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Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

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Anything that threatens the govs ability to control us will never see the light of day.
If 1st world govs were going to consider UBI, it would only be because they could manipulate it in their favor.
That's just one reason that makes Bitcoin so remarkable. It grew under the radar, the gov ignored it for so long that now it's too big to ignore. And they didn't understand it, not realizing how big a threat it truly is to their rigged system, and now they're scrambling because they're seeing that they can't control it, manipulate it, or stop it. They're scared! Bitcoin is real freedom money. It's the first time in history that we have an exit from their system. And the more people that see the exit door, the harder the gov will work to try and lock those doors any way they can. But it might be too late. Pandora's box is open.

The US is a republic. Many people seem to forget that. Each state can pretty much do what they want.
The problem is when the federal congress tries to impose their will. They are waaay too big, far too hands-on, and need to be reminded who they work for. Us. Not themselves, not corporate donors.
  • Term limits
  • Insider trading reform
  • PAC contribution limits
  • The F*king electoral college system
Just some examples of changes that are badly overdue.
But who's in charge of making those changes? Congress themselves.
Why would they? There is no incentive for them. They're getting rich, on money and power.
And any time they get called out for something that may be against the rules, they just change the rules!
It doesn't matter what party, what affiliations, they ALL do it.
They've even taken our power of the vote away. We can still vote, they know they can't take the actual action away from us, so they just diminish everything it stood for. To the point, that last election, the loser wouldn't even acknowledge they lost.
I don't care what side you're on, that's just uncivilized, and a sign of a crumbling civilization.
History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme.

I'm not as paranoid about "they're all out to get us" as you are. There are some bad actors who definitely want to control everyone else. Read up on Project 2025, but there are others in government who take the founding documents seriously and try to live up to the spirit of them. The misinformation brokers want to sell their distorted view to as many people as possible and to those who won't buy their BS, they want to sell the idea that everyone is equally as bad so those people give up on the system. It's a two pronged approach, both covert and overt.

The first three on your list would probably have a tough time getting through Congress. If the Democrats had enough seats and enough state legislatures to get a constitutional amendment through, the electoral college system would be gone in a matter of months. Since 1992 the Democrats have won the popular vote in every presidential election except for 2004, and if the electoral college was gone in 2000, a Democrat would have been running for re-election in 2004.

Congress almost did pass UBI in the early 1970s. It was thought to be fait acompli. The Democrats controlled the Senate and argued among themselves so much about the amounts for so long that events like Watergate and the oil crisis derailed the legislation and it never passed.
I'm not as paranoid about "they're all out to get us" as you are. There are some bad actors who definitely want to control everyone else. Read up on Project 2025, but there are others in government who take the founding documents seriously and try to live up to the spirit of them. The misinformation brokers want to sell their distorted view to as many people as possible and to those who won't buy their BS, they want to sell the idea that everyone is equally as bad so those people give up on the system. It's a two pronged approach, both covert and overt.

The first three on your list would probably have a tough time getting through Congress. If the Democrats had enough seats and enough state legislatures to get a constitutional amendment through, the electoral college system would be gone in a matter of months. Since 1992 the Democrats have won the popular vote in every presidential election except for 2004, and if the electoral college was gone in 2000, a Democrat would have been running for re-election in 2004.

Congress almost did pass UBI in the early 1970s. It was thought to be fait acompli. The Democrats controlled the Senate and argued among themselves so much about the amounts for so long that events like Watergate and the oil crisis derailed the legislation and it never passed.
It's not paranoia. I look at their actions, and ignore what they all say. Actions show the pattern of taking every chance available to power grab, remove/limit our freedoms through their control, and generally go with the flow of whatever will get them re-elected.
That is universal in modern day politics, no matter what party it is.
Running for a federal office, is no longer about doing what's best for the country. They're doing what's best for them.
There are always exceptions to that rule, but they are the small minority, and sadly they will never get any real changes through this rigged system that would do any actual benefit to us.
I want to be more optimistic at the local levels. I do believe many folks are working hard to better their communities.
But as you go up levels, to state govs, and beyond, it becomes more and more apparent that they're goals change, and they start playing the game, just to advance themselves. They start to see how rigged the system is, and they lose sight of what got them into public service in the first place.

The point of my list was to show what needs to happen but never will. It doesn't matter who's president, nor who controls Congress.
None of them are going to willingly vote themselves out of office, or limit the money/power they can get. NONE of them.

The electoral college is an outdated, unnecessary, not used anywhere else, system. We don't drive horse and buggies through harsh winters to the voting booths anymore. Every other election is based on who gets the most votes. Period.

Eliminating the elector college would not mean Democrats would win every presidential election.
It would just mean that Republicans would have to adapt their views and messages to more accurately match the actual populations they represent! That's called progress, advancement of civilization.

