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  1. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I thought he showed the whole wheel in the videos ...
  2. EVNow

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Don’t know … haven’t checked what Gerber was saying in late ‘00s or early ‘10s. But, I remember listening to some podcasts where he did talk like the #1 fan of Elon and Tesla.
  3. EVNow

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Anyone who still thinks there is a worldwide vast conspiracy by all the Market Makers to influence trillion dollar markets to save a few bucks - ask yourself this. Is your belief falsifiable ? If it is not - then, it is in the realm of religion, not facts.
  4. EVNow

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    What is the market assuming ... do most people think it will pass, so the downside (if it doesn't pass) is the main risk ?
  5. EVNow

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    What are you guys doing for next week. I'm thinking of treating it like the week of ER and staying out of the market. If the compensation package doesn't pass there is a risk of the SP falling hard.
  6. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    Anyway, I think the important thing that takes time is an engineer who debugs the edge case and figures out how to address it and retrains the network and makes sure there are no regressions. Whether they use new training data or not is not a big concern (since they can be working on other edge...
  7. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    Ofcourse we have to see how it works in the video / FSD world. BTW, what is zero shot - just learns from existing data ?
  8. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    I've not seen those ... I'll look it up. BTW, if that were the case, doesn't it go against Tesla's idea that you need lot of data. Anyone can reproduce any edge case and train in a day !
  9. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    Yes - but for NN to do something even badly takes thousands of examples. Organic NN is very different from CNN. You can read papers on that. Getting back to the original point, solving one edge case may have nothing to do with other edge cases, infact it may regress the already learnt normal...
  10. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    First - I'd argue NN is nothing like biological neural network. You don't have to tell someone a million times before they learn something. Even a puppy learns something after a dozen examples. Try that with NN. There are a lot of other differences too - I've many comments on this a couple of...
  11. EVNow

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I’d not say I was a former member of “MM” - I did work in the IT department of a mega bank and the notion that they would interfere in the working of the market making application boggles my mind. This is a conspiracy theory that has zero validity. As has been shown in this thread, starting...
  12. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wait … I’ve been out of TMC for a few days. How did we go from FSD to 300baud ?
  13. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think Model 3 in ‘18 changed the demo. I hardly see any boomers in Tesla around here. Lots of Gen X like me.
  14. EVNow

    FSD tweets

    You are making a big assumption too - with nothing to back it up. It is equally likely that solving an edge case destabilizes the normal case. Infact I think a lot of edge cases are exceptions. You drive within the lane with the edge case being an obstruction or bike on the side. An exception...
  15. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Dude, you are confusing government with culture. Attacking culture is racist - attacking the policy is fair game - though it is not allowed on TMC because it gets into politics ;) BTW, all governments are protectionist, one way or another. Whether it's about banning TikTok or banning import of...
  16. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I doubt it. I don't think we'll see this kind of competition this decade. I think companies will compete based on better coverage, more features in the car, subscriptions etc. I also don't think we'll get more than 3 or 4 RT companies in an area. It will take at least another decade before RT...
  17. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I don't get it a day after Omar/Chuck. There is some variability even for the OG. In other news - now I have a new peculiar problem. Near my home where the shoulder is big and the line faded, FSD has decided to drive on the shoulder! New with 12.3.6, I guess (though I don't remember this...
  18. EVNow

    Wiki Tracking FSD Feature Complete

    Already updated on first page.
  19. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes - 3 miles away a car is a dot or a speck of dust moving. Anyway, the point is - our eyes didn't evolve to combat UPL. So, what our eyes can do is not what we need for UPL.
  20. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Thats because they don't get $15 an hour and can't work for 20 hours a day. But then, I didn't claim they do ! The basic idea is that RT replaces labor - so we can calculate how much it is worth by looking at what would be the labor cost for the # of hours you can make RT work.
  21. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    That is racist. Nobody's "culture" is to steal IPs - just as it is not the "culture" of Europeans to commit genocide.
  22. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I remember someone tried FSD before it was available in Canada and there was no restriction.
  23. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    "visual range" of 3 miles ? What does that even mean ? You can recognize a car from 3 miles away ? I doubt it. OTOH, we can obviously see stars that are light years away ;) Visual acuity is definitely better than Tesla camera. Or for that matter any camera. I've posted about this before. But...
  24. EVNow


    Fluffer Bot was a technical issue. But the robot was simply not very good at performing this delicate task. Its botched efforts held up production, and eventually led to its removal from the Model 3 assembly line, There are obviously a lot of hurdles to overcome. But mostly technical (like how...
  25. EVNow

    Tesla Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Litigation, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 22-05240

    May be - but there are instances of judges not accepting settlements. For eg. in the Nissan Leaf battery degradation case, the judge asked the parties to renegotiate. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1099200_nissan-leaf-battery-capacity-lawsuit-court-approves-settlement Funny enough - the...
  26. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Why ? China has excellent AI engineers, plenty of money & everything else needed for RTs. Just not sure how profitable they will be - given labor is still quite cheap compared to US.
  27. EVNow


    Tipping is something we should just get used to adding to get the full price when comparing. Privacy .... I'm not sure. RTs will have cameras and presumably can record your actions (and words). You have no privacy when you are in a public space.
  28. EVNow


