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  1. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Maybe it’s not 12.4 that’s the holdup, based on the now six 2024.14.x updates, maybe there’s a an issue that’s present in 2024.9.x also that they can’t seem to iron out.
  2. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Let’s say for the sake of argument that 12.4 has some serious issues. Is a full retrain of the model necessary and/or what’s the turnaround time from when an issue is discovered to a fix being implemented?
  3. fasteddie7

    On board Charger ?

    If your charger is charging at half the kw you have selected in the car, then your onboard charger is likely bad and will need replaced. Supercharging will work fine since that bypasses the OBC.
  4. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Or purposely try to make it mess up by doing dangerous things.
  5. fasteddie7

    Going from 2024.3.25 to 2024.14.x

    You must not be subscribed to FSD then. If you are then that will throw a bunch of theories out the window. The question above states that if you have FSD 3.25, you’ll skip the current spring update. I don’t believe anyone who purchased it or has an active subscription that they didn’t let...
  6. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think that’s his x. If you look at that visualization it shows the x I don’t think he has FsD on his x. I have FSD on both my s and x and so far it looks like they are waiting for 2024.9.x
  7. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    They missed the supervised part
  8. fasteddie7

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    So what’s the play here? If he is trolling, I think the vast majority of people who don’t understand will just think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Is it possible he’s so far removed from the technicals that he really doesn’t know?
  9. fasteddie7

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I can’t help but feel the general perception of Elon has taken a dive as of late. It does not appear to have affected Tesla drastically (unless you read Reddit) and I wonder if it ever truly would. I remember when watching his keynote presentations, that even though he wasn’t the best public...
  10. fasteddie7

    Going from 2024.3.25 to 2024.14.x

    I think a lot of those (all?) let their fsd subscriptions lapse.
  11. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Here’s a shot of the interior HW4 camera.
  12. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    HW4 interior camera can see the entire wheel and almost my whole leg to the knee
  13. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It still works as of today for me. Either hand works but my right hand in a fist on my leg next to the wheel is 100%, my left hand doing the same on the opposite side works almost as well, but will still throw up nags here and there. The way I’m holding my hand by the wheel in my video is...
  14. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes I made I video about it a while back. It’s been recognizing my hands for a few versions now. What’s crazy is how hard of a time I had making that video. If the camera sees a camera in my hands, it doesn’t work. Even when I mounted my camera somewhere else in the car near me it didn’t work...
  15. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's been doing that for me since 11.4.7. If I put my hand near the wheel without touching it stops nagging. If I keep my hand there, I never get a nag.
  16. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I know mine did. I ordered ultra red day one and when it arrived FsD wasn’t availble yet and my car uploaded a ton after every drive. I can’t imagine the 20-40GB wasn’t video footage.
  17. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I didn’t think actual smart summon was part of 12.4. For some reason I assumed it was 12.5
  18. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I’m in the same boat. I tested the auto park (vision / HW4) in a bunch of crazy scenarios and it’s perfect every time. If I had to dig for a complaint, it’s that unless it’s at a supercharger, it backs in to a space and doesn’t get as close to the cement parking barrier as I would like. I...
  19. fasteddie7

    Going from 2024.3.25 to 2024.14.x

    You’re gonna want to stay on this version if you care about FsD. 12.4 is on the 2024.9.x track and if you take the 2024.14 build you’ll get the QoL features but end up off the bleeding edge of FsD track and have to wait for FsD to “catch up”
  20. fasteddie7

    Battery Degradation

    How new is your vehicle? The first year always has the biggest drop in mileage. It tapers off after that. Just like @ATPMSD said, there are also tons of factors that dictate projected range. I would humbly suggest changing to percentage instead of miles so you don’t have to obsess over it and...
  21. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    So the 2014.3.25 folks who upgraded to the 14 branch passed the update by. I never checked for it because I was afraid of doing just that.
  22. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Looks like I spoke too soon. Seems like there are still at least 2 FSD tracks and they aren’t merging.
  23. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    No, you can ignore updates, what i don’t know is if you get pushed an update and a lower version comes out if it replaces it in que.
  24. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I didn’t take 2024.14.6 (while it was live) because I felt like it was a trick and there would be some 2024.3.30+ build that would end up with a higher version of FSD in exchange for delayed main branch QoL features like in the past and it would put me ahead of that track like in the past has...
  25. fasteddie7

    FSD discussion

    Maybe because they paused the rollout of the previous version so it’ll be new to most?
  26. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have to press and hold the turn signal button to force it to lane change, otherwise it turns off the signal and ignores my request. Not sure how you would do it in a vehicle with a stalk.
  27. fasteddie7

