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Tesla in crisis?

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Those of us who have held this stock for a while are used to this BS. I still firmly believe this company will be worth a fortune in 5 years. Most Wall Street analysts are clueless business majors who can't see beyond the next quarter and just don't understand how far ahead Tesla is in many aspects. Tesla's value is in AI, Energy, and autos. We all knew 2024 was going to suck for the stock due to Tesla's product cycle. Buy and hold this stock.

FSD V12.3 is the version that convinced me they will achieve true autonomous Level 4 driving in the next few years. It's 95% of the way there now IMO.
Tesla has a L2 ADAS system. Level 4 is a long way to go! At this point if they believe in their software, they should at least be able to take responsibility for the product and go L3 like Mercedes. There is a very good reason they kept the software as "beta" and now "supervised" so they don't have to own the errors.

I hope Tesla gets its act together and becomes relevant again like it was when the OG founders were running things. Tesla used to blow my mind with how far ahead they were, and now it's mostly just a joke with Cybertruck and talking about Robotaxis. I think Tesla will be a future study case for how to blow a very large first mover advantage by being complacent.
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Tesla has a L2 ADAS system. Level 4 is a long way to go! At this point if they believe in their software, they should at least be able to take responsibility for the product and go L3 like Mercedes.
No, if they believe in their approach, they should do something like invest $10 billion this year and quadruple their AI training compute.. They would also lay the groundwork for getting their approach approved in more jurisductions like China and Europe...which they are doing.

Don't get me wrong...this does not mean "it's solved." It does mean that Tesla believes it is only a matter of time....because that's where the investment is.

I think Tesla will be a future study case for how to blow a very large first mover advantage by being complacent.
You think Tesla is complacent?
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Seems that a reasonable argument could be made that the company is in crisis. Would like to hear your thoughts. Consider the following:
  • missed quarterly earnings,
  • declining quarterly sales,
  • dramatically increasing Chinese competition,
  • best selling Model Y long in the tooth,
  • Model Two on hold,
  • Cybertruck recall,
  • largest layoff in company history,
  • controversial CEO pay package in the headlines,
  • share value declining,
  • senior execs departing,
  • "bet the company" robotaxi gamble.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Y and am rooting for Tesla. Not suggesting the company's going away but that the future is unclear, the company at a crossroads. Your thoughts?

Elon mid-life crises.
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I think the OP mixes up several disparate issues.

The pay package is really something that has nothing to do with anything else. Elon and the company agreed he'd be paid a fortune if he accomplishes the impossible, and nothing otherwise. He did accomplish it - and got paid. Well deserved - but some lowlife now trying to get rich off throwing that out.

Also disagree that Elon or X is in any way a problem - except as perception for certain people. He is the person that made the company happen.

The real problem IMO are the numbers on the last earnings call. They couldn't sell the number of cars they need to last quarter (unlike any quarter in the last few years). Yes, there are excuses/explanations and mitigating factors - but bottom line is they didn't sell enough cars. And I think Tesla would be very wise to laser-focus on what they need to do to sell more cars. Maybe we are reaching saturation of the early electric adopters. But to me there's more than that. Tesla got too much attitude Apple-style as in "we'll do things the way we like, and you'll take and you'll like it; we don't care what you think" to their customers. Tesla has the best electric drivetrain but the novelty garbage controls are turning away more traditional customers (and those are the majority out there). That attitude that we don't do customer surveys, we'll just stick blinkers on buttons or whatever and everybody will eat it can't be helping.
I think the OP mixes up several disparate issues.

The pay package is really something that has nothing to do with anything else. Elon and the company agreed he'd be paid a fortune if he accomplishes the impossible, and nothing otherwise. He did accomplish it - and got paid. Well deserved - but some lowlife now trying to get rich off throwing that out.

Also disagree that Elon or X is in any way a problem - except as perception for certain people. He is the person that made the company happen.

The real problem IMO are the numbers on the last earnings call. They couldn't sell the number of cars they need to last quarter (unlike any quarter in the last few years). Yes, there are excuses/explanations and mitigating factors - but bottom line is they didn't sell enough cars. And I think Tesla would be very wise to laser-focus on what they need to do to sell more cars. Maybe we are reaching saturation of the early electric adopters. But to me there's more than that. Tesla got too much attitude Apple-style as in "we'll do things the way we like, and you'll take and you'll like it; we don't care what you think" to their customers. Tesla has the best electric drivetrain but the novelty garbage controls are turning away more traditional customers (and those are the majority out there). That attitude that we don't do customer surveys, we'll just stick blinkers on buttons or whatever and everybody will eat it can't be helping.
Perception is, at least partially, to blame here. I had the cash set aside to buy a new Model S last summer and instead bought a used one in a private sale. I have other issues with Tesla, which includes the attitude you mentioned but the key reason is I couldn't bring myslef to give Elon anymore of my money. And that's one less car sold that quarter. I can tell you, the people around me who drive Polestars, Rivians and some Teslas all feel similar to me, he can't keep is mouth shut, why would we want to give him our cash?
Perception is, at least partially, to blame here. I had the cash set aside to buy a new Model S last summer and instead bought a used one in a private sale. I have other issues with Tesla, which includes the attitude you mentioned but the key reason is I couldn't bring myslef to give Elon anymore of my money. And that's one less car sold that quarter. I can tell you, the people around me who drive Polestars, Rivians and some Teslas all feel similar to me, he can't keep is mouth shut, why would we want to give him our cash?

