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  1. R

    SEA-TAC Airport Taxis = Prius-ville

    I spent the weekend in Seattle and noticed that SEA-TAC airport taxis are exclusively Priuses. I asked a driver why and he said, "Only Prius." That's as much as I could get from him so I researched it a bit and it appears that the law requires any taxi or rideshare vehicle operating at the...
  2. brucet999

    96-cell module vs 60-cell module what difference?

    I have had two different proposals for rooftop solar. One is 4.8kW with 16 LG Mono-X 60-cell 300W modules; the other 4.62kW with 14 Panasonic HIT 96-cell 330W modules; both with SolarEdge optimizers and inverter. Net cost difference after tax credit is $1055 in favor of the LG system...
  3. brucet999

    Competitor for Tesla Solar Roof

    I just ran across several articles about Forward Labs solar roof. Startup company in the Palo Alto, CA. Forward Solar Roofing | Solar Energy as Elegant as It Is Essential If you like standing seam roofs, this thing could be a big winner: Weighs about the same as asphalt shingle roof, so any...
  4. Merrill

    Cobalt sources for the Tesla batteries

    I have been told that the cobalt for Tesla's batteries comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, wondering if this is true and if so does Tesla have a plan to change that.
  5. R

    TOU Metering Calculator

    In preparation for my Model 3, I've been researching what options my energy provider has available. They are currently running a TOU Metering pilot program that charges higher rates from 4-8PM, and lower rates from 8-4PM. I'm curious if it makes sense for me to switch once I start charging an...
  6. T

    Infratech CLES

    Energy on demand The revolutionary redox system that produces and stores energy in the home
  7. Sir Guacamolaf

    [Off Topic] What else can we do?

    One of my key motivations in buying a Tesla was reducing my footprint on the planet. 2 years, no gas. I can't get solar panels (issues beyond my control). I've replaced some meat in my diet with vegetables. What other ideas do you have that I can incorporate in my life, without compromising...
  8. brucet999

    Environmentally best solar panels?

    I'm shopping for rooftop solar, but I don't want to slightly clean up my local environment at the expense of polluting the environment where the panels are made. I have found this page with some good information, but neither the best-performing Panasonic nor its predecessor Sanyo is listed...
  9. gene

    "Grid Alternatives" organisation provides solar free to those with less resources a 501c

    I was surprised to come across this organization who seems to be doing excellent work providing solar for those who can not afford it. It is a 501c, I threw a bit of money their way. Something they provide is solar installation training for the volunteers who may be interested in entering into...
  10. MXWing

    My solar installer, Heliopower went bankrupt.

    I received a letter in the mail stating that my Solar Installer, Heliopower is declaring Chapter 11 and I am listed as a creditor of this debtor. My system is installed and running. But I of course am concerned about worthless warranties and support going forward. Any advice or guidance on...
  11. B

    Energy Management Project

    I'm happy to let you know that we save a little with our electricity and water costs in our vehicle company . However, as an operation manager, I still need to improve in other energy management and plan some positive changes. We actually had set a budget for those things. We want to minimize...
  12. nwdiver

    Planting a Tree is almost entirely symbolic.... or aesthetic...

    Generating 1kWh emits ~1.3lbs if generated from natural gas and ~2lbs if generated from coal Something as simple as swapping out a 60w incandescent bulb can easily save >50lbs of CO2 emissions per year. An 8kW solar array ~20k lbs of CO2 per year. What do you think planting a tree does? This...
  13. SageBrush

    EPA Dismantling, in Progress

    Two EPA science board members resign in protest ... presumably to be replaced by Industry Reps. Are the fools who tried to defend trump as not a disaster for the environment still around these boards, or did they collect their money and disappear into the woodwork ?
  14. omgwtfbyobbq

    Zero emission autonomous cargo ship!

    Operation is supposed to start in 2018 and ideally the ship will be fully autonomous by 2020. The route looks fairly short, only about 30+ miles, but as the Tanchurian candidate would say, this is huge! The first ever zero emission, autonomous ... | Yara International I wouldn't be surprised...
  15. FlyF4

    We Aren’t Saving the Earth Like People Think When Buying an EV.

    This topic was prompted by someone I met with an EV making snotty remarks about ICE cars and how they are polluting the earth. I suggested he do more research about how his own EV is built and runs. Yea, this will make some people upset who think our EVs are perfect alternatives to ICE cars on...
  16. TheTalkingMule

    Nevada Solar/Grid Legislation

    Massive news out of Nevada last week as the state legislature has put the final touches on a complete 180 for residential solar in the state. Germany tells the story of the current global solar renaissance, but IMO Nevada tells the story of residential solar in the US. Not long ago Nevada's...
  17. Skotty

    Is Al Gore A Hypocrite?

