
  18. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    The new outdoor unit is a Mitsubishi HyperHeat (MXZ-3C30NA?) rated down to -15F, and it has kept running thus far. The old Mitsubishi was rated to around 5F and wouldn't do much at around 15-20F. Here's the spec on the new unit: Waiting on tech to come and take a look to see if there's a...
  19. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    That was the tongue-in-cheek part of the the title. Like you, my current Eversource rate is $.2282. My most recent bill shows ~2.5MWh used in the last 33 days. New Hampshire does not have 1:1 NEM, so from what I banked over the summer, I have <$100 credit left. My total electricity cost for...
  20. zƬesla

    Cheaper to burn oil than run electric heat pump -)

    I'm in a cold part of the country. Our highs this past week has been in the 20Fs. Looking over the state's latest energy fuel prices (Jan 2024), it is showing: So, in $/MBTU terms, it is cheaper for me to run the oil-fired boiler than my heat pump mini-splits!? And we get more even heat from...
  21. zƬesla

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    Can you elaborate on SMA? We have SunnyBoys 7.0 & 7.7 installed in April 2020. Is the issue one of reliability or new features not being added in the newest models?
  22. zƬesla

    Winter Solstice 2023 - Clear day provides winter maximum

    The 21st was a sunny here too but we maxed out at 40kWh. Sadly, we lose almost half of our production winter mornings from tree shade and don't start producing until ~11am. That's about a third of our peak production.
  23. zƬesla

    Powerwall 2 AC cable connector failure

    Anyone know if PW2s sold in the U.S. 3 years ago are also susceptible to this?
  24. zƬesla

    Cold powerwall

    Don't know of any other PW installs near me. It'll take some heating on their part to keep them warm outside. Revision Energy is probably the big PW installer in the region. There is a smattering of small solar companies in NH which you probably know about. You can also try Catamount Solar out...
  25. zƬesla

    Powerwall % Degradation

    2x PW2s installed Summer 2020 and 1x PW2 installed Spring 2021. Currently reporting capacity at: 101% / 100% / 101%. This is about a 1-2% drop in each. I seem to remember Tesla changed how they calculate capacity 1-2 years ago so the KWs reported were a little higher. FWIW, summer-time PWs are...
  26. zƬesla

    Told my Powerwall won't charge off Solar

    Important point. Wanting the PWs primarily for outages (vs TOU shifting), having something that would work off solar in an outage situation was critical for us.
  27. zƬesla

    Told my Powerwall won't charge off Solar

    Unless you have < 5kW array or inverter, then I would think the potential for going over and a system shutdown is there. It may only happen once a year, but the engineer in me cringes at "probably not generating more than 5kW of power for any length of time." :)
  28. zƬesla

    Told my Powerwall won't charge off Solar

    @BGbreeder - The installer admitted to misunderstanding Tesla guidance and that they should have used 5kW per PW2, that's why they comp'd one. The panels being pole-mounted is irrelevant. Any inverter(s) capable of producing > 5kW per PW2 is likely to cause the GW to shut down the system during...
  29. zƬesla

    Told my Powerwall won't charge off Solar

    Our initial install by a Tesla certified installer was for 14.7kW total (2 inverters) and 2 Powerwall2s as they also believed 7.6kW per PW. Long story short, they installed a 3rd PW2 at their cost. 5kW per PW2 seems appropriate.
  30. zƬesla

    Building an off grid Solar Powered (EV charging) Campground

    My panels are currently titled at 67°, so snow slides right off. Typically, come late winter I need to shovel some of the piled snow under the panels otherwise I have a ground--panel snow connector and the bottom panels remain partially covered even though they're a few feet off the ground.
  31. zƬesla

    Cold powerwall

  32. zƬesla

    Maine VPP, sort of

    Hopefully Maine won't do what Eversource did in NH and rework the program to drop Tesla batteries and require recently installed ones: I know your post is about EVs but we're not even there yet in NH.
  33. zƬesla

    Mount PWs on basement wall or floor?

