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  1. Matt125

    About to leave warranty - any recommendations? Should I get a service?

    My 2021 Model 3 LR is only worth ~£20k now according to AutoTrader, WeBuyAnyCar, Motorway etc. It's got 37,850 miles on the clock. They obviously want to make some money when they sell on the car, so let's say ~£25k when all is said and done. My settlement figure for finance with Tesla is £25k...
  2. Matt125

    So… Highland is out…

    Only enthusiasts do that. People who buy a car to get from point A to point B only care about price, range and comfort. When my mum bought her most recent car all she cared about was driving position, view out the back and Bluetooth connectivity to her phone. While she is not representative of...
  3. Matt125

    Test drive of a petrol car

    Do you have a petrol pump attached to your house? Because that was what I was talking about. How many people do you know who refuel their car with unleaded petrol or diesel at home? If you think it is more convenient to drive to a petrol station and fuel there than plug it in overnight, good...
  4. Matt125

    Test drive of a petrol car

    This is a good post. I also think it's worth mentioning that nobody has a petrol pump attached to their house. Something about safety, issue with getting a truck to come to the house to refill it when it runs out. So people with ICE cars have to drive to a filling station to get it refilled...
  5. Matt125

    Frozen windscreen washers

    Try going into the app and selecting 'Defrost Car' within the climate settings. That should blow hot air through the handles. Just turning the climate on (like I do) isn't enough to defrost the handles if you are unlucky enough to have them freeze. My handles don't freeze when I'm parked on my...
  6. Matt125

    Frozen windscreen washers

    I've had a few frustrations on the last few drives to work! Yep, it's consistently cold everywhere right now (although I've driven a Tesla in -10 before....), but since the recent autopilot changes my Tesla is determined to put the bloody windscreen wipers on whenever a passing lorry blows grit...
  7. Matt125

    I thought Tesla drivers were better than this?

    I'd move my car to block him in, turn on Sentry Mode, and go off and enjoy a coffee, meal etc in the motorway services.
  8. Matt125

    I thought Tesla drivers were better than this?

    This isn't true. My car is capable of charging at the full 130kw / 150kw available from a V1/V2 charger up to at least 50% of my battery (if not more), in warm weather, preheating etc. I have had the full 250kw for a significant amount of time at the lower end of the battery from a V3 charger -...
  9. Matt125

    I thought Tesla drivers were better than this?

    If you see this again, take a photo and report it to Tesla. Supercharger network access is a privilege that they can revoke at any time.
  10. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.44

    Use Brave as your browser (no Chrome!), use Startpage as your search engine. I do not have anything Google on my iPhone. Apple isn't spyware so much - they don't treat you as the product. Google does. Apple treat you as the customer, so they're always trying to sell you their own stuff, but...
  11. Matt125

    Early delivery of Model Y

    Lease costs have gone up massively in the last year or so. It was one of the deciding factors in me going for a Tesla loan rather than go into another lease agreement.
  12. Matt125

    What's everyones insurance renewals this year?

    I used to have my 78 year old mother on it but now she actually makes it more expensive! I’m working on getting the spouse…
  13. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.40

    Yes I have also found it takes a long time go back onto AHB after dipping. But I'd much prefer it do that than the opposite. Agree that this tech should have come sooner - but I've been happy to manually control it up until now. The true test will be when I drive down to Cornwall and see how...
  14. Matt125

    What's everyones insurance renewals this year?

    My renewal cost £1500, that's with 1 driver (me), £1000 total excess (compulsory + voluntary combined). 14k miles a year with mixture of business and personal use, 4 years No Claims. I am 35 years old and an IT professional with no criminal convictions, but I have 1 at-fault claim within the...
  15. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.40

    Happy to report that this week, I've had auto high beams on for normal driving and for AP and it's been nearly flawless. It's a huge improvement over what it was like before. The only time I've had to manually intervene is for when it decides to keep the auto high beams on even when driving...
  16. Matt125

    EV's to pay Road Tax from April 2025

    It's great that most people here aren't too concerned about this. In the great scheme of things, neither am I. It is a cost I can absorb. What is troubling is the reducing appeal of getting an EV. The cost of the vehicle is going up (the Model 3 LR costs about £10k more than it did last year)...
  17. Matt125

    EAP and FSD price at UK

    My car is on a 7 year loan with 6 more years to pay so I'll be keeping mine long term too. I just don't have the finances to be able to buy the car outright and swap it every year or so. So FSD makes a lot of sense to me too. Especially if it goes up to £15k in a few years time, or subscription...
  18. Matt125

    EAP and FSD price at UK

    I also bought EAP because I couldn’t afford FSD but wanted to get myself half way there and not get caught out like they have in US and Canada. FSD now costs over $10k over there! I intend to pay the remaining £3400 for FSD when I can afford it. Until then, at least I have auto lane change -...
  19. Matt125

    Key fob availability?