To paraphrase the movie, Dave, the presidency is a temp job. It's not designed to be permanent. The founding fathers escaped that form of government. They knew that gov leadership should always remain a service to the public, and needed to change from time to time. They did not ever intend for "Politician" to become a career.
That should be the case in Congress as well as the Supreme Court (IMO). It's not the 1950's. We shouldn't still have "representatives" of society who still think it is. Term limits would allow for fresh ideas and more accurate representations of the overall society to be making the decisions for all of us. Instead, we progress one funeral at a time.
Good articles on a potential avenue to make SSA solvent and expand to what could be considered a nationwide UBI...that is, get rid of / tax the 401k:


Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.55.24 PM.png
US has already shown that Universal Basic Income can work.
Seniors get Social Security every month...without working.
Poor get Welfare every month...without working.
City kids and adults get free SNAP cards...without working.
Workers get vacation, sick, bereavement,birthing, strike, unemployment, holiday, signing bonuses, retirement, healthcare, pensions and exit packages...without working.

So many people already get $Billions in "Free Money" in todays society.

Kids get education...without working.
Adults get retraining and $'s for...not working.
Students get free meals...without working.

All this, and more, already seems natural and citizens feel entitled to all the free $ they can qualify for.
Sounds like I need to quit working. I like what I do, but nine years of 5am and 4am start times are really getting to this night owl. TSLA is taking too long to help me achieve my freedom.
Those seniors worked decades paying into the SS system. They more than deserve it, they're actually owed it.
Not their fault the gov stole from the SS funding.
And your lack of math is convenient.
How many +65 adults in the US? About 65 mil, 18% of the population.
How many +18-64? 79%
It's not even comparable.

"Workers get ____..."""
You do realize all those are paid by their employer, right? Not the gov. And they get them BECAUSE they work.

Did you seriously type "Kids get education without working" as a real argument for UBI?
I can't take your seriously after that one.

Where does all the money come from for UBI? If we all get a set amount no matter what, why work at all?
And if we're not working, the gov has no income tax (single biggest gov income) to use for UBI. So where's it come from? Do they just endlessly print money, causing hyper-inflation, making the cost of everything to skyrocket to where the UBI doesn't even cover basic needs expenses?

No, the answer is to change this economy to a truly free market capitalistic one (Not what we have now).
The markets will set themselves. The bad companies don't survive, the good ones do. The people who actually contribute get rewarded. Those who don't won't.
I am not for handouts. I believe in education. Help those who help themselves. Our population is too big for our resources. What happens everywhere else in nature when that happens? The weak die, nature finds a balance. That should be the case in society and business as well.
We're devolving, because tech is advancing faster than our brains.
The movie Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be a warning documentary! 😆
We're not ready yet, but of course when the machines take over it will be necessary.
We're not ready yet, but of course when the machines take over it will be necessary.
None of these stupid steps are even needed if we just fix the money!
None of these problems existed, or in most cases, were even possible prior to 1971.

Fix the money, fix the world.
It all leads back to the money, and how the gov broke it. And they've been trying to fix it every way but the right way ever since.
What's the right way? How about picking a sound, stable commodity to back the fiat with.
It used to be gold. But gold has too many drawbacks. (physically expensive to store/protect/transport/divide)

We need a currency that is easy for everyone to store, protect, transport, and spend in any quantity.
Oh wait, that's right, one already exists, and has been around since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. Was actually created because of it.
It is the answer to how do we take back the power of our money and exit the rigged gov fiat system. The first true freedom money. The only money that you don't need anyone's permission to use or keep. The only currency you could walk across country borders literally naked and still have your funds completely secure. The only currency that cannot be seized by a gov or withheld by a bank. The only currency that is disinflationary by nature because it's total quantity cannot be increased, meaning you can actually save it and it's long-term value will go up, not down like every fiat that has ever existed. It is designed to stop the gov theft through inflation. It is designed to return accountability to governments and businesses. It is designed to remove the cheat codes of the rich, allow the rest of us to flourish.

The time has come to put the world on the Bitcoin Standard.

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, that is, we can't take it violently out of the hands of government, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop." - F.A. Hayak (1984)​

Not sure why Bitcoin and UBI get mixed up in any way whatsoever. Governments will put UBI in place and payments will be made in their currency that they can control. They might purchase Bitcoin separately as an investment but that is unrelated to UBI.

I am bullish on BTC fyi.

You are somehow hoping that 100% of the population buy Bitcoin and therefore don't need big government UBI. Sure, looking forward to you plan. I can't get my dad to buy a Tesla or TSLA let alone Bitcoin.
Not sure why Bitcoin and UBI get mixed up in any way whatsoever. Governments will put UBI in place and payments will be made in their currency that they can control. They might purchase Bitcoin separately as an investment but that is unrelated to UBI.

I am bullish on BTC fyi.

You are somehow hoping that 100% of the population buy Bitcoin and therefore don't need big government UBI. Sure, looking forward to you plan. I can't get my dad to buy a Tesla or TSLA let alone Bitcoin.
Same with my dad. I sent him one, very mild, article only speaking of BTC on the edges, and I thought he was going to disown me!
He watches too much MSNBC.

Change happens one funeral at a time.
Any "plan" to speed up BTC adoption is only going to work if it begins with education, and leadership willing to take risks.
Neither of those things exist in the current US. So ridiculous how something as apolitical as Bitcoin can become the new political battleground. Trump comes out in favor of Bitcoin, after the Biden admin and Warren folks have been waging war against it for several years. But as soon as they see Trump getting voters from it, they immediately pivot and try to show they're not against it, just want better regulations. It's all a stupid game.

