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  1. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Yeah I made that suggestion to them. Apparently they are working on a few things but they didn't confirm if it would do that.
  2. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah speed cameras working again for me too. Must have been a map issue.
  3. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    You can set the prices and percentage to whatever you want. That's just how I have it set most of the time. The last few weeks I've bumped it up to 14 and 12c to get full charge though last week I charged at 1-2c/kWh
  4. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah that is in the works. From memory there was even some sort of code in there for the cars to automatically report some sorts of hazards.
  5. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    The new EV charging controls have been working very well. All sorts of customisable trigger options, solar charging, time based etc. Still in alpha testing at the moment.
  6. Jules22

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

  7. Jules22

    Tesla still doesn't know about the Rozelle Interchange

    Good news
  8. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The guys who do the S3XY buttons already have access to the wipers through the CAN Bus so I'm sure they could add it fairly easily to their system if they felt it worthwhile.
  9. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Problem is rain sensors have never been perfect either. Not saying that the Tesla system is currently better, there are enough complaints out there to tell me that it's not consistent and there are issues. Like everything else Tesla have not settled for 'good enough' just because everyone else...
  10. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Interesting as that's kind of the point of Amber in my opinion and how I turn my costs into profits. I don't have a massive solar array and particularly at this time of the year it's doing nothing. If the FIT is 2-3x the supply then it makes no difference what the supply is, you just draw in...
  11. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Yeah couldn't be more different to a slight slow down which you can easily control. That's why I think we should be clear which we are talking about.
  12. Jules22

    AGL’s “Night Saver Energy Plan”

    Yep, I used to do this when I had a 'cheap' off-peak plan before I moved to Amber.
  13. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Not at all, just that 'braking' implies use of the brake and in most cases full ABS lockup, which as I described I've experienced in a number of radar based vehicles and is a completely different experience (and much more dangerous). I think it is VERY important to separate the two, as a slow...
  14. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Of course it depends if there are renewables flooding the grid or not
  15. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

  16. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Depends on where you are. My overnight rates currently are in the 12-14 c range. Outside of winter they are often below 10c, but middle of the day is always going to be cheaper due to solar etc. That's when you get the negative prices.
  17. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    The TOU providers can afford to discount that period because they are gouging you for the rest of the day when people are actually using power. They also don't pass on anywhere near the FIT rates. Amber is just the wholesale rate, they can't be discounting it.
  18. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    I'd suggest "Phantom Slowdowns" to be more accurate.
  19. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah didn't get them this morning, also on .14 map data. Guessing something broke in either update
  20. Jules22

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Yeah, FIT's are definitely down at the moment compared to averages per below, but my usage charges are also down too. Still managing to get a healthy profit most days with the significant delta between usage and FIT (Just nowhere near as big as previous seasons), but I guess it depends on where...
  21. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I'll try check today. I don't normally drive through any sites so haven't noticed
  22. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Yeah, don't mean to be pedantic, but I think it's important as they are two different things. If I'm on AP I generally keep my foot over the accelerator for this reason, I think on my CBR-MEL-ADL-CBR trip I probably had 3 or 4 over the ~4000km. I expect 2 or 3 on a long trip, and there are...
  23. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Ahh yes, explains all the pubes
  24. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Yikes, that would have required a change of underwear for sure!
  25. Jules22

    Cybertruck spotted in Sydney

    So just got an email saying the CT will be in Canberra from tomorrow till the 18th June.
  26. Jules22

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Phantom brAking or phantom slow down? I've experienced slow downs in the Tesla but I've never experienced phantom braking (have in several radar based vehicles though, ie a full ABS emergency lockup for absolutely no reason). 99% of the time when someone says phantom braking, when you actually...
  27. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Just got 2024.20.1 Looks like the improvements to the adaptive high beams haven't been approved here yet. Got the A/C improvements in there though.
  28. Jules22

    Supercharger - Benalla, Vic (Withdrawn June 2024)

    To be fair, sounds like pure speculation (again) on both sides.
  29. Jules22

    Supercharger - Campbellfield, Vic

    Yeah, possible there are still stocks of V3's but I suspect those being currently replaced will end up in new sites and/or as expansions to existing sites.
  30. Jules22

    Supercharger - Campbellfield, Vic

    Wonder if this is one of the first re-deployments of the V3's they are upgrading? Also kills the narrative some are trying to spread of no new sites...
  31. Jules22

    Roadtrip - Sydney,NSW to Bowen,Qld

    Nice write up, sounds like a great trip. Love Harwood for a dinner charge stop on my trips to Brisbane. Also with Italian background I can wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of little Italy Cafe.
  32. Jules22

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Probably lol
  33. Jules22

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    @dronus am I crazy that I kinda miss all the tracking ships, speculating etc while we waited for our deliveries? Almost makes me want to order another one already.
  34. Jules22

    MCU2 Upgrade and no AM or FM radio

    Ouch. You got mucked around but glad they sorted it in the end!
  35. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I suspect it's just related to cooler weather.
  36. Jules22

    Supercharger - Wagga Wagga, NSW

    I suspect they will
  37. Jules22

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Me too!, haven't heard anything on that as yet, I think that will come in a Tesla App upgrade.
  38. Jules22

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Wasn't any additional features from 14.8 (nor from 14.3 if you have a Highland), these versions are just bringing everyone onto the same branch. 2024.20 is coming soon and should have some added features. Not certain if we will be getting the adaptive high beam improvements right away though...
  39. Jules22

    Australian Model 3 highland accessories

    I don't believe either a standard powerpoint nor an dedicated EV charging circuit would increase insurance. I've never seen that question on any insurance application. If a powerpoint was installed by a non-qualified person and then caused a fire, then the insurer may be able to get out of...
  40. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Ahh so @dronus hasn't gone crazy. Or at least this isn't more evidence that he is 😝
  41. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I was only on .8 for one night, didn't get any drain at all, certainly haven't had anything on .9 either.
  42. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah, that came with 14.3 from memory
  43. Jules22

    Supercharger - Keith SA

    Yeah, same here, used them fine in April and also agree that bakery was pretty ordinary, had the sausage roll as well, it looked and tasted like it'd been there for a week!
  44. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Actually just checked and they are there on 14.8, downloading 14.9 now also. No idea if there were there prior to 14.8
  45. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    No, I don't remember seeing them before.
  46. Jules22

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    If they refuse to pay, you take them to court, but that process is pretty easy (albeit more costly) given you have a Tribunal ruling. I would expect that even the dodgiest builder who might be calling your bluff would pay up before it got to court if they were convinced you were sticking to your...
  47. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    14.11 starting to go out at the same time, seems like some A/B testing or the .11 may be CT specific.
  48. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Looks like a 14.9 version has started rolling out. Not expecting any new features yet though.
  49. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Wow that's weird
  50. Jules22

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah, did a video on 14.8 and the upcomming changes earlier today -