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COVID-19 and Racism against China

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
You know why our leader is now calling it the China Virus. He wants Americans to direct their anger away from him.

We should be LEARNING from China, not attacking them.

China got COVID-19 under control with a HUGE population, and they did it in 2 months !!
While the rest of the world sat on their hands and watched.

I work with China all the time and they are great people.

Here is a manual they put together and are sharing on how they dealt with COVID-19

Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19 - Alibaba Cloud

China turned STADIUMS in into ICU units.
They set up testing where you never get out of your car.

And they did stuff like that in a few weeks.

Look how fast they built Giga Plant II.

And they will probably keep Tesla a float during this crisis.
This isn't about deflecting blame, or the Chinese people. This is about the Chinese government.

It's a government that censors Internet criticism but is happy to allow false rumors and conspiracy theories about the virus being of foreign origin.

It's a government that criticized the USA for restricting flights from China, but has now restricted flights from Italy.

Don't congratulate the Chinese government on its handling.

It does nothing about the superstitions and terrible hygiene standards that allow these outbreaks to start.
It reacted slowly.
It allowed large community events to go ahead even after significant growth in cases, because it didn't want to disrupt New Year celebrations.
It censored discussion.
It refused assistance.
It misreported case numbers.
It had the WHO saying that stopping flights from China was overreacting when that's what every country should have done.

We don't know what's really happening in China, because Chinese media is the Chinese government, and the Chinese government is a murderous dictatorship that censors anything that makes it look bad.

MERS doesn't insult the Middle East.
Spanish Flu doesn't insult the Spanish.
Lyme disease doesn't insult Connecticut.
Numerous diseases named after places don't insult those places.

It started in Wuhan in China, so it can be called the Chinese virus or Wuhan virus.

The only bad thing about calling it the Chinese virus is that there will inevitably be more of them.
MERS doesn't insult the Middle East.
Spanish Flu doesn't insult the Spanish.
Lyme disease doesn't insult Connecticut.
Numerous diseases named after places don't insult those places.

It started in Wuhan in China, so it can be called the Chinese virus or Wuhan virus.

The only bad thing about calling it the Chinese virus is that there will inevitably be more of them.

Actually, Spanish Flu is very racist. They were open about it while other countries squashed any mention.

Spanish flu - Wikipedia
This isn't about deflecting blame, or the Chinese people. This is about the Chinese government.

It's a government that censors Internet criticism but is happy to allow false rumors and conspiracy theories about the virus being of foreign origin.

It's a government that criticized the USA for restricting flights from China, but has now restricted flights from Italy.

Don't congratulate the Chinese government on its handling.

It does nothing about the superstitions and terrible hygiene standards that allow these outbreaks to start.
It reacted slowly.
It allowed large community events to go ahead even after significant growth in cases, because it didn't want to disrupt New Year celebrations.
It censored discussion.
It refused assistance.
It misreported case numbers.
It had the WHO saying that stopping flights from China was overreacting when that's what every country should have done.

We don't know what's really happening in China, because Chinese media is the Chinese government, and the Chinese government is a murderous dictatorship that censors anything that makes it look bad.

MERS doesn't insult the Middle East.
Spanish Flu doesn't insult the Spanish.
Lyme disease doesn't insult Connecticut.
Numerous diseases named after places don't insult those places.

It started in Wuhan in China, so it can be called the Chinese virus or Wuhan virus.

The only bad thing about calling it the Chinese virus is that there will inevitably be more of them.

But our leader is purposely spinning it “it’s your fault China virus”. And now the public is acting on it. That’s the problem.

Again he is trying to steer the anger away from him. You know, the guy that shutdown the department that handles pandemics.
But our leader is purposely spinning it “it’s your fault China virus”. And now the public is acting on it. That’s the problem.

Again he is trying to steer the anger away from him. You know, the guy that shutdown the department that handles pandemics.

Seems that's his normal mode for Dear Leader, claiming it's just a flu, it's a democrat hoax, it came out of no where, and now he knew it was going to be bad and never told us about it. ?!? I guess he's trying a new excuse.

