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    • Durzel
      Thanks all for this project. I successfully retrofit my inner tail light into dual reverse and fog light. I made a harness for inner and...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      Are you trying to use them as "3 blink" mode? (whatever that is called) If so, you're probably a victim of Tesla having turned on "Auto...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      All of that usually means that your main front camera isn’t working. This can sometimes be cured by letting the cat deep sleep. The...
    • Durzel
      Maybe we need to join some kind of trading block?
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to KennethS's post in the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update with Like Like.
      The Tesla implementation does seem pretty good, although with it staying light out late at present I've yet to have much experience with...
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to FastLaneJB's post in the thread Model 3 Highland Performance with Like Like.
      I think as @Durzel mentions, if you can hold off then wait a bit longer as the Model 3 will drop down to Model Y levels of APR sooner or...
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to Pagemakers's post in the thread Model 3 Highland Performance with Like Like.
      As a matter of interest I’ve ordered an AWD - Originally on 9.6% then changed to 5.9%. My PCP is now cheaper over 3 years than 9.6% over...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread Model 3 Highland Performance.
      I'd lease/PCP this time around, and defintely not paying 9.6% APR, not when they can do 1.8% APR on Model Y. There will be incentives...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      Yup, tens of thousands is what you see on "HD" matrix headlights now. Having only 100 means Teslas are always going to have limited...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      Ah right.. it might be limited by the relatively few number of LEDs in the headlamp. I think it's always going to be quite blocky. As...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      Will be interested to see what the cornering thing is like. I had a car with this technology before, and it was really nice. I don't...
    • Durzel
      Durzel replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      Could that not simply be down to Autopark being very hit and miss? Presumably you moved the car between switching from Tesla Vision back...
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to Dilly's post in the thread [UK] 2024.14.x with Like Like.
      I was as impressed as one can be when I got the car out of the garage using summon just now. The doorway is fairly tight and there is a...
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to mick4545's post in the thread [UK] Spring Software Update with Informative Informative.
      Taken from the same spot on my drive.
    • Durzel
      Durzel reacted to mick4545's post in the thread [UK] Spring Software Update with Like Like.
      Tried it. Back on USS. Went to two car parks, the first had unmarked spaces and wasn’t offered auto park. The second, had clearly marked...
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