‘Truckla’ is a Model 3 Tranformed Into a Pickup

Simone Giertz, who gained internet fame with her quirky inventions, has hacked up a brand new Model 3 to add a pickup bed.

“I don’t know if this is going to be the smartest or most stupid thing I’m ever going to do,” Giertz said in a video that documents the transformation of her Model 3. “Bottom line is I really want an electric pickup truck and more specifically I really want a Tesla pickup, but they haven’t released one yet and rumors have it that they’re going to announce one this summer, but then it’s going to be years before you can actually have one and I don’t have time to wait for that.”

Giertz received some help on the project from Tesla rebuilder Richard Benoit, who runs the popular Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel. He helped troubleshoot issues with the electrical system and structural integrity after the team sawed off the back half of the vehicle.

In the end, Giertz got what she asked for – a hauler with all the benefits of a Tesla. And, it looks pretty cool too.

Check out the video of the build below.

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