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  1. GeoffEV

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Being aware of traffic and monitoring what FSD is doing without having to steer and control the vehicle's speed makes for a relaxing trip with the Monitor arriving at destination feeling rested (instead of relieved or exhausted).
  2. GeoffEV

    2020 MY - TeslaCam Dashcam - USB no longer recognized

    Exact same situation for my 2020Y! I scheduled Mobile Service, but now I'm going to be OOT. I've asked for a reschedule beyond the dates provided by the App...so far, no joy. Maybe it'll be fixed by the time I return.
  3. GeoffEV

    Any news on Tesla insurance in New Jersey

    Thanks4good news, but I checked and Tesla website still doesn't offer NJ as an approved State. Must be imminent!
  4. GeoffEV

    Any news on Tesla insurance in New Jersey

    I wonder why it's taking so long for NJ to approve Tesla Insurance? I've shopped my family's Auto, Home and Umbrella coverages and other insurers already know what I'm paying and offer no compelling competition. I'm monitoring FSD >95% of each drive so I'll switch ASAP.
  5. GeoffEV

    Ear pain/Pressure help

    Just now searched for "undercoating" and don't see replies to your great query. If you removed wheel well covers and sprayed undercoating, please let me know as I'd like to follow suit! A buddy just got a '23 YLR and his wheel wells are dead silent compared to my August built YLR and I think...
  6. GeoffEV

    v11 software update SUCKS

    Voice commands work in my Y...and ya don't have to change the temp, just flick-up at the climate icon at the bottom of screen. Again, voice commands are easiest.
  7. GeoffEV


    Similar here with 2 different Samsung T7 500GB. After being away for a few weeks, I discovered 700 Sentry events arriving home. I got bored watching my F&F walking by my MY, so I decided to re-format the drive in-situ using the UI. That was 2 daze ago and now it doesn't work at all (no record...
  8. GeoffEV

    Tesla FSD Beta Release 10.5 2021.36.8.8 - 10.5.1?

    Isn't it illegal (and I would add immoral) in your State to touch your phone while driving? That's why God made voice recognition and GPS Nav car phone functions. Everyone on TMC professes to want FSD to improve road travel safety and we know that distracted driver-caused collisions are a...
  9. GeoffEV

    Tesla FSD Beta Release 10.5 2021.36.8.7

    But, you didn't get FSD back until another 10, right? For me, the final AP calibration took longer the initial blue steering wheel (which showed progress, unlike the FSD - which displayed 99% for at least 10 miles).
  10. GeoffEV

    Tesla FSD Beta Release 10.5 2021.36.8.7

    Says a former BMW owner! If you're lucky, you'll get there soon enough and be amazed at loving a ride that doesn't make you glad to get out. I'm never happy getting out of my friend's X as the combo of excellent ergonomically designed seats and finely tuned air suspension makes me slightly...
  11. GeoffEV

    Tesla FSD Beta Release 10.5 2021.36.8.7

    Is your car so loud that it needs noise cancelling? Ill like getting more tech, of course, but my Y is amazingly quiet even compared to my Bride's Mercedes (which is built like a tank, but rides like a dream - that reminds me: the only thing the Y really needs is a retrofitted Air Suspension).
  12. GeoffEV

    Expanded FSD Visualization

    Thanks! I'll give it a shot if 10.4 doesn't resuscitate the beta.
  13. GeoffEV

    Expanded FSD Visualization

    No. In fact, its much worse: as of 2 daze ago, all aspects of the beta went away as well as any aspect of AP/TACC. I've scroll wheel reset with and without SSD/Sentry connected, put the car to sleep overnight. The best I get is intermittent "steering wheel," but the moment I depress the...
  14. GeoffEV

    Expanded FSD Visualization

    Anyone else having trouble keeping the Driving Visualization side larger than the Map side AND keeping NOA routing displayed on the map? '20 MY, FSD beta
  15. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Park your car with 99. Don't move it. I had a 99 and got beta last Saturday. Just be patient, keep your place in line. Don't reboot. PS: Congratulations on your beautiful baby and your smile! Your photo brought back a flood of wonderful memories - and, don't forget to support a baby's...
  16. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    I did on Saturday, had a great 1st monitoring ride, lost all AP, got rolled back OTAU to 5.1 and got SS back which revealed my horrible score brought me down to 95, so I parked my '20Y and kept reminding myself how much I enjoyed that 1st 2.5 mile ride. During lunch on Sunday, a friend with an...
  17. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    When it happened to my friend, ALL SS data disappeared. Not just 1 or a few daze.
  18. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    That happened to a close friend of mine who I trust so implicitly that it didn't even cross my mind until days later when I read about the purposeful opt out method. We thought it was just good Karma and/or Elon rewarding him for being an early 2018 X buyer...then his wife wrecked his score...
  19. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Just "Mobil App Improvements"
  20. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    🤞 New OTAU loading now! 🤞
  21. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Yup. 1 very nice beta city streets drive of 2.5 miles (gorgeous UI btw). Anyway, stopped at a Tesla friend's home so we could share the experience of our area roads - but, no steering wheel appeared. Also, there's a thin, glitchy-looking horizontal line that's across the top of the LHS of the...
  22. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Not in my experience - it's demonstrably gentler to me and my Bride's spine. No sugar!
  23. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    I seem to recall that many of our YT Influencer beta testers have stated that the beta isn't ready for parking lots yet. Are there Release Notes or are the 100/100s left to use with caution as their only info?
  24. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Anyone who is unaware that the FSD beta is not even close to perfect must've been living under a rock for past 2 years. Please, don't F this up for the rest of us non-100/100 - sniping about how 'not perfect' it is serves only to get the beta expansion shutdown. Or, is that the selfish reason...
  25. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    Since it's not a single stack yet, isn't the NOA on limited access highways just the same as 21.32.22? Also, forgive my ignorance, but how can one setup a separate profile for an older SW version?
  26. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    And, please stop critiquing on less than stellar aspects! We should all agree to keep our opinions private on just how "bad" it is...whatever it is, it's better than what we had and the real bonus is that we're finally a part of a crucial safety and technological advancement for humankind.
  27. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    I'm sure you know this, but after numerous complaints from my Bride, I finally thought to change steering to Comfort, accelerator to Chill and lane changes to Normal. Now, her complaints are limited to the hard ride - about the Y, that is! ;)
  28. GeoffEV

