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  1. Zythryn

    Is it over? YouTube video says EVs are DONE.

    Borrowing rates are definitely a part of it. I suspect the slow down in the first quarter (in the USA) was partly due to the rebates going away for many of the available EV options.
  2. Zythryn

    Is it over? YouTube video says EVs are DONE.

    I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. While I won’t give click bait YouTube videos, I’m happy to discuss ideas.
  3. Zythryn

    Is it over? YouTube video says EVs are DONE.

    12 years ago everyone was saying EVs would never work. 7 years ago most were claiming EVs are doomed. 5 years ago they said Elon was crazy for predicting the new Model Y would become the best selling car in the world. EVs did work. EVs don’t appear doomed. 2023 most sold car in the world was...
  4. Zythryn

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    I really would like to see the left turn signal on the left, and the right turn signal on the right of the steering wheel. That said, I prefer the stalkless design. Important note, this is the Highland design, NOT the S or X. I would be one of the people for whom a car with stalks would be a...
  5. Zythryn

    FSD take rate after free trial 2%

    12.3.4 has impressed me a lot. They still need to get the speed limit behavior nailed down a bit. My 30 day trial is up at the end of this week. I will likely be subscribing.
  6. Zythryn

    Phony Solar Demo in App

    I don’t see it as misleading. Odd perhaps, yes. The numbers add up. The only scenario I can think of is if the PW is set up to import at low cost periods and export at times where the user gets paid a higher rate. All in all, really seems to be making a mountain out of an anthill.
  7. Zythryn

    How does one drive the car when the screen dies and you have no stalks?

    I never had one break off. I have had it stop functioning (prior to owning a Tesla).
  8. Zythryn

    Long Term Battery Costs, Fears, and Serviceability

    It also helps develope the habit of plugging in. Allows the car to rebalance as needed. And as previously said, makes sure something out of the ordinary doesn’t leave you with an unexpected short range. Also most of the previous discussion does not apply to the LFP batteries in some of the...
  9. Zythryn

    Does FSD V12 work in rain ? What are you experiences

    Running 12.3.6 today. Medium rain, both highway and city streets. FSD ran the whole drive (about 40 miles). About 75% of the time I had the “FSD performance may be degraded” warning. Seemed to handle it very well. Perfectly on the highways, some sluggishness in terms of speed in a section of...
  10. Zythryn

    Does Tesla Share Drivers Habits to Data Brokers too? (!!!)

    No. What you noted doesn’t support your conclusion. State Farm insures tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Teslas. SF has data on how much they paid out for repairs. Now, if you want to confirm this one way or another, contact Lexis Nexis and request any data they have on you. That way you...
  11. Zythryn

    X90D battery being replaced with 75kwh battery under warranty!?

    Really interesting. Nothing else occurs to me. I definitely would price it as a used 75 and not a used 90.
  12. Zythryn

    X90D battery being replaced with 75kwh battery under warranty!?

    Can you inquire with the original owner? It may be that the replacement happened after warranty coverage had lapsed. If that happened, the owner may have opted for a 75kWh as it would be less expensive. And yes, a 75kWh battery pack will have less range and performance than a 90kWh pack. Still...
  13. Zythryn

    Poll: Do You Plug In Every Day (for daily driving, home charging)?

    I’ve found it is more reliable for me to stick with the habit of plugging it in daily. Probably not a big deal, but it makes for one less decision I need to make each day ;)
  14. Zythryn

    Bogus "Gas Savings"

    They used to allow you to modify gas and electricity prices. However, I can’t find that on Tesla’s site anymore :( In general, the quickest way I have found to do it is: Take the MPG rating of the gas vehicle. Take the “M” part and divide by 3. (This gives a very conservative # of kWh to go...
  15. Zythryn

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I am assuming the sources wanted to remain anonymous. The job of the journalists is to look into the sources. Verify that they are who they say they are, work at the business they say they do. And corroborate their stories. In this case, they apparently got multiple sources saying the...
  16. Zythryn

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Tesla badly needs a PR department. Reuters had 3 sources, all indicating the Model 2 plans were scrapped. They contacted Tesla for confirmation. Tesla didn’t respond, Reuters ran the article. Elon responds after the fact with a vague “Lies” post on X. If Tesla had responded before the article...
  17. Zythryn

    Tesla need to allow FSD to belong to owner

    Perfectly valid points. One caveat from someone who has previously purchased FSD. When I sold my Model Y a couple of years ago, I recovered most, if not all, of the cost of FSD. Carmax gave me a quote, then asked if it had FSD. When I told them it did, they reran the numbers. It was much...
  18. Zythryn

    Please help: frunk flew open on highway, bent hood, and smashed windshield. Tesla refusing to repair

    Are you sure? As I recall, my signature S had it. I remember as it was one of the first things I checked out when it was delivered.
  19. Zythryn

    Car does not turn off when me and wife exit together

    Model X, 3 & Y (over 9 years), we have never had this happen. If you can note the time when it next happens, Tesla service should be able to look at the logs. If this happens every time you both leave the vehicle that should make it easier to track down. Good luck, please let us know what you...
  20. Zythryn

    What makes a car "fun to drive"?

