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Tesla moments

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My wife and I were featured in the local paper about buying a Tesla. A few weeks later she was approached by a complete stranger that said, " I read the article about you in the paper, can I borrow $5000.00?"
Other than that, we get great comments and response at least weekly. We've been doing cruise nights with the local car clubs and the questions just never stop so my wife made a loose leaf binder for me simply titled Tesla FAQ'S that we put out while the car is parked at them.
@Old Wyseguy, you are doing wonderful things when you engage all these people. It is truly eye-opening for the average person when s/he encounters an all-electric vehicle that is a desirable automobile to possess and not a "weird mobile" that is styled so differently from the mainstream and/or has significant unexpected limitations.

If at all possible, but only if you are comfortable doing so, I'd encourage taking people out for a quick ride with you behind the wheel. Demonstrate the acceleration -- people are almost always SHOCKED at the car's acceleration and usually smile, giggle or outright guffaw. I find that the acceleration has a very positive side-effect: lingering stereotypes fly out of the passengers' heads, forever. No more thinking of an EV as a compromised car or as a glorified golf cart.

Pointing out that next fall's Model 3 will start at $35K, and that the average new car price is, well, just about $35K (it was $33K two years ago, dunno for sure what it is today), and that the car qualifies for $7500 fed tax credit... and, heck, dunno about Alabama, but Louisiana is good for ANOTHER $8K on top of that... well, sir!! :)

I also think that what you'e doing builds a coalition of people who are willing to at least *tolerate* EVs on the road, so that when the inevitable issue surfaces of Tesla selling in that state or a nearby state, these people will be supportive.

I salute you!


P.S. Although the stranger asking for $5K is certainly weird and uncomfortable. :-(
Best "check out my Tesla" moment.

Grab my buddy, to show him and let him drive my new toy. After we are both giggling over the screen, and "no need to start the car" stuff, we drive around. A few punches, and he's blown away by the pickup (p85).

We approach a yellow light and stop... No one around. We hear a rumble, and a shiny Corvette pulls up on passenger side. He motions to me in the passenger side of Tesla to lower window. "Wow, is that one of those Teslas? It's gorgeous... I never saw one before" he said. He then asks if we can gun it to compare speed. "I think I can take you, but I heard your car is fast"...." No problem, " I reply.

I put on the rear camera on the big screen, knowing what's about to happen, as I tell my buddy to floor it. 4 second after green light, the vet was a dot on the camera. We were dying laughing.

At the next light he pulls up, sticks his head out and says "holy F#%k".

Couldn't script it better!!!!

My wife and I were on a road trip with our MS and we noticed a beautiful newer Vette pacing us. He passed and the couple both gave us the thumbs up, We felt the same about the Vette and returned the same. Shortly after, we pulled into a rest area and, of all things parked right next to them. So now it's Tesla time. We chatted, laughed and compared notes on both cars. We were both willing to actually swap cars to the next rest area, but our paths were not the same so we parted ways.
So ... this sort of qualifies ...

I was at the bank yesterday, picking up a draft for final payment. I get my new P85 today!

The teller gets everything prepared, and asks a slew of questions to make sure I'm not some fraudster or identity thief. Then he says he needs to go to the branch manager to get the draft authorized, because of the amount. He warned me in advance "the manager might want to ask you some more personal questions just to verify your identity".

Well, the manager did come out of his office and he peppered me with questions all right ... about the Tesla! He wanted to know more about the car, how are they ordered, where can he see one, etc. etc. Didn't ask me a single "verification" question.

When we picked up our draft it was specified we must bring the car by so they could see it. So the very next day after picking up our MS in Orlando, we brought it by. It took an hour and a half to give every employee in there a quick demonstration ride!
Thanks for sharing. This just makes me even more anxious to get my S! Pick-up this Thursday! So I may have to look into Plugshare.
I've been mentally counting down with you!
Of course, you will be TOO BUSY DRIVING to post here for a while, but when you stop and charge and eat (we all have to), drop us a line about your impressions.

~ Thumbs Up and Grins ~

2 weeks into ownership here. A security guard was scoping out my S85 a few days ago in my work parking lot. So happens that I turned on the A/C from the mobile app from my office because I was about to leave. As I'm walking out, he walks in and says "is that your Tesla?". I say it is. He says "It seems to be on!!". LOLz. I had to tell him that was the A/C.

I've also been asked the cost question, including by this security guy. I always say that it starts around $68K and goes well past $100K depending on the options you get. Haven't had any follow-up questions to that.

Not trying to be curt mind you, but we have pretty much decided to answer that question simply with "Google it". Or go to Tesla.com and price one out.
Not trying to be curt mind you, but we have pretty much decided to answer that question simply with "Google it". Or go to Tesla.com and price one out.
That was a 2 year old post ;)

But I do get asked that occasionally too. And I respond with the same way he does "it starts around 60k". Most people just want to know so that they can size you up. If the person ACTUALLY cares, I get into the tax credit, the gas savings, the maintenance, etc. and that with an ICE it's a low buy-in price, but a high up-keep price and with an EV you pay more upfront, but less for usage.