    Is Al Gore A Hypocrite? I see this type argument a lot. Most often, it is used as an attempt to discredit people who advocate for environmental protection. Al Gore lives in a large home that uses a lot of energy but preaches for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Leonardo DiCaprio flies...
  18. TheTalkingMule

    German Energy Blockchain

    Step 1 is making solar and wind production cheap. (check0 Step 2 is creating a blockchain style marketplace for energy. (starting) Step 3 is making energy storage cheap. (2-5 years out) The Germans continue their efforts to single-handedly save the world. Germany Will Use Blockchain to...
  19. SageBrush

    Demand Response in the Residential Setting

    This article attempted to identify opportunities for smart meter enabled appliance throttling to avoid overloads in the transformer network. The focus was on the last transformer before a home, and I was surprised to read that 3-7 homes are on a 25 kVA transformer. Presuming I am not too far off...
  20. AlexG

    Sexy Tesla cars & fashion models - all for the good cause

    I hope to have you join me in support of green energy movement with a new project that I called "Green is Beautiful". It is a calendar that I am working on that will benefit the environment protection organization Earthjustice. We are featuring 13 Tesla cars, 13 fashion models and 13 beautiful...
  21. nwdiver

    How much CO2 is 40B tons/yr? Some scale...

    Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are now ~40B tons/yr. The number is a bit difficult to comprehend... Scientific American had a recent article putting that in some context. The crazy scale of human carbon emissions. If you wanted to release 40B tons per year with a forest fire you would need to...
  22. nwdiver

    Tankless water heaters are terrible....

    This cropped up on my Facebook feed... not sure if it was intentional but it looks like they're fishing for prospective model 3 owners... What really irritates me is how they take advantage of general ignorance around water heaters. 99% efficient sounds good to the lay person but that's a COP...
  23. AMPd

    How will Tesla's semi truck impact the grid

    In California, during hot summers we often get alerts from utilities asking to reduce electricity usage With electric cars you can charge at night and everything will be ok, but what if Tesla's semi is extremely popular with large fleets. They can't put off charging or only charge at certain...
  24. B

    Is solar a good option for me?

    I realize this is pretty off topic for this forum, but I know there are also a number of smart people on here who know a lot about solar energy, so I'm hoping someone can at least help me figure out solar might make sense for me and point me in the right direction for some further research:)...
  25. Skotty

    Citizens Renewable Energy Fund

    I'd like to know if anyone would like to discuss the idea of a public organization that uses it's funds specifically for building renewable energy infrastructure. There are plenty of organizations that educate, lobby, and promote renewable energy. But how much of the funds they receive...
  26. Skotty

    Renewable Energy Storage -- What's Real?

    It has long been my position on renewable energy that the only way it will become a truly dominate energy form and not just a niche player is to have large scale energy storage solutions in place. Personally, I stand behind Tesla, Gigafactories, and the Tesla Energy grid storage products...
  27. AlexG

    Tesla and other EV owners at Earth Day and March for Science in Cali

    I interviewed a few Tesla owners and other green energy enthusiasts at the Earth Day festival in Santa Cruz, CA last weekend. Also, the March for Science came through with all kinds of awesome signs and costumes. Here's the full video:
  28. N

    MUST READ on future of energy with renewables

    Bloomberg has another great piece, they really excel in this area. It discusses how renewables are disrupting the power grid, in a good way, and how family could use a service like Griddy to become wholesale power buyers. If I had a Tesla in TX I'd be signing up this weekend. Anyway, look...
  29. Ulmo

    California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

    Since I like to post a bunch of stuff about CAISO, and sometimes I'm stretching to post it in other threads, I'll just make a new thread. I'll start with some web sites: California ISO California ISO - Todays Outlook California ISO - Renewables Reporting Smartphone App...
  30. TheTalkingMule

    What's In Your Best Interest?

    Was thinking today about how confusing the march to decentralized energy has been for me. The idea that rooftop solar is now so cheap and yet people are hesitant to adopt is leaving my brain in tatters. Freedom from half the most annoying facts of life is within reach, people are essentially...
  31. ecarfan

    A new, improved battery design from the guy who invented the Lion battery

    Like many people who follow EVs and batteries I have a certain degree of skepticism whenever I read about a new battery design that claims to offer major advantages over existing in-production batteries. But when I read about this new battery design I took it more seriously than I usually do...
  32. gg_got_a_tesla

    Electric Ferries for Norwegian Fjord crossings

    Pining for cleaner air in the Norwegian fjords - BBC News Norway continues to pioneer in the transition to zero emissions transportation of all kinds...
  33. nwdiver

    R134a phase-out

    I was pleased but not too surprised to find Tesla on the list of automotive manufacturers that have adopted the new refrigerant. I've been concerned about the high GWP (Global Warming Potential) of refrigerants for a while now. While researching CO2 as a refrigerant I stumbled across another...
  34. S

