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  1. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    No, in the states. I loved Kelvin Mace. The art style, the black humor, and was disappointed it didn't continue. My other favorite from that era was another short-lived title, Stig''s Inferno.
  2. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Back from my days when I managed a comic book store.
  3. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    I have had v12.3.6 try to turn left in front of oncoming traffic on two occasions now in the same place. Also, I have had it change lanes to make a turn into a lane obstructed by a disabled car with its flashers on, and would have proceeded to merrily slam into it, save for my intervention. It...
  4. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    But, it seems to want to go somewhere, since it will initiate turns. I have been tempted to see where it takes me, but haven't had the time.
  5. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    It would be absolutely unrealistic to expect no accidents since there are too many variables and specifically, still loads of non-FSD cars on the road. Also, safety features only work when used, i.e., seat belts, ADAS.
  6. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    The other issue with the trolley problem is that it takes place on tracks, allowing for only two possible 100% fatal outcomes, and ignores braking (mitigation). In the real world with a car, I have multiple paths and braking. I don't think there would be sufficient time for a driver to register...
  7. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I have seen now indication FSD "learns" on the fly. In fact, I have instances where it started out handling things OK, then regressed. I started 12.3.6 with FSD finding and turning into both my home and work driveways. Then it just started overshooting them.
  8. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I have a LOT of problems with v12.3.6 and speed limit signs. On a well marked, new section of highway with a 55 mph speed limit, it will suddenly decide the speed limit is 30 mph, and slows accordingly. I also have problems in school zones. FSD sees the pavement marking, slows down, but then...
  9. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The polls have been highly unreliable for the last six years. They keep predicting GOP wins, and the GOP keeps losing. The Corporate Media™ and polling companies have a financial interest in claiming the elections are tight, or flat out favoring the political Right. The GOP is not a lock in the...
  10. KelvinMace

    Tesla in crisis?

    I have no desire to put more money into Tesla while a vile bigot and right-wing conspiracy nut is running the company.
  11. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    The trolley problem also takes place on tracks, so one only has a choice of two specific, unalterable paths. Such is not the case with a car. Also, the choices in the trolley problem is a choice between one 100% fatality, or multiple 100% fatalities. In a scenario with a hitting a car versus...
  12. KelvinMace

    System down - production compensation

    Dude, I check my production daily. Why would you not do the same? Hell, at least weekly. I doubt you have much of a case unless you have some kind of guarantee of uptime, which I doubt.
  13. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Not if they were on the sidewalk.;)
  14. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The advantage of the SC network to non-Tesla drivers is not speed, but reliability. A 350kW EA charger is not really helpful if it doesn't work.
  15. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    The decision for this human driver is you hit the oncoming car as obliquely as possible. Swerving into pedestrians is not an option, since pedestrians have almost ZERO chance against a car, whereas a car has crumple zones (unless it is a CT), emergency braking systems, and air bags.
  16. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    You do know that cars, unlike the trolley in the trolley problem, have brakes?
  17. KelvinMace

    Front lower control arm replacement

    Oh, and Tesla has known about this problem for years. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/
  18. KelvinMace

    Front lower control arm replacement

    Have/had exactly this problem with my two 2018. Bushings are a "known" problem, and were partially covered when I took one car in (I only paid for the parts, not the labor). I am waiting for a local service center open so I can fix the other, since it is a mile from my house, and the other...
  19. KelvinMace

    FSDs is dangerous

    I have had it fail to stop, stop at the last second (HARD), decide to stop HARD on a yellow, and change speed suddenly. Also, prior to v12, when using TACC it used to handle stoplights perfectly, after v12 it stops for green lights unless the light is "confirmed", and sometimes even when...
  20. KelvinMace

    FSDs is dangerous

    I have had it do the same things. You CANNOT get used to FSD and rely on it. This is what makes FSD dangerous and stressful. If you rely on it, it can do something that could injure/kill you. If you maintain proper attention (supervise it). driving is more stressful. NEVER trust FSD.
  21. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Tesla's sales may be slowing down, but EV sales as a whole are still up. More non-Tesla EVs being sold means more use of the previously highly reliable SC network by non-Tesla customers.
  22. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    And Musk has now introduced the kind of FUD into the whole question of places EVs can recharge that the FF industry could only dream of. He has made his customers, EV advocates, and other automakers now utterly uncertain about Tesla's commitment to its own network and the J3400 standard it...
  23. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    If it were just this one thing, that would be true. But Musk has gotten more erratic over time and now routinely posts about disprovable conspiracy theories, anti-Semitic tropes, and anti-immigrant hysteria. He is no longer a well man. He follows a nut named "Cat Turd", for crying out loud.
  24. KelvinMace

    Thieves steal high-voltage Tesla Supercharger cables from Montrose(Houston) charging station

