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  1. M1tch

    Do they wash the cars that come off the ship in Southampton?

    I collected it from Bristol. I never mentioned cleaning it or not but it certainly hadnt been. I didn’t mind either way, excusing a few stone chips it is still immaculate.
  2. M1tch

    Do they wash the cars that come off the ship in Southampton?

    Mine was not washed and had a good layer of grime all over. As far as I know, I gave it its first wash and ceramic coating and it looked amazing. (And still does although not seen it for 3 months!)
  3. M1tch

    New (to me) MX+ - Day 1 Puncture - Can it be repaired in the UK

    I think it was Gloucester tyres on Bristol road. If not there are a good 15+ garages and tyre shops on there so someone will do it.
  4. M1tch

    New (to me) MX+ - Day 1 Puncture - Can it be repaired in the UK

    My local independent garage also repaired a foam lined tyre when I did my last winter summer swap. They peeled the foam away in a rather unceremonious way and made the repair as normal.
  5. M1tch

    Bought a Model 3 from a 3rd Party Seller

    Personally I recon it’s a second hand car and you’ll be lucky to get anything. Were the tyres pictured on the advert? Probably not something you would have paid attention to and were looking at the alloy condition instead but if so, and if they are the right size, legal tread etc I think you...
  6. M1tch

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    No. The end.
  7. M1tch

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    My last Audi (A7) didn’t even have a dipstick. Needed to get the engine to temperature and check it on the screen - great idea if it’s low on oil….
  8. M1tch

    Charging a cupra born on an old tesla wallbox

    When it was installed, there is an option (via software option) to set it to Tesla only, or all cars. Try and connect to the chargers wifi and check how it’s set.
  9. M1tch

    LFP Model Y battery drain whilst on Holiday

    I’ve been deployed for 2 months (ish) now and lost 7%. A big chunk of that was in the hours prior to leaving leaving and hoping I’d get the matrix update so kept checking the app - wasnt to be. And the second big thing was waiting for a delivery so watched the sentry camera, opened the boot...
  10. M1tch

    Car location on Map is off by few meters

    Have you been into service mode and checked for any faults? Is the car showing off when you check its location in the app? I assume you tried the trusty 2 button reboot?
  11. M1tch

    Warming up

    Don’t worry about the numbers on the screen. Set it till you’re comfortable and roll with it. I had a similar thawing on a previous inshitnia (insignia) and may as well have set the temperature to W or G as the numbers had zero correlation to the actual temperature.
  12. M1tch

    Why does the Model 3 not have privacy glass?

    £120 and you no longer have a problem…..
  13. M1tch

    Uk enhanced autopilot changed??

    How do you know when you get a strike? Does it literally say “strike 1 of 5” etc? I’ve not had one as far as I know…..🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. M1tch

    Hows your adaptive high beam?

    Tried the recalibration / levelling thing? Can’t remember what its called
  15. M1tch

    M3H - Which software version?

    There’s nothing to worry about, it will come when it’s ready and your car has good wifi. Mine normally downloads itself when on wifi and I choose when to install it.
  16. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I used to do that until I got my first car with auto dipping lights 12 years ago. Don’t think I’ll change my behaviour with this update either
  17. M1tch

    Hows your adaptive high beam?

    One of the best videos I’ve seen showing it working well 👍🏻
  18. M1tch

    Hiring a Tesla Q

    When I last had a courtesy car from Tesla, there was a QR code on the screen, I scanned it, the car appeared in my app and all my settings transferred. I’m sure I read hertz (? ) were having something similar on their fleets of teslas?
  19. M1tch

    Clear-coat problem on matt black wheel.

    And I think you may have the answer….. Didn’t key the surface which is why the lacquer is peeling
  20. M1tch

    Clear-coat problem on matt black wheel.

    Wow, not ideal. I’ve got one kerbed far worse and so sign of that sort of flaking. Defo never been refurbished?
  21. M1tch

    Clear-coat problem on matt black wheel.

    Got any pics?
  22. M1tch

    What’s your job?

  23. M1tch

    What’s your job?

    nobody has to answer. Just a bit of interest / fun 🤷🏼‍♂️
  24. M1tch

    What’s your job?

