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  1. JohnB007

    Campground Camping, Sleeping in MY Supply List

    If it is built anything like Expad, you might be surprised... 😁
  2. JohnB007

    Campground Camping, Sleeping in MY Supply List

    Has anyone confirmed on the comfortability of the new mattress by Tesla?
  3. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Where I live, it hits my max speed about 30-40% the time. I do need to press accel on certain spots where it goes well below my max, and even lower than posted speed. South of my city where there are lots of rural highways, posted limit is 80km/h and I was surprised to see that it hits my max...
  4. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Are there any OGs on 2024.3.25, got pushed to the latest version in this forum? Still no sign of any updates in my case...
  5. JohnB007

    Tesla Norway says Vision Park Assist after court loss

    I have USS but I turned it off for now, because I am also experimenting with the new auto-park feature. Surprisingly, (so far) I'm not missing USS much. Also, although auto-park is slow, I'm finding more situations where I can use it effectively. I plan to keep the settings this way for few...
  6. JohnB007

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    I really like the new automation interface - thank you. 😁 I also have a question regarding the automation. Sometimes, I come back home during the late afternoon or evening with less than 10% remaining. But our cheapest rate starts at 11pm. I don't want to leave the car at 5% for an extended...
  7. JohnB007

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    Yup, pretty much the same experience as PianoAI. I always press accel at that spot, but exact same behaviour since day 1 of v12. But as I mentioned, in other places, Auto-speed with my max limit works ok for me, when I don't feel I need to go anywhere in a hurry and no cars are behind me...
  8. JohnB007

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    I'm not sure if it works that way, at least for me. I've had this update for a while now, and on the exact same spot, where the limit is 80km/h, it drives 70, even though this is a wide open straight road. And only at this spot and nowhere else. In general, it does drive above the limit if my...
  9. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I was kinda hoping that the IR based sensor can still determine where you are looking without introducing no-sunglass limitation. I would keep my hands on the wheel regardless, but this would remove the infrequent remaining nags, in my case. For me, the most relaxing drive would be one of my...
  10. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That's unfortunate. Don't most people wear sunglasses during the day while driving? Looks good, except for the sunglass requirement...
  11. JohnB007


    My understanding on how autopark works is that the car will try to fit itself into that blue rectangle WITHOUT any awareness of moving cars around you. And if it managed to detect a space and placed a rectangle crooked (not straight or closer to one of the two cars), it will still try to fit...
  12. JohnB007


    I'm pretty sure some of those videos demonstrate parallel parking. I personally use it quite a bit when no one is around. Although a bit slow, it really does a good job most of the time. Tesla did say it was tuned conservatively for this iteration, so may be it will perform faster in future...
  13. JohnB007

    What’s the point if I have to tug the wheel every 10 seconds?

    FSD is not going full autonomy anytime soon. I much prefer to keep my hand(s) on the wheel to act as a third eye. I feel far more comfortable reducing my attention driving when one of my hand is on the wheel as my hand detects sudden (or unwanted) movement faster. As a bonus, this more a less...
  14. JohnB007

    FSD free trial… I’m convinced

    One of the problems with incomplete/imperfect but a powerful tool such as the FSD is that there is a steep learning curve, if you want to use it for more of your drives. Also takes time to get comfy with its behaviour which doesn't match yours (and mine). Few drives (even thousands of miles)...
  15. JohnB007

    Tesla Van or any EV Van (Canoo)?

    I was also looking forward in having Tesla announce a van, but I don't think that's happening (if ever) within the next 5 years. There is that mystery model based off Cybertruck but who knows what it is, and when it will hit the market as other higher priority model is ahead of Tesla's queue...
  16. JohnB007

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    I tried every paid app for Tesla and I like Tessie the best. Good job! ;) I do have a question though - under automation section, is there a way to manually order my automations rather than keeping them at the default order? I am accumulating automation tasks rather fast, and it is becoming a...
  17. JohnB007

    Once again sc**wed by Tesla

    I like the fact that many future buyers will benefit by having car prices go down. I will be one of the buyers who will eventually benefit too.
  18. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not sure what you mean? You mean for elderly drivers? If I had to guess what you are asking, I suppose the best for everyone is to refund the original FSD cost back to everyone and now anyone can use FSD for $99US/month at any time. But I don't see that happening, and at least for me, FSD is a...
  19. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Has anyone figured out what's different about this latest version? So far, it's not obvious looking at the videos and reading messages here...
  20. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'd be happy now if tesla converts the current FSD license to follow me forever instead of the car.
  21. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Compared to which version?
  22. JohnB007