But there is hope! Look what El Salvador is accomplishing right now. Their president took some MASSIVE risks. But the decision itself wasn't that difficult considering where that country was even 5 yrs ago. Basically run by gangs.
But now they're buying 1 BTC per DAY, using thermal energy to mine Bitcoin. Their national credit score was just raised 2 levels, and their tourism is booming!
They were able to get out from under the 1st world thumb of the IMF and World Bank suppressors.
President Bukele has started a Bitcoin educational program in their schools. The economy has embraced Bitcoin, and it's starting to move from a 3rd world country to a 1st world one.
It'll still take time, and I want to see if the country can continue on the path once Bukele steps down. But they are taking all the right steps and progressing very well in the right direction. The next big hurdle will actually be from the other 1st world powers trying to suppress El Salvador, and they will. So it's still very early.
Argentina's currency is collapsing, and their new president is pro-BTC. So we'll see where that may lead. Venezuela too.

Bitcoin is a bottom up commodity. It benefits the lower masses far more than the upper elites who've been vampiring off the current system for so long. That's what scares govs so much. It's an exit from their rigged game, and they will stop at nothing to close all exits.
Because their system requires more and more debt to enter the system. Otherwise it will collapse. They have no way to stop it. To combat inflation, they raise interest rates, which causes them to owe more debt to pay it off. This makes them print more money, causing higher inflation. Higher inflation requires higher interest rates...and so on and so on.
It's a debt spiral, and they have no answer. Nothing in their economic control playbook can fix what the previous regime did. The buck keeps getting passed to the next generation. That's the good 'ol Keynesian economics way.
Well folks, the time has come to pay the piper. It's going to get very ugly in the coming decades. It's inevitable. It's happened to every civilization in history. You f*k with the money, you f*k yourself eventually. The US will be the last country it'll happen to, simply because the USD is currently what backs most other currencies. But it will happen.

That's why Bitcoin is so important.
It's not just a form of money for the internet age.
It's not just a better commodity than gold.
It's not just an exit from the failing fiat debt cycle.
It's all of those things, and more!
It's also freedom money for Billions of people living under authoritarian dictators.
It's a shelter from inflationary governmental practices.
It's protection of our financial privacy against prying organizations.
The energy used to protect it's network is actually being used to balance power grids, and even bring power to under-developed areas. And the list goes on and on...

Do I sound like a fanatic? Of course I am! There are so many ways Bitcoin can and will better mankind.
Yes, it's new. Yes, using it is still a bit clunky. But those are growing pains, and every day there are advancements being developed, improvements to convenience, and those will continue to get better. Take the time, go down the rabbit hole, learn for yourself.
Bitcoin is the singularity that should give us all hope.

Same with my dad. I sent him one, very mild, article only speaking of BTC on the edges, and I thought he was going to disown me!
He watches too much MSNBC.

Change happens one funeral at a time.
Any "plan" to speed up BTC adoption is only going to work if it begins with education, and leadership willing to take risks.
Neither of those things exist in the current US. So ridiculous how something as apolitical as Bitcoin can become the new political battleground. Trump comes out in favor of Bitcoin, after the Biden admin and Warren folks have been waging war against it for several years. But as soon as they see Trump getting voters from it, they immediately pivot and try to show they're not against it, just want better regulations. It's all a stupid game.

But there is hope! Look what El Salvador is accomplishing right now. Their president took some MASSIVE risks. But the decision itself wasn't that difficult considering where that country was even 5 yrs ago. Basically run by gangs.
But now they're buying 1 BTC per DAY, using thermal energy to mine Bitcoin. Their national credit score was just raised 2 levels, and their tourism is booming!
They were able to get out from under the 1st world thumb of the IMF and World Bank suppressors.
President Bukele has started a Bitcoin educational program in their schools. The economy has embraced Bitcoin, and it's starting to move from a 3rd world country to a 1st world one.
It'll still take time, and I want to see if the country can continue on the path once Bukele steps down. But they are taking all the right steps and progressing very well in the right direction. The next big hurdle will actually be from the other 1st world powers trying to suppress El Salvador, and they will. So it's still very early.
Argentina's currency is collapsing, and their new president is pro-BTC. So we'll see where that may lead. Venezuela too.

Bitcoin is a bottom up commodity. It benefits the lower masses far more than the upper elites who've been vampiring off the current system for so long. That's what scares govs so much. It's an exit from their rigged game, and they will stop at nothing to close all exits.
Because their system requires more and more debt to enter the system. Otherwise it will collapse. They have no way to stop it. To combat inflation, they raise interest rates, which causes them to owe more debt to pay it off. This makes them print more money, causing higher inflation. Higher inflation requires higher interest rates...and so on and so on.
It's a debt spiral, and they have no answer. Nothing in their economic control playbook can fix what the previous regime did. The buck keeps getting passed to the next generation. That's the good 'ol Keynesian economics way.
Well folks, the time has come to pay the piper. It's going to get very ugly in the coming decades. It's inevitable. It's happened to every civilization in history. You f*k with the money, you f*k yourself eventually. The US will be the last country it'll happen to, simply because the USD is currently what backs most other currencies. But it will happen.

