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    • page3
      page3 reacted to Waltagon's post in the thread [UK] Spring Software Update with Like Like.
      Just give us full screen maps/spotify. Why the hell would I want full screen visualisation? The normal size screen element is pointless...
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      page3 reacted to spooksman's post in the thread [UK] 2024.14.x with Like Like.
      I'd prefer to be able to expand the satellite view and hide the little visualisation I have on the right - I can see all that out the...
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      page3 reacted to EVMeister's post in the thread Supercharger team sacked? with Like Like.
      So it's not yet clear what exactly will change for us in practice or what this "supercharger team" who was apparently fired actually did...
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      page3 replied to the thread Supercharger team sacked?.
      That’s no use Elon, when our entire island has literally zero superchargers. 🏝️
    • page3
      page3 reacted to Mad Professor's post in the thread [UK] 2024.14.x with Like Like.
      I can confirm that it has the Audible app.
    • page3
      Daily driver.
      • IMG_4838.jpeg
    • page3
      page3 replied to the thread [UK] Spring Software Update.
      Audible! Also for Intel I assume. Let’s hope it’ll pause tracks when giving navigation instructions just like CarPlay.
    • page3
      page3 replied to the thread [UK] 2024.8.x.
      To be fair, some of the M40 verges are rather lovely.
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      page3 reacted to FastLaneJB's post in the thread [UK] 2024.8.x with Like Like.
      That's the whole point, the car does it for you and lets you have better vision than without. All in theory without blinding other road...
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      page3 reacted to mdunc's post in the thread [UK] 2024.8.x with Like Like.
      That's the idea. If you live in a built up area, with street lights adaptive matrix is not going to be such a big deal as someone like...
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      page3 reacted to Roy Batty's post in the thread [UK] 2024.8.x with Like Like.
      Yep, got the Auto Highbeams set and it worked with no adjustment required.
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      page3 replied to the thread [UK] 2024.8.x.
      Are people driving all the time with high beam on and letting them adapt? Almost never use high beam so it’ll take some adjustment.
    • page3
      page3 replied to the thread Proximity sensor playing up.
      You can leave the service menu on while driving. It’s what the mobile tech did to help diagnose a similar issue with mine. In my case...
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      page3 reacted to Kenners's post in the thread [UK] 2024.8.x with Like Like.
      To introduce functionality that doesn’t work as described is about as Musk like as you can get!!!
    • page3
      page3 replied to the thread [UK] 2024.8.x.
      In the Audi the lights come on automatically and do their thing without any intervention. It appears with Tesla you need to put them in...
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