    Campground Camping, Sleeping in MY Supply List

    Did you add any additional tint to any of the windows? In my case, I added the same amount to all 4 side windows (on top of what was there already in the rear windows) and it is dark enough that under pretty much all conditions, you really can't see inside. The only time is when it is dark...
  23. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yesterday, I had the first not-so-good experience with v12.3.3. It was around 8pm, so it wasn't completely dark, but visibility was not great, so maybe that's the reason. Bad: - Turning right into a faster road, it hesitated much longer than usual, and even got a flash from the incoming car...
  24. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm still confused on the new GUI based auto-park. Is this available on the FSD v12.3.3 (or 2024.3.10) on cars WITH USS?
  25. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    If they keep their FSD policy the way it is, then I will probably end up outwaiting Tesla and wait for a free FSD transfer once I hit 200,000km. Based on the frequency of this offer, I think I can pull this off... 😁
  26. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have v12.3.1 and tried my lucky click too, and it worked! Also, after that 400km trip, I can say this version rocks. Even the speed control was pretty good. I set my own +25% offset, and although it doesn't always go to that level, it sometimes does, and when it doesn't, it's not far off. I'm...
  27. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's kinda pointless to talk about v12.3.1 now since a newer version is out but since I just completed a full 400km trip, I'll mention here. On the highways, I cannot tell the difference between this and v11. I don't think they made any changes unless I didn't force it to reveal such behaviors...
  28. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I did another 40 mins drive, and still not much of a surprise for me. It has remained competent in relatively complex intersections. Turning off auto-Speed worked for me. Now I can go back to controlling Max Speed, except in this case, I'm telling Auto-Speed to not go over my Max speed. It...
  29. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    @MP3Mike - what version do you current have?
  30. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I let Assertive drive for about 5 stop/lights and in all cases, it was uncomfortably too strong, which didn't happen in other Chill based stops. I'll experiment further during the future drives. As for scroll down, I did not try this. Again, I'll try those as well. Thanks for the tips!
  31. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Got it, thanks. That solves the "too fast" issue then. Nice! 😁
  32. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I did another drive today with v12.3.1. This was about 40mins worth, again around 4 planned disengagements with V11. Overall, it handled the drive well. This route has two very difficult intersections with weird angles and less visible turns. Lots of traffic around this hour and V12.3.1 handled...
  33. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Let's just say that my wife WANTS me to turn on FSD when traffic is low. She instinctively knows that I am less fatigued when FSD is on for any drives longer than 30mins. I just don't use it when things are very complicated around me, but in most drives, she prefers FSD on. And I don't have any...
  34. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I had another drive with v12.3.1 last night. Usually, this route needs about 3-4 pre-planned disengagement with V11. Again, V12 was able to solve all of them. But, a new problem appeared other than the auto-speed related issues. As we turn right, we should have stayed on the current lane since...
  35. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I just watched a video of v12.3.2.1. Looks like they still have issues with auto-speed. Must be a non-trivial problem, at least in the world of AI.
  36. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That's clear, thanks. Now, I'm trying to figure out if v12.3.1 fixed (or improved) the bad auto-speed behavior from v12.3. I can't find any info so far. Looks like curve hitting behavior has improved somewhat, although I could be wrong on that too, since I never had v12.3.
  37. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Which version do you have? v12.3 or v12.3.1?
  38. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    What about non-highway situation? I thought MLC also applies in urban roads? Does V12 respect this setting like the way V11 used to do?
  39. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I used to use MLC quite a bit on V11. The question though, is if MLC makes any difference when V12 is used. Anyone?
  40. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Has anyone experienced curve related damage from the .1 release? I haven't experienced the v12.3 so I have nothing to compare against but so far, the .1 version seems to be leaving some room when turning right
  41. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Has anyone tried MLC with auto-Speed on V12? Does that make drives any more predictable?
  42. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I felt the car did go over posted speed by a larger margin when there were cars in front of me and they were driving significantly faster than posted limit. I didn't experience any crazy behaviors yet, but that was only 30mins worth of drive.
  43. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I drive quite a bit in Ontario and also further south in USA. I don't think Ontario has anything odd compared to other eastern states, other than km/h unit. As for Toronto, yes they have quite a lot of street cars and I always wondered how FSD would handle those as I confuses heck out of me too...
  44. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    To be honest, I don't recall as I was paying attention to other things. I basically didn't touch the scroll at all during this drive. I usually have it set to 25% above posted speed and re-adjust as needed when I was using V11. I also tried all 3 Chill/Average/Assertive but didn't feel they...
  45. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just went to a local Home Depot and come back. I used to pre-disengage about 4 times using V11, along with some manual max speed adjustments in 3 places. Now the V12.3.1: - As expected, it passed all previously 4 disengaged locations. Some were rather challenging with lots of traffic, yet it...
  46. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just got 2023.44.30.30 (12.3.1) in Canada! Thanks to everyone here, I have a pretty good idea what to expect from this version, especially jumping directly from 2023.44.30.8. I use FSD heavily, so it will be interesting to see how this turns out. Exciting. 😁
  47. JohnB007

    Campground Camping, Sleeping in MY Supply List

    You are going to be fine. I would be really surprised if you burn more than 30% over 8 hours. The worst I've ever burned without charging is around 20% but it was higher than your temp, still below freezing and it was for longer than 8 hours.
  48. JohnB007

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    When you say turn is more sharp, do you mean it turns closer to 90 degree to lessen chance of hitting curves, or do you mean the other way around?
  49. JohnB007

    Campground Camping, Sleeping in MY Supply List

    This is one of the issues for me as well. If I stop drinking any fluid after 6pm, I can hold until 7am. This is my limit for both drinking and walking up... lol 😂
  50. JohnB007

    Waiting for FSD version 12

    Are you guys on 2023 branch or 2024 branch right now? If latter, you still have to wait for a bit...