    Obviously, its not a big deal for a lot of people. I personally don't care. I've enjoyed the conversation sometimes - but kept mum at others. I don't think it will be a driving factor in adoption, one way or another. Ofcourse it will reduce labor cost - just not make it zero. Its not expensive...
  29. EVNow


    This is where individual RT companies can differentiate themselves from others. Better companies will have lots of places where the RTs will go to charge & get cleaned in every market. People keep talking about how passengers will dirty the car (intentionally or otherwise). I don't think so -...
  30. EVNow


    Desire of the people to have standardized service. I mean just look at automated checkouts. We are literally doing the work of checkout clerks without getting paid !
  31. EVNow

    Tesla Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Litigation, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 22-05240

    Yes - but you could always opt out. But the way these go - it might take a very long time and there may be multiple chances for Tesla to appeal or get the case dismissed. We have to wait for an actual lawyer to chime in. BTW, the judge has to approve any settlement proposed by the lawyers &...
  32. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Funny thing is - all left lanes here are carpool lanes. So I wonder whether the law applies to left most "general" lane ...
  33. EVNow


    Well, Uber/Lyft themselves would love to get their hands on RTs ! If RT is technically feasible, they will figure out a way to make them competitive. Is there any precedence for automation to have completely failed and people went back to manual labor ?
  34. EVNow


    The problem GM etc have is that they think RT is an auto business. Its not - its a AI + retail customer service/logistics business. GM has no experience in this - but is afraid to be left out. An MB exec put it this way some time back - they don't just want to be a noname supplier to Google. RT...
  35. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Yes - Uber/Lyft vs Taxis were basically one set of drivers vs the other set. In general people want more choice (and Uber/Lyft is so much easier to hail) - so will always vote for Uber/Lyft. But when it comes to human vs robot drivers, it will take time to replace humans. But will eventually...
  36. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    The basic idea of software is - the marginal cost is almost zero. So, you pay the engineers the same amount whether you have 100 RTs or 100,000. So, a very large fixed cost, but a very low marginal cost.
  37. EVNow

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Basically - if you operate a taxi company efficiently, you would have drivers on shifts and separate cleaning staff. So, it finally comes down to driver pay. In current taxi business, generally the drivers are leasing the taxi and paying some fee (or a % of revenue). They don't really get paid...
  38. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    How does it work in high traffic - it makes no sense to leave one lane empty when rest are jam-packed. My guess is all lanes will then be jam packed, so you are driving on the left lane - not just using it for passing.
  39. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    May be if it sees slow going cars it will reduce the speed to be with them, rather than look at fast cars and go faster. I've set my max at some 12% so that on a 35 road, the max is 40. That seems to be the general speed around here. FSD drives between 35 and 40, usually which is fine with me...
  40. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    LOl - thats what I thought too. I think its just a long range shot and the black car passed in front of Tesla.
  41. EVNow

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Which they will never tell us ! ps : Elon after all these years continues to believe at any moment now, FSD will exponentially become better quickly. That is the whole reason why every year he has claimed FSD will be achieved that year. MPI - not MPD. We should start using this.
  42. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Does it really go that slow or do you generally drive on the faster side (like 75 percentile) ? ps : To me FSD going a little slower than max is not that big a deal. For eg. I set max at 40 mph on a 35 mph road. Usually it will go around 36 or 37, if there aren't a lot of cars zipping past us...
  43. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The worst thing is to take a rental car at night from the airport and have to drive to the hotel on unfamiliar roads - and its raining badly - and the wiper barely clears the windscreen (and ofcourse no RainX). Really made me want FSD ....
  44. EVNow


    Thats hilarious. I definitely want to see what FSD would do. Its one of those "edge" cases where Tesla theoretically has an advantage.
  45. EVNow

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Very interesting. Obviously Tesla tracks MPI - but never publishes it. Now he claims 5x to 10x improvement - but without actually publishing the data, who knows ?! Anyway - if true - we should see an impact in the crowd sourced FSD Tracker. From 20 MPI to 100 MPI ? ps : He says intervention -...
  46. EVNow


    But we also see so many reports of - "if there was someone at the back there would have been an accident". So, I wonder, is FSD less likely to brake if there is a vehicle coming at the back. Since FSD would calculate the risk weighted probability of an accident, if there is no one at the back -...
  47. EVNow


    Interesting that we are seeing these reports. Waymo and Zoox have very tiny fleets - and yet we hear about Tesla phantom braking all the time but rarely actual accidents.
  48. EVNow

    What’s the point if I have to tug the wheel every 10 seconds?

    Try this ... https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/fsd-v12-x-end-to-end-ai.301471/page-658#post-8256674 The correct way to clear the nag is to - Use one of the little knobs on the steering wheel - Pull the wheel slightly in one direction and hold it till the nag goes away People who...
  49. EVNow

    FSDs is dangerous

    I don't know which city that would be - but the ones I know - 100% you will get into an accident, since by definition traffic lights are installed only in busy intersections. And since everyone is honking all the time, they are not useful at traffic signals. BTW, it would be interested what FSD...
  50. EVNow

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    Well, if they are lucky. Otherwise, they will be in IC and the government would have banned TikTok.