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  1. R

    Supercharger team sacked?

    I agree with the fact that the government and councils need to legislate or incentivise better EV facilities. Unfortunately with house prices in the UK and modern estates packing in houses on top of each other there are less and less houses with driveways. Maybe a rapid charger site on every new...
  2. R

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Genuine question but what shortcomings? I've only had my M3 since Nov '23 and Supercharged it a few times and had no issues at all. Is it since other brands started using them?
  3. R

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    If only there was an easy and cheap sensor you could use that would reliably detect rain. Taking away the sensor before you could get camera based detection was a real shoot yourself in the foot moment.
  4. R

    Dashcam - help me understand its use

    I just use the voice command "Save that" and it seems to work fine.
  5. R

    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Looking online every article I can find says that Tesla use Telefonica in Europe which means O2 in the UK. I also loose signal in the car when in certain places that my mobile on O2 does (local Co-op car park and local garden centre.) My wife's phone on Vodafone doesn't have the same issues in...
  6. R

    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    My connectivity issues seem to have been resolved since the holiday update. I used to have issues after leaving my home wifi and had to use my personal hotspot even though the car and my phone are both using O2. Now it is always connected as soon as I leave the house.
  7. R

    2023 Holiday Update

    Does anyone else have issues with the Apple Podcast app being very quiet? I have to turn it almost to full volume when listening to podcasts, I've tried a couple of different podcasts and they are the same volume and then I deafen myself when going back to Apple music.
  8. R

    LTE connectivity issues

    My Wifi Hotspot is on O2 as well and has no issues with connectivity at home. There is a regular blackspot on my commute that my phone will drop connection for a minute or so but it recovers by itself but the car won't. If it did then caching a music track or two would make you not notice the...
  9. R

    LTE connectivity issues

    I was told by the service centre that they have seen quite a few cars with this issue and it has been escalated to head office and they expect an update to fix it sometime. They couldn't give me an ETA though.
  10. R

    Autopilot /Adaptive cruise getting worse

    I've had my Model 3 just under a week and we were driving to Loughborough yesterday form Reading and had about 6 or 7 phantom braking incidents in bright sunlight. They always seemed to happen when overtaking an HGV and then car dealing with it well and hard braking. I had it again on the way...
  11. R

    Hi from the UK.

    Thanks, can't wait.
  12. R

    Hi from the UK.

    Fair point! It's just over 2 weeks away and I can't wait.
  13. R

    Hi from the UK.

    I'm originally from Liverpool but moved down south 23 years ago. I'm really looking forward to getting the new car.
  14. R

    Hi from the UK.

    Hi everyone, first time EV buyer here (wife has a hybrid MB) and looking forward to getting my Model 3 LR RWD in about 3 weeks. I'm based near London and commute using the M4 a few times a week. I've just sold a 15 year old MX5 which wasn't great on the commute so I'm really looking forward to a...