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  1. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Some food for thought here: This may be the first time that the fsd testers and the main branch have been on the same FSD version since fsd v 11.4.9, which may have been due to a recall. 2024.14.5 introduced FSD 12.3.6 to the main branch. Then it was quickly followed by .6, .7, .8, and now...
  2. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I've said this before: I think that steering wheel torque as a disengagement cue was a mistake. A contact sensor on the wheel would be OK, I think, but torque from the driver should mean "change turning radius". In an airplane autopilot, pushing the controls overrides the autopilot and...
  3. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It is impossible to know (without info from Telsa), but I think that no testers have been added since Dec of 2023. If you look up your updates, you are not a tester if you have had multiple updates of FSD 11.4.4 . When that was released to the main branch, testers were on 11.4.8, and there is...
  4. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I was hopeful, but no, I'm still on 2024.3.25 as well. We purchased FSD with the MY in late 2021, and our first FSD update was 2022.12.3.20 / fsd 10.12.2 on 6/9/22, delayed due to deer strike repair parts delay and FSD beta slow rollout.
  5. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have a right turn at a stop sign to leave our neighborhood. It seems to be that FSD takes far longer to proceed if no one is coming from the left than is does is there is someone coming but far enough away to safely proceed. It is as if a moving car is quicker to see than no car. This sort...
  6. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not all of 2024.3.25 is testers. Last time I checked 15 of cars still on that version only around 50% were testers. The rest appear to be updating to 2024.14.X. I think you will find a View link on each line which will bring up details on that particular vehicle. Lower on that detail page is...
  7. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Somebody should market a cheap fake lidar sensor to put on top of your car, so other drivers would be more patient. ;-)
  8. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I did see that, but it is not clear what any of it meant. The X posting starts with a complaint about waiting for updates, which always happens. But it states that many are stuck on FSD 11.1, which is not true. TeslaFi shows no one still on FSD 11.1. Probably, the poster was referring to the...
  9. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In the video points out that this is a main branch version, and that it includes FSD 12.3.6. This version was released starting on 4/6/24. That 12.3.6 version of FSD was first released in 2024.3.25 on 4/28/24. So, if this car did not already have 12.3.6, it is not a tester. Here are some of...
  10. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It appears that the "tester" group are not being updated to 2024.14.x . You own update history would tell if you are in the tester group or not. The testers and the main branch have had different sequences of updates. The latest tester update appears to have been 2024.3.25 and they appear to...
  11. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

  12. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That sucks, them taking away AutoPilot as well as FSD. I'm not sure it is "unfair" exactly. To get FSD, we all agree explicitly to pay attention at all times, and we get strikes for not paying attention. The strike process is described in the release notes which you implicitly agreed to...
  13. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I sort of expect the robotaxi unveil to consist of a guy in a robotaxi costume. 😉
  14. S

    Does FSD learn?

    No. But Elon spent years and a mountain of money on his Dojo computer to do the learning, aka training the neural networks. And the electric power to do that training is also expensive. The computer in the cars can not retrain themselves. So, how certain are we? Pretty damn certain it does...
  15. S

    Does FSD learn?

