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  1. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Neither of which can be described as a smashing success. The only really successful product developed under his tenure is the Apple Watch.
  2. D

    Charging rate of 2020 Raven vs 2023 and up refresh

    I know the charging rate was changed; I'm thinking more about how rapidly the charging curve-- i.e. wattage-- drops as the batteries charge. I know when the original 2021 refresh Model S Long Range and Plaid were introduced, the Plaid would sustain a higher wattage charge curve for much longer...
  3. D

    Charging rate of 2020 Raven vs 2023 and up refresh

    My brother has a 2020 Model S, the so-called "Raven" version. I was telling him how much faster my 2023 S Long Range charges than my 2016 Model S. He wants to know if the current S will charge noticeably faster than his. I believe the answer is "Yes"-- as I recall, when the refresh Long Range...
  4. D

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    This thread is based on the news reports that Tesla has fired their entire supercharger team. I'm pretty sure that actually happened. I mean, if you can't trust our news media, who can you trust? Everything after that, including your explanation-- however logical it might be-- is speculation.
  5. D

    Snippiness 2.0

    Don't know where you got this information, but it's not correct. You do not need to provide a Social Security Number to register to vote. Here's the Federal document listing the voter registration requirements for each state. They vary somewhat, but in general it's "Provide a valid form of...
  6. D

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Why should we step back and see it from this perspective? We don't know this is what Tesla is planning. It's pure speculation.
  7. D

    HOV lane bug still in V12

    This has been my experience as well; I've notice subtle but definite behavior changes on highway driving. Of course this could just mean they upgraded the highway stack as well. Then again, I'm kinda confused by this talk of separate highway and off-highway stacks. I thought we'd moved to...
  8. D

    First V12 drive this morning. 20 mile commute, no overrides! (first time for me)

    Like all of us here, I've used FSD beta long enough to get a good sense of what it can handle and what it can't. My various local commutes are filled with situations that it can't handle, from choosing the wrong turn lane on a recently repainted road to a highway on-ramp that was a real...
  9. D

    Round steering wheel retrofit no longer available?

    Yeah, not going to be ordering one of those!
  10. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Oh, God, me too! There's a four-lane street I take every day. At the first intersection I come to, it _used_ to be one left turn lane and three straight-ahead lanes, which fed into a three-lane street. It was repaved last summer and the markings changed to that there are now two left turn...
  11. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Bear in mind that you're watching a carefully edited series of video from a single person. Are there situations in which V12 does insanely stupid things, or is worse for a given case than V11? We don't know, and while we can see V12 doing amazing things in Omar's videos, we won't really know how...
  12. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    well, yeah, but that's true for a lot of words, especially for "terms of art" in various disciplines. From a software developer perspective, you'll find very broad agreement that "beta" typically denotes software that is considered feature complete, but has not been thoroughly validated...
  13. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    IRL, it's "each component can be encapsulated". In my experience this rarely is the case. Since C++ is tacked onto regular C, programmers are still free to use regular C syntax and operations (e.g. malloc) and many do, It's so easy to just use a global to get data from this object into that...
  14. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    As a retired programmer, I would dispute that. Admittedly my last professional work in C++ was over a decade ago. Has the standard template library become more useful? Even if so, I don't see how it can ever be anything more than object-oriented grammar tacked on top of a very old procedural...
  15. D

    Round steering wheel retrofit no longer available?

    I was looking for the round steering wheel retrofit for my 2032 MSLR, but it's gone from the app, and I don't see anything at shop.tesla.com. Has Tesla stopped selling this upgrade?
  16. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My post was intended as an off-the-cuff, very simplified outline of how this problem could be tackled with non-NN programming. Of course the code would take the car's movement into account, probably try to discern object vectors by looking at the different camera images, et cetera so on and such...
  17. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Sure there is, It would work something like this: 1. Look at a frame from the cameras. Tentatively identify cars and other objects that might be moving. 2, Check for positional changes in subsequent frames. Spawn a new thread to track each object that is determined to be in motion. 3. In each...
  18. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    On the other hand, Tesla successfully developed their own chips for FSD when they found the Drive PX computer from Nvidia didn't fit their needs. I don't know if Dojo will work out or not-- it's not looking good, based on Elon's comments in the latest earnings call. But Tesla was built on...
  19. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Good thing nobody told Seymor Cray that…
  20. D

    2023 S/W Holiday Update

    Man! I'm still on 2023.27.12...
  21. D

    Mercedes approved for ACTUAL self driving in the USA. And will accept responsibility.

    According to the Mercedes web site, Drive Pilot is an extremely limited system that only operates under the following conditions: Clear lane markings on approved freeways Moderate to heavy traffic with speeds under 40 MPH Daytime lighting and clear weather Driver visible by camera located...
  22. D

    Tesla recalls 2 million vehicles to limit use of Autopilot

    That literally never happened except in joke videos. Sheldon Cooper is a fictional character. Mercedes’ system is only usable on divided highways, and only under 40mph— basically only for highway traffic jams. It’s a very limited system.
  23. D

    Epilepsy Mode?

