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    • JJoynt
      JJoynt reacted to brainhouston's post in the thread P85D showing as 85D with Like Like.
      ask for a pic of LDU label to be completely sure, it should say 'sport' on it also google VIN, if car was listed anywhere else, u'll...
    • JJoynt
      JJoynt replied to the thread P85D showing as 85D.
      Interesting. It's so odd that some P85Ds will actually show as a P85D on the Carfax/VIN lookup but some apparently don't. Badge on this...
    • JJoynt
      JJoynt posted the thread P85D showing as 85D in Model S.
      I'm looking at a car listed for sale across the country by a non-Tesla dealer as an 85D. Carfax also shows it as a 85D. On both the dash...
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