Oh, another funny one, he tells governors to go get their own ventilators and then the federal government outbid the states for ventilators.
Is there a special button you can hit to automatically disagree with every post in a thread? :rolleyes:

If this gets popped in under 10 minutes I'm calling 'bot' :p

No, it is just terrible that people are spreading rumors to stir up fear in an already fearful situation. I would say perhaps a third of my contacts are originally from Asia primarily. I did not send an Asian home with pay because he was born in Asia, I sent him home for two weeks because he spent a week in South Korea. If the fear mongers got ahold of that, I'd be branded as a racist for life, not as a person who followed State Dept requests.

Remember, if it bleeds, it leads. The media profits from fear and destruction. You are getting a tainted view of reality because of it. I remember some coastal desert fires in California recently. On the news it appeared the whole state was affected, not less than 1%.
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You know why our leader is now calling it the China Virus. He wants Americans to direct their anger away from him.

We should be LEARNING from China, not attacking them.

China got COVID-19 under control with a HUGE population, and they did it in 2 months !!
While the rest of the world sat on their hands and watched.

I work with China all the time and they are great people.

Here is a manual they put together and are sharing on how they dealt with COVID-19

Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19 - Alibaba Cloud

China turned STADIUMS in into ICU units.
They set up testing where you never get out of your car.

And they did stuff like that in a few weeks.

Look how fast they built Giga Plant II.

And they will probably keep Tesla a float during this crisis.

You know what is REAL racism? When you label and stereotype an entire group of people based on something as random as skin color or gender. Like what the American left does by claiming that all people with white skin have privilege, or all men are toxic. The person who used to occupy the White House, prior to the current occupant, spent 8 years doing this.

That is the real driver of racism.

Calling a virus by its country of origin is not only scientifically appropriate, it's accurate.
Remember, the term used here was "Chinese Virus". Chinese is not a location but a race ("China Virus" was not used). Singling out a group of people in a negative manor based on a way they were born (and therefore have no control over) is the core of racism. There was no reason to do this other then to spread fear and fault to Chinese people. After all, this virus already has two well established names. Why refer to it as something else?

This whole thing is very similar to how people used to refer to HIV as the "Gay Virus".
Remember, the term used here was "Chinese Virus". Chinese is not a location but a race ("China Virus" was not used). Singling out a group of people in a negative manor based on a way they were born (and therefore have no control over) is the core of racism. There was no reason to do this other then to spread fear and fault to Chinese people. After all, this virus already has two well established names. Why refer to it as something else?

This whole thing is very similar to how people used to refer to HIV as the "Gay Virus".

Excellent point.

BTW we could have been testing vigorously 4 weeks earlier if our government was willing to use Chinese developed tests they were willing to share. But no, we’re to good for your inferior tests and will develop our own. Basically the numbers double every 5 days with no testing or distancing. That means there will be 32x more infections by being 4 weeks late on testing. Because of a big fat racist ego. That’s the difference of 1000 deaths vs 32,000 deaths. Those deaths are on him. Not the Chinese.
Remember, the term used here was "Chinese Virus". Chinese is not a location but a race ("China Virus" was not used). Singling out a group of people in a negative manor based on a way they were born (and therefore have no control over) is the core of racism. There was no reason to do this other then to spread fear and fault to Chinese people. After all, this virus already has two well established names. Why refer to it as something else?

This whole thing is very similar to how people used to refer to HIV as the "Gay Virus".

Russia has one of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world. Anyone wonder why?. Very few cases of Covid there as well so they say. Now Putin walks about shaking hands in public but fails to tell everyone that those people were pre-tested. Russia is also a radiation free country and Putin's best friend lives here in the US. Sadly I will likely have to cancel my trip there in June.
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Excellent point.

BTW we could have been testing vigorously 4 weeks earlier if our government was willing to use Chinese developed tests they were willing to share. But no, we’re to good for your inferior tests and will develop our own. Basically the numbers double every 5 days with no testing or distancing. That means there will be 32x more infections by being 4 weeks late on testing. Because of a big fat racist ego. That’s the difference of 1000 deaths vs 32,000 deaths. Those deaths are on him. Not the Chinese.

The 4 week testing delay will allow the USA to be #1 in cases in about T minus 3 days. #1 again, soon.
Russia has one of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world. Anyone wonder why?. Very few cases of Covid there as well so they say. Now Putin walks about shaking hands in public but fails to tell everyone that those people were pre-tested. Russia is also a radiation free country and Putin's best friend lives here in the US. Sadly I will likely have to cancel my trip there in June.

I saw a video online regarding Russia building COVID-19 hospitals, like China. Seems they are expecting to get hit big time very soon.