    It hasn't actually been out for 4 years, first becoming available to a limited subset of owners (remember the "safety score"?) in fall of 2020. Yeah, the devil's in the details. How would you determine if the driver is having a seizure?
  24. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That's because the camera's positioned for cabin monitoring, rather than eye tracking. If they'd put a camera on the steering column like everyone else, it would work fine.
  25. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Well, what are we trying to achieve here? We're trying to make sure that the driver is paying attention, because they might need to take over at a moment's notice. Eye tracking seems to me to be much better than "hands on the wheel", since it's easy to get distracted (talking to a front seat...
  26. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That's a good point: that existing eye tracking systems are only used for highway auto driving. I don't know if any existing auto driving systems use a "hands on wheel" detection, but I'd guess that would involve making the wheel rim a capacitive touch sensor. These don't work with gloves, but...
  27. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Because the point of these nag systems is to make sure you're paying attention. Every other company offering similar L2 systems (Ford, GM, etc.) uses eye tracking _exclusively_. And it works. Nobody complains about it. It's a better, more reliable system than "just right, not too hard" tugs on...
  28. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    If Tesla can reliably gauge eye position from the interior camera, you’d think they’d eliminate the FSD steering wheel nag on cars so equipped…
  29. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    There are IR illuminators, but I'd be surprised if the centrally-mounted camera can track driver eye position. I'd guess it's looking for at head position. Every other car that tracks eye position has cameras mounted right in front of the driver. IIRC Tesla's central camera was originally...
  30. D

    Tesla wins first US Autopilot trial involving fatal crash

    Do we have any hard data-- as opposed to anecdotal data-- supporting this assertion?
  31. D

    Tesla wins first US Autopilot trial involving fatal crash

    Actually, that's not a correct quote. The actual quote is "It may do the wrong thing at the worst time, so you must always keep your hands on the wheel and pay extra attention to the road." It's "May" and not "Will". Normally I wouldn't nitpick this but you did specially say it was a quote.
  32. D

    Choosing between two options when paying for charging?

    No. You have one credit card linked to your account. You're not presented with any options when you plug into a Supercharger; it just charges-- the car and your card.
  33. D

    My 2022 Model S Refresh Long Range Fit and Finish.

    I suspect the assembly of the Model S isn’t automated to the degree that you assume it is. I’d bet the front trunk lid, doors, and rear hatch are all installed by humans, albeit with some degree of automated assistance. Back in the day, Tesla used to have factory tours in Fremont. I took one...
  34. D

    Need some guidance on a Tesla S

    Are you talking about the two rear-facing jump seats under the hatch in early Model S cars? Those were never a popular option and haven't been offered for many years. I don't know the last year they were offered but I'm pretty sure no Model S from 2016 onwards would have them. As far as I know...
  35. D

    Refresh Model X Matrix Headlights?

    I agree; the matrix headlights in my 2023 Model S LR are the best I've seen, eclipsing the previous best (my 2018 Audi RS7.) Actual matrix functionality would be wonderful. One would think the algorithms and techniques for this would be well understood by now, considering how long they've been...
  36. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    "Regulators", he spat. God save us from "regulators". Regulators stuck us with inferior sealed beam headlights decades after the rest of the world had moved on to brighter, safer replaceable halogen bulbs. Regulators decreed that all cars must have a "center high mounted stop light", aka "third...
  37. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I would bet rather a lot of money that not only does Elon understand the purpose of LIDAR, but that after a decade or so of hiring and working with some of the world's top experts in autonomous vehicle development, he probably has a much better handle on things like redundancy and sensor fusion...
  38. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    They can't use the same set of training data for all countries for the simple reason that driving regulations and laws differ. A U.S. training set would be useless in countries where people drive on the left side of the road, for example. Road markings and signage differ. And so on.
  39. D

    Refresh Model X Matrix Headlights?

    I’m not sure it makes much difference. All the new matrix headlights buy you these days is the ability to write out the word “TESLA” on a wall. Granted their overall lighting seems improved, but given that Tesla can’t even make rain-sensing wipers work, I’m not holding my breath waiting for real...
  40. D

    My 2022 Model S Refresh Long Range Fit and Finish.

    I am on my third Model S (2013, 2016, and now 2023 LR), and all of then have had this noticeable gap variance in the hatch/rear fender shut line as shown in your photo. I find it actually kind of gob-smacking that after more than a decade of production, Tesla simply doesn't care enough to do...
  41. D

    2023 Model S LR charging curve vs. 2021

    Although both the 2023 and 2021 Model S LR cars can charge at 250kW, my understanding is that the newer car will maintain a much higher charge rate for much longer-- that is, the entire charging curve for the later car would be "higher" than for the older car, leading to significantly faster...
  42. D

    SenseTime Wins the Best Paper Award at CVPR 2023 For Groundbreaking End-to-End Model

    I assume they’re basing their performance claims on simulations, then? If do, how did they get access to other SOTA driving system simulators? I’m pretty sure that Tesla, for example, wouldn’t hand theirs out to competitors.
  43. D

    FSD 11.4.x experiences

    If only there were some kind of reliable short range distance sensor they can use. Maybe something with high frequency sound waves?
  44. D

    FSD 11.4.x experiences

    I've been in the FSD Beta program since summer of last year, and while I've seen updates with significant improvements, so far my limited experience with 11.4.2 has shown more improvements than I've seen in any prior release. (As always, YMMV). We've all developed a feel for what FSD Beta can...
  45. D

    2021+ Model S and Model S Plaid Refresh Issues Thread

    That was true for a long time, but it's all single-stack now, so yes, it's FSD on the highway too.
  46. D

    My 2022 Model S Refresh Long Range Fit and Finish.

    Honestly, unless it punches you in the face every time you see it, I’d leave it alone. My 2023 Model S LR is my 3rd Model S, following my 2013 and 2016 cars. The earlier cars had some non-uniform panel gaps, and the paint quality wasn’t that great. The multi-coat red on the 2023 is vastly...
  47. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Well, Musk has said on several occasions that he's open to licensing it to other manufacturers: https://cleantechnica.com/2022/01/28/tesla-will-support-fsd-licensing-for-other-manufacturers/
  48. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Yes to all three.
  49. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That's the opposite of my experience. 11.3.4 is MUCH less laggy than 10.25.x, for me anyway.