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Be prepared for Murphy's Law when you buy your Model S

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Just a rant.

Apparently someone has put a voodoo curse on me.

I'm sure most people here remember my thread almost a month ago about someone backing into my MS that was 6 days old (just now getting it into the body shop, by the way...Tesla isn't in a big hurry with repair part manufacturing). The friday before last, on my way home from work, an oncoming vehicle (2 lane highway, 75mph speed limit) threw up some type of sharp object the exact millisecond that we were both passing (going 75mph) with no other traffic within miles. Perhaps a stick or maybe even something much harder. It impacted my driver's side door loudly. :scared: Pic below (forgive how dirty she is)


As soon as I get home I get out to assess the damage. It put two long gashes in the door. I had the door wrapped, and so the wrap took the brunt of the impact and I think saved the paint. I won't know for sure until the body shop peels off the wrap. The object hit the door twice, skipped the rear door, and then hit the bottom of the rear quarter panel (that wasn't wrapped) right before the tire. Made a 2-3 inch dent/gash down to the aluminum. Thankfully, that is the same rear quarter panel that was backed into 4 weeks ago and it is about to get replaced. However, upon looking at the driver's side door at an angle, you can see about 3 small dents that the object caused just from the impact. So surely the body shop can get those out without having to replace the door. Fingers crossed.

Then...last night while on my birthday date with my wife, the 3rd strike (This time my fault). Of course we parked at the very back of the movie theater, being paranoid. Nothing happened, so great. Then we go to the restaurant and I park next door at the closed tire shop, as the restaurant was packed (side note: being paranoid about your car makes you burn more calories as you always park very far away :smile:). While leaving, I'm driving out and I drive around a large speed bump. This speed bump goes into the "driveway" of the tire shop that leads into the bay doors. So I'm driving kind of sideways through this gentle sloping driveway and gently turning back into the parking lot around the speed bump. Apparently as the driveway slopes back down to the main drive of the parking lot, a gentle curb forms the closer you get to the parking lot. There is no paint markings delineating where the curb starts. So of course, I ride up and semi-violently down the curb. Panicked I hop out and check. Doesn't appear to be any damaged to the exterior of the car, but looking underneath I can see where the battery (or the casing I guess) was scratched on the leading edge.


So, I've never been paranoid about a vehicle before. I've always parked wherever I could squeeze the car, didn't worry about speed bumps, etc etc. Less than a month and 2,800 miles into the Model S...I've had three damaging incidents. Two not my fault and one my fault.

It seems the more paranoid and careful I am, the more things happen to it. Trying to relax.
OP that is how I lost 3 windshields so far, truck picks up rock and throws it up while we are passing each other on the outside of a turn.

The fracking oil and gas boom fulfilling the ICE craze does not help.
So, I've never been paranoid about a vehicle before. I've always parked wherever I could squeeze the car, didn't worry about speed bumps, etc etc. Less than a month and 2,800 miles into the Model S...I've had three damaging incidents. Two not my fault and one my fault.

It seems the more paranoid and careful I am, the more things happen to it. Trying to relax.

I understand you completely. Just the same for me. Each time I got a new car, I was a bit more nervous the few first weeks, but then it passed, without any incident or accident. With this one, things are not that smooth, I seem way more nervous. And the curse is there: I dropped my e-bike against the door of my car after 1 week ownership. Deep dent, with paint damaged. I reversed into a concrete wall the following day (I somehow thought the car was in "D" but it wasn't - I confuse up and down with this lever, and sometimes forget to check the display...). Bumper dead. Those are now fixed/replaced, but I really cannot and don't want to make a habit out of this ;-) Let's all relax, somehow!