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  1. S

    AP/FSD related crashes

    I'm confused by why you didn't intervene earlier? Was it intentional inattention? Was in unintentional inattention? Essentially unconscious trust in the system. Was it due to the wanting to know whether it would handle the situation? Obviously you failed so the question is why? I get that...
  2. S

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    As much as I'd like to believe the Tucker Carlson story it doesn't seem to be true. In some ways its actually worse because he's a Russian asset without actually intending to be. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4677767-tucker-carlson-russian-tv-without-permission/
  3. S

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I assumed he was talking about 9/11, and the response. But, that was an attack by terrorist. So I don't know if that really counts.
  4. S

    Is there any way to justify having 2 cars for one person?

    Unless someone is in the 1% there isn't a whole lot of environmental damage one can do by acquiring things like vehicles. From a cost perspective its much easier to acquire experiences than things. So in that sense experiences can be far more costly for the planet than simply acquiring...
  5. S

    Tesla announced it will offer FSD to competitors

    You can never go hands free with a torque sensor. Now sure one can argue that you never want to go hands free, and instead have your hands lightly resting on the wheel. But. this doesn't give the torque sensor enough torque to sense.
  6. S

    Auto headlights with wipers function deleted

    In my Jeep I know the autolights are tied to both In my Sprinter I know the autolights are tied to both In my Rivian the autolights are tied to both Tesla is now reimplementing the wipers connection with no explanation of why it was ever removed in the first place. I honestly don't know of any...
  7. S

    Auto headlights with wipers function deleted

    Why would you not want this? Is there a car manufacture other than Tesla where the auto-headlights don't come on with the wipers? Auto-headlights is already an option so if you don't like how the auto headlights work then you simply turn it off.
  8. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Was the USS really all that useful? I think its less that the product has gotten worse, but the competition has gotten better. Why bother with USS when there is 360 degree down facing view that Tesla doesn't have yet. Then there is rear cross traffic alert which is also much better than...
  9. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Huh? Consumer Reports removed the Model 3 from their top pick for awhile, and later on they restored it. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/30/business/tesla-model-3-consumer-reports-top-pick/index.html Overall Consumer Reports has been really happy with the Model 3. In fact its the only Tesla that...
  10. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Not sure I've ever logged into twitter once every 30 days so I guess I'm out to even if I take no action. It's more of an every 31 day thing.
  11. S

    Elon & Twitter

    The issue I have with partisan based news is that it often omits details that are important if we're really going to do a comparison. In the first case we have someone who fails to account for percentage of the population. Then in the second case there isn't any consideration of poverty...
  12. S

    Elon & Twitter

    It's likely a bit of both. On Instagram I don't want to see any car accident video's, but Instagram continues to pop them up on my feed. They do because I keep clicking on them. They're leveraging my need for analysis and not that I simply want to relax my brain with pretty pictures of hiking...
  13. S

    Elon & Twitter

    There is always some balance between freedom and security. Should we ban live location flight tracking of a plane (not a specific human)? Should we ban all location flight tracking even ones days ago? It might seem like live location flight tracking is more useful to a bad actor, but I'd say...
  14. S

    Elon & Twitter

    There is no $15K pre-order for FSD with a Rivian That isn't to say I don't have my gripes about Rivians Driver+ and its absurd limitations, but at least it didn't cost me anything extra. For me driver assistance technology is a nice to have sort of thing, but not a deal killer unless its...
  15. S

    Elon & Twitter

    All these points are about Tesla manufacturing the same thing in an efficient manner which I already acknowledged as a key strength of Tesla. This strength is already being leveraged in what appears to be a price war. FSD is a key aspect of the strategy of making a boring box interesting. I...
  16. S

    Elon & Twitter

    I have zero issue with this, but it doesn't take away from all the other points I made. Tesla can continue to grow, but the lack of innovation is seriously going to hurt them in the long term. Whether you acknowledge it or not Tesla is still betting big on FSD because if a car drives itself...
  17. S