That's why Bitcoin is so important.
It's not just a form of money for the internet age.
It's not just a better commodity than gold.
It's not just an exit from the failing fiat debt cycle.
It's all of those things, and more!
It's also freedom money for Billions of people living under authoritarian dictators.
It's a shelter from inflationary governmental practices.
It's protection of our financial privacy against prying organizations.
The energy used to protect it's network is actually being used to balance power grids, and even bring power to under-developed areas. And the list goes on and on...

Do I sound like a fanatic? Of course I am! There are so many ways Bitcoin can and will better mankind.
Yes, it's new. Yes, using it is still a bit clunky. But those are growing pains, and every day there are advancements being developed, improvements to convenience, and those will continue to get better. Take the time, go down the rabbit hole, learn for yourself.
Bitcoin is the singularity that should give us all hope.

Yeah but it almost certainly won't replace UBI.
Yeah but it almost certainly won't replace UBI.
I see UBI as the vehicle for countries to use to introduce their CBDC's. It just makes sense. It's the easiest form of disbursement.
But far too many people now understand how bad the idea of CBDC's are. For the US gov to implement UBI, they'd have to use fiat.
That is the Dem's wet dream though. So much red tape, so many parameters, all the jobs "required" to upkeep that kind of system. It's ridiculously inefficient. Just like to Social Security system right now.

So yes, UBI and Bitcoin can exist at the same time. But I highly doubt they'll intertwine. Nor do I think there is any comparison.
The more money exiting the fiat system going to Bitcoin, the weaker the fiat system will get, at a faster pace. So as that's happening, if a UBI gets introduced, why would anyone want to sign up for a program that gives you fiat that is worth less and less every year, when they could get Bitcoin now, and watch it's value continue to go up?

Did you know: If you had taken your COVID economic stimulus check and bought Bitcoin, it would be worth 10x now.
(yes, I know many people actually needed those checks just to survive. I'm not insensitive to that. I was one of those people. Just making a point)

This recent pivot by the Biden admin on allowing the banking institutions to hold BTC. That has to be from pressure being put on them by the banking industry itself. They see all these outflows to the new BTC ETF's, and are realizing they haven't been able to pay their lobbies to get their reps to legislate prohibitions on BTC. So they're having to pivot and want to start to accumulate BTC IN A HURRY! Otherwise, they're going to die and be left behind.
The Federal Reserve has already set in motion their plan to continue to centralize the banking industry into just a dozen or so large banks that they will control (not conspiracy, look at the recent banks that have failed, all being bought up by larger banks). Originally that was to launch their CBDC. But they're seeing that's not going to happen either.
Fun times! TradFi is trying to play catchup. Wall St chose to part ways with them in a sense, seeing the $ signs in BTC ETF's.
So you have conflicting messages coming from both sides going into DC. It's a fascinating watch how things are playing out.
Bitcoin has become a HUGE political topic that will absolutely affect this election.

UBI's time has not come. If it were a hot topic that had been getting serious attention for several years (like BTC), maybe. But nothing happens quickly in political issues.
This is Bitcoin's time. And once it reaches mass adoption, I don't see any need for UBI, IMHO. Why? Because fixing the money, especially with a bottom up commodity like Bitcoin, starts to fix the struggles that the lower class have, and I think can make a much faster impact for the better than UBI could.

Look what's happening to America. People have lost hope because in a world where the money is becoming worthless, they become hopeless. They get chewed up and spit out by the current rigged system. That's the kind of world that looks for a UBI government handout, and not for a way to better themselves.

Most people want to earn their way. They want to be productive. They want to build a meaningful life. I believe that.
If you make the money they earn more valuable, if their pay goes farther, and can grow, it gives people hope. Bitcoin is that hope.
Why would anyone in their right mind - use bitcoin for anything other than gambling?
Look at its value over the last 5 years:

One moment you have millions in your bank account and the next - it's been slashed by 50%+ How can anyone plan with this?
Why would anyone in their right mind - use bitcoin for anything other than gambling?
Look at its value over the last 5 years:

One moment you have millions in your bank account and the next - it's been slashed by 50%+ How can anyone plan with this?
That's not the VALUE or Bitcoin. You're looking at the USD price of Bitcoin. Yes, there is a difference.
But until you invest enough time in learning about Bitcoin, you don't see the difference.

That chart doesn't show the value of Bitcoin. It's showing you the DEvaluing of the USD.
Also, how convenient that you leave out the last year and a half off that chart.
Zoom out!

Bitcoin is not a stock, and should not be traded as such. It has a longer cycle, and a lower time preference. It should not be bought unless you're willing to hold it for at least 4-5 yrs.
But as any new commodity does, the market for it will fluctuate more than an established one.
And yet, this year, Bitcoin has actually surpassed the global market cap of silver, becoming the 8th most valuable asset in the world.
Why would anyone in their right mind - use bitcoin for anything other than gambling?
Look at its value over the last 5 years:

One moment you have millions in your bank account and the next - it's been slashed by 50%+ How can anyone plan with this?
As someone who was followed Bitcoin since 2012, the same arguments were heard back then and it didn't stop Bitcoin from growing in usage. It's not easy to grow from $0 to $1/1337 and then to $70k in 16 years without a few ups and down along the way. Anyone who expected that hyperbitcoinization would be a smooth ride didn't think long enough. That's the only way to bootstrap a currency from zero. And imo Bitcoin has done very well. What will happen in the future we will see...

