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Viewing thread [UK] 2024.14.x

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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      Thanks for clarifying @MrBadger I guess it was the free service that I enrolled to preciously.
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      can Teslafi inform you of updates without a subscription? i was referring to one of the previous comments of @MrBadger- "I’ve had...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      oh! Teslafi can inform of updates is it? I didn't know that. i had an account with Teslafy for a brief moment but cancelled it as the...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      i have had the vehicle since last June and as per my experience, 60% of the updates the car received is by 'pull to refresh' on the...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      i have had situations in the past when the vehicle did not check for updates for good 3-4 days. it only checked for it and received the...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      oh god! i thought model 3 were first to get the update!
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      I know this sounds elementary, but if the car hasn't checked for an update in the last 24 hours, I suggest you do a soft reset.
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      This is very odd ! I thought i was the last one to receive it! Which vehicle is it?
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      my first reaction upon seeing the update- oh god: how dirty my screen is! how big the speedo is! how much stuff those little cameras can...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      • 1717129628445.gif
      • IMG_1282.jpeg
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      RajG reacted to xreyuk's post in the thread [UK] 2024.14.x with Like Like.
      It's now downloading for me, which is surprising seeing as my 24 hour timeout on software checks was 3:30pm tomorrow :D finally! I've...
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      RajG reacted to Utumno's post in the thread [UK] 2024.14.x with Funny Funny.
      I'm not allowed an I4, says SWMBO. She says it's a midlife crisis car, and apparently I'm too old for a midlife crisis. FML.
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      so why are you still following Tesla posts then? just kidding 😄. enjoy your new car. I don't know about the efficiency but I am sure...
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      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      not sure pulling down to refresh would help. refresh only works after 24 have passed since the last check. happy to be corrected here.
    • R
      RajG replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      no updates for me yet :( It is not necessarily a bad thing, as I see few posts reporting bugs. so maybe it's 2024.14.9 for me, with all...
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