    Elon & Twitter

    *cough* Roadster 2.0 *cough* *cough* FSD *cough* :)
  18. S

    Elon & Twitter

    I'm assuming they mean alternative brands. Sales are increasing, but market share is decreasing as all the competitors enter the market. To me the biggest advantage Tesla has is production capabilities, and pricing. Where people are buying Tesla's not necessary because its their first pick...
  19. S

    Elon & Twitter

    But, that isn't anything new. If a company fails to innovate and fails to bring out new models then their sales begin to drop. It is true that its a bit different with EV's which tend to be supply limited, and not demand limited. But, I am concerned that Tesla doesn't really have anything new...
  20. S

    Elon & Twitter

    But, was it really inflation or was it simply supply and demand? There has been a correction for a LOT of vehicles, and the ones that haven't corrected are supply limited. When it comes to Tesla specifically I think they're suffering from dated designs and the lack of innovation. I'm not...
  21. S

    Elon & Twitter

    In WA state you can't test drive a Rivian because of a dealer protection law. Tesla got a special exception that Rivian hasn't gotten yet. Little do the dealers know its actually a good thing if you can't test drive a Rivian. Tok'ing any time you accelerate or decelerate isn't exactly going to...
  22. S

    Elon & Twitter

    In my defense I couldn't find a post to respond to that was both on topic, and worthy of being talked about. :-) Plus nothing current is going on with Elon and Twitter. How do I know? There is no Elon & Twitter Arstechnica article today. :p In all seriousness I'm a little confused about any...
  23. S

    Elon & Twitter

    What I find funny about Prop 13 is its basically a republicans wet dream, and yet it exist in one of the most liberal states. In any case if a homeowner did move from California they likely kept their house and simply became a landlord.
  24. S

    Will Mercedes jump to level 3 before Tesla? Looks like it.

    The problem with L2 and L3 is there really isn't a superior technology. There are just pro's and con's which require an understanding of the SAE levels to really appreciate the differences. I agree that the headline is problematic because Tesla doesn't care about L3. To me L3 is a cherry on...
  25. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Plus for something like a label like that you'd think there would be a set of qualifications for it. I didn't see anywhere where twitter told us what those qualifications for that label came from. It seems to have come from Musk himself. That he gets to decide and if you don't like it then...
  26. S

    Will Mercedes jump to level 3 before Tesla? Looks like it.

    I'd also argue that the fact that it can do L3 legally that odds are the L2 features are pretty darn solid. My biggest gripe with any L2 system I've used in inconsistency. Not just inconsistency in my own experiences, but in the experiences shared by others. I don't know when/if I'll ever...
  27. S

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    In a way this shows that society is evolving. In the old days you could acquire classified information by means of a honey pot or bribery. Sometimes you could get it if the leaker felt like some wrong was being committed. These days all you have to do is push someone to prove that they're...
  28. S

    Electrify America general discussion

    A few reason: Increases Supercharger utilization. An underutilized Charger is bad for Tesla as it's not generating any revenue as it sits idly. Increased utilization means decreased ice'ing. I'd much rather wait for someone finishing up a charge versus someone who just left their vehicle...
  29. S

    Elon & Twitter

    We think we're smarter which is actually worse than simply being dumber.
  30. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Enough to have 733 pages and 14650+ posts in this thread, and at least one article per day on average on Arstechnica. In my parents era they had soap operas and in my era we have Elon and Twitter.
  31. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Its because you can't really know what something is going to be like until AFTER the change happens. Right now Twitter is in the middle of a massive change.
  32. S

    Elon & Twitter

    But, is it more important to speak equally or to listen equally? With mainstream media most of the GOOD sources are behind paywalls of some sort. So you can't even be a truly informed person unless you have the means to pay. What I liked about twitter BEFORE Elon came along was that it...
  33. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Someone else? Or something else? If it's someone else than I agree. The average person should not get more in retirement benefits than what they put in plus investment gains. If its something else like taxing mega corporations leveraging data from collected from humans going back as far as...
  34. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Thankfully we're dying sooner so they can't use the "living longer" excuse much longer. :-) In the US I believe most of the issues with social security really have to do with inaction. Democrats generally want to increase the payroll tax earning cap or eliminate it, and the republicans want to...
  35. S

