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Phone App: iPhone/Android app

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Well it turns out to be moot anyway. Once I loaded my corporate stuff back on again it's completely blocked.

I told Tesla support I would work with them to get this resolved if they want to. Waiting to hear back from them.
It's not Tesla support that needs to fix this, it's your corporate IT department.
Tesla said it, and you confirmed it yourself, it works fine until you load the corporate security stuff on it, and then it stops working. Your corporate security software settings are overzealous and blocking it. Nothing Tesla can do about that, you need your IT department to stop blocking it.
It's not Tesla support that needs to fix this, it's your corporate IT department.
Tesla said it, and you confirmed it yourself, it works fine until you load the corporate security stuff on it, and then it stops working. Your corporate security software settings are overzealous and blocking it. Nothing Tesla can do about that, you need your IT department to stop blocking it.
Yes if it's a port or url. If they can give me this info then I can check with corp IT to see if they are blocking either.
Yes if it's a port or url. If they can give me this info then I can check with corp IT to see if they are blocking either.
The API uses HTTPS post commands to owner-api.teslamotors.com
Your IT department is probably blocking the https post bit.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if you find you also can't get to secure websites if you aren't using a company supplied browser.
Andyw2100, I think this is for your "Things on the App to improve..."

The iPhone App "Remote S", which allows you to connect in very much the same way that the "Tesla'" iPhone App does is both clever and fast and above all works on an iWatch. (how cool is that!) and is why I purchased it.

However, when trying to sign into the car with the "Remote S" App I would get "Tesla's servers are over loaded...." (as in the picture below). This information window had nothing to do with the real problem of getting the "Remote S" app to work and connect with the car. The solution: is that the sign-in name and password for the "Remote S" App and the "Tesla" App must be the same, otherwise you get the command Failed window pointing you in the wrong direction.

I actually have two people (myself and my wife) that can sign into the "Tesla" App using their respective and different sign in names, passwords and iPhones.

The command failed Window should indicate that the sign-in names and passwords on both Apps should be the same on that particular iPhone.

BTW it is a great APP.



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On Android, it seems uninstalling and reinstalling the app causes duplicate notifications. If you reinstall the app three times, you get three notifications for every event you have notifications enabled for. Can anyone confirm this behavior?

I would guess the app has a bug where it fails to successfully "deregister" with GCM when uninstalled. This results in multiple GCM registrations for the same device to become possible thus resulting multiple notifications for the same event.

If someone else can confirm this, I will lodge a bug report with Tesla. Just want to be more certain first that it is a bug in the app rather than elsewhere.

I've been wrestling with this now as well.

After some reinstallations, I was up to three notifications per event. At that point I uninstalled the Tesla app again, and really made an effort to wipe clean any traces of it from my phone, using CCleaner and SDMaid. I then reinstalled it, and initially received no notifications. I then rebooted the car's 17-inch display, and now I receive four notifications for each event. (See screen capture below.)

I am wondering, iffatall, if the attempted cleaning I did would have successfully deregistered the multiple GCM registrations or not, meaning that the problem could lie elsewhere. I plan to write to [email protected], and will send them the screen capture.

Also wondering if you have figured out any sort of workaround yet.


Four Tesla App Notifications.jpg
After unchecking the notifications entirely, I now get one notification instead of two. Unfortunately that means that I have no way of selecting which notifications I actually want to get. (stop notifying me of the software downgrade to 7.1, I'm never going to install it, I don't need constant phone notifications for it!)
I've been wrestling with this now as well.

After some reinstallations, I was up to three notifications per event. At that point I uninstalled the Tesla app again, and really made an effort to wipe clean any traces of it from my phone, using CCleaner and SDMaid. I then reinstalled it, and initially received no notifications. I then rebooted the car's 17-inch display, and now I receive four notifications for each event. (See screen capture below.)

I am wondering, iffatall, if the attempted cleaning I did would have successfully deregistered the multiple GCM registrations or not, meaning that the problem could lie elsewhere. I plan to write to [email protected], and will send them the screen capture.

Also wondering if you have figured out any sort of workaround yet.


View attachment 169072

I haven't figured out any workaround yet.

If the bug is what I suspect it to be (buggy GCM registration/deregistration), then any cleaning on your phone will not help it. It is the cloud that has duplicate entries for your account for your phone. You can find how GCM works here:
Cloud Messaging  |  Google Developers

The app needs to make sure it doesn't add multiple registrations of the same device for the same account; and it looks like it does. Based on the comments from other users here, it looks like some sequence of actions leads to flushing of duplicate registrations, but I haven't determined the sequence yet.

I believe Tesla app developers work on the Android version of the app only as an afterthought.
They are not expert Android app developers.
They do not put in enough efforts to make sure the APIs are used exactly as intended.
They do not care to follow the design guidelines.
Again, this is just my belief, and I may very well be (gladly) wrong.

I do hope this will change though :)
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I sent the following email message to [email protected], and included my Android operating system version number and my contact info, as well as the screen capture I attached above, and the one I am attaching to this post.

I’m writing to describe a bug involving the android app that I can’t seem to find a work-around for. As such, it is kind of irksome! I trust you’ll pass this on to the android software development team so that they may be able to get this bug resolved quickly. I am including screen shots.