    Our 3 PWs were installed in an unfinished basement. The installers built a wood frame with plywood over it on the wall next to our panel and attached the PWs, GW and breaker box to it. Our initial install were 2 PWs side-by-side (8-12" apart?), and they added the third attached to one of them. I...
  34. zƬesla

    How much power does your home draw overnight? (Baseline energy use)

    @unk45 where in Rio are you? I used to live on Ave. Atlantica.
  35. zƬesla

    A Lot of 1 minute outages?

    Mine aren't frequent but I do occasionally get 5 minute outages. These usually end up being branches hitting the power line down the road or some kind of voltage fluctuation. If I didn't have PWs, I would probably notice lights flickering and that's all (as confirmed with neighbors). With PWs...
  36. zƬesla

    Off-grid frequency shifting

    We were in process of getting PV when we decided to also get 2 PWs. The PV installer couldn't get Tesla to answer his calls so I got a Tesla certified installer involved. We were looking at 15.4kW in inverter capacity, and at the time the Tesla installer said 2 PWs were limited to 15.2kW...
  37. zƬesla

    Is this clipping?

    Originally it was going to be 2x 7.7s. Certified Tesla PW installer erroneously thought 2 PWs had a 15kW limit, so inverters got switched to 7.0 and 7.7. Lo and behold, 2 PWs couldn’t handle 14.7 and the system would shut down. So Tesla installer added another PW at their expense and thus far...
  38. zƬesla

    Is this clipping?

    Clipping one is 7.7 and the other 7.0. Agreed moving a couple of panels over would be nice but at this point will be slightly involved unless I want cables crossing above ground on the pole mounts. Interestingly, the graph is from late May. In early April, the 7.0 does get close to the 7 line.
  39. zƬesla

    Is this clipping?

    Here's a graph showing one inverter (red) clipping and the other (blue) not clipping:
  40. zƬesla

    'whole home backup' confusion

    Just get it as a license plate then make it your profile photo ;)
  41. zƬesla

    Where would I find good resources for the Powerwall API?

    And Introduction - Tesla JSON API (Unofficial)
  42. zƬesla

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    I believe our CTs are in the main breaker box.
  43. zƬesla

    PV + PW in Japan

    For us, the SMA inverters provide the rapid shutdown function required.
  44. zƬesla

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    Not worried, just trying to plan in case SO decides to get an EV soon. We don't have 1:1 net metering here, only getting a fraction back for what we send to grid, so want to maximize solar charging. Ideally, would also like to charge if grid is down but for now that's secondary. Unlikely we'd...
  45. zƬesla

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    Sorry for the newb question but trying to make heads/tails of some of this as I do not yet have an EV... If I want the car charged from solar, when I install an EV charger can it go between grid and Tesla Gateway1, or does it need to be hooked up to the house panel behind Gateway1/PW2s? IOW...
  46. zƬesla

    PV + PW in Japan

    I have 50x 350kW LG panels separated into 5 strings of 10 panels each going into 2 SMA inverters. We have severe morning shadow in winter caused by trees. Even with partial shading on a panel though, it is still producing. There have been a few threads here about this w.r.t. newer panels. I...
  47. zƬesla

    House Fire Very near to my installed Powerwalls

    Likely only if it they determine the fire originated with their system
  48. zƬesla

    Panel angle

    FWIW, as the OP, I'm looking for a "close enough" angle. Outside the height of summer/winter, when the angle is mostly static, I crank them about every week or two. My idea of "optimal" (perhaps a bad choice of word in the original post) is close enough within a couple of degrees independent of...
  49. zƬesla

    Panel angle

    Thanks again to @wwhitney, @wwu123, and others for your suggestions and sharing your mathematical expertise on this. For anyone looking to get a daily listing of solar noon angles given a lat/long, NREL's SPA (link below) seems like the way to go, and a simpler approach than NREL's full SOLPOS...
  50. zƬesla

    Sun Cam - Project

    Great project! While not as accurate as you'll likely have, I use NWS Sky Cover data such as found at: https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=30.3315&lon=-81.6562&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=graphical