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    A lot of people commenting and complaining about it also never drove a Tesla or Ferrari or any other number of vehicles without traditional stalks. The number of comments I got with people saying how bad it is while never experiencing anything like it are astounding. I personally think it with...
  28. fasteddie7

    FSD Beta on HW4

    hw4 is running in emulation mode currently. So there is not currently a difference but will eventually get better than 3.
  29. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    One of my three cars got it yesterday. This is the first time all three didn’t get the update at the same time.
  30. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We have 4 (truck doesn’t work yet) but all three of the model s and x vehicles drive differently on FSD, two of them have the same hardware (HW4) and exhibit different issues in different places. Since v12 I’ve often wondered if the training videos coming from all different models is...
  31. fasteddie7

    Tesla drops prices on X/S $20k. All colors free. Bye bye resale

    I guess I don’t understand the hate with price drops. If I wanted to make money on a purchase, I’d invest my money instead. It didn’t buy a car to make money, I bought it to get me around and have fun while I do it. I look at depreciating assets as paying what I could afford and I thought worth...
  32. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In the release notes it looks like it just adds support for legacy vehicles. Didn’t look like they changed anything, although some say curb visualizations are larger, but it still drives close to them. Who knows with the mystery that is release notes. I don’t notice any difference yet on my...
  33. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    "The female person to whom I am related by marriage" is the most interesting description of a person I've seen in a while. Can't tell if wife or sister-in-law
  34. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Looks like quite a few are getting it!
  35. fasteddie7

    FSD discussion

    Looks like more than just employees.
  36. fasteddie7

    FSD discussion

    Here’s a new one. Both Hw4 model s vehicles drive differently than our Hw4 model x. There are 2 stop signs in my town that the x actually rolls through while both s vehicles stop. And there is another that it stops at and goes out immediately every time, where both s’s stutter pulling out every...
  37. fasteddie7

    windshield wipers come on when I go into Cruise Control.

    When we purchased our x the same thing happened. We requested service and a mobile tech came out and fixed it and now it wipes across. It was a quick fix and I imagine if you put a service request in, they will adjust it for you.
  38. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3.3 definitely has a rain issue for me. Swerving in and out of clearly malarkey lanes and way to close to the side of the road driving through standing puddles causing FSD to swerve unpredictably. 7 disengagements on a 5 mile drive. Much different than my usual 0 lately.
  39. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You scroll the right wheel, if you want to switch sides, you scroll up past the last space and it will start over on the opposite side. The video I posted a few pages back shows it, it’s about 16:23 in.
  40. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You can put up a picture of you holding the wheel, it works, no joke. Have a passenger take a picture of the screen while you’re in service mode and have the cabin camera on with you holding the wheel. Then you can tape it to the roof of the car and use the service mode in cabin camera to place...
  41. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Here’s a close look at the visualizations, the median it went straight for seems to pop in after it passes.
  42. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ran my normal test route at night last night, and 12.3.3 fixed a bunch of hiccups from, but nighttime driving brought a new challenge for vision only, it almost ran into a median, twice, I didn’t see any visualization for it either. Edit:upon closer inspection, it looks like it popped...
  43. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Or a couple of packs of underwear and new rims. 😂
  44. fasteddie7

    FSD Beta 12.3 GA

    12.3.3 fixed almost everything except no turn on red, stop except right turn, my fork in the road that no version ever got right, and for the first time ever from my experiences, almost ran into a median twice (the same one)
  45. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I thought I saw a little bit of buzz about eyes only and don’t have to have your hands on the wheel at all. I know that I’m able to put my hands near the wheel and get no nags, but it was almost like I was tricking the camera into thinking, my hands were on the wheel. I think I saw a couple...
  46. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It’s so odd I get all my different vehicle updates at the same time when others don’t. We’re having holiday party so two of the cars are blocked in, but I managed to get the X out to the edge of the driveway and connect it to a hotspot, I’ll take it for a spin and see what’s changed.
  47. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You son of a gun @FSDtester#1 ! I kept looking from the app to see no update and you motivated me to go out and try to pull it. Lo and behold on all three vehicles.
  48. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Are both the same hardware version? Edit: looks like they have to be hw3 so I have no idea. Everything I thought is wrong.
  49. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    After this brief discussion, I’m thinking maybe it’s eligible car based? For instance, if I had a hardware 3 and a 4, the 3 would have gotten todays 12.3.3 first, when it was all 3s, then when a hw4 rollout started, I would have gotten it sometime after. Just a thought.
  50. fasteddie7

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    All three of my cars have FSD and all three have gotten every update at the exact same time. All hardware 4, one model x and 2 model s. Maybe it’s an eligible car thing. Perhaps If I had a hardware 3, the result would be different, but since all are hw4 with fsd, when one is eligible, they all...