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    • S
      Sky Blue replied to the thread CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion.
      If the CPUC adopts the new fee proposal I think the three utilities will reduce their rates for a few months to avoid bad press, but...
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      Sky Blue reacted to gene's post in the thread CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion with Like Like.
      Update on state legislature bills to get rooftop solar growing again If you live in or near Sacramento and can attend any of these...
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      Sky Blue replied to the thread CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion.
      That's a good question. If the CPUC assesses the $24 fee against CCA customers, I suppose some CCA customers would go back to PG&E...
    • S
      Sky Blue replied to the thread CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion.
      Thanks for confirming that. I just came across this more detailed writeup about the issue...
    • S
      Sky Blue replied to the thread CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion.
      I have lost track of all the rate proposals that the CPUC and the for profit utility corporations have on the table, so I'm not sure if...
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