As for 50% swings, I take that over a 99% guaranteed loss over a longer time period. But imo holding wealth in currency is not the best way. I want to see ERC-20 tokens that track TSLA/S&P500 and use these for medium of exchange. Not dollar, not bitcoin, but something real. Then the merchants can display the prices in whatever currency the users want, if that happens to be USD, year 1970 USD, JPY or satoshis.
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That's not the VALUE or Bitcoin. You're looking at the USD price of Bitcoin. Yes, there is a difference.
But until you invest enough time in learning about Bitcoin, you don't see the difference.

That chart doesn't show the value of Bitcoin. It's showing you the DEvaluing of the USD.
Also, how convenient that you leave out the last year and a half off that chart.
Zoom out!
View attachment 1051395

Bitcoin is not a stock, and should not be traded as such. It has a longer cycle, and a lower time preference. It should not be bought unless you're willing to hold it for at least 4-5 yrs.
But as any new commodity does, the market for it will fluctuate more than an established one.
And yet, this year, Bitcoin has actually surpassed the global market cap of silver, becoming the 8th most valuable asset in the world.

There is a separate thread for cryptocurrencies and this discussion should be there. But when one currency is much more widely used than another, a rise in the smaller currency does not mean that the larger currency is being devalued. The Argentinian Peso has been a mess for a while due to hyperinflation. It has fallen vs the major world currencies because of it. The slide is leveling out now. If it started to improve, no economist would say the US dollar was devaluing because of it.

All the Bitcoin in the world is worth about $ 1.35 trillion USD. The net worth of the US is around $135 trillion. The Euro zone is about 47 trillion Euros. Bitcoin is tiny compared to the major currencies of the world. There is more printed US currency in circulation that all the Bitcoin in existence. And the printed greenbacks are only about $2 trillion of the $135 trillion.

Another way to look at it is what is the thing you want to buy denominated in? Almost all goods and services are denominated in national currencies. Extortionist hackers and other dark wen transactions might be denominated in Bitcoin or some other crypto-currency, but for above ground transactions, all but a very tiny few are denominated in a national currency and if they take crypto, it's converted from the national currency at the time of purchase.

If the thing you are buying has a price tag in Dollars, Euros, Pounds, etc. and you want to use a crypto currency to buy it, it's value on the day you purchase makes a big difference.

Because of it's volatility most people holding Bitcoin are not willing to use it to purchase goods and services. If it's an appreciating asset, it's more valuable to hold onto it and continue to buy goods and services with national currencies instead.

In economics, a bit of inflation is a good thing for an economy, but at a predictable and small rate. If prices are decreasing, people will hold off making purchases expecting to pay less for whatever they want later. This depresses the economy. It happened in the 1930s. Because prices were falling, most major purchases were put off, which further depressed the economies. It wasn't until countries started spending on war economies in WW II that the tailspin ended.

A lot of this has been discussed on the crypto thread. UBI is a different issue. If UBI does happen, it will be in national currencies, not crypto. The total value of cryptos is not enough to support a national economy. Especially Bitcoin which is reaching the end of it's ability to be mined. It's capped at 21 million coins and there are only about 1.5 million coins left to mine.

One thing at a time. Get money out of politics..start with Gov. funded elections that last only 6 weeks.Get rid of Citizens United. Money is NOT free speech. A start...

Countries that do have 6 week elections have much saner elections. But those countries don't have direct election of any national office. All elections in those countries are local for the local minister to parliament. You know who the party will choose as the Prime Minister when you vote for in a constituency, but you don't vote directly for the PM. In the UK constituencies run from 69K to 77K people. One person running for office can reach a large slice of those 77K people in six weeks. Geographically most constituencies are small also. The entire country is about 1000 miles from the southern most village to the tip of Scotland.

In the United States, the number of people represented by a member of Congress is around 700,000. To make a Congressional district the same size as a UK constituency would require 4100 House seats. The UK has the largest parliament in the world (650) and that is unwieldy. The problem gets even worse for Senators. California has a population that is more than half that of the UK. The area of Wyoming (97.8K mi^2) is more than the entire UK (94K mi^2). Senate candidates would not be able to cover their territory in six weeks.

A presidential candidate is elected indirectly by all 50 states. Putting on a campaign takes a long time.

I do agree that US elections take way too long. It's ridiculous that the US presidential election has been going on for over a year and we're nowhere near done. But six weeks won't work in a country as large as the US without a complete restructuring of the system, which would require a constitutional amendment. Any constitutional amendment is not going to happen any time soon.

As for Citizens United. The Supreme Court ruling that allows unlimited PAC spending also requires a constitutional amendment to override it. So that's around for the foreseeable future too unless one party wins a massive super majority in the House, Senate, and 3/4 of the state legislatures.

