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Elon & Twitter

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What about Elon's right to privacy? If we are going to sling mud and call people names, what gives you the right to privacy and him none? Doesn't that make YOU a hypocrite?

1. I never claimed to be a free speech absolutist

2. Elon has the right to obfuscate his schedule or the plane he's on within the confines of the law. Never flying the same plane twice, only flying commercial, always renting the planes you fly, or driving your Tesla instead, are all options that are consistent with both the law AND with free speech absolutism. Asking Jack Sweeney to shut down his Twitter jet tracking account is NOT consistent with free speech absolutism.

Read the law, 14 CFR § 91.225. All planes are required to be equipped with an ADS-B transponder which transmits their position, velocity, and identification. However ADS-B does not require transmission of the names of the souls on board. Figuring out how to stop people from tracking you, given that law and the parameters that are required to be transmitted, should not be hard.
I JUST posted above a link, to a new FAA program (that replaces an old one) that ALLOWS PRIVATE PLANE OWNERS to have their data hidden. Zuckerberg is already using this, I expect Elon will be soon as well.

Reading comprehension failure?

I read just fine. Where in ANY of that does it say that posting public flight plans (which is what the bot did) is ILLEGAL?
I JUST posted above a link, to a new FAA program (that replaces an old one) that ALLOWS PRIVATE PLANE OWNERS to have their data hidden. Zuckerberg is already using this, I expect Elon will be soon as well.
That's not going to work, for the simple reason that the IDs can only be rotated something like every 60 days. There's only so many planes of the type Elon flies that go between the airports he frequently uses. It's the same reason that I can be tracked by automatic license plate readers, even if I'm driving a rental car, once someone figures out the plate on the car I'm driving. This is how Jack Sweeney is continuing to track Zuck's (and other celebrities') jets. However, what about never taking the same car on more than one trip? That works, because by the time they figure out what the license plate is, I'll have switched cars.

The law requires cars to have license plates on them, but doesn't require the license plates to identify the people inside. So the solution here is to never fly the same plane.
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That's not going to work, for the simple reason that the IDs can only be rotated something like every 60 days. There's only so many planes of the type Elon flies that go between the airports he frequently uses. It's the same reason that I can be tracked by automatic license plate readers, even if I'm driving a rental car, once someone figures out the plate on the car I'm driving. However, what about never taking the same car on more than one trip? That works, because by the time they figure out what the license plate is, I'll have switched cars.

Solution is to never fly the same plane.
Rumor has it there was mobsters that kept multiple cars in different car parks to avoid being tailed.
Apparently you don't read just fine. Once Elon opts in, those PUBLIC flight plans are now PRIVATE, protected data.
ADS-B broadcasts are transmitted on the public airwaves and are public data. The ID, position, and velocity of all planes are therefore public data. The ID to owner mapping is what the FAA keeps private, but it's really not too hard to figure out once you watch where these planes are going for a few takeoffs and landings. Likewise, if I happen to know where you live and where you work, and I watch all of the cars going in and out of those driveways, it probably wouldn't take me too long to figure out which car(s) you use regularly. So the solution is to not fly a plane with the same ID more than once.
In the interest of bringing the topic back to something more relevant to TWTR, I'd like to summarize what I am in favor of instead of trying to make the free-speech-absolutists actually follow their own philosophy.

Twitter currently does a ton of moderation to keep the platform fairly clean and a place that advertisers feel comfortable in.

I feel that having STRONG rules of conduct and moderation is essential if you want to have a successful "Town Hall"

I believe any form of free-speech absolutism (which means only banning explicitly illegal posts) will result in 4Chan-syndrome anywhere it is attempted.

I believe that the fantasy of "self moderation" by suppressing posts using downvotes will immediately result in massive free speech suppression as various special interest groups abuse the reporting system to kill off the free speech of those they simply disagree with. (see the endless account lockings on TikTok for how this looks even in a place that uses fleets of humans to try and clean it up)

I believe Elon's common sense is terrible in the social media space, as demonstrated by his own behavior on that platform.

I expect he will cause total chaos on Twitter trying to invent content-moderation tools and standards that give him what he wants (certain people unbanned that he happens to like) while at least appearing to be fair and uniform. Twitter will careen first into 4chan cesspool, the advertisers will flee, Elon will try to make everyone pay for tweets so he doesn't need the advertisers, that will drive down the userbase and in the end to save the company he'll eventually get back to having a lot of rules of conduct that look a LOT like what was already there and a lot of humans enforcing them with the assistance of tools which will be the one thing he brings to the table after the chaos.