    I think the phrase was "end to end neural networks" which replaced 300,000 lines of hand written software code. As you say, the NN training happens in huge data processing centers and is downloaded to the cars in the periodic software updates. The cars do not update the NN themselves. There...
  16. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Have you tried turning FSD off on the Autopilot screen? My wife's profile has FSD off, and she gets TACC, double pull for lane keeping. I think there are visualization differences too. So, you may be able to revert from locked out FSD to plain old AutoPilot. I have no strikes, and my SO is...
  17. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Right, the same FSD version. They advanced from β to S, so I guess that is progress... ;-) My wife agrees with you - TACC is nice. But she also doesn't use auto steer. FSF, not yet. Getting close, but having to "minimize lane changes" is really annoying. I, on the other hand, wanted...
  18. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thank you! I've been wondering if they were giving free trials on FSD v 11 or v 12. 11 has been included in the updates since last July, but 12 is so much better. With 2024.14.7, you'll have the most recent FSD, as well as the most recent base code. Lucky you! Many of us on this TMC...
  19. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I wonder why you were updated to. 2024.3.25 which included FSD 12.3.6 which is beta test version. Your sig says no FSD, so it is odd you were on a special FSD version. Did you perhaps opt for a free trial of FSD? Are you by chance on TeslaFi. If so, if you give your odometer reading, I...
  20. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I wonder if that 2024.14.x, including FSD 12.3.6 will go out to everyone eventually. So far, this looks a lot like what happened with 2023. and 30.8 which included fsd 11.4.9 and went out to both main branch cars and tester branch cars. If this is what happens, cars on 2044.3.25...
  21. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ah! Thanks for that link and the story! We had bought FSD with our car in Dec of 2020, so when those FSD announcements came, I was all set to go. I found all the tricks and managed to get my "Safety Score" right up there by Oct 21, when we drove out to Yosemite, a perfect trip to polish a...
  22. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thank you Tester#1 for that! When (and on what version) did you join the FSD beta branch? I've been digging around in TeslaFi and have put together a comparison between the update sequences of two typical cars, one in the main branch and the the other in what I call the "FSD tester" branch...
  23. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    A posting from a single example of a V11 free trial would answer my question. Anyone?
  24. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Probably not, because I was looking only at the cars which have updated to 2024.14.6, and you have not. Yet. At the rate they are rolling it out, we should know in the next few days if folk on 2024.3.25 are or are not being held back. If you are on TeslaFi, given the version and your mileage...
  25. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Was the free month of FSD offered on V11.4.9, or is it only for cars with V12 ? The reason I ask is that the now current release (2024.14.6 with FSD 12.3.6) will be the first opportunity for most owners to have V12. This could result in a flood of new FSD trial users coming to this thread. I...
  26. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I am not sure 2024.3.x are being held now. I found several of what appear to be counterexamples on TeslaFi With yesterdays wave of 2024.14, the number of updates from 2024.3.25 grew substantially to around 10% of the updates. Among those were some which had been on FSD as far back as 2022...
  27. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That is a great question. Sadly, there is no visible "demarkation". Selecting Advanced vs. Standard Software Updates in the car appears to have no effect on this. But there is a large group of owners who are sent updates to FSD which are not available to everyone. This group is also...
  28. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    2024.24.6 with 12.3.6 is showing on TeslaFi with around 3,000 installed or pending. The vast majority were previously on 2024.8.9 (11.4.9). Meanwhile, over 6,000 of us, roughly 1/3 of the fleet, are on 2024.3.25 (12.3.6, same as 2024.24.6), and very few have been updated to 2024.24.6 so far...
  29. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not exactly true. Dimwits and the rest of us must all pass a written test and a practical test, just like us pilots. And the cars need licenses and must meet numerous regulations as well. Heck, even the blinkers must have adequate fluid supplies. ;-) As a pilot progresses from private to...
  30. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting. I got the Loud Red Hands only once, but like you just as I entered the freeway.
  31. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The problem is that "safety related" is so broad as to be meaningless. For example, a system which successfully improves safety is "safety related", but does it need a response? NHTSA is not measuring the safety of these systems. They are instead responding to incidents and complaints. Until...
  32. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Good question. Perhaps other issues have higher priority and the V11 highway stack is good enough to be a bit lower on the list. Speaking of merging, maybe they will add highways to v12 before they re-merge FSD with the production branch. If we wanted yet another incorrect guess, we could...
  33. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Link: "Given the total number of fatal car crashes in 2022 (42,795), the U.S. average fatal crash rate is nearly 16 deaths per 100,000 vehicles." That would mean that the 2,000,000 recalled Teslas, if average, would have around 320 fatalities per year, or ~80 since the December recall. NHTSA...
  34. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Speed limit 55 might be interpreted by some as an endorsement of that as a safe speed. So maybe they don't really want people to speed up to 55 on such a twisty road. Or, maybe, back when they were making the specs for these signs, there was talk about changing the default speed, which would...
  35. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I did understand that. As I said, I was kidding about taking 38 literally. I was just joking about Auto Speeding being like a Thelma and Louise mode. I scrolled up to 55, mostly, and the car slowed down very nicely for the turns. I assume it would do the same on Auto Speed, but I didn't try...
  36. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    TeslaFi says there are over 6,000 on 12.3.6, and only 600 on 12.3.4 plus a few smaller number on earlier 12 variants. There are still nearly 1,000 on the 2023.44.30.x 11.4.9 versions, and I wonder why. Perhaps not ready to chance version 12? I am curious about the "free trial" folks. Did...
  37. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    At 38 mph through the hairpin turns and cliffs over the ocean, well, lets just say I would probably have been unable to post the story. I'm kidding, of course. I assume the automatic speed setting would not cause redwood tree collisions or attempted cliff launches, but that road is not a great...
  38. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    About speed limit sign reading, it does not read (or interperet) signs like "End of 25 Speed Limit". We drove from Santa Rosa, out to Jenner, and up to Gualala via the twisty-turny Hwy 1. Through Jenner the speed signs say 25, which FSD read and obeyed. (Auto Speed Setting is off.)...
  39. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    How soon you get an update also depends, of course, on how fast Tesla rolls it out. 12.3.6 has been a very quick one, over 5,000 shown on TeslaFi only 3 days after the first ones. My assumption is that once a selected few get a new release, the rest of us are selected at random.
  40. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    FSD 12.3.6 Short first drive. Quite similar to 12.3.4. Still stops too far back from stop sign. Still waits too long at a stop when no one is coming. Seems to decide quickly to go or no-go if it does see a crossing car, and to take longer when no crossing traffic is visible. One possible...
  41. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Your lack of caring and your chuckle might be your gummy talking. ;-)
  42. S