I was very appreciative when the android version of the Tesla App received the ability to send notifications a few months ago. Unfortunately, though, this functionality was somewhat buggy right from the beginning, and the very first notifications I received included duplicate notifications. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and also rebooted the car’s display, and eventually some combination of doing those things resulted in my only receiving one notification per event, for a while.

Other android app users on the Tesla Motors Club forums were and are experiencing similar duplicate notifications.

At some point, after an update, I started receiving multiple notifications again, and could not resolve the issue. After uninstalling and reinstalling the app, I was up to three notifications for any individual notification. At that point I tried uninstalling the app, and made a conscious effort to attempt to wipe out any traces of the app from my android phone. I used utilities CCleaner and SDMaid to attempt to completely eradicate the Tesla app. I then reinstalled the Tesla App and enabled the notifications I am interested in receiving. The result is that I now receive FOUR notifications for any single event. (Please see attached screen-captures.)

Note that these notifications, once received, are treated individually by the android system. I can dismiss them one at a time, and in fact, must dismiss them one at a time to clear them all. I point this out in case it may help the software team get to the bottom of what is going on.

I’d be happy to answer any questions that may assist the team in resolving this issue. Thanks very much for passing this along.


Four Tesla App Status Bar Notifications.png
Well your first mistake was in assuming there is an "android development team"
They seem to have one intern working on an iphone app, and a kindergartener porting that to Android...

It's amazing how much better random people on the internet have done with apps such as remote s and visible tesla, which use the unpublished API to do much more than the official app, and all without having the full time job at Tesla. Imagine how much those developers could accomplish with access to Tesla's official APIs and knowledge of what the car is really capable of!
I just got my Tesla Friday. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it using search, so...

On my HTC Desire 510, the Tesla App stops every time I hit the location button. Anybody know what causes this?
Let's hope they take notice of what you say, Andy. I'm now getting 3 notifications for each Summon action and 2 for each charging event. Still can't get my calendar to sync.

They responded that they were passing the information along to the correct department, which was what I expected as a response.

I tried turning off all notifications, and the result of that was that when the car completed charging that morning I received only three, instead of four notifications. Next I tried deselecting my car, so that no car is selected in the app. I still received three notifications. Today I decided to reboot both the 17" display and the instrument cluster, to see if that has any effect. The only reason I am at all optimistic that it may is that with the very first version of the app that had notifications, I was initially receiving duplicates, but then uninstalling and reinstalling and resetting the car in some magical order left me getting single notifications for quite some time.

Of course at this point if anything does change I won't know if it was due to steps I'm experimenting with, or if someone at Tesla may have just reset things on my account, based on my email message. But I'm taking one step at a time, so if something does change, I can explain what I did, and you guys can see if you can reproduce it.
So...I did get a single notification again, after completing the steps above.

Of course this leaves me with no control over the notifications whatsoever. I don't even know if I'll receive a notification for a software update, which is the one I am most interested in receiving.

I then re-selected my car and re-enabled the notifications I wanted, and when the car next completed charging I received four notifications again!

I have now, again, deselected my car, and disabled the individual notifications. I'll also reboot both the 17" display again, and the IC, and hope that doing so gets me down to a single notification on "charging complete." The problem, though, is that I then won't know if I'm actually receiving notifications about software updates until I receive the next software update.

But at least I may have helped discover a partial work-around, until Tesla fixes this properly.
But at least I may have helped discover a partial work-around, until Tesla fixes this properly.

So now I don't even know if this partial work-around works. It certainly doesn't work consistently.

After doing the above (deseecting my car, and disabling the notifications again), when I forced a "charge complete to test, I received three notifications instead of four. OK, no problem, as I had not yet rebooted the 17" display and the IC. I did that, and then forced another charge complete message (by setting the charge point just above the point the car is charged to), expecting to receive a singe notification, but I again received three notifications.

So this is really flaky.

The two things I can identify that I have done differently this time are:

1) I am forcing charge complete message notifications, instead of just waiting for my daily ones. I can't imagine this matters, unless somehow there is some communication with the cloud that I'm not giving a chance to take place by speeding up the process, and

2) Last time I disabled notifications one day and then after receiving duplicate notifications, deselected my car the next day. This time I did both at once.

I know the above sounds very much like grasping at straws, but I'm just trying to really spell out exactly what I've done, in case anyone else would like to try to reproduce or improve upon the results.
I just got my Tesla Friday. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it using search, so...

On my HTC Desire 510, the Tesla App stops every time I hit the location button. Anybody know what causes this?
Did you enable location services on your phone, for Tesla app? I'm just guessing but thought about that. I love HTC phones so most of my phones are HTC (currently I use One ME), haven't had such issues until now.
both Lollipop and Marshmallow here and works okay.
Occasionally as Andy2100 says it doesnt connect immediately, but just quit and go back in and is fine.

I have a different issue though as only some of my contacts sync, and I havent got aroud to sorting it.
I'm guessing it is because some contacts on my phone may be android contacts where most are exchange contacts or something like that.

Appreciate if anyone knows the answer to this can chime in.
There seems to be an app update for Android tonight. Changelog says support for newest versions of Model S and "minor fixes and improvements".

Downloaded it and poked around, haven't noticed any changes. Maybe all under the hood (or in the case of Tesla, above the rear axle)?