Faraday Future Shows Off First Pre-Production Vehicle

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Faraday Future, which recently announced a fresh $2 billion in funding, now says it has built its first pre-production vehicle.

The FF91 uses three electric motors to crank out 1,050 horsepower. The vehicle is said to be capable of a 0-60 mph time of 2.39 seconds. Range is expected to exceed 300 miles on a single charge. The company is also building in autonomous driving capabilities.

Faraday Future showed off the pre-production FF91 this week at its factory in Hanford, California.

“It is inspirational for us at FF to see all the parts come together for this significant day: the literal parts of the FF 91 from our various on-time supplier partners; the processes and tooling within the Hanford facility itself; and the invaluable training for the essential ‘soft’ skills required for this level of sophisticated teamwork I and others need in our Hanford production teams as we begin creation of our FF 91 for demanding users,” FF Senior VP of Manufacturing Dag Reckhorn said in a release.

The company also released a video of the vehicle. Check it out below.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSTZk_yrLTs” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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