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Discriminated and Kicked out of Ford dealer for using Level 2 charger.Owner responds on Google.

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Owner of Weikertford.com in Lake Wales FL kicked me out for using their Level 2 charger after I had already received permission to use it from a salesperson.

While visiting my parents I decided to visit the Weikert Ford dealer in Lake Wales FL to see if any improvements had been made to the infotainment/ Navigation on the F-250. My parents had already bought two vehicles from this dealer so I thought it could help negotiate a new truck to pull the new boat.

As soon as I entered the showroom I quickly realized the tiny building looked liked it was built in the 1920's to sell Model T cars and had zero cars or space inside the showroom. Therefore, I decided against looking at cars outside as summer heat temperatures were over 100 degrees in FL. I told the salesperson that sold my mother two $80k trucks I just wanted to use the restroom and charge my car.

30 minutes later as I sit in my car charging a pointless 10miles per hour with the a/c on waiting for my mother to get out of her doctors appointment I get approached by some 40 year old. I lower the window expecting him to talk but he stares at me with his face turning red and head about to blow up. I had no choice but to say famous last words according to him "Can I help you" and just like that he said charging is for Ford cars only and ripped out the charging cable without allowing me to disengaging the system. The whole encounter lasted 5 seconds with me just having enough time to say my family will never buy a car here again. For him to then trying to get my families name which I refused to give.

I mentioned my family name on my Google review so I'm sure he's now aware my family has purchased over 20 Ford trucks for the cattle ranch in recent years from another Ford dealer to the south of Weikert Ford.

I can only explain what happened as discrimination against Tesla or my ethnicity having Spanish parents driving a expensive Model S.

Last paragraph is the response from the owner below on my google review going as far as asking me to pay to charge the car. And also saying some people don't have to pay if he likes them.

I hope my complaint reaches Ford Motor Company and they put into place policy and procedures that stop harassment and discrimination of electric vehicle owners. Luckily for me I had over 200 miles of range before I arrived at the Ford dealer. So I was able spend the rest of the day with my mother before heading back to Tesla supercharger in Orlando. I can't imagine how bad this would had been for a family that was on empty encountering this Ford dealer and getting kicked out and being stranded on the road. I travel for work and sometimes arrive early to meetings and sometimes stop at Level 2 chargers at car dealerships for no more then an hour. I've always been treated kind and respectful and even get impressed by some of the new cars they have in the showroom. So I know what happened at Weikertford.com in Lake Wales FL was complete discrimination. Other google reviews for this dealer also mention discrimination so I know I'm not the first to report it.

Response from owner Philip Weikert below from Google Reviews.

"Thank you for the review however, we would like to set the record straight. As to your first comment about being the only charger before reaching Orlando this is a bold face lie. There is a Public charger 2.6 miles closer to your destination at the Kohl's Store. Perhaps if you had politely asked if you could charge your vehicle or offered to pay you would not have had this experience. Instead your attitude and smart comment of "Can I Help You" didn't help your case either. We quite often allow people to charge their vehicles even if they are not Ford's. However, they typically are very courteous, just don't hook, and definitely don't just assume they can use someone else's power for free. I'm sure if someone pulled in your driveway and hooked up their car to your house you wouldn't be to fond of it with out your permission. As to your comment about your family buying multiple vehicles we have no record of such. We got your name off another review site since you refused to give it. For the record in the next 2 years Ford will have the most electrified car options in North America. As far as going bankrupt we are far from it. We have been in business since 1971 and thanks to our loyal customer base we have never been more financially sound. For your last comment you weren't dealing with a sales manager. You were dealing with me Philip Weikert the owner. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors but please don't try to further yourself by libeling companies.

Philip Weikert"
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Discrimination? Really? We've got it pretty good in 2019 if this qualifies as discrimination.

This is a pretty simple situation. You were on private property using a private charger. They can ask you to leave at any time & don't have to give you a reason. It doesn't matter if you're driving a Tesla, Ford or Lamborghini.

