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  1. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes, last week I was also told I could configure. Now I'm worried that demand is indeed low. I'm not going to press my wife to let me buy the $110 K version. Like you said - way too much. Guessing they are going to milk as many people as possible for the founder's series before they start...
  2. tmoz

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    I'd be shocked if it were open in time for your trip. But I was shocked that construction started too. So who knows?
  3. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Gone, gone gone ... 'cause you done me wrong:
  4. tmoz

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Tech never stands still: Quantum computing may make bitcoin mining trivial, or it might break the entire current encryption/decryption method, which would be replaced by I don't know what.
  5. tmoz

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    https://blog.srpnet.com/kayenta-solar-facility-expanded/ Looks like the Navajo Nation owns it and SRP agrees to connect it to their grid. OK - ~56 MW. They could use some BESS too, I'd say.
  6. tmoz

    My experience upgrading to MCU2

    2015 S 85D Autopilot 1.0. Not sure I'd get any useable new features with the upgrade other than speed. The instrument cluster is starting to have some peeling behind the clear screen. If that got totally messed up, I'd have to spring for it. Not sure how much longer I'll keep the car, 104k...
  7. tmoz

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Sadly, or thankfully, clean electricity is happening because it is now the cheaper source.
  8. tmoz

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    Well bust my buttons! Hallelujah!! (full disclosure - I had to look up how to spell Hallelujah)
  9. tmoz

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I think we are going to get transportation pollution under control in the next decade or two, but the rise of electricity hungry data centers might throw a monkey wrench into plans to make our grids greener. I also think geothermal may be the dark horse to save the day. Not sure if everyone...
  10. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Or like Curly Howard:
  11. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - West Guadalupe Road

    Oh no, not another V4 conversion?
  12. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This drive raises my optimism about 12.3.x-->12.4.x being a definite noticeable step in improvement. We will need to see more videos, but so far, this is what I was expecting/hoping for.
  13. tmoz

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    I'm not holding my breath.
  14. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Checked today with some spy photos of the cabinets as seen from the gaps in the doors.
  15. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I've been driving in pelm, germany this week. There are many narrow road without stripes (think chuck cook's narrow un- striped lanes videos). Some parts of the road narrow so much that only one car may pass. If two cars approach from both directions, you have to figure out who goes first. Some...
  16. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    These past few posts really sound like a group of old buddies shooting the breeze, knowing that doom is right around the corner, but enjoying the moment. Old-time socialization.
  17. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    But the unveiling will not necessarily be the final configuration - just rev 1. All things (design solutions) should improve over time.
  18. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I also wish they would only compare FSD usage or Autopilot usage with miles driven on the same road (or same difficulty level). The bias we worry about is that FSD or Autopilot is only enabled on the easy roads, while when it is off, the easy roads plus the hard roads are included. I'd like to...
  19. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Or perhaps an ex-employee by now.
  20. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You could just buy one of those devices they use to pump you full of air. That can take a day to get rid of all of that air. I've got to do a virtual one because the doc had trouble making the last turn with the camera. This time I'll be awake and see what I've been missing.
  21. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    What is your definition of a normal person? I think I know a lot of people who would use it that way. Then again, most people I know are not normal.
  22. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Extremely broken? What term would you use if it just stopped and didn't proceed or if it crossed and made other cars brake or swerve? I would call that a successful LHT, but one that could use refinement. Broken? No. Could be better? Yes.
  23. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3.9? Ah ha! I knew there were some time-travelers in this group.
  24. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Almost 250 pages of discussion here between 12.3.3 and 12.4 beginning to rollout to employees. Let's see if 12.4 will be the savior to save our souls.
  25. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Looks like this location is going to be open to all EVs. zoom into the last pic to see the device near the handle.
  26. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'll ask the obvious question - how did FSD figure out that there was enough room in the island to hang out and wait for the RHS to clear? Can it figure out if there is just a narrow break in the median? What if there is a left turn left added for the drivers coming from the right when they wish...
  27. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In Germany, you can get a ticket for passing on the right. So on the autobahn, flashing your lights, tailing 5 ft behind, honking your horn, etc. is all acceptable behavior when you are in the left lane going faster than the one ahead of you blocking it. And the Green party often blocks the...
  28. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    No. When I talked to the guy working there and suggested 4 more weeks, he said, "Oh no, two more weeks." Now my 4 weeks appears to have been optimistic. Then again, we were not clear as to what we were talking about as being finished. Maybe his work was 2 more weeks, but certainly not the reopening.
  29. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3.6 is yesterday's news. It's like a troubled teen who has been sent to correction school. Tell me how they behave when they graduate to 12.4.
  30. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    OK - it is good to learn something new everyday. @APotatoGod - intentional or accidental?
  31. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think you meant " their effect affect"
  32. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    And while we are at it They're, Their, There. effect, affect then, than ...
  33. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

  34. tmoz

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ - W Warner Rd (permit applied 12/11/23, 16 V3)

    I hope all these permitted sites in East Valley get built. As far as Globe is concerned (and Kayenta), the wait continues.
  35. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Did Musk reply only because he follows Dirty Tesla and no longer follows Omar? Or did he really relent on dropping Omar? Until 12.4.x comes out, these are the only types of things of interest.
  36. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    On a similar note, my son-in-law who hates driving - makes him too nervous, said he'd be willing to pay for a monthly subscription just for the parking ability.
  37. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes, 12.4.x will be the acid test.
  38. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Has any aspect improved from 12.3.3 to 12.3.6, other than adding parking? Not good statistical sampling on my part, but I've heard more negatives than positives, but now I can't recall aspects that got reliably better, which makes me ask if there was some aspect that got reliably better.
  39. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Old count was 12. I count 12 pipes. I don't see any increase in stall count.
  40. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Adding some pics to @tynamic
  41. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My salesperson told me that Elon was going to demonstrate a NY to LA driverless trip soon. That was in early 2015 when I bought my model S. No label was given to this feat, but neverthesless, that is what the sales person told me.
  42. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'll gauge FSD improvement trajectory on the improvements 12.4 brings. 12.3.4 seems to have broken some things. I had a zero intervention drive home from a restaurant last night, although it was only a 3 mile drive, it got everything right. When I drive with my wife (not using FSD, me driving)...
  43. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I pull forward without fsd until I can see oncoming traffic when I'm first in line. Sometimes that means going into the crosswalk when there are no walkers. 2nd or 3rd in line is different. Not sure what I do, other than try to get a view as I enter.
  44. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wake me up when V12.4.x drops.
  45. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm 99% sure that's what it did to me on roads like Tx Hwy 287.
  46. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    On my 2400 round trip to east texas to view the eclipse (luckily successful), the highway stack did beautifully on interstate highways. No pingpong, passed slower cars automatically, got out of the left lane if a faster car was approaching from behind. While on regular highways, it was like a...
  47. tmoz

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Today's update: the man said 2 more weeks after I suggested 4 more weeks.
  48. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That's what I was thinking but to stopped doing all of the things it did well on the interstate like automatically pass someone going slower than you, or moving to the right lane to let someone pass who was going faster than you in the left lane. Also, it no longer biased its lane position to...
  49. tmoz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    So V12.3.3 didn't fare very well in Texas for us, esp off interstates and tollroads. Many roads were being worked on where the lane lines were not well defined or were not there as they hadn't been repainted yet. That and unrestricted access to 75 mph highways was quite troublesome. The NN is...
  50. tmoz

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ - N 54th St

    It always amazes me how much dirt they excavate!