    Trump dumps Climate Change regulations

    Trump is truly an idiot. I am a republican but can't believe this country elected this POS excuse for a human being. In executive order, Trump to dramatically change the U.S. approach to climate change - CNNPolitics.com
  35. nwdiver

    Oncor requesting solar fees in Texas

    Oncor proposes $317M rate hike, solar fees
  36. TheTalkingMule

    Energy and Gaming

    What about a gaming interface for middle school kids to coordinate and optimize their local and regional energy infrastructure? Due to the public utility structure, the vast majority of data inputs are openly available. Utilities could be forced into facilitating direct link supply/demand data...
  37. AudubonB

    Some rare good environmental news: oil spills

    Of course, the following is not all good news; perhaps this should be filed under every silver lining having a cloud around it, as Argonne Nat'l Lab is under the budget-cutting knife. But: Read the following and esp. watch their demonstration video. ANL has developed a way to infuse a fairly...
  38. PeterK

    Seeking early M3 reservation and/or donations for Tesla raffle

    Hi all, Led by Executive Director Mike Green with support from me and Alan (@Pollux), Climate Xchange (Climate XChange - Carbon Pricing Research and Beyond) will soon launch its second Tesla raffle (officially the Carbon Pricing Awareness Raffle) in early April, with prize drawing on July 4...
  39. mspohr

    The Brooklyn Microgrid

    The NY Times has an interesting article on a network of home solar installations which trade their power with their neighbors. Solar Experiment Lets Neighbors Trade Energy Among Themselves "The project is still in its early stages — it has just 50 participants thus far — but its implications...
  40. SageBrush

    Coal Consumption & CO2 on a Downward Trend in China

    China’s Coal Consumption Declines Despite Increasing Energy Consumption Unlike the US where a large fraction of the reduction in coal was due to NG, China's is due to efficiency and clean energy. Good for them, and once we rid ourselves of the monkey in the white house, the US can joint the...
  41. Roadster

    Trump’s plan to roll back Obama’s fuel economy rules for cars, explained

    Selfishly looking out for CA but perhaps broader long-term impact for EVs nation-wide. Excerpt below. Full article can be found on Vox... Monthly sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles in the US, 2010 to 2016. (Argonne National Laboratory) If the ZEV rules...
  42. mspohr

    New California EV tax

    New session of legislature has a new transportation bill which propose a tax on EVs. SB 1 and AB 1 both propose a tax on Electric Vehicles. This is a regressive tax which will discourage adoption of clean EVs. Fossil fuel vehicles already receive may subsidies (from fossil fuel production...
  43. Skotty

    Assistance for Coal Miners and Coal Industry Workers

    I'd like to start a discussion about what kind of assistance should be in place for coal miners and coal industry workers as coal is phased out. First, let me postulate that it is undesirable to continue using coal for power plants, and that we should continue to phase it out down to a minimum...
  44. Ulmo

    Lawn mowers and gardening equipment pollution: Why are ICE engines still legal in California?

    Blowers, edgers and lawn mowers can put out pollution. It seems like with their tiny engines, they must not have much filtering. Google quickly brings up a comparison that a single lawn mower today puts out as much pollution as 11 cars per same amount of time used. That's 11 hours of driving...
  45. Owner

    A sign o Discontent: Elon: Please Dump Trump

    A sign of discontent outside Tesla
  46. SageBrush

    Kauai Island, Hawaii: An Incubator of Large Scale Clean Energy Projects

    Overview | Kauai Island Utility Cooperative Like many islands, Kauai has been dependent on imported oil for electricity generation for decades. But an understanding of climate change and a desire to lower costs and volatility have pushed the island to embrace a heterogenous mix of clean energy...
  47. RubberToe

    Trump's EPA deletes "science" from Science Office mission statement

    No more pesky "Sound, science based standards" but we now have "economically and technologically achievable standards"... Trump's EPA deletes 'science' from Science Office mission statement The Ministry of Truth will pave the way to a better future without science. It's the real life...
  48. Veritas1980

    Non-Tesla Gigafactory in Sweden

    So it looks like we are getting on the EV world map here in Sweden as well. Former Tesla executives plan their own Gigafactory in Sweden to bring battery cost down below $100/kwh Question is if there is a viable business for just producing the batteries for other manufacturers, but I would...
  49. SageBrush

    Abu Dabi Utility Scale Solar at 75 cents a Watt

    Abu Dhabi to Build World's Largest Solar Power Plant 1177 MW 872 Million USD I presume this is PV although the article did not specify. Amazing, really.
  50. gene

    Trump's EPA will try to destroy California's CARB to set its own rules...coming soon...

    I have not found a thread addressing this likely court battle. California has retained Eric Holder to defends its position to set its own standards for emissions and EV requirments. This from today's LA times: EPA to reconsider vehicle fuel standards, may move against California targets...