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  1. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Hasbara getting dumped here in large quantities. That's not going to help. You have to be deeply inserted into the US bubble to ignore that support for Israel has collapsed globally. Israel can still hold on to some loyalties formed through all sorts of lobbying networks like "Friends of...
  2. J

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    One might say that the person who hasn't done his job properly for a while at Tesla is the CEO himself.
  3. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This pathetic "they don't know argument" has run out of road by now. Israel's brutal occupation policies are out there for all the world to see. Israel's international reputation has been damaged massively and no attempt at propaganda is going to change that.
  4. J

    Just kill it off already

    How likely is it that any regulator would approve such a high pressure construction to operate in a public road environment?
  5. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Gay Tel Aviv is less than relevant when it comes to justifying bombing children in Gaza or terrorising farmers in the West Bank. It shows the complete delusions of Israel's supporters to believe that this amounts to any sort of argument.
  6. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Oh, it's women now? Treating your own women OK doesn't justify the suppression of another people. Additionally, let's not mention the Haredi, right? Really strong on equal rights for women, aren't they? No "to the back of the bus with them"? As to the permanent complaints about antisemitism...
  7. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, perhaps don't suppress another people if you don't want ant to suffer any consequences. As to Israel's claims and explanations, Israel has been caught blatantly lying so often that no one believes them any more anyway. It's just one "unfortunate incident" after the next. No one believes...
  8. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Having been asked to proceed to proceed lightly on Rafah, Israel reliably delivers another massacre of civilians. Israeli extremists are shown attacking aid convoys and destroying deliveries with Israeli military and police standing by. Israeli Politicians being as amiable as Mafia goons. The...
  9. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    "small land swaps", sure, the Palestinians know what that effectively means: Israel grabbing East Jerusalem and further valuable land in exchange for tiny stretches of worthless land somewhere in the desert. As to the general situation: Israel has been stoking the fire for decades, yet now...
  10. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's possible that the counter-protest was intended to be peaceful and it was infiltrated by bad actors intent on making it go south. That has happened in a number of peaceful protests in the US over the last 25 years. We may never know for sure. At 10:50 pm, innocent "counter-protesters"...
  11. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Just in case some people have lost out of sight what's going on in Gaza : One Photo That Captures the Loss in Gaza https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/04/opinion/gaza-child-deaths.html Parts of Gaza Are in Famine, World Food Program Chief Says...
  12. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    How Counterprotesters at U.C.L.A. Provoked Violence, Unchecked for Hours ....The violence had been instigated by dozens of people who are seen in videos counterprotesting the encampment. The videos showed counterprotesters attacking students in the pro-Palestinian encampment for several hours...
  13. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You really have to admire the sheer brass neck of the Israel supporters who seriously seem to believe that Israel is owed even more.
  14. J

    Additional layoffs

    Musk is blathering about working "hardcore" again. Anyone who isn't completely dense should have realized by now, that working "hardcore" doesn't save your job. It didn't save the job of that woman who slept on the floor at Twitter/X and it didn't save the job of the man at Tesla who worked so...
  15. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    What nonviolent path was that to be? Israel never saw Gaza as anything else than an open air prison. With the expansion of the illegal settlements over the past years there is the question, how any Palestinian state is supposed to be viable anyway.
  16. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    What's there to negotiate? The Palestinian Authority has been so cooperative that the Palestinians see it as a collaborator, and what did the Palestinians get out of that? Nothing at all. Radical settlers. You seem to have missed that Netanyahu has admitted that he wouldn't allow a Palestinian...
  17. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The current government could fall and a more liberal minded government could take its place and actually make a treaty with the Palestinians, but the next time the conservatives get power, they could tear up the agreement and go back to the old ways. Where is that "more liberal minded...
  18. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    But hypothetically if you replace the current Muslim population with any other non-Muslim society or ethnicity in Gaza - Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese, you name it - peace would be restored in an instant. What I outlined is a surest way forward for peace and prosperity. Israel is not...
  19. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Seriously, your argument collapses at the very first question: no, you aren't minimising civilian casualties when your preferred and prime method of attacking members of Hamas is hitting them at home, while accepting to destroy the whole apartment block by doing so. Any attack on Israel could...
  20. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    (moderator edit) As to "Israel pouring aid into the region", it really doesn't get more risible than that. Israel isn't giving any aid at all. Instead it's expecting huge handouts from Western taxpayers for itself and it expects others to provide the money to rebuild Gaza.
  21. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You seem to have missed Israel's programs Lavender and Where's Daddy: "We were not interested in killing [Hamas] operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity," one of the officers told +972 and Local Call. "On the contrary, the IDF bombed them in homes...
  22. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Israeli Officials Believe International Court Is Preparing Arrest Warrants Over War The officials said they thought that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others could be charged by the International Criminal Court and that the court was also considering warrants for Hamas leaders...
  23. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, it's notable that none of the people here who were dismissing protesting students as being ignorant felt called upon to repeat those claims when it comes to the experts of the State Department. Instead, we got advocacy in favour ot genocide. As to the mass graves, it does seem as if they...
  24. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I suggest you read the text you have linked yourself. Israel has obligations under International Law and there are convincing arguments that Israel has seriously violated those obligations. It can't use any "but Hamas" excuses. The rest of your arguments have been out there for a while. No one...
  25. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Thanks. Given that Scheffer's opnion was written in October of last year, it doesn't look as if Israel is coming out to well here. Famine because of a lack of aid, huge number of civilian casualties, displacement of the civilian population - it's no surprise that Netanyahu seems to get worried...
  26. J