    If you have the system designed to alert on damage, in the case of cutting cables off, that can take time to hit multiple chargers. If you have video surveillance of the site, the police have a lot more to go on.
  25. KelvinMace

    Thieves steal high-voltage Tesla Supercharger cables from Montrose(Houston) charging station

    Seems like they need surveillance cameras at SC sites, with an alarmed tripped if an SC is damaged. Of course, since there is no longer anyone left in the SC department...
  26. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    When Tesla faced crises in the past, Musk was not the paranoid, vindictive, conspiracy monger he is today.
  27. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    We are not depending on journalists to prove Musk's bigotry, we have his own words. But somehow you seem to view Musk's own stated beliefs as irrelevant to people's judgement of his actions. The comparison to Henry Ford's anti-Semitism is appropriate, factually and historically. Are you now...
  28. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    These jobs are more than just space holders for warm bodies, and anyone brought in will require months, if not years to get up to the level of expertise held by all the people just fired.
  29. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Elon has rather made an example of himself. He criticizes others Yes, I kind love how they defend Musk against "personal" and "hearsay" attacks for his publicly expressed views. The comparison to Henry Ford is DEAD on the money. As has been said many times, when people tell you who they are...
  30. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    I judge Elon on his own words that he chose to post to his own personal website he paid $44 billion for. The fact that the media reported on his own posts is kind of irrelevant to the point. When people tell you who they are, believe them. And Elon Musk is his own worst enemy.
  31. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Your posts here are evidence of defending Musk, it figuratively describes what you are doing. As for your argument, that has also been rebutted, we are now just discussing the motives for your argument.
  32. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Calling you a "white knight", even ironically, is NOT an ad hominem attack.
  33. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    *Sigh* By "Me too" I meant I too had bought a LR with AP, not that I considered buying the $35K model. Also, if you are using the legal definition of hearsay, i.e., that legal testimony by a witness about another person's statements is not admissible in court, you would be correct in using...
  34. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Yes, I found that amusing.
  35. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Well, he is a stable genius in the same way Trump is a "stable genius".
  36. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    I never said I almost bought one, I said I forgot that your could buy one in a limited window, off menu. Please show me where I said "I almost bought one". You are quoting another poster. I have never stated I "hated" Elon, you have assumed that. I am angry at Elon for betraying the mission...
  37. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    You are correct, my remarks were harsh, and I apologize. I still assert that Musk's actions are part of an increasing trend or erratic behavior demonstrated by his writings on Twitter which are quite damaging to the brand. I think his actions of late speak less about "hard business decisions"...
  38. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Me too. That is how long I have been waiting on Musk to keep his promise about FSD, that would be solved "by the end of the year/next year".
  39. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    He has a HUGE backlog of unrecognized errors. Twitter is a $44 billion mistake, just to name one off the top of my head.
  40. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I have watched Musk descend into paranoia and text-book narcissism over the years. This is what you get when you mix a social media echo chamber, wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, and an initially small personality defect.
  41. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Every one is always ready to claim Musk has a method to his madness. Sometimes, especially for those of us who read what he writes on Twitter, it is just madness (and probably drug-fueled madness at that).
  42. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Agreed, I had forgotten about the "say the secret password and give the secret handshake and you can buy a $35K model stripped of all options". Hardly in the spirit of the original promise, but Musk is all about technicalities these days.
  43. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The inflation rate between 2016 and 2018 was negligible. And again, he NEVER qualified his remark saying "well, $35K adjusted for inflation". Also, I left out the word "not" in the sentence "and inflation was not THAT high in the case of the CT.
  44. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    One more time, but read it slowly, I said he never delivered on the $35K M3 when inflation was NOT a factor, and inflation was THAT high in the case of the CT. Also, when Musk made the promise, he didn't not say "well, $25K, adjusted for inflation".
  45. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    Again, sub $30K, is $29,999, not $25K. And the fact that it was in 2020 doesn't excuse Musk. He never publicly repudiated the promise.
  46. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    The mission to make EV charging universally available was an Old Elon goal. We have new Elon now, a guy who moved is HQ to a state where it is illegal to sell his cars. He also courts the support of politicians who would trash the entire green energy/EV movement given half a chance. Tesla had a...
  47. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    He never delivered the $35K M3, when inflation wasn't a factor. Also, inflation has not been THAT high. The top spec CT went from $80K to $100K.
  48. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The rumor was that the $25K EV had been scrapped. That rumor turned out, even when Musk said it wasn't. Once it blew up in his face, he backtracked and said they would develop cheaper cars, i.e. cars less expensive than now, but NOT the $25K model as he had promised earlier. File that along with...
  49. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Well, in this instance it had it in the form of a product that was up 99%+ of the time.
  50. KelvinMace

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    You feel like Elon is "too smart to screw this up". Have you been paying attention the last few years? Elon's conduct has been anything but rational for some time now.