    Sound? Buy a woopie cushion ;) I agree with others. Responsiveness is what makes a car fun to drive for me. Every gear shift puts another step between the driver and the road. A manual is even worse, but it does make the process of driving more complicated. Some might find that more engaging.
  21. Zythryn

    Did you own any other brand of EV before getting a Tesla?

    Our first plugin vehicle was a Prius converted to a PHEV (15 years ago). Tesla was our first EV, soon followed by a Volt (13 years) We have owned a Leaf, MINI and various Teslas. I prefer smaller vehicles, but there is too much I miss about the Teslas, leading me back to a 2024 RWD Model 3. I...
  22. Zythryn

    Pulled over because of no front license plate

    In Minnesota the police are well within their rights to pull you over if you don’t have the front plate. I have also heard of many officers curious about Teslas. Both on a professional and personal level. I am saddened by those that instantly show distrust in officers. As for the front plate...
  23. Zythryn

    Angela Chao accident

    Interesting that the “rear door” was open. The report states that the driver couldn’t be reached/found through the rear door. I suspect they mean the tailgate and not a rear passenger/driver door. .23 blood alcohol level is quite high. The video of her stumble on the way to the car combined...
  24. Zythryn

    Your M3H 'Stalkless' Driving Experience....

    I was tenative about them myself. Before Highlands were available to test drive, I sat in a Model S to try it out. The positioning was good, but the smooth capacitance touch buttons were awful. Since the 3 did away with the capacitance buttons, all is good. Perfect? No, but better for me than...
  25. Zythryn

    Your M3H 'Stalkless' Driving Experience....

    This is the issue some seem to miss. For me, the stalkless IS the better experience. I find the buttons more reliable. The automatic turning off after a lane change/turn is very reliable. More reliable than my experience with stalks. Any change in vehicle make requires relearning controls. If...
  26. Zythryn

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    I agree with the idea of putting the right blinker on the right side of the steering wheel. I expect that change to be made somewhere down the line. It would have been easier to adjust to. For me, I’ve found it helpful to leave my left thumb resting on the left turn signal (may not be...
  27. Zythryn

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    So now I am curious if those that held up this article as proof that the stalkless controls are unsafe, will now feel the stalks are unsafe? ;-)
  28. Zythryn

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    I probably would have a similar reaction. From what I saw, the turn signals on the X & S are smooth capacitance ‘buttons’ with no texture. The 3 has actual buttons with a ridge you can feel. For me, it makes a huge difference. I expect the use of actual buttons to make its way to the S & X...
  29. Zythryn

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    I understand this choice, I just hope those that don’t buy a Tesla as a result will let Tesla corporate know. For me, I won’t be buying a car that uses stalks. I find the stalkless design in the Highland very useful and safer. If I had a lot of roundabouts in my area that may not be the case...
  30. Zythryn

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    For me, and the way I drive, the EV is universally better. My road trips have been more relaxing, pleasant and no more time consuming. At home I have a full ‘tank’ every morning. I understand this isn’t the case for you. But please don’t tell others it isn’t the case for them.
  31. Zythryn

    Munro Associates Review of 2024 Model 3

    After trying a car without stalks, I can say I won't be buying any car that has stalks. I get where you are coming from. If I was tied to a feature and a car didn't have it, I wouldn't buy it either. For me, I find I got used to stalkless very quickly, led to fewer mistakes and leaves my...
  32. Zythryn

    How long did it take you to get used to the stalk-less turn signals?