Crap like this gives ALL Tesla owners a bad name.
Discrimination? Really? We've got it pretty good in 2019 if this qualifies as discrimination.

This is a pretty simple situation. You were on private property using a private charger. They can ask you to leave at any time & don't have to give you a reason. It doesn't matter if you're driving a Tesla, Ford or Lamborghini.

Crap like this gives ALL Tesla owners a bad name.


If they are going to put their charger on Plug share and not say 'for customers only'
& they have no adequate reason to unplug a car
completely discrimination - this gives ICE peddlers a bad name
Since Phillip Weikart didn't mention anything about race in his posts, I would leave the race card comments out of your responses. What he did was bad enough on its own regardless of motive. Publicly shaming him and leaving the review is all you need to do. Sometimes people are just a-holes and need to erupt on someone for no good reason, you were the next in line.
I told the salesperson that sold my mother two $80k trucks I just wanted to use the restroom and charge my car.
We can't speak to the tone of "Can I help you" that apparently was troublesome.

Next time get the salesperson's card and ask him/her "if any improvements had been made to the infotainment/ Navigation on the F-250." The benefit is that (a) you might get the info and (b) you have some record that you spoke to an employee and had a conversation. That might help deescalate things. Might not. But might.
This dealership like many other Ford dealership was listed as a free public charger on Plugshare. According to Plugshare other cars including Nissan Leafs had checked in recently and used this charger with no problems or payments expected.

This particular dealership has since removed their location on plugshare which is good so no one else experiences the harassment I went through.

(Correction they brought back the free charging Plugshare listing so who knows how the next electric vehicle will be treated there.)

Had the first sales person I spoke with told me I couldn't charge, I would have happily left immediately. This dealer owner failed to talk to his own sales team before harassing me and passed judgement within 5 seconds of me rolling my window down.

So yes I do believe this was a case of discrimination as other google reviews for this dealer have stated they heard the managers make fun of their looks and weight.

I've never used the race card in my life so I feel very uncomfortable bringing it up but I can't explain his own response says some people can charge but not me. I don't know if he had something against me or my Tesla Model S.
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Luckily for me I had over 200 miles of range before I arrived at the Ford dealer. So I was able spend the rest of the day with my mother before heading back to Tesla supercharger in Orlando
Just curious... if you had 200 miles of range remaining and according to Google maps it is less than 60 miles to Orlando - why bother occupying the L2 charger if you didn't really need it?
Just curious... if you had 200 miles of range remaining and according to Google maps it is less than 60 miles to Orlando - why bother occupying the L2 charger if you didn't really need it?
Fair point, I was kinda curious to see if I could ever use this charger in a emergency situation where I stayed at my parents to long and needed enough juice to get back to Orlando. It seemed more practical to wait catching up on emails for work until my mother finished her doctors appointment than drive around using up battery and A/C with temps reaching 110F.

Of course if anyone needed the charger I would have gladly left.

My mother is installing a 50amp tesla charger at her place so I'm not worried about relying on this dealer for anything again.
I told the salesperson that sold my mother two $80k trucks I just wanted to use the restroom and charge my car.

Since it is a private business, I would think the proper way to handle is to ASK the salesperson if you can use the restroom and charge your car while your mom is seeing her doc down the street.

Then, when someone comes up to you in the car, you roll down the window, and say, 'man, hot day, huh? Joe/Sally inside said it was ok if I charge for a short time....hope that won't be a problem....'

(A sense of entitlement can be viewed in many ways.)
Since it is a private business, I would think the proper way to handle is to ASK the salesperson if you can use the restroom and charge your car while your mom is seeing her doc down the street.

Then, when someone comes up to you in the car, you roll down the window, and say, 'man, hot day, huh? Joe/Sally inside said it was ok if I charge for a short time....hope that won't be a problem....'

(A sense of entitlement can be viewed in many ways.)
Less than 5 seconds is all I had before he started ripping the charging cable out.

Of course I would have said that had he given me time but he was on a mission.

I wanted to start this thread to see if any others had experiences like this at other dealerships because I haven't.

