Tesla Removes Solar Subscription Option

Tesla’s solar panel subscription service has been removed from its website.

Telsa launched the service in 2019, enabling customers to pay a monthly fee to use the company’s solar panels to power their homes.

Tesla offered three rental systems:

  • 3.8 kW for $65 per month
  • 7.6 kW for $130 per month
  • 11.4 kW for $195 per month

Offering a flat rate helped take away the financial risk of installing an expensive solar system.

Tesla said at the time of launch that the 3.8 kW system saved homeowners $250–650 per year after paying the monthly rental fee. The 7.6 kW system was estimated to save $500 to $1,300 and the 11.4 kW system was estimated to save $750 to $1,950 per year.

Tesla currently offers commercial solar subscriptions in California.

It’s not clear why Tesla has removed the residential subscription option. The company’s solar business is experiencing meaningful growth.

According to the company’s Q2 2021 update, solar deployments more than tripled year-over-year.

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