Wow you really got Elon by buying a Tesla...
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Wow you really got Elon by buying a Tesla...
I mean I guess tangentially I kept the used Tesla market up. But as I mentioned before, I bough it privately and in cash. Money spent. So if it breaks in a way that I or an independent repair shop can't fix, I'll sell it for parts or blow it up for YouTube. But no more money to Elon and Tesla until he starts acting like an adult and Tesla starts treating their customers like humans.

I know I'm only one guy but I've spent six figures with Tesla over the last decade, so I would imagine, they would want my repeat business but if not, I'm sure they'll be just fine without me.

(also, it has lifetime premium connectivity and HW3, so I'll enjoy Spotify and updates for years to come)
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Still some of the best answers I’ve seen whenever someone says they won’t buy a Tesla because of Elon
Still some of the best answers I’ve seen whenever someone says they won’t buy a Tesla because of Elon
Yeah. Perception being the operative word. Don't see the CEO of Ford shamelessly promoting themselves and saying whatever pops into their brain, like the world is blessed by their stream of consciousness. The CEO of Tesla is a blowhard and generally speaking, blowhards put people off.

Also, Henry Ford is dead. Want to see the list of terrible American figures, cause it's most of them throughout the last two centuries. Lotta famous people have sucked and I generally try to avoid giving the ones that are currently alive and suck, my money. ESPECIALLY the ones that run their mouth.
To be clear, you're defending the BMW logo not being a plane's propeller or that they had no contributions to the German cause during WWII? Because both would be wrong. I'm just trying to better understand which incorrect point you're trying to make here.
I'm sure they helped the German cause during WWII.
The logo pre-dates WWII. The checkered pattern is from the Baraviar flag. It dates to 1917. In 1929 there was an add campaign in which the BMW logo was was superimposed over the illustration of a plane's propeller. The logo inception pre-dates the idea of the logo as being a propeller, at least according to BMW itself.
I'm sure they helped the German cause during WWII.
The logo pre-dates WWII. The checkered pattern is from the Baraviar flag. It dates to 1917. In 1929 there was an add campaign in which the BMW logo was was superimposed over the illustration of a plane's propeller. The logo inception pre-dates the idea of the logo as being a propeller, at least according to BMW itself.
BMW themselves have done nothing to counter this claim so why are you? Why are you so hung up on this minor and unimportant aspect?

This really seems like a silly distraction from the overall point which still stands. People overreact about Elon's alleged personal dealings and then virtue signal about how he's the next coming of satan at every opportunity. If they applied that to every other corporation's history they'd quickly find themselves living in a cave in the middle of nowhere calling back to the time of the caveman.
Still some of the best answers I’ve seen whenever someone says they won’t buy a Tesla because of Elon View attachment 1048873View attachment 1048874
That's reddit all the way. This kind of talk is a reason to quit reddit. OP says his post was taken down by reddit moderators. The comments must have been really bad as it seems the reddit moderator bar is set very very low. It was really taken down by trouble makers on reddit. Reddit = no class.
BMW themselves have done nothing to counter this claim so why are you? Why are you so hung up on this minor and unimportant aspect?

This really seems like a silly distraction from the overall point which still stands. People overreact about Elon's alleged personal dealings and then virtue signal about how he's the next coming of satan at every opportunity. If they applied that to every other corporation's history they'd quickly find themselves living in a cave in the middle of nowhere calling back to the time of the caveman.
I dropped a single sentence to cast some perspective on the validity of the other claims. Since then I've just been responding to you. I'm not continuing from here other than to quote from your link:
"Since this BMW publication from 1929, the myth that the BMW logo is a propeller has endured."
"So according to the expert, sticking to the story that the BMW emblem is a propeller would not be entirely wrong. It’s not strictly true that there is a propeller in BMW’s company logo, though. Constant repetition has made this explanation a self-propagating urban myth."
I'm out.
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I dropped a single sentence to cast some perspective on the validity of the other claims. Since then I've just been responding to you. I'm not continuing from here other than to quote from your link:
"Since this BMW publication from 1929, the myth that the BMW logo is a propeller has endured."
"So according to the expert, sticking to the story that the BMW emblem is a propeller would not be entirely wrong. It’s not strictly true that there is a propeller in BMW’s company logo, though. Constant repetition has made this explanation a self-propagating urban myth."
I'm out.
Right. Which is why I posted it almost as if I knew what your retort was going to be. Which also has zero bearing on the actual point of the post (not mine) that you challenged. Classic misdirection. "Your grammar or punctuation isn't 100% accurate therefore your entire statement is invalid!" type stuff which everyone loves about the world wide web. So effective & constructive in communicating ideas to each other in an effort to actually understand where each other is coming from.

So glad we can move on from this incredibly important side bar though. Thank you for allowing us that progression opportunity.
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After years of asking for more supercharger along the I-89 route in NH between Manchester NH and West Lebanon NH, I think it's well deserving that they fire the supercharging team.

I want them all fired! I'm sorry. They didn't support adding a new site where I had asked for. Yes, I'm a mean person. I didn't become this way on day one though. But, now I'm mean! Hope will eventually turn into dispair with time.
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