    Boring company Robotaxi

    There is this fascinating concept of using trains in tunnels, which can shift far more people with even less energy. I wonder if Musk has thought about that?
  27. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Right, I had missed the embeded link and I deleted my post when I noticed it.
  28. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I consider your post as an open request for ethnic cleansing and genocide. I was aware of Musk veering far to the right, yet I wasn't aware that some Tesla drivers not only have followed, but far surpassed him on that trip.
  29. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As if many traditional media weren't propaganda channels. How would you rate something like the Murdoch media or the NY Post?
  30. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/some-us-officials-say-internal-memo-israel-may-be-violating-international-law-2024-04-27/ A joint submission from four bureaus - Democracy Human Rights & Labor; Population, Refugees and Migration; Global Criminal Justice and International Organization...
  31. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The IDF has killed thousands of civilians. When we go by sheer numbers, then Hamas will have a tough job to catch up. And we aren't talking just about Gaza, there are also hundreds of killings of Palestinians in the West Bank each year, that can't be blamed on Hamas. Additionally, the IDF has...
  32. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Thanks, that's quite interesting. Let's see if independent organisations manage to shed more light on these issues.
  33. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Maybe, maybe not. Neither Hamas, nor the IDF are trustworthy. Might be useful if there were at least some journalists on the ground, yet Gaza has turned into a kill zone for journalists, with 97 killed since October of last year - many of them by Israeli airstrikes, drone strikes, snipers...
  34. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    While we are supposed to be outraged about the discomfort of some Jewish students and professors at US universities, there are mass graves being uncovered at two hospitals in Gaza: U.S. State Department spokesman Vedant Patel on Tuesday called the reports of mass graves at the hospitals...
  35. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I don't know what sort of knowledge you are supposed to have anyway, in order to judge Israel's actions properly. Killing thousands of civilians; bombing civilian areas with heavy, dumb bombs; inducing a famine; destroying hospitals; killing aid workers and journalists - these are war crimes...
  36. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Oh dear, what a rant. Calling people with different opinions morons, I wonder if that's the acceptable style of debate here? Add to that the very selective memory that neatly apportions blame, while forgetting inconvenient facts. The Zionist movement with its aim of replacing the local...
  37. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This is quite a dismissive attitude towards the students. What makes you believe that they aren't informed about Israel's history? The more you learn about Zionism, the way Israel came into existence and the way it treated the Palestinians, the less likely you are to like this history. There is...
  38. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    That's a very dissmissive attitude towards the students. One might as well say that they haven't been bought yet by AIPAC or their big donors. It's difficult to think of a more cringeworthy and spineless performance than Columbia's Ms Shafik in Congress: "Would you risk getting cursed by the God...
  39. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    When it comes to the DT, anything they write on Israel is an opinion piece, even the supposedly neutral reporting. Usually you get hammered with several pro-Israel opinion pieces each day. They have this awful Colonel Kemp writing for them, who has always been one of the most shameless shills...
  40. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The Daily Telegraph used to be a reputable conservative newspaper. Nowadays it's just a parody of its former self, read by hard right, highly unpleasant people, at least if you judge their readers by the kind of comments you can find in the comments section. As regards Israel, you might just as...
  41. J

    Just kill it off already

    These dorsal fins aren't new at all. Just look at Audi's competitor for the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2011, as one example for their use.
  42. J

    Tesla Network / Robotaxi Business Model

    I guess that all these economic predictions are based on the assumption that no competitors will be able to produce robotaxis? What is that assumption based on?
  43. J

    Angela Chao accident

    Wasn't it possible for her to roll down the side window and to escape the car that way?
  44. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    We all know that policwe brutality in the US is over the top and that the US is a complete outlier among the industrialized world. I just wonder why you believe that standards in the US are also representative for the rest of the world? As the assassination in the hospital - which was a clear...
  45. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Ah, kid was shot into the back while attempting to flee. As with the assassination in the hospital, apparently the concept of "arrest" has been largely abolished when it comes to Israeli security forces and Palestinians.
  46. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Right, and look how well they are being treated by Israel in return: https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/world-int/24868-rising-violence-against-palestinians-by-israeli-forces-in-the-west-bank-reports-amnesty.html
  47. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The Saudis killed just one journalist. Compared to Israel they are obviously rank amateurs.
  48. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, in times past governments that claimed to be democratic tried to arrest people, even terrorists, instead of simply sending a hit squad. Even dictatorships often used to be ashamed to admit to have ordered a hit and claimed that people had been shot "while trying to escape" or died "because...
  49. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Not even 1‰ of the employees of UNRWA were supposedly involved in the attack on Israel, yet that's supposed to be sufficient reason to stop any financial support. Sorry, this brazen hypocrisy and unconditional support for Israel has really shattered the credibility of Western countries...
  50. J

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Just at the moment when there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza Western countries use the pretext that some UNRWA employees may have been complicit with Hamas to remove all financial support for UNRWA. It's obviously a complete coincidence that this happens right at the same time that Israel...