    Simple question really, what do you do (or did you do) for a living? I’ve been on here for about 2 years now and some people talk about some amazing things that I literally have no idea about - primarily kWh, solar power, software and other electrical stuff. So just thought it would be...
  25. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I’ve still got 2024.8.4 pending - according to Tessie. Trying tot to use the Tesla app and wake the car as it’s parked up for many months while I’m away so may be an anomaly and just not updated? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  26. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Ah your wipers aren’t great, don’t worry, its fixed in the next update 👍🏻
  27. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    It will come. I got offered it within minutes of landing overseas and not seeing the car for months. My wife thinks it’s hilarious as I said my next car would defo have matrix headlights and although I did - I also didn’t until two weeks ago. And now I can’t play with it 🤣🤣
  28. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    To summarise, the wipers are fixed right? 🤣🤣
  29. M1tch

    The year is 2035. How far have we got?

    2035. Nuclear war happened. Were all dead
  30. M1tch

    Model Y oddly specific question

    🤣🤣🤣 thank you Where was the snow? Looks amazing
  31. M1tch

    Windscreen advice needed

    Nope! Windscreens are normally fixed in days so written into the insurance small print that a courtesy car isn’t a reasonable for a windscreen repair. That was the story when mine (and many others) had issues 18 months or so ago.
  32. M1tch

    Can’t connect to car via App - anyone else?

    Tried the two button reset on the car? Restarting the phone software? And made sure all the doors and windows are properly shut?
  33. M1tch

    Windscreen advice needed

    I had a similar issue for about 9 months. Go to Halfords (other sellers exist) and get a windscreen resin repair kit https://www.halfords.com/tools/hand-tools/automotive-tools/windscreen-repair-kit-655038.html Ignore everything in the pack apart from the resin. Squeeze this into the crack and...
  34. M1tch

    Model Y oddly specific question

    Can we see it flashing please? 🤣🤣
  35. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Beat me to it 🤣🤣
  36. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Just popped up on mine - 110 days till I’m back though so you can have my update if you want 🤣🤣
  37. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I have EAP and normally 3-4 weeks behind those who get it first. No sign yet - but 3 months till I’ll see the car again so not fussed this time
  38. M1tch

    Keyless Car Thefts

  39. M1tch

    Improvement ideas for Superchargers - and who to contact?

    All great ideas suggested by the OP. Tesla will get right on it once they’ve fixed my wipers…….
  40. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I suppose being a Tesla it doesn’t need any logic. 🤣🤣
  41. M1tch

    Model Y oddly specific question

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404446964650?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hUR_Z_IYRma&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=66ndc8l1qp6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Suction cups and magnets. Maybe add a metal plate (wrapped in cloth) on the inside of the glass roof for good measure? Or a...
  42. M1tch

    Super charge speed if battery not pre-conditioned prior to arrival

    I’ve been heading to a SC before (and so pre-conditioning) the car decided that are was too busy (not sure it it takes into account others navigating there or not) and it routed me elsewhere, straight in, charged and off again. I wouldn’t worry. Set your destination and go (assuming you have...
  43. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Why would they possibly do that? 🤯
  44. M1tch

    Matrix headlights - finally???

    Nice! Bet you’re glad it worked after the retrofit.
  45. M1tch

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Tried the obvious 2 button reset?
  46. M1tch

    Spotify won't play "Explicit" tagged songs (2023.32)

    They work on mine. My 6 year old even asked for “move b1tch” recently because “we are in your car and mummy isn’t here”!!
  47. M1tch

    Squeaky Brakes - Normal?

    Dunno - never used them 🤣🤣 Seriously though, no not normal. Have you burnished the brakes to bed them in?
  48. M1tch

    Battery won’t charge

    I was the same, literally didn’t care - especially as my profile migrated so was home from home (minus the performance performance)
  49. M1tch

    Battery won’t charge

    No, first was a dodgy batch which the replaced with one of the wrong capacity. Second they replaced with the right battery but with the remaining capacity measured from the second incorrect battery. Third was replaced with the capacity measurements of the first good battery prior to it failing...
  50. M1tch

    Battery won’t charge

    I’ve had 3 batteries now. Normally takes about a week but only ever 2-3 days worth of work on the car. Although Aprils was 3 weeks with most of the time waiting for parts. One in April, one in Sept and can’t remember when the other was. (Didn’t use the car for most of sept, any of oct or Nov...