    Vendor My Tesla Remote - A 3rd party remote that doesn't ask for your credentials

    Regarding the background walk-up-unlock feature, this may be a hint about the difficulty in the implementation: Watch for Tesla claims to have this, but deep in their FAQ they say "Background Bluetooth support for passive entry on the Apple Watch requires a series 6+ watch and watchOS 9+."...
  43. S

    Vendor My Tesla Remote - A 3rd party remote that doesn't ask for your credentials

    Don't want Auto Unlock, but would like unlock by a button on the watch. Watch is older series 3. Will this work? The use case is my wife sometimes wants to leave her purse (w/iPhone and wallet incl key card) in the car. (Not wise, we know, especially here in Oakland, Calif.) I keep my...
  44. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In 2022, PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant produced around 18,000 GWh of power. The problem with nucs is that they are not able to throttle down when they are not needed, such as during peak solar production. Trying to throttle down is what blew up Chernobyl, and also what melted...
  45. S

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    At least they don't require your car to report violations. Yet. (I call that RoboCop mode, as opposed to Robotaxi mode.) ;-) Or, as my dad used to say, cheer up, things could be worse. So I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse.
  46. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Make Minimal Lane Changes setting in the menu the persistent default, not reset defat to no for each drive.
  47. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In a similar situation, for me FSD saw the other car moving into the lane we were moving into, and swerved back into it's original lane. In your case, if the other guy was also on FSD, I bet FSD would have steered your both away, back to where you started. But trying that is something for a...
  48. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Scary story. Cool that FSD hit the brakes in time in spite of the poor traction. We had a scenario wich had me wishing FSD would get a closer to the car ahead: We were a few cars back from a red light in our direction, and FSD stopped a bit far back from the car ahead. Then, a car coming the...
  49. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes. This unapproved FSD enabling has been reported here by a couple others, including me. In those profile, if you disable and re-enable FSD, it does require the confirmation. Rather than FSDS I guess it is SEFSD, Self Enabled Full Self Driving. Cleary a bug. I expect the Tesla legal...
  50. S

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Highway 85 is a freeway, and V11 is active there, not V12. Highway 17 is also designated by FSD as freeway, except between Scotts Valley and Los Gatos, at least the last time I drove it, so it FSD switches to V11 on much of 17 as well.