    Agreed. The latest updates to the phone app have made it a lot faster too, but I never have to open the app to unlock my car manually as it is automatically done when I pull the door handle. I only use the app to remotely open the boot or frunk when I need to load or unload. I do not want to...
  20. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.36

    The UI has definitely gotten worse. Losing the card widgets in place of a wider driving graphic was a bad decision that still hasn't been rectified. I used the consumption card 100% of the time to monitor my efficiency. Having the Setting menu open (or the Energy app) is not a good replacement...
  21. Matt125

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Autopilot/EAP impressions on 36.2: I haven't noticed any major differences, but the car felt marginally more confident around bends. That may have just been random, but the removal of USS might surely help with bends because the car can see where it is going - and ignore the USS screaming about...
  22. Matt125

    Free public charging etiquette?

    The less said about PHEVs the better - utter waste of time, and people who drive them think they have a real electric car! It brings out the worst in me when someone mentions PHEVs! As for other EVs using free chargers - let them, as long as they are actually using them! Normal etiquette...
  23. Matt125

    Andersen EV charger support

    Definitely one of the better looking EV chargers out there - a shame! I ended up going to PodPoint based on cost, but if I was to invest in a new house I'd have picked up one of these for the aesthetics!
  24. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    There's no way to jump the queue AFAIK. Tesla release their updates in batches. Although not perfect, this site shows that people are still getting 28.2 as of today so it looks like 36.2 is not on wide release yet. Also, if it still works the way it did 2-3 years ago then people with FSD are...
  25. Matt125

    What the hell has happened to Autopilot?

    Come on guys, let's not make this forum like Tesla Owners UK on Facebook. I left that group after seeing too many posts from people saying their Tesla was crap and they were getting a Taycan... I flipped out one day and told one of those guys to put his money where his mouth was, sell his Tesla...
  26. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    I had my first one recently because of how hesitant the damn thing is - I pulled out to do an overtake as prompted (EAP), and then the car behind me also pulled out pretty quickly - it flashed its lights to say "Go on, I'll wait", but the car had aborted the procedure by that point and it...
  27. Matt125

    Enhanced Autopilot - Lease Car

    If you pay for EAP then you're basically paying £3400 for EAP on a car you don't own, for functionality that is currently very limited, and you will only get to experience until the end of your lease - then the car goes back. I have EAP on my own Model 3 and certainly wouldn't pay for it for a...
  28. Matt125

    Elon stops providing mobile connector/says “you're on your own”

    I don't know about the US but in the UK you can get much, much cheaper electricity tariffs if you use a smart charger. My normal electricity tariff is 30p per kWh (it used to be 14p - electricity costs have gone crazy), but I pay 7.5p per kWh between 11:30 pm and 5:30 am. I don't know if you...
  29. Matt125

    Survey Do You Need a UMC?

    I used it several times on my SR+ when staying at friend's houses and at small hotels/B&Bs with no charging facilities. Can't tell you how gratifying it was to call up a place beforehand and ask if I could plug in my car to a wall socket by threading the cable through a window and hearing...
  30. Matt125

    Elon stops providing mobile connector/says “you're on your own”

    It's a s***y move. I'm sure that next it will be the Type 2 cable (formerly blue, now black) they won't deliver with the car either. It's a s***y move because first off, you're nickel-and-diming your own customers who are already spending upwards of 40k in £, $, Euros. Second, new owners have a...
  31. Matt125

    Green number plates on non-BEV'S

    I've seen hybrids with green plates, including a neighbour on my road who has a Vauxhall plugin hybrid, so it seems the plate manufacturers aren't checking closely enough.
  32. Matt125

    Octopus GO beware!