I had someone from my kids preschool walk by and say "o, that's a Tesla, isn't that an expensive car?" I didn't know how to respond to that, because I'm used to "how much was it", so I said "somewhat". Again, they were just sizing up the cost of the car and not actually interested, so I'm not going to get into details.
yesterday tesla moment - I passed 2 slow moving cars blocking the right and left lane via the right turning lane (YES, I know this is illegal and dangerous, but the speed limit was 50 and they were side by side going 35 mph. I don't have the patience for that kind of behavior). I hit the GO pedal and whipped around without issue. a few minutes later a silver honda pulled up next to me waving his hands and yelling at me to roll my window down. I assumed he was going to yell at me for passing. Instead, he had a huge smile on his face and thumbs up and says, "Man, that car is fast and great move down there. I love that car!!!". I grinned back!

today tesla moment - driving to work down 295 towards southern maryland. Stopped at light. Guy next to me in a huge full-size van makes the roll window down motion. He then, with amazing enthusiasm, asks if he can see me floor it when the light turns green. I obliged. Couldn't see his face in the rear view, but I know I made his day!
So, picked up my S this morning and I can now join the Tesla moments thread:) Going to my sisters house to show off my new car I noticed an older woman behind me in the passenger seat of a Pathfinder in my rear view mirror. SHE WAS LEANING FORWARD OVER THE DASH to see what kind of car was in front of her. I could read her lips and her shocked expression when she yells to her son " oh my god its a Tesla! They proceeded to follow me for the next half mile to my sisters and stopped. We talked for about a half hour andthey had all kinds of questions. Very nice lady and she threw some cange in the car for good luck :) :)
Had my 60D for less than 24 hours so far, yet have had several Tesla moments.

At the tinting place yesterday afternoon, everyone who found out I was "the tesla guy" was asking about it.

This morning, grabbed coffee at wawa on the way into work (who the hell wakes up at 3am and figures, eh, fsck it, I'll go into work) and as I was walking out one of the employees was walking through the parking lot to check on a sprinkler at the entrance. I was behind her approaching my car, she turned around and said "That is a gorgeous car!". Big 'ole grin on my face as I said "thanks!".

Today I'll be road tripping with the dog (stupid shedding!!!) from Philly to VA and hope to have some Tesla moments at superchargers along the way.

If you walk that dog close to the SC cable, maybe his fur will stand on end? :)
I took my boss to a construction site in my Tesla for a meeting that both of us attended. When we returned to the car, there were about 1/2 dozen construction workers hanging out around my car. They saw my boss and started peppering him with questions. To my surprise he was pretty accurate in answering the questions! One finally remarked to him what an awesome car it was. To which he remarked: "Thanks, it's hers" motioning in my direction. :) I smiled, got in the driver's seat, and quietly took off.
I took my boss to a construction site in my Tesla for a meeting that both of us attended. When we returned to the car, there were about 1/2 dozen construction workers hanging out around my car. They saw my boss and started peppering him with questions. To my surprise he was pretty accurate in answering the questions! One finally remarked to him what an awesome car it was. To which he remarked: "Thanks, it's hers" motioning in my direction. :) I smiled, got in the driver's seat, and quietly took off.

It sounds like your boss is ready to be an owner!

I took my boss to a construction site in my Tesla for a meeting that both of us attended. When we returned to the car, there were about 1/2 dozen construction workers hanging out around my car. They saw my boss and started peppering him with questions. To my surprise he was pretty accurate in answering the questions! One finally remarked to him what an awesome car it was. To which he remarked: "Thanks, it's hers" motioning in my direction. :) I smiled, got in the driver's seat, and quietly took off.

You played that one so well!

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1. Parked at a Hotel in Tobermory Ontario yesterday and charged on 110V. While siting on our balcony overlooking the Lake and our Tesla underneath us, we watched 30+ people stop to comment on the car. It was interesting and sometimes funny to overhear the conversations. One guy said "look how hot that Tesla looks" and his wife said "keep dreaming", and she walked more quickly to make sure he followed.

2. Supercharged at Barrie Ontario today, wife and son went into nearby store and I came to pick them up when the car was charged up.

A man runs up and starts saying how he saw a Tesla beat a Mustang at the drag strip over the weekend. We exchange some details on our Tesla, range, performance, practicality (frunk always amazes). He points over at his yellow Mustang, and sheepishly says he works at Ford, so buying a Tesla is unfortunately not going to happen. His son was watching and smiling the entire time, and gave us a big thumbs up when we silently drove away.
From the newsletter of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe:


A Special Birthday Party for Nikola

Following the July 10, 2016 celebration at Wardenclyffe of Nikola Tesla’s 160th birthday, we received a charming piece of mail.

Fifth-grader Madison Hinkle, 10, of Indianapolis, Indiana sent us a handmade birthday card. Madison’s card was special: It was the only birthday card we received, and with it, she enclosed a wonderful gift: a check for $76.

Madison’s uncle has a Tesla Model S, and they enjoy going for rides in it. On Tesla’s birthday, they drove the car to a supercharging station where Madison and her uncle invited other Tesla car owners to sign the birthday card. And Madison asked them to make a donation to Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, too!

“We decided to sponsor a little birthday party at the Newark Delaware supercharger with muffins and cookies,” wrote Madison. ”During the day, other owners passing through the supercharger signed the card and made a donation to the Tesla Science Center.”

The card has more than 25 signatures of Tesla owners, and some lovely drawings by Madison.

Our warmest thanks to you, Madison, and to your uncle, for celebrating Nikola Tesla’s birthday in such a creative way, and for thinking so generously of Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe!

We hope to see you both when you visit Wardenclyffe in the Tesla Model S when the museum opens its doors to the public and has its own supercharger.

OK, tell me again that it's "just a car."