    After 13 miles of driving a Model 3 (Highland) I find I prefer them. My hands don’t need to move away from the wheel. The buttons can be felt without looking. I understand this is different from the Model S. I do hope that changes for the S as I feel the implementation on the 3 is safer. I...
  33. Zythryn

    Angela Chao accident

    For me, it is more intuitive to move my hand up to go forward and down for reverse. I have made an error with the stalks on occasion because of this odd (IMO) setup. Most of my past cars had shifters on the transmission tunnel. I also am a gamer where ‘up’ almost always means ‘forward’ unless...
  34. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    @balline For as much information and speculation I would recommend the waiting room: Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room Some possibilities include: Your specifications isn’t being built yet. Tesla has an incorrect phone number for you. You can get lots of insights in the above thread.
  35. Zythryn

    Angela Chao accident

    I believe mistaking forward and reverse would be less likely with the screen shifting. I say this as someone who has only used it once, upon picking up my new Model 3. It was easy to get used to, although not as quick as stalks.
  36. Zythryn

    Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study

    I hate this type of comment. It is a variation of a strawman argument. The pollution from electrical generation is addressed in every report I have seen on the overall greenhouse gas contribution of cars. Yes, the EPA measures car emissions and not grid emission. However, they have never...
  37. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    To those reaching the end of your rope, please, please, please speak with a manager. Let them know why you are moving on and what would have kept you as a customer. There is so much that is phenomenal about Tesla, but their communication can be absolutely awful.
  38. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    I understand your frustration, but all SA's are giving you the "truth". It may be that the date changes, but they are giving you the information they have. The best thing you can do, is go in, ask to speak with a manager, and let them know how frustrating it is to have all the changed EDD...
  39. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    Most recent EDD was Mar 8th-17th. Got a notice today to schedule delivery, which I did of course. DD is now Mar 9th! :-) SR RWD, Ultra Red, Black interior, 18” Photon wheels. OD 1/10 EDD changes 5? (I lost count) Hang in there guys, its happening :)
  40. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    So I went from VIN, EDD 3-2 to 3-16 to no VIN, EDD 2-23 to 3-6 to VIN assigned, EDD 3-8 to 3-17. I’m not getting my hopes up, and I am not finalizing payment until I can inspect the car. RWD, Ultra Red, Black interior, 18” Photon wheels.
  41. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    Lost my VIN as well. My most recent EDD was Mar 2- Mar 9. When the VIN disappeared, my EDD also changed to Feb 23rd - Mar 6th. Very odd, thinking of swinging by the Tesla store tomorrow. (RWD-Ultra Red-Black interior-18” Photon Wheels) Order Date 1/10
  42. Zythryn

    Protecting Your Tesla From Theft

    Until you know how the Teslas were stolen, your options are limited to basic, good practices. For all you know, the 11 Tesla owners all left their cars unlocked with a valet card in the car. PIN to drive is an excellent option as even if they have a key, they can’t drive without the PIN...
  43. Zythryn

    Is Tesla's "estimated 3-year gas savings" claim misleading?

    Again, the significance to that varies widely. To me, that has no significance what so ever. If you do nothing but use Superchargers it makes a big difference. Luckily, you can change the cost of electricity to match your specific use case.
  44. Zythryn

    Is Tesla's "estimated 3-year gas savings" claim misleading?

    Perhaps I should have been more specific. To be more accurate I should have said: “I have spoken to hundreds of people, in person, over the last 13 years, that were under the impression that charging at home was more expensive than gasoline.” It is very true that road tripping can be about the...
  45. Zythryn

    Is Tesla's "estimated 3-year gas savings" claim misleading?

    They still do, it is available after clicking on the details of the ‘potential savings’. I hate the leeway auto dealers are given in this country to deceive customers. Tesla’s example hear is the smallest offense compared to all the other shenanigans. I want that info & calculator available...
  46. Zythryn

    Don't get a ticket with Tesla Insurance

    As I understand it, that is exactly what Tesla does. The only state they don’t do this in is California. My understanding is this is due to CA state laws.
  47. Zythryn

    Is Tesla's "estimated 3-year gas savings" claim misleading?

    They list “potential savings”. Tesla also allows you to change the estimated annual mileage, cost of gas, and cost of electricity to recalculate. The ONLY issue I have is that the default when you load the page is to show the price with savings. I would much rather have the active tab default...
  48. Zythryn

    What are your home electricity rates?

    Rates can be tricky. I have a mix of flat rates and per kWh rates. The flat rates, IMO should not be included. In my case, my solar produces enough to cover the electricity rates plus all other fees. The net metering is pegged to the electricity rates, so it will continue to cover the costs...
  49. Zythryn

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    Latest update today. OD: 1/10 Ultra Red, SR/RWD, 18" Photon wheels, black interior Vin assigned :) EDD now March 2-9th (latest was Feb 21-Mar 6th. Minnesota
  50. Zythryn

    Autopilot/FSD Pedestrian Accident

    That will be a possible argument. What he said in the initial interview with police will be telling. Did he say he was unaware of striking anything? Or of striking a person? Tough to claim he was unaware of striking anything when you repair your car. Also, as I recall, the police report...