I saw something recently about someone who watches money in DC and an interesting side effect of the current troubles there is that lobbying is basically dying. Lobbyists are still making lots of money, but they aren't really lobbying anymore. Also money in elections is becoming less relevant. At least as far as advertising goes. When Citizens United was first ruled, we saw tons of PAC money go into TV ads, but TV ads are a dying thing. Now they are being replaced with inexpensive YouTube ads. Groups like The Lincoln Project turn out ads for a few hundred or a little over $1 thousand in a matter of a few hours from concept to finished product and it gets circulated for free.

Where money is still important in politics is the inside money that campaigns and political organizations (like central committees have). That is used for very sophisticated get out the vote efforts where people who are likely to vote for your candidate are micro-targeted. Some PACs focused on GOTV efforts are doing this too, but very few PACs are. The traditional fat cat PAC is a dying breed.

Some candidates in recent years have spend vastly more money than their opponent and lost. Money doesn't buy seats like it used to.

But the paralysis in Washington also means that UBI won't be coming to the US anytime soon. It may happen in some places in Europe before it does the US.
That's not the VALUE or Bitcoin. You're looking at the USD price of Bitcoin. Yes, there is a difference.
But until you invest enough time in learning about Bitcoin, you don't see the difference.

That chart doesn't show the value of Bitcoin. It's showing you the DEvaluing of the USD.
Also, how convenient that you leave out the last year and a half off that chart.
Zoom out!
View attachment 1051395

Bitcoin is not a stock, and should not be traded as such. It has a longer cycle, and a lower time preference. It should not be bought unless you're willing to hold it for at least 4-5 yrs.
But as any new commodity does, the market for it will fluctuate more than an established one.
And yet, this year, Bitcoin has actually surpassed the global market cap of silver, becoming the 8th most valuable asset in the world.
I'd hate to be the guy who invested his life savings in 2021 and needed them urgently in 2023, then!
There is a separate thread for cryptocurrencies and this discussion should be there. But when one currency is much more widely used than another, a rise in the smaller currency does not mean that the larger currency is being devalued. The Argentinian Peso has been a mess for a while due to hyperinflation. It has fallen vs the major world currencies because of it. The slide is leveling out now. If it started to improve, no economist would say the US dollar was devaluing because of it.

All the Bitcoin in the world is worth about $ 1.35 trillion USD. The net worth of the US is around $135 trillion. The Euro zone is about 47 trillion Euros. Bitcoin is tiny compared to the major currencies of the world. There is more printed US currency in circulation that all the Bitcoin in existence. And the printed greenbacks are only about $2 trillion of the $135 trillion.

Another way to look at it is what is the thing you want to buy denominated in? Almost all goods and services are denominated in national currencies. Extortionist hackers and other dark wen transactions might be denominated in Bitcoin or some other crypto-currency, but for above ground transactions, all but a very tiny few are denominated in a national currency and if they take crypto, it's converted from the national currency at the time of purchase.

In economics, a bit of inflation is a good thing for an economy, but at a predictable and small rate. If prices are decreasing, people will hold off making purchases expecting to pay less for whatever they want later. This depresses the economy. It happened in the 1930s. Because prices were falling, most major purchases were put off, which further depressed the economies. It wasn't until countries started spending on war economies in WW II that the tailspin ended.

A lot of this has been discussed on the crypto thread. UBI is a different issue. If UBI does happen, it will be in national currencies, not crypto. The total value of cryptos is not enough to support a national economy. Especially Bitcoin which is reaching the end of it's ability to be mined. It's capped at 21 million coins and there are only about 1.5 million coins left to mine.
I've tried to keep my thoughts at least remotely related to UBI.

First, I never linked the price of Bitcoin to the USD. That's what you were doing, and I was stating that they are not.
My point about the devaluing of USD is only related to BTC in that the more USD declines (on it's own), the more wealth will seek out the harder asset. Since BTC is the hardest asset to ever exist, it will inevitably go up as more wealth moves to it.

As for your "net worth", you're making my point for me! There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin in existence, ever.
The fact that you think because there is more USD in circulation than bitcoin, it makes USD better, is hilarious.
Having a set supply amount, that cannot be duplicated, counterfeited, or manipulated, is a HUGE positive feature of Bitcoin!
Scarcity is the value. Low supply = high value.
Of course there's more fiat USD in circulation. There always will be an ever-increasing amount because the gov won't stop printing more. And it's that endless printing that's devaluing every fiat in the world. High supply = low value.

You seem to have a very narrow interpretation of what happened in the 1930's.
The Federal Reserve's poor monetary decisions in the 1910's, potentially causing, but certainly lengthening, the Great Depression.
WW1 actually bailed them out, covered up their incompetence. But more manipulation led to the issues in the 30's.
Then, what is the answer to this? Roosevelt enacts Executive Order 6102, outlawing anyone but the gov from owning gold.
So the gov f*ks up the economy, then takes away the only real form of hard asset people can use to protect their wealth.
All so the gov can continue to try and fix the problems they caused. But all they ever do is make things worse, eventually leading to Nixon taking the USD off the gold standard altogether in 1971, giving birth to fiat. Oh, and they threw everyone a bone later by allowing individuals the ability to own gold again. Thanks gov. :rolleyes:
All inflation is theft by the gov. Plain and simple.