The free-speech-absolutists can now down-vote my post because they don't like my use of free speech, without seeing the irony :)
So, let me get this right, you are worried that the guy who was bullied as a child in racist South Africa and who routinely takes on bullies to teach them a lesson is somehow going to suddenly capitulate and take up with any of the extremists (Left or Right)?

Elon has a good sense of right and wrong. He is working hard every day to secure humanity's bright future. He leads by example. There is nothing in his behavior to date which lends credence to the concerns you have stated.
Elon has already been consorting with more of the extremists. He's had a long history with some, (Thiel since the paypal days for example). It's clear they influence him, and I don't agree with your claim that Elon has a good sense of right and wrong. There is plenty in his behavior to date which lends credence to my concerns.
I believe that the fantasy of "self moderation" by suppressing posts using downvotes will immediately result in massive free speech suppression as various special interest groups abuse the reporting system to kill off the free speech of those they simply disagree with. (see the endless account lockings on TikTok for how this looks even in a place that uses fleets of humans to try and clean it up)

I believe Elon's common sense is terrible in the social media space, as demonstrated by his own behavior on that platform.
His common sense was terrible the moment he signed a binding agreement to buy Twitter. Now that he's the owner, let's say he implements the system you suggested where posts can be suppressed using downvotes. Can you imagine how bad his image will be if, say, Jack Sweeney alleges that Elon artificially downvoted his jet tracking posts to try to suppress Jack's free speech? It could be that Elon has decided that he's not going to do anything to downvote Jack's account and the algorithms will handle it just the same as everyone else's, but it's the perception of what could be happening that makes it not a good look for Elon's brand. He really can't win either way, except by not owning Twitter and having nothing to do with the situation at all. Then there's his free speech absolutism problem. Let's again say that Elon has told people at Twitter not to give Jack's account any special treatment (either positive or negative) but people start spreading conspiracy theories about Elon suppressing Jack's free speech by telling Twitter to artificially downvote his posts. Guess what? Conspiracy theories are protected free speech under the law.

Jack really has a lot of leverage now, if you think about it, because he's publicly been in an open dispute with Elon. If he flees the platform and announces where he's going, there's going to be a lot of people who follow. If big celebrities and official government accounts start leaving on top of that, then it's over.
I expect he will cause total chaos on Twitter trying to invent content-moderation tools and standards that give him what he wants (certain people unbanned that he happens to like) while at least appearing to be fair and uniform. Twitter will careen first into 4chan cesspool, the advertisers will flee, Elon will try to make everyone pay for tweets so he doesn't need the advertisers, that will drive down the userbase and in the end to save the company he'll eventually get back to having a lot of rules of conduct that look a LOT like what was already there and a lot of humans enforcing them with the assistance of tools which will be the one thing he brings to the table after the chaos.
I think so, but by then, I don't think Twitter will be able to be saved. Most of the users will have gone elsewhere, possibly to Tribel or another service, and Twitter will become just another Myspace or Friendster.
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Elon has already been consorting with more of the extremists. He's had a long history with some, (Thiel since the paypal days for example). It's clear they influence him, and I don't agree with your claim that Elon has a good sense of right and wrong. There is plenty in his behavior to date which lends credence to my concerns.

So, as a matter of principle, based upon the feelings shared, you should just sell any stock you hold in the company and never purchase any product from him. Don't continue to support someone you have so little faith in doing the right thing.

Vote your fears with your wallet! Or, don't, and risk losing sleep worrying about this nonsense.

I've got your back. (that is, maybe I'll buy some more stock) ;)
So, as a matter of principle, based upon the feelings shared, you should just sell any stock you hold in the company and never purchase any product from him. Don't continue to support someone you have so little faith in doing the right thing.

Vote your fears with your wallet! Or, don't, and risk losing sleep worrying about this nonsense.

I've got your back. (that is, maybe I'll buy some more stock) ;)
I’ll take some free shares.
Agreed, and a free-speech-absolutist would not have been calling for banning of various people he doesn't like or disagrees with - which he has done many times.
He fired the YT video uploader AI Addict for showing that FSD collided with bollards in downtown SJ. This, after the fact that he had sought, and gotten approval to upload his testing of the FSD. He had uploaded many videos prior, some even showing other faults which were minor. He provided both good and bad commentary.

His diehard fans don’t want to acknowledge Elon’s dark side, either because his current political bent aligns with their own; or, they are still drunk from the koolaid he has sold them.

Sorry to say, but that’s the truth. 😀
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