    I don't think it ever was an option for me. Was it location based? All I know is when I got my first Tesla, Octopus had only just started Go and I leapt on it as soon as I could.
  33. Matt125

    Car returned to lease company, being charged for super charging

    Thank you for the explanation. When I had my lease (not salary sacrifice), the car never showed in my Tesla Account. Supercharging worked via my payment method which is there regardless (so you can buy merchandise and the like). When I returned the car it showed in my Tesla App for several...
  34. Matt125

    Car returned to lease company, being charged for super charging

    I leased my first Model 3 and removed my payment method before returning the car like you did. Haven't been charged for anything. Are you saying you are being charged for supercharging on that car even though you've returned it and removed the payment method?
  35. Matt125

    Green number plates on non-BEV'S

    I've seen all kinds of hybrids with them, which I blame on the government for allowing them in the first place. They should be BEVs only. I did see a pure fossil with one too, thought it was pathetic they felt they had to lie like that - but I also see lots of cars with illegal plates with...
  36. Matt125

    [UK] 2022.12.x

    I won't get excited by an update until they bring the efficiency card back. It's insane (and dangerous) I have to keep going to the menu, Trips, and peer at the tiny text to see how well the car is performing.
  37. Matt125

    Octopus GO beware!

    I wish had the option. I had Octopus Go, not Go Faster. The day of the expiry it rolled onto flexible - so I immediately went to Intelligent Octopus.
  38. Matt125

    I can't handle it! - A Rant

    I've got a 2021 Model 3 that has illuminated buttons with icons that show a door opening, and I still have people ask me how to get out, and I've had people pull the emergency release. My mother has been in this car and my previous Model 3 and still closely examines the door handle to see where...
  39. Matt125

    Panasonic v LG Batteries

    120kw charging speed at 90% is astonishing and has never been reported for any EV, even Tesla. Are you absolutely sure about that? My experience has been that the charge rate drops to around 80-90 kw once the battery SOC is above 40% and ramps down from there. Further up the battery, it goes...
  40. Matt125

    Panasonic v LG Batteries

    Not yet, but it looks like Germany, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, France etc will be getting it from December onwards, based on what happens when you convert the WLTP stated on their Tesla sites to miles, you get 380 miles not 360.
  41. Matt125

    Panasonic v LG Batteries

    I intend to get OBD, ScanMyTesla etc as soon as I pick up an Android phone to use it with. I have been spending my spare cash on other things since making the huge purchase of the Tesla! I don't know what battery I have for sure, but I assume it's the old LG battery based on info provided by...
  42. Matt125

    Panasonic v LG Batteries

    September 2021 Model 3 LR here. The fastest supercharger speed I've had so far is 186kw at 12% SOC. Might have got 200kw if I ran it down to 5% SOC. It didn't stay at 186kw for long though and my perception was that it went below 100kw much earlier than my 2019 Model 3 SR+ did. I may be wrong...
  43. Matt125

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    There's some really nice looking EVs out there but even if they had access to the superchargers (they'd probably pay more to use them - like Ionity rates), they aren't FSD capable like your Tesla is. FSD is in beta right now in the US and it's looking pretty good, so I think it'll be out in the...
  44. Matt125

    Panasonic v LG Batteries

    They are made in China just like the cars going to the rest of Europe. It'll be the LG battery. I picked up a new Model 3 LR a few weeks ago and I am yet to properly test the charging speed.
  45. Matt125

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q3 collection and delivery experiences

    I'm pleased you were able to get it fixed, pal. These are phenomenal cars and I want more people to enjoy them - you've had a bad start to yours, and Tesla's quality (and evidently, customer service) is definitely not where it should be. Hope they pay up without much faff.
  46. Matt125

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q3 collection and delivery experiences

    No - otherwise the car would never go to sleep and every Tesla owner who also has an iPhone (like me) would see much greater vampire drain.
  47. Matt125

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q3 collection and delivery experiences

    If you open the app and look at the car it will communicate with the car and wake it up from hibernation.
  48. Matt125

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q3 collection and delivery experiences

    Don’t look at it in the app either. That will wake it up.
  49. Matt125

    Polestar Drivers

    The Polestar is a nice car and I don’t like to bash other EVs, but we’re hardly living in a country like Norway or Sweden where it doesn’t really matter what EV you drive. Here, only a Tesla is feasible for long journeys. Fast chargers are few and far between, and the few that do exist are...
  50. Matt125

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q3 collection and delivery experiences

    Once you go electric, you can’t go back to fossils! I’m getting mine coated with ceramic and having PPF on the front so I’m interested to hear what they say too.