Prices are supposed to go down. That's what happens with advancements in technology. Things get easier/cheaper to make.
Look at TV's and phones. They've advanced so much compared to what you used to get even in the 80's vs what you pay and get today.
A projection big screen TV taking up half a wall of space cost thousands of dollars, that's 80's USD. Today you can get a similar sized flat screen smart TV for less than the 80's amount of fiat. Why? Because technology is designed to be disinflationary.
There's no reason that can't be the case to differing degrees in almost all areas of an economy.
Inflation is caused by expansion of the money supply. That's it. No other reason. Stop printing fiat, inflation goes away. If companies want to raise prices, they would have to actually make their products/services more valuable. Otherwise, in a true free market, customers will just go elsewhere.

So why does the gov have to keep printing? Because they can't stop spending more than they have. Period. And with nothing backing their fiat, there's nothing to stop them.

UBI is a socialist/Marxist/communist idea.
Everyone gives up all of their freedoms to rely completely on a government who controls everything. Tell me I'm wrong.
They won't spin it that way (although "you'll own nothing and like it" has already been said publicly by a government financial official). They'll use the next crisis/pandemic/war to scare everyone into the idea.
But once they have you, there's no escape. You will rely on them for everything. And eventually it will inevitably be used against you.
They'll impose all kinds of limitations:
- Sorry, you've reached your meat allotment this month.
- Sorry, no more alcohol for you.
- We saw your anti-gov post on social media. Your credit score has been reduced. (see China)

It won't stop. They'll eliminate most social programs, stating that people can just use their UBI for it. But they don't increase the UBI, unless your "qualify". (How do you cook a frog?)

Unforeseen consequences: For example, the entire society's willingness to give to charities will most certainly all but go away.
When the gov forces their will and ideas, it's no longer voluntary, therefore people won't do it, or at least diminish what they will do to a fraction of the amount when it was voluntary.

UBI can't function at a national scale anyway. It's the ultimate Ponzi scheme, using new debt to pay old debts.
And nations will launch CBDC's that they'll make a requirement to get their UBI.
Nothing good comes from it.

If your argument against Bitcoin still involves there not being enough total bitcoin, you have not learned enough about it.
1 bitcoin can be divided into 100 million satoshis. Everything could be priced in any number of satoshis.
As the value of bitcoin against any fiat continues to grow, the less satoshis it will take to equal it.

When 1 bitcoin had a USD value of $100, it would take .01 bitcoin, or 1 million sats, to buy a $1 pack of gum.
When 1 bitcoin reaches $100,000 USD, it only takes .0001, or 1000 sats to buy the same pack of gum.
There doesn't need to be more bitcoin in the economy. Things just get less expensive. Which is how it should be, and would be in an economy that uses a sound money. It's not complicated. You just have to let go of all the Keynesian BS you've been spoon fed since birth.
This is why UBI wouldn't be necessary. Backing USD with BTC would be a good step to fixing the money.
Keep your privacy, keep your wealth, middle fingers up to the government.
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UBI is a socialist/Marxist/communist idea.
Everyone gives up all of their freedoms to rely completely on a government who controls everything. Tell me I'm wrong.
Yang called his UBI a "freedom dividend". The idea that, as citizens, we should all benefit from the productivity of our economy. He often said, paraphrasing, "it's not socialism, it's capitalism where income doesn't start at zero"
In other words you're free to earn as much as you wish on top of the universal basic income.

The only thing the government would "control" would be the implementation and collection of the VAT (& some kind of carbon tax hopefully) as well as the actual payments which could just be automatic electronic transfer.

The bottom line is that a lot of people in this country are very poor and lack skill or sometimes even basic education. Others are or soon will be losing their jobs to automation & robotics and that trend is only going to accelerate. We can either continue to let the gains accrue more and more dramatically to the top 1% or we can structure the system so that all citizens see some benefit.

I'll also say I don't fully understand why you keep going on and on about Bitcoin in this thread. You've made it clear that you are Pro apples and Anti oranges.
Yang called his UBI a "freedom dividend". The idea that, as citizens, we should all benefit from the productivity of our economy. He often said, paraphrasing, "it's not socialism, it's capitalism where income doesn't start at zero"
In other words you're free to earn as much as you wish on top of the universal basic income.

The only thing the government would "control" would be the implementation and collection of the VAT (& some kind of carbon tax hopefully) as well as the actual payments which could just be automatic electronic transfer.

The bottom line is that a lot of people in this country are very poor and lack skill or sometimes even basic education. Others are or soon will be losing their jobs to automation & robotics and that trend is only going to accelerate. We can either continue to let the gains accrue more and more dramatically to the top 1% or we can structure the system so that all citizens see some benefit.
You can call it the "Everyone gets rich" dividend. It doesn't matter what you call it, it's a terrible idea, that no one has even remotely explained how it would work on a national scale. Yang has "ideas". I'm skeptical of his "plans" behind them.