    Elon & Twitter

    That just means he did a great job at preparing to set cash on fire.
  36. S

    US Superchargers open to CCS vehicles

    The eventual plug and charge requirement is likely the biggest obstacle Tesla has considering how the Magicdock works. Most of the NEVI rules seem like they have sound reasoning beyond them. Like the 97% uptime requirement will address broken charger issues that EA is famous for The Plug and...
  37. S

    US Superchargers open to CCS vehicles

    Where are you getting this list from? The one I've been looking at is this one. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/02/28/2023-03500/national-electric-vehicle-infrastructure-standards-and-requirements
  38. S

    US Superchargers open to CCS vehicles

    I agree that there isn't 100% clarity on this issue. But, I don't see why Tesla wouldn't be going after it. As to being compliant with NEVI funding I would say EA is going to have a much more difficult time given the 97 percent uptime requirement...
  39. S

    US Superchargers open to CCS vehicles

    Parking my Rivian into a stall effectively blocks a charger to a Tesla. If you don't allow a Rivian then you also don't allow any vehicle with the charge port on the front driver side. Ultimately I think Tesla is just going to have to tell people where to park at Magic Dock equipped...
  40. S

    Will Mercedes jump to level 3 before Tesla? Looks like it.

    With L3 you can't just claim something, but you actually have to do it. If the system always says "not ready" then customers are going to be pissed. I dunno about anyone else, but I'd totally go for L3 in a parking lot. That means all the responsibility is on the car manufacture where all I...
  41. S

    Will Mercedes jump to level 3 before Tesla? Looks like it.

    For an AV company L3 doesn't have much revenue potential so I don't see any upside in them creating a system for it. But, for a luxury carmaker traffic assist L3 is a pretty significant milestone that can help customers justify the high price of the car given that it literally gives them back...
  42. S

    Elon & Twitter

    There were two loses. The first was the eagles losing The second was his loss to Biden in "engagement" We can only speculate which one caused the tweet to be deleted.
  43. S

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    When I owned a Tesla I followed him for Tesla information, and I imagine quite a few people do. When I got rid of the Tesla (bored of passenger car EVs) I didn't stop following him, but certainly stopped checking his tweets and retweets like I did before. I mostly used twitter to follow AI...
  44. S

    Price Drops: Do you think Tesla should offer FSD for Q4 2022 buyers?

    No, they've been punished enough Free supercharging for a X years might be a good customer retention move.
  45. S

    Elon & Twitter

    The fire sale had more to do with pending tax credit change in 2023. It simply isn't logical to buy a car today that will be $7500 cheaper tomorrow. There has been a lot of talk about alienation, but I don't know to what degree that actually impacts car buyers. When I went from Tesla to...
  46. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Why would this be the case? The only linkage I see is Tesla stock going down when Elon needs to sell more stock to continue burning in the dumpster fire that is Twitter. But, at this point Elon only owns 13.4%. So why is Twitter important to the success of Tesla? Why would a social media...
  47. S

    Elon & Twitter

    To start with assume you have to have content moderation. That not having content moderation is non-negotiable. Then think of it in terms of toxic content versus productive discussion because this determines how much work the moderators have. I believe most can agree that SpaceX conversations...
  48. S

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    Yeah, but I've lost faith in all of humanity so that's not saying much.
  49. S

    Tesla goes over cliff-pacific-coast-highway-California-miracle survivors

    My belief is some fraction of human beings have fatalistic moments. Or in other words they're predisposed to having intense emotionally compromised moments. To me that kind of moment makes more sense than losing money an in investment. If money is the thing it makes more sense to go solo in...
  50. S

    Elon & Twitter

    But, this isn't a case of a tweet being deleted. This is a case of someone being banned for a prior article she wrote many, many months ago. To my knowledge it had nothing to do with any recent tweet.