Is Ford installing these Level 2 chargers at dealers without training the employees on proper etiquette. This shouldn't be a lottery on how your going to be treated every time you pull up to a Ford Dealer making sure to say the right magical words.

If its not free public use just say its not public and problem is solved.
Meh - this one seems to be a case easily in the fringe to me. I mean, you were at a car dealership for no other purpose than to charge your car using their electricity. Plugshare isn't THE most reliable source when it comes to places like this. I mean - it also usually lists hotels as free charging spots but I've never had the balls to roll up there and plug in because it's obvious to me that the chargers are probably there for their own customers (regardless of what Plugshare says).

A little common sense (on both sides) would've gone a long way towards avoiding this whole situation.

If I were you, I'd have at least feigned interest in talking to them about the F250 and asked if I could charge while we looked/talked. But you knew you weren't going to get any reasonable charge during your short stay anyway so it almost (I said almost) FEELS like you were just looking for a fight if I'm being 100% honest.

Just my $0.02. I could be completely off base.
Meh - this one seems to be a case easily in the fringe to me. I mean, you were at a car dealership for no other purpose than to charge your car using their electricity. Plugshare isn't THE most reliable source when it comes to places like this. I mean - it also usually lists hotels as free charging spots but I've never had the balls to roll up there and plug in because it's obvious to me that the chargers are probably there for their own customers (regardless of what Plugshare says).

A little common sense (on both sides) would've gone a long way towards avoiding this whole situation.

If I were you, I'd have at least feigned interest in talking to them about the F250 and asked if I could charge while we looked/talked. But you knew you weren't going to get any reasonable charge during your short stay anyway so it almost (I said almost) FEELS like you were just looking for a fight if I'm being 100% honest.

Just my $0.02. I could be completely off base.

Hotels make it very clear they are for patrons only with signs and notifications on Plugshare. I'm not one to cross that line either unless unless I'm staying at the hotel.

What surprises me is that other Nissan Leaf owners had charged at this public listed location without any issues or payments requested.

And the reality is I pulled up in a freshly detailed 2018 Tesla Red Model S on 21 inch wheels with a charger located in front of the Ford showroom trying to sell Fiestas, Fusions and Mustangs. I did notice an elderly couple continue to look at my car so maybe they asked the owner if my car was the next generation mustang and it set him off.

I don't know, but what I do know is had it been a hatchback Nissan leaf they wouldn't have cared less.

I'm glad it was me that took the harassment and not some mom in a Model X opening the falcon doors to check on her kids because they probably would have run out with pitch forks and torches.

Elon Musk just announced their new pickup truck will be cheaper and 100% better than the F150. And the Ford Ceo has also said things against Elon Musk. So I can only say is I'm never attempting to use a Ford Level 2 charger again because I don't want to deal with this hostility. The Nissan dealer not far from them welcomes electric cars and even has a faster CHAdeMO connector.

And the last thing I want to do is pick a fight where I have the best chances on getting a deal on a new truck from my parents previous purchases.
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It is beneath any business to disallow non-customers to charge if the charger is otherwise unused. The cost of electricity is so low that it is a complete non-issue. The good will it generates is far more valuable. I just don't understand this other then real Tesla hate.

I have had a couple of dealers refuse to allow me to charge my Model S (I always ask) and happily allow me to charge my Leaf.
It is beneath any business to disallow non-customers to charge if the charger is otherwise unused. The cost of electricity is so low that it is a complete non-issue. The good will it generates is far more valuable. I just don't understand this other then real Tesla hate.

I have had a couple of dealers refuse to allow me to charge my Model S (I always ask) and happily allow me to charge my Leaf.

They may be anti-Tesla, but it's their business/land/investment, so they get to make da' rules. Sure, electricity may be cheap in your locale, but a couple of bucks is still a couple of bucks and it's rather presumptuous that they should give it you for free. Perhaps they installed the charger as a way to get peeps into their showrooms -- its a marketing/sales 101. An empty charger is attractive to passersby, a full charger certainly is not.