"where income doesn't start at zero" - So what does that look like?
We already have a "minimum wage" in this country. It's a joke, and hasn't really been a living wage in a long time, but UBI doesn't fix that. It would actually eliminate the minimum wage. Employers would only want to pay a certain amount above UBI.
So how much are you talking about giving every single adult in the country? Less than the min wage? More than?
Who pays for that? How is that even fiscally/financially possible? No one has those answers, because it can't be done at scale!
The government cannot just continue to create more fiat out of thin air to pay for whatever they want! That's why we're in this trouble in the first place.

Everyone seems to fall in love with the idea of free money, I mean UBI, but no one will talk about the unintended consequences of a UBI:
- No incentive to work: You set the amount too low, it's no different than welfare and min wage. You set it too high, many just choose to not work at all.
- Very likely only disbursed via CBDC ("implementation & automatic electronic transfer"), which myself and many others have already explained to be digital slavery.
- Elimination/drastic cuts to all social programs: Because those funds would need to go to paying the UBI, but for those in need of those services, they are above and beyond just a living wage. Not to mention even more jobs lost when those services shut down.
And many more too numerous to list.

Yes, every innovation in history has meant some jobs were lost. But it also meant other jobs were created.
- Candlemakers were drastically reduced when electricity was developed. They found other jobs.
- Horse ranchers were dramatically affected when the automobile was invented. They pivoted to cattle.
- Long distance phone carriers, the USPS, bookstores, Mom & Pop's of all kinds, and many other industries were greatly impacted by the introduction of the internet.
And the list goes on and on... My point being, AI and robotics are absolutely going to greatly impact many, many industries. But civilization, as a whole, will do what it's always done, and evolve, adapt, and continue on. Those that can't, fall.
That's true in nature and capitalism. The smartest, strongest, survive.

"The bottom line is that a lot of people in this country are very poor and lack skill or sometimes even basic education."
Exactly! We agree on that completely. We're just different in how we would fix that.
You want to gov subsidize the symptoms of the problem with UBI. I want to go to the source and fix it.

For example, we have a severe lack of skilled labor in this country. We need more electricians, plumbers, carpenters, masons, etc...
This country has focused so hard for decades on going to college, getting a degree, and shaming anyone who doesn't have that (many times unused) piece of paper. So much so, that the skilled workmen we do still have are quickly reaching retirement age, and there aren't hardly any apprentices to take their place.
But because our broken education system doesn't encourage anyone to go to trade schools anymore, we're in this situation. *
The university system is a for-profit business, and the more the government subsidizes and pays for student loans, the higher and higher tuition rates will go. The government is the problem.
And that's just one example of other jobs, that are in high demand, and pay very well, that many people could do if AI/robotics costs them theirs. Sure, there's an aging generation that this transition will be harder on.
Not to sound harsh, but that's just Darwinian progress.
We've been devolving as a society for decades now. Technology is outpacing our brain's ability to evolve, and this is what we get for it.
And tech isn't slowing down, so we sure as hell better speed up!

You're just accepting a society of poor, less skilled/educated and want to throw money at the current symptoms. I don't accept that.
I have a longer-term solution. I want to help those people, all people, help themselves by exiting the system that is rigged to hold them down. Show/teach them a better way. A way that they can actually start to improve their own situations individually. And that has to start at the source of the problem, the government's control and manipulation of the money. Every single one of the superficial issues are all rooted in that.
Fix the money, fix the world.
Educate the public about what is money, and how it works. That's not taught in US schools, because the gov doesn't want us to know what they're doing. So we have to take it upon ourselves to search for that knowledge.
That's the single biggest thing I've benefitted from when learning about Bitcoin. I dove into what is money, and for the first time in my life, realized how rigged the system was. Not broken, rigged. It's working exactly the way they (gov) want it to. And it's impossible to try and change that system from within. Many have tried and failed.
The only answer was to exit that system. But before Bitcoin existed, there was no such exit. And that's the way the gov wants to keep it. So they'll try every way possible to remove any exits. It's why they're so against it. They can't control, duplicate, or manipulate Bitcoin in their rigged system. (Whether you're for or against BTC, I still encourage everyone to research what is money, educate themselves, and make their own decisions.)

You want a UBI, because you don't want to deal with your own problems. Just give all your rights and freedoms to the gov. They'll handle them, tell me what to do. I'll own nothing, and like it. Zero accountability. That's a Keynesian economist's answer to everything.

That's NOT what our founding fathers wanted! They fought to give those rights and freedoms TO THE PEOPLE.
Not to become the hierarchy they were fighting against! They were true Libertarians! **

No thanks. Give me back my rights and freedoms, as the founding fathers wanted.
If I mess up, I clean it up myself. We don't take bailouts.

*I wish the current education system would teach what matters, but since the Industrial Age, all it's done is spit out brainwashed drone employees.
Do you ever wonder why so many self-made millionaires/billionaires dropped out of school at some level? It's because they saw what they wanted to do, and school wasn't helping them get to that. Now I'm all for education, not saying everyone should just drop out. But I'm for education reform first. Not enough people are willing to leave their comfy personal surroundings to learn something new, especially if it's uncomfortable, or takes a little work.
** The titles of Republican and Democrat came later, and were really just variations of Libertarian values, just differing ways to go about it. They've been morphed into something that's completely lost their original meaning.

Anyway, sorry, I get off on tangents.