    Safety Score

    My fave little sister and good-looking GF are visiting and neither have ever ridden in a Tesla. Will my Safety Score be affected if I do a 0 to 60 blastoff? I may as well not give them a ride if I can't give them a thrill...
  29. GeoffEV


    From your title, I thought you were gonna bash the Safety Algorithm - so my bad knee jerk made me skip it. I left the thread to get some work done and luckily it landed back on yours as I reopened TMC. Yours is the best information I've found on "why" this Safety Test is what it is - and...
  30. GeoffEV


    Be content! Those of us who got the button and rushed out to see what's what on the Safety Test shoulduh stepped and waited for more info and guidelines. Right outta da barn, I got an 88 bc I had no idea that slowing down by mimicking what AP does would reward me with >0.4g deceleration...
  31. GeoffEV


    When approaching a Stop Sign or red traffic light on AP, how come AP races up to well past the point a normal driver would and then decelerates aggressively until in Hold? Perhaps I was wrong, but up until this Safety Score period, I had thought the computer was attempting to get max...
  32. GeoffEV


    Anyone Android Tech enough to know when the legit Android PlayStore will have the Tesla App with the Safety Algorithm? I tried the APK a few times - even became a $19.95/yr subscriber - and got no safety stats. Lucky my bride has an iPhone, so I can see how I'm doing after returning...
  33. GeoffEV


    Ok...PST, right? See y'all at 0300! Zzzzz
  34. GeoffEV


    Well?! Don't keep us in suspenders - whoops, too late! ;)
  35. GeoffEV


    Troll much, Hellvio? Ya really know how to kill an upbeat mood.
  36. GeoffEV


    Thank you for clearing up my misunderstanding, but my MY hasn't done that...yet. I tend to let her drive in the middle lane except to pass (on the left), but maybe the reason that it hadn't happened is that we don't have your area's types of interchanges? IAC, bc we are all having to deal with...
  37. GeoffEV


    Say, what?!? Are you reporting that your Tesla will unilaterally exit highways? I've never experienced this "feature"! When using TACC/AP on any lined road with no destination input, my MY keeps driving on the main roadway. Please share a video.
  38. GeoffEV


    "Perceived safety"! Yes!! So, we the unwashed, are the victims of Tesla lawyers and PR? So, let's push for the rollout of The Button using our state certified driver's records. Let's put the power of our goobermints' knowledge of our driving records to work for those of us with zero points...
  39. GeoffEV


    Exactly! This "Safety" discussion is irrelevant (and off-topic) in that FSD beta is already out on public roads in myriad non-geofenced, unprotected - dare I say: UNSAFE environments?! The only difference is that we, who don't have it, are being denied access to it for no good reason. What...
  40. GeoffEV


    Everyone was promised city streets last Fall, then by Christmas, then by yada/yada/yada. But, that's "almost" beside the point to us now. The issue is that 70 some odd non-employee PIF "FSD" CUSTOMERS are receiving exactly the updates which we are overdue to receive. I'm not threatening a...
  41. GeoffEV


    Related, I guess... https://cleantechnica.com/2021/08/15/elon-musk-shares-details-on-teslas-fsd-beta-9-2-improvements/
  42. GeoffEV


    I don't know about the others, but at least Dirty Tesla ("Dan"?) has routinely opined during his videos that he wants everyone to get FSD beta ASAP. Maybe that's not the same as challenging Elon on the subject, but I certainly appreciate his sentiments. However, there would seem to be a...
  43. GeoffEV


    No part of life is without risk and driving on cruise control in an ICE vehicle or current FSD (TACC, AP or NAP) is already fraught with danger. Everyone either accepts this and remains vigilant or simply dosen't use these defect laden features and relies solely on their own inadequacies. Elon...
  44. GeoffEV


    My rant surely obscured my point which was supposed to be that all AP/NAP Tesla drivers, like myself, intervene and disengage these programs numerous times per sortie. What makes those lucky few better drivers, more aware or capable of disengaging or intervening to prevent collisions than the...
  45. GeoffEV


    If it's good enough for the 70-odd FSD beta Testers, then it's good enough for anyone of us. I've seen no skillsets of the YT operators nor any FSD beta flaws that any current Tesla NAP User hasn't encountered using the current system on local lined roads and highways. It's unfair that the...
  46. GeoffEV

    Elon ducking behind bogus "regulation" for $10K Level 5 bet this year

    Great idea! Mind if I glom onto taking $10K of that action, too? Booyah!
  47. GeoffEV

    FSD Timeline Promises (summary)

    The current Level2 V9.x is fine&dandy - Tesla should give PIF FSD owners the option to accept it as it currently exists - with or without an NDA, hold harmless&indemnity, etc., etc., ad nauseum! I'm well past ready4it.
  48. GeoffEV


    Well played!
  49. GeoffEV

    FSD Timeline Promises (summary)

    Which thread is that quote from? I'd like to peruse as many of these FSD - or, rather, lack of FSD discussions as possible.
  50. GeoffEV

    FSD Timeline Promises (summary)

    Thanks for so dramatically proving my point, but you should seek professional Jordan Peterson-type help ASAP. Good luck!