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locked car won't open occasionally even with my iPhone in hand.

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It is likely just a setting on your phone.

Maybe your phone restarted and failed to run the Tesla app at startup. Once in a while this just happens.

You have battery use restrictions setup on your phone and Tesla app is not excluded.

You have background use restrictions and Tesla app is not excluded. The app needs to run in the background all the time.

Sometimes turning off Bluetooth and turning it back on will fix a Bluetooth glitch and make it connect also.
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A few times going back to locked model 3,the car door won't open. Must take out my iPhone and go to Tesla app
Why does this happen

Three possibilities:
  1. Your Tesla app was recently updated (which happens ~ once/month), which forced it to shut down. You need to manually launch it and have it running the background for phone unlock to work.
  2. Interference with BT signal, or BT is shut down (airplane mode, etc.).
  3. Tesla software is flaky and never fully tested before being released. So it doesn't work reliably. It's how they roll. On the phone, or in the car. Get used to this.

Check your settings, but they're probably fine. Just crappy implementation on either Apple or Tesla's part (I know which I'm betting on). Yes, it happens regularly, but sporadically, for no discernible reason. I find there is a strong correlation to it failing while carrying several large grocery bags when approaching the car. I'm no longer able to do the experiment, but I suspect carrying a screaming child to the car will also induce failure.
it goes in spurts, particularly after an update. I have had no problems for months, but with the last update, it seems that once a day my car does not recognize me. A real PIA when I come out of Starbucks holding two coffees.

(Make sure your phone App is 'Always On')
Just happened to me the other day which was first time in a long time. Surprisingly, it wasn’t raining, I didn’t have my arms full, the area was well lit and safe, and I wasn’t with an EV/Tesla skeptic.

That said, it has nothing to do with whether the phone has background refresh (iOS) turned on (or, for that matter, location services). I can confidently say that the phone as key works just fine with those battery drains turned off. Unfortunately, there are myriad forms of BT interference in any environment so that and the bit about sentry state seem to be the most likely culprits. The update recency is also an intriguing correlation I’ll have to track.
This is my wife's only complaint on our Tesla. Ironically it seems to happen when she is showing the Tesla to someone or giving them a ride. I have this too and have thought its a function of the orientation of the phone in my pocket. My phone which has a pretty thick case protector and that if the back of the phone is turned in my pocket to the car it doesn't bluetooth communicate with the car. However just last week I even had to take the phone out of my pocket and It still didn't work, but after about 10 seconds it unlocked. It is very random.
Three possibilities:
  1. Your Tesla app was recently updated (which happens ~ once/month), which forced it to shut down. You need to manually launch it and have it running the background for phone unlock to work.
  2. Interference with BT signal, or BT is shut down (airplane mode, etc.).
  3. Tesla software is flaky and never fully tested before being released. So it doesn't work reliably. It's how they roll. On the phone, or in the car. Get used to this.

#3 is the most likely candidate. That being said, to do it right, Tesla app devs have to be constantly evaluating Apple and Android updates to analyze if they made any changes that could affect BT connectivity. 99 times out of a 100, any changes like that will not be explicitly announced and the app developer has to proactively take steps to keep up. Given the poor state of Tesla's software development over the last few years, this is probably a challenge. But Apple (and I would assume Android) issue beta releases to devs so that they can anticipate changes and update their apps accordingly, so Tesla doesn't really have much of an excuse. I never had this problem for the first 3 years or so of owning the car. Within the last year, the car fails to open about 40-50% of the time when I walk up to it.

The other problem that I've noticed (although it mostly seems to happen at only at home) is the car fails to lock when walking away (yes, lock on walk away is on).
#3 is the most likely candidate. That being said, to do it right, Tesla app devs have to be constantly evaluating Apple and Android updates to analyze if they made any changes that could affect BT connectivity. 99 times out of a 100, any changes like that will not be explicitly announced and the app developer has to proactively take steps to keep up. Given the poor state of Tesla's software development over the last few years, this is probably a challenge. But Apple (and I would assume Android) issue beta releases to devs so that they can anticipate changes and update their apps accordingly, so Tesla doesn't really have much of an excuse. I never had this problem for the first 3 years or so of owning the car. Within the last year, the car fails to open about 40-50% of the time when I walk up to it.

The other problem that I've noticed (although it mostly seems to happen at only at home) is the car fails to lock when walking away (yes, lock on walk away is on).
There is some truth to that.

I have apps in the App Store that use the exact same mechanism to connect to Bluetooth LE devices for the last 5 years and the API’s have not changed at all.

There have been changes that you must meet to allow continued use of the same mechanism (API). Mostly around notifying the user that you are using location and why. Privacy and Battery consumption type stuff.

Apple has broken it a couple times. But usually fixes it promptly.

One thing folks don’t realize is it’s iOS that decides to run your app in background or not. And if you have many other apps running in background it can degrade things a bit. It’s good to review all your apps with background and location always and disable or remove the ones that don’t need those permissions.

Just search for location and background in settings and you’ll get a list of each.

It doesn’t work in back pocket more or less by design. It triangulates your position and wants you to be pretty damn close to unlock. Try it in your front pocket and stand and ass distance further away and it will be less reliable.
Same here. I find it works best in a front pocket, right side up and facing forward.
I often get to the car with my hands full and my phone in my back pocket. Since buying my Tesla I’ve learned to twerk to get the door unlocked.

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Have the same problem from time to time. That is why I installed one of the available keyfob apps on my Apple Watch. If my iPhone does not unlock the car, I just click on the keyfob app on my Apple Watch to unlock the car.

This is the app I am using. It has not a great user interface but it is working great. Also good to have a spare keyfob since I can use this even if I do not have